#this one is okay to rb but if i notice any tmes acting up i’ll turn off rbs
trans4trans · 2 months
i brought this up to my wife, who is a trans woman and told me i should post this, but speaking as a tme trans man, i do feel like majority of tmes on this side of tumblr don’t actually take the time to think about how they can and often do wield transmisogyny on this site. like yeah we have those tmes on here who have “terfs dni” in their bio and think saying queer is a slur means you’re a terf but there’s tmes on here who know better than that and understand the tme/tma labels and understand that “transandrophobia” is just men’s rights activist bullshit that trans men use to be transmisogynistic but still haven’t really taken the time to think about their own actions and how they’ve engaged in harassment campaigns against trans women or how they continue to engage in harassment campaigns. many don’t even know how to recognize transmisogynistic language in posts spread around on here.
what i’ve noticed from being in these spaces (and what many trans women have already pointed out) is that there’s this sort of performance going on of being supportive of trans women and loving trans women that’s expressed through reblogging simple but transfem positive posts, for example, the one about making it easier for trans women, but in reality there is a tendency to be extremely selective about which trans women these tmes want to “make it easier” for. i said this in a previous post already, but a lot of tmes will reblog a post saying it should be easier for trans women and then the next day make it harder for them by participating in a harassment campaign against a trans woman. i’ve seen many of them reblog that post of transfeminist readings but perpetuate the exact behaviors listed out in one of the readings titled the abuser’s guide to transmisogyny (aka “how to cancel a trans girl”) by wyatt fractal starlight (please read it if you haven’t already, and please check out that list from @/molsno), which leads me to believe that many just hit reblog and did not actually take the time to read what was shared.
to me it seems like many really don’t care about understanding transmisogyny beyond a surface level, most definitely because as tmes we’re not affected by it. but even though we’re not affected by transmisogyny, that shouldn’t make us less concerned about learning more about it and our privilege as tmes. we owe trans women so much support and we talk about supporting trans women but this behavior continues to be prevalent and its just extremely frustrating and tiring to see again and again.
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