#this one has a read more because it is about a murder fishwoman recreationally consensually getting her spinal cord momentarily interrupted
mkcannothelpyou · 8 months
disiuncta (Abyssal Hunters)
AK/Kinktober 2023, Day 15: “Sensory Deprivation”
The first major display of the night. A scene none but the Abyssal Hunters could realise, likely.
And Andreana, the only clothed woman left in the room, has volunteered her first-timer self for the most intense version that's been detailed to her, because she may as well jump in the deep end.
"Brave, aren't we, Cuttlefish?" Specter muses at her, all teeth and no reassurance.
"…" Skadi's just no reassurance.
Andreana closes her eyes and braces herself. "Okay. So you promise I'll be fine after this."
"Oh, you'll be more than—"
Gladiia judiciously interrupts, her authority ending Shark's jibing. "The severing of nervous connections, as with any other form of structural damage to the body, is well within your capacity for regeneration. Said regeneration, provided there is no interruption, will occur within seconds of the trauma."
Andreana nods. "Right." God, her pseudo-Captain is stunning. And way taller than her. The fact this woman is actively telling her the science behind pinching apart her spine is very surreal, very heightened icing on the cake. "Is my body gonna do anything weird while you cut my brain off?"
Gladiia's response is not a verbal one. It is, instead, a few measured paces placing the Captain behind Andreana, followed by two cold digits plunging straight into either side of the back of her neck.
Andreana gasps. It hurts. It hurts, but more than that, it is intimate. Palpable. Gladiia's thumb and finger cozily nestled inside her body's tissue.
"While I am no stranger to explanation, your questions are partially fuelled by your trepidation, Andreana. Would you prefer I briefly demonstrate the sensation instead? I may do so right now."
She may do so right now. "Yes." There is just no other answer Andreana could possibly give.
She feels that imposing presence behind her pinch decisively, and then she feels
she is a head on a body. She isn't anything down there, she can't bend, she can't move, she can't breathe. She can move her tongue and just about swallow, but no air flows through her throat for her to do anything with it.
Things start racing in her head, automatic fight-or-flight. What's her body doing? Is it slack? Is it standing? It must be standing or else her head would be falling. Wouldn't her legs crumple? Does the fact Skadi and Specter aren't doing anything mean she's okay? Specter's really delighted to be staring at her. She can't speak and she can't ask and nobody's saying anything.
Andreana knows her body's there, should be there. Anything could be happening to it and she wouldn't know. In fact, she doesn't even know what exactly it's like to have her body in the first place, she realises. She can't imagine it beneath her. She may or may not be starting to go faint
and then a few seconds have passed, and then things come back to her below. Oh. Gladiia's been holding her up this entire time.
A moment's pause, just to process all that. And then Andreana pants, very deeply. "Oh my god." She has a body, a whole-ass body, so this is what it was like.
"You know," Specter coyly says, onlooking the latent Hunter who's just had one of the most indescribable awakenings of her life, "you can technically survive your whole head coming off if it gets stuck back on soon enough."
"Don't," Skadi warns. "It's dangerous."
"Sounds right," Andreana just about forces out of her voicebox, still reeling from how after only losing it for a few seconds, every part of having her body feels so fresh. Wow, her lungs feel like heaving bags inside her—not for difficulty, just for the pure feeling of them existing. "So that gets… more intense the further up you go?"
Gladiia finally lets go of her as her panting abates some. Andreana sways a little on her feet.
"Further connections are severed with increased proximality to the brainstem, yes. That said, once again, I would consider the limit to be the plane resting on the topmost vertebra, which is what you just experienced."
"That's fine, I'm just… amazed." That you guys managed to gradate this experience.
"And turned on, clearly," comes a giggle from the peanut gallery. And it's true, Andreana realises, somehow she kind of has something trying to burst out of her shorts right now.
"That's weird."
"Ordinarily, I'd reassure you, but as far as I'm aware, we snuff out parts of ourselves like that for the sheer curiosity in our bodies. It's a uniquely Abyssal mode of intimacy, you know." Specter places a firm hand on Andreana's shoulder and leers into her face, filling Andreana's vision with her enthusement. "I think you're the first to be trained to like like it, and I'm including everyone who was permanently chopped to bits in that."
So Andreana's not just a freak of nature, she's groundbreaking about it. Seafloor-breaking. "Great."
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