#this made me realize how much of a newbie i still am owiedfv
the-mystic-dragon · 4 years
30 Questions: GW2 Edition
Thank you to the extraordinary @pr-gw2​ for tagging me!
1. Favorite living world season? Probably LWS4! I loved exploring those new maps, they were so pretty
2. Favorite expansion? Definitely PoF! Being able to have the mounts, explore the desert, and fight with a god was so fun
3. Favorite soundtrack? I’m gonna be honest I haven’t really listened to any that well! I’m usually too distracted by the story or my character aha
4. First profession you played? Ranger
5. First race you played? Sylvari
6. Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? Probably either Caithe or Zojja
7. Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Canach and Taimi
8. Favorite Elder Dragon? Jokes on you I love ALL the dragons. But if I had to pick, I would say Mordremoth, Kralk, and Aurene! Although Jormag is rising up on this list too, I just enjoy when they telepathically communicate with us
9. Best boss fight (story)? The final fight with Kralk! Although both of the fights with Balthazar are a close second
10. Best boss fight (fractal)? Haven’t played fractals yet
11. Best boss fight (raid)? Haven’t played raids yet
12. PvE or PvP or RP? Absolutely PvE
13. Favorite canon couple? Kasmeer and Majory
14. Favorite fanon/self made couple? I love all of self made couples equally... but if I have to pick I would say Vraeen/Ophre
15. Favortie quote? All of the dialogue from your character and those funky white trees in Jahai Bluffs, you know the ones
16. Most emotional cinematic? When Balthazar kills the Commander
17. Favorite VA? The female sylvari and female charr VA
18. Post a fun screenshot! When I was first leveling my necro I saw him
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19. Post a landscape screenshot! I found this super cool JP under some ruins in Fireheart Rise and it had so many crystalsss
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20. Most used mount(s)? Griffon, Raptor, and Springer
21. Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? I actually don’t have any skins on my mounts but I would love to get a skin for them all when I get some gems 
22. Favorite weapon? Exordium, Bifrost, Fang of Mokele, and Silence of a Thousand Years
23. Favorite gear set? All of the sylvari cultural armor, but there’s still a lot of armors and gear I haven’t unlocked or know about yet oqwedjf
24. Favorite title? I haven’t unlocked that many.. but I would say the Primeval Scion because it just sounds so cool
25. Something you worked really hard to get? I would say the skyscale (28% done on the saddle right now!)
26. Favorite GW2 Youtuber/ GW2 related video? I can’t remember any specifics but I would definetely say @astralarias​ griffon flying videos are one of my favorite things to watch. Also Talk of Tyria for the super amazing dialogue videos! Also @pr-gw2​ videos of the playthrough of the story with Krystha (I love to see that babe). As well as a griffon flight video by Coffee Box on YT that has my favorite HTTYD song over it, it’s titled Tyrian Flight - Where No One Goes
27. Most used miniature? I actually don’t have a miniature equipped! But I would say the skyscale hatchling because that dragon baby is so darn cute
28. Most used novelty? I haven’t used any before
29. Number of achievements points? I think I’m around 2,000 somewhere
30. Something you’d love to see in GW2? I would say to see Cantha! I was originally going to put giving me more dragons, more maps to explore, and super cool outfits but Anet has already done that! There’s still so much I have yet to experience and play 
I decided not to tag anyone because I feel like everyone’s already been tagged, but this is definitely an open invitation to do this! It was tons of fun and I hope to see more people do it :)
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