#this isnt as long as that one cape kid lore dump i did but its ok
malfunctioning-mantis · 8 months
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Ty for giving me an excuse to talk abt jasper, @also-angerinc 😊😊😊 (Also sorry it might be lazy or confusing I can't think clearly rn LMAO.)
Jasper (he/it) is the braindead servant snatcher popped the head off of. Jaspers soul (barely) got away from the snatchers clutches and its soul slowly formed into the regular ol Jasper we know and love.
He lost all memory of what they were like before and they aren't really too bright due to their head being severed. It turned to scamming and tricking to fill an unknown void in his heart with possessions and treasures. He also gains possessions from grave robbing, so other ghosts aren't too fond of him for that.......
Jasper is a very sly con-artist who is good at manipulating people into unknowingly helping him achieve his goals. In general, it acts laidback and cool when negotiating. But when being placed between a rock and a hard place, he becomes panicky and cowardly.
Its limbs and head can detach, which he does to scare off people sometimes. It doesn't have blood, but instead a weird, red smoke that is probably lethal and you really shouldn't breath it in lmao. And he can store things in his big ol fuzzy head (head full of stolen junk).
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Idk uhhhh.... That's all I can think of right now so buh bye
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