#this isnt drawing but i wanted to share here too heheh
milkbreadtoast · 11 months
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been practicing english cursive (does this count as calligraphy?)... was using my old micron brush pen that was getting increasingly dry and frayed and hard to work with 🤧(u can see the dry/streakiness ksjd) and then in the last 4 pics I was testing out a new brush pen my bro lent me... its interesting...harder to control but looser and more dynamic... anyway im having a lot of fun *_*
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penguin--person · 1 year
you love milgram in a way i trust deeply i love you ok?
hehee i love you too boss!!!! m. ... speaking of milgram... i told u i'd make an oc to replace prisoner number nine ya?? well ive made one!! hehehe... sorta... ive made a Concept... n i'm using this ask as an excuse to share her!!! i do gotta warn u tho! warning for suicidal stuff! so dont read if u dont wanna see that n no preassure to read it my lad!!! love you!!!
so! i first gotta say what i perceive milgram to be. to me its not real in the way that, to the characters, its like a dream, yea? its not a real place in their universe. they just. like. muu says that she woke up at milgram moments after commiting her murder, yea? with no recollection of how she got there. other characters have said this too i think, maybe, but maybe not, who knows... not me... but! thats what milgram is to me, just a mind thing. like once the three trials are over, the ten participants will just return to where they were before they woke up at milgram. because. they still gotta learn to fucking. Live after that. theyre not going to get executed, is my theory, if they get 'guilty' one too many times - they're juts going to return to the world, with now more thoughts on their murder(s) than they had before, and. god. theyre gonna have to learn with themselves! theyre gonna have to deal with it, yea? idk if that makes sense . with that out of the way, lets talk about aiko, prisoner number nine! aiko's murder is, umm. hehe. heres where the suicidal stuff comes in. her murder is suicide! 'but, penguin!' i hear you say, 'If shes dead, how come shes at milgram?' my dear reader, an excellent question!a aiko is only Half dead! the exact method she used to end her life was, slashing her throat, So, when enough blood bled out of her that one of her hands was being hold (though, not for much longer) by life, and the other was just taken by death, when both life and death were holding her, she got transported to milgram:3 'but, penguin! how is aiko going to learn how to live after milgram, as you said thats whats going to happen after it ends, if she dies?' no shes gonna jsut be. fucked. shes gonna be fucked dude. in milgram shes gonna talk to the prisoners and shes gonna find pals (sorta? ill expand on that in a bit) n shes gonna find that joy in life. but she'll be like, happy about it - she thiniks that milgramis the 'afterlife' . purgatory. that if es decides that shes forgivable, she'll go to heaven, but if they'll say she's unforgivable, she'll go to hell !! so. so. she can die happy or sad. or maybe she like, has a phone near her irl that she can then use to call an ambulance or smth idk i ahvent thought upon her that much . pretty fucked up, yea? heres my concept for her
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this is like, the barest concept ever. i made concept notes when drawing her: headband + pigtals (hard to see but theyre there believe me) = childish, new to adulthood and does not like it - wants to be a child still maybe? coping through the pigtails/belt around neck covering sui wound, slit throat/ribcage sorta, skeleton = dead/long sleeves = depression/funeral sorta dress/Lace maybe? and this isnt there but her waist belt is fallign off bc shes hanging on by a fucking thread man. shes OFF the thread ctually she lost the thread everyone around her would be like "no whaddahell were not dead freak" . so she'd go to shidou (HATE this guy. id expand on this but this isnt a shidou hate post its an aiko appreciation post) n be like "Hi doctor. i think im Dead can you check my pulse n all" n hed go "Haha silly aiko youre not dead" n then she'd just, i dont know. i rlly want to project through her and have her dislike shidou. man she'd be besties with amane. because i like amane. basically shes friends with characters i like n hates on all the others❤️ personality wise shes like, a goofball, silly.. very much like a creepy little creature... creeps people out:3 shes silly like that... if u have any questions on her feel free to ask hehehoho! shes not that developed yet shes just a silly goofy idea
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