#this just made me realize i can probably make my own odyssey themed merch if i want
wolfythewitch · 1 year
i wanted to leave a longer message when i put in my order from your merch store but it has a character limit so i’ll drop it here!
i first started following your art wayyy back in the thechannelwithoutaname days mostly for your penumbra fanart and animatics, and it’s been so so cool seeing your art and interests progress from there!! i bought your purr-ide shirt design in blue last year and it’s been my go-to comfort sweatshirt ever since, but it’s faded a good bit from all the use it gets. so i got another one in pink! plus the cat walk one in pink as well because it says live long and prosper and me and my dad like star trek :) anyway long ask just to say it’s been super cool following you and your content all this time and banger merch and thanks for being a comfort to me in ways you probably didn’t even know
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AAA thank you sm!! I'm so glad you like the sweaters :D
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