#this one is in honor of the three grads I went to in 72 hours (arguably too many)
livwritesstuff · 4 months
Hazel posts a tiktok that says: POV ur stuck between my dads at my sister’s graduation
Steve: Gotta check what yardline we’re on
Steve: *spends several minutes checking, including getting up out of his seat for a better look*
Steve: 44
Steve: That’s no good. Shoulda got a seat closer to the edge.
Eddie: Shit, I don’t know any of these people
Eddie: You think we’re at the right school?
Eddie, looking at Steve: You hear that?
Steve: House wren
Eddie: That it is *high-fives him across Hazel*
Steve: Robbie’s here, right?
Steve: Like, she definitely woke up in time, right?
Eddie: I think they left her off the program.
Eddie, pointing to the R's: No Robbie.
Steve: Well, for one, her name is Amelia.
Steve: So...off to a bad start, but it's alphabetical by last name so you should be looking under the H's anyway.
Hazel: Yikes, Dad.
Eddie: How should I know?
Eddie: *I* didn't graduate!
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