#this one scene from tombstone will stick with me forever tbh
valerie4ever · 1 year
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hmmmm doc holliday valerie would like to refute the last claim about “strange way of life”
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sunnysidekookie · 6 years
you give my heart a boner
pairing: bff!jk x reader
genre: fluff? 
word count: 1.4k
warnings: some foul language, mentions of sexual situations
Okay so to set the scenario you and jk were previously platonic best friends but then somewhere in the middle of it all y'all developed feelings for one another
You both are painfully aware of how the other feels but you guys are chicken shit
So now you guys are stuck in that phase where there is heavy flirting every time you see each other but no one wants to be an adult and make the big move first
So your whole friend group consisting of 7 extremely annoying boys were at this New Years Eve party
And y'all were having fun, ya know drinking, dancing and all that good stuff
For the past hour however Seokjin has been trying to convince you to make a move on jk but ya know
“____, we are all tired of watching you guys make googly eyes at each other.”
At the other side of the house Jimin was trying to convince guk to kiss you when the clock strikes midnight
One time you and Jimin were having a movie night and naturally a scene came up where the main guy swooped in and planted a fat kiss on the leading lady
And with a mouth full of popcorn you were like
“If someone ever did that to me i would literally melt into a gigantic puddle”
And Jimin was like ‘interesting :]’
Obviously that someone is Jungkook but that is your little secret
Not really cause literally everyone knows about your crush on each other
So Jimin made that suggestion to Jk but ya know
So Jk got really sad when the new year came and you were so close (yet so far away) looking so pretty with your pretty hair and your pretty eyes and your pretty-
This boy could go on and on about how pretty you are honestly
Basically he was disappointed in himself that he started the new year without you as his girlfriend :((
So he decided to fuxk it and drink his sorrows away like any normal person of course :~)
And by the time it hit 2am jk was absolutely wasted having taken too many shots and too much tequila
Oblivious to his emo hours, you as his kind  best friend decided it was time to go home
You tried to tell the other guys about your departure but you couldn't find them anywhere
(They were trying to hide from you so you guys could go home alone and finally get some if you know what I mean *nudge nudge *wink wink)
You swear you saw yoongi make eye contact with you and then proceed to hide behind a house plant but you blamed it on the alcohol
With Jungkook hanging on your shoulders you managed to get yourselves out the door and into the cold ass night
Jk was mumbling while you were a jumbled mess as well
Basically if anyone looked from the outside they would see two people who seemed to have learned how to walk  2 hours ago
On the inside tho y'all were going crazy
Jk's heart was beating so fast he thought he might puke
You feel so warm against him and you smell so good
He thinks he might be able to stay this close to you forever
Is that a marriage proposal?
You on the other hand were sweating so much you would think you were beside a heater
But no it was just jk and his insane amount of body heat
And also you might be kind of nervous cause jk keeps looking down at you with this dreamy/longing look on his face and being this close to him makes you all blushy and red a.k.a. a soft girl
A couple of minutes later you made it to your home as it was the closest and as soon as you opened the door jk headed straight to the couch landing head first and face down
You grimaced at the sound your weak couch made
C’mon you were still in college and broke as hell, you appreciated all types of furniture even if it was falling apart
You kind of just stood at your doorway and watched him for like 1 minute  cause he was making all these incoherent noises and flipping around trying to find a comfortable position and not gonna lie it was pretty funny
After almost busting a lung- everything is extra funny to you when you are drunk
You walk to the kitchen and grab a water for you and jk to try and sober up
“Here jungkook drink this”
You hand the water to him but then he kind of looks at it like 'wtf is this??”
And you're like “bitch drink the water before I force you to”
Drunk you is also very aggressive
And then he sits up, looks you straight in the eyes and says “I am a grown man I don't drink water”
Sometimes you honestly wonder why of all people you had to fall for this man right here
Seeing as he had no intentions on drinking what you have in hand you tried another tactic
“Okay fine no water” and walked back into the kitchen to devise a master plan
Basically just putting the water into a solo cup and disguising it as a drink
Pure genius?
“Here I made you a drink”
And with a suspicious eyebrow jk says “a drinky drink?”
You sigh “yes kook a drinky drink”
So he takes the drink (water), sips it
, and immediately spits it out.
You will never be able to get the image of jungkook’s betrayed and disappointed face out of your mind
Truly an image that will stick with you forever, even in your slightly drunken state.
So you storm towards him, ready to hold him down and force feed him
But of course, you always seem to forget that your best friend is capable of practically bending a stainless steel bar and has the reflexes of a cat so he sees you coming
And right as you are within reach he grabs your arm, pulls you to his chest -you fall unceremoniously on top of him- and then flips you over so now he was hovering over you
A bitch was shook tbh
Honestly someone might as well start writing your tombstone cause you are g o n e
Jk was looking directly into your soul and it felt like he could read your mind
Not surprised if he was actually trying to though
His heart was beating a million miles a minute and his face probably resembled a tomato but he decided that he was not going to be a little bitch and be bold
Which most likely prompted him to say
“Your pretty... like really pretty”
Not that bold but okay
And not to sound cocky, you know that you're not the ugliest person to ever exist but hearing jk say it made you feel warm all over
He had this small smile start to show on his lips and drunk him might be a little more obvious than sober him likes to admit
But it makes you go !!!
So jungkook continues with his affectionate words as best as he can
“You're so pretty that honestly it makes it hard to concentrate on other things that aren't you”
He realizes that he probably shouldn't have said that one out loud but he couldn't stop and he is so unbearably enamoured with you he cAN'T HELP IT
by now you were wondering how the heck this boy is so soft for you and it makes you wanna go uwu big time
With a pleased smile you go “I make your life hard for you?”
And jungkook just rolls his eyes and replies with
“ that's not the only thing you make hard”
And he's so casual about admitting that he basically gets hard to the thought of you when usually this boy gets so red whenever anyone mentions anything sexual so at first your mind goes
And then it processes and you kind of let out a little
Cause you have no idea how to respond to tHAT
You felt yourself get visibly flustered and this cocky bitch had the auDACITY to smirk at you?
Like he was fully aware of how affected his comment made you and he was enjoying your reaction
Drunk jk is a bold jk
Oh my god
OH my god
You almost explode when jk starts to lean in and his eyes start to close and you are freaking out!!
Calm down
It's just a kiss
You can do this
So you close your eyes and prepare
Instead of a kiss that you're sure would change the course of your friendship
Jk's head is in your neck dead asleep
Soft snores coming out of him
“Of course”
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