#this isnt that good but to be completley honest ive had this in my drafts for so long aand im just over it at this point
shinwnn · 7 years
i said i love you (&. yoongi)
(inspo) five word prompts “i said i love you”
you and yoongi have always been close
like you’ve never known a time in your life where he wasn’t more than a 15 minute drive away from you
& he’s always taken care of u in an endearing older sibling sort of way, even though he was only a year older than u
in hs while you guys were applying to colleges, you figured you’d just maximize ur chances by applying to any college in the city
but yoongi wouldn’t let u and instead went through each place on ur list and crossed out anywhere w in the general vicinity of a crime committed within the past 5 years
“yoongi stop it i’ll buy some pepper spray or something”
and while he’s laying on ur bed looking up each school he says, “pepper spray? u think that’s going to keep u safe? it’s just better if ur somewhere closer to me so i can keep an eye on u”
to which u replied with a teasing smile: “oh i see. so u don’t want me to go far bc ur gonna miss me right? bc ur life would be empty without me?”
yoongi looks up from the laptop and sees how content u are with urself (ur eyes lit up, ur cute smug smile) and his heart almost jumps the slightest bit
but without skipping a beat, he shoots back, “i hope u and ur stupid pepper spray get married far away from me”
neither of you have really let yourselves think abt the possibility of a romantic relationship between the two of you bc things seem so perfect with you guys being best friends that neither of you wanted to even think abt the possibility of change
it’s there though - there’s love in the way you guys look each other and think abt each other when the other person isn’t there and eat dinners with each others families
u end up going to school nearby yoongi’s at a college that he found  for u bc he knows the programs ur interested in and atmosphere that u like, and mostly bc he knows ur far too lazy to do any of the research urself
you’ve been going there for about two years now and you don’t see yoongi everyday, but you guys make it a habit to meet up every weekend no matter what
sometimes you go out for adventures on the town, but honestly with yoongi, most of the time it’s just lazy saturday nights on the couch with blankets and good music playing in the background while u guys tell each other abt ur weeks
and it’s just such a cute, wholesome friendship
recently, yoongi’s skipped out on some of these weekend hangouts bc an executive from an entertainment company heard some of the songs he writes in his free time & want him to try composing music for them
so yeah, he’s been busy writing draft after draft of the same demo
and you are so !! happy for him bc you know this has always been his dream
but you’re also worried bc you know how hard he can be on himself and how he always forgets to take care of himself
for the past few weeks you’ve been sending him periodic text messages checking up on him and letting him know what youve been up to, but all you receive in return is a sticker and, once in a while, a :~)”
and you’ve been trying to support him and you give him his space and time so he can write his best but you can’t lie that youre a little disappointed that he’s not making any effort to talk to you
so this weekend you decide to bring him dinner bc he said he’d be in working all night and , quite simply, you just really miss ur best friend
u make him kimchi jiggae bc u know how much he likes ur cooking & u pack some rice & side dishes and head over
but when u show up at his apartment and u realize he isnt home ur a little disappointed and kinda like ??? :/// where is he
you wait around a bit but he’s not answering his phone and after a while its pretty clear that he won’t be back anytime soon so you just hang the bag of food on the door handle with a little note saying “you must miss me a lot right? eat well buddy!!”
and you hang around for 5 more minutes bc ur hopeful but eventually you decide to start home
you remember that there’s a cafe nearby that yoongi would always take you to, so you decide to grab something before you head home
when you walk in the first thing you see is none other than ur best friend sleepily looking at his laptop & ur about to walk over excitedly
but when you look a little longer you notice he’s sitting across from a girl and they’re sharing a dessert & when she says something they both laugh happily
and you can’t explain it, you’re not even sure if it really happened, but you think your heart may have dropped at that moment
you also can’t explain why you turn around and walk out of the cafe when you make eye contact with him
you also can’t explain why you linger outside the cafe just long enough for him to come out and look for you
and when he does come outside you’re a little embarrassed bc you dont know why you did that, but when you look back inside and remember how happy he looked to be ditching your technically unsaid plans, any trace of embarrassment faded into anger
“we haven’t seen each other in weeks and you don’t come over and say hi?” he says playfully with a small smirk
you’re completely taken aback by how he’s acting bc ?? does he not even realize
“oh i am SO sorry!” u say w a violent sarcasm, “i didn’t think you would’ve recognized me seeing how you haven’t bothered to reply to any of my messages”
the soft smile that was on yoongi’s lips fades away quickly as he’s realizing that you’re not joking with him
he looks completely lost and he’s searching ur eyes to try and figure out what’s happening, and he looks like he’s about to say something when you cut him off
“it’s just nice to know that while i’ve been worrying about you, you’ve been out enjoying yourself”
his eyes darken a little with worry “hey,, hey” his voice is soft “i’m sorry i haven’t replied, but you know i’ve been busy. i thought you did at least. where’s all this coming from?”
you break eye contact and look down, you don’t want to say anything bc you don’t know either
you don’t know why you’re suddenly feeling protective over your friend
you dont know why you’re so hurt that he’s hanging out with some other girl,,, he’s allowed to after all
he reaches out to tug on ur jacket bc he wants to get ur attention (but also it’s just a habit of his to tug on ur jacket)
& it’s weird but when u look up to meet his sad eyes and something abt having him there, even when you’re upset at him, is so comforting that, for a moment, u feel every feeling you’ve ignored the past 10 years
u feel how much u completely and absolutely love this boy bc u know that he cares about u SO much & how comfortable and warm he can make u feel even when ur angry and it’s freezing cold outside & u feel that more than anything else, yoongi is home to u
but you can’t say any of that to him so instead u just look down again and say, more softly this time “i’m sorry just,,, go back inside okay? don’t worry about me” and you offer him a weak smile
but to him it’s just completely unconvincing
&when you start to leave he’s completely intending on taking you home and telling you how much he’s sorry bc after all he did kind of ditch u
but he can’t just ditch the girl inside so instead he waits with u by the bus stop
& while youre waiting no one says anything which is funny bc all youve wanted to do these past few weeks is talk to yoongi
"by the way, that girl is in one of my music theory classes. she was helping me polish the song i’ve been working on.”
at this point, you’re feeling a little embarrassed again about the way you’re acting (like a jealous girlfriend)
but you’re stubborn so u just make a sound of acknowledgement
“hey, i’m sorry i haven’t been messaging you. i’ll do better. sorry for making you worry. when i finish my demo track, i’ll take you for dinner ok?”
you nod and see the headlights of the bus coming so you stand up
you feel yoongi link arms with you and you look up to what might possible be the cutest little pout
“please don’t be mad at me” there’s a slight whining in his tone and u cant help but wrinkle ur nose at him, sings of amusement clear on ur face
“good night yoongi” you through him one more weak smile bc you can’t find it in u to offer anything more
he goes back inside after you get on the bus but he can’t focus the rest of the time bc when he was supposed to be thinking about how well certain harmonies complemented each other all he could think about was .... how cute you looked when u were upset?? and how come he though you being angry at him for being w another girl was adorable??
so anyway, the last few adjustments he makes to his track suspiciously has characteristics of a love song
when you get home, u roll around ur bed for a while trying to figure out everything you were feeling before you hear your door ring
when u go to answer it ur surprised to see that it’s yoongi, carrying the bag of food you had left for him ...and another bag from your favorite bakery
when he got home and saw the food you had prepared for him he knew immediately that he shouldn’t have let you leave earlier in the first place, so he figures the next best thing is coming with a bag of apology pastries
“miss me? it’s been a long hour right?” he says before shoving the bag he brought you into your hands “eat with me!”
as he makes his way towards ur small dining table, the weird tension that followed you two earlier dissolves almost completely
and ur enjoying it so much that you don’t even notice that you’re not even eating but instead staring fondly at yoongi
and when he looks up at u curiously, putting down his spoon for a moment and tilting his head bc he can tell there’s something you want to say, you take the opportunity
“sorry for being so weird today, i dont know it was weird i was being weird i shouldn’t have done any of that sorry if i ruined ur night or made you uncomfortable or made that girl u were with uncomfortable i dont know whats wrong with me i had expire yogurt for lunch yesterday maybe that’s it and ur still so nice to me even though i was being so weird and im sorry -”
the words are coming out of ur mouth at a mile a minute bc you’ve been thinking a little 2 much and now that ur finally vocalizing the thoughts, you’re finding it a little hard to stop
thankfully, yoongi also had a little time to think on the way over
and so he doesn’t hesitate to shut you up by leaning forward and placing the softest kiss on your lips before leaning back into his seat, smiling at you like he’s proud of what he did
and you can’t explain why it feels so natural when you kiss & why ur heart feels so warm, but then again you’ve been having trouble explaining a lot of things today
“i love you”
“what?” ur still a little in shock (and the fact that u feel like there are a thousand butterflies in ur stomach isn’t helping)
“i said i love you”
“ok idiot i heard u, but ... what?”
“i love how much u care about me and i love how you get mad at me and i love how happy u can make me and i love how many texts in a row you send me even when i don’t respond and i love-”
this time it was your turn to stop him, in the same way
u can feel him smiling into the kiss and u think to urself that this explains everything youve done today
bc you like him and u always have
“okay, i love you too”
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