#this one was quite hard to tag hope i didn't miss anyone 🤭
lisutarid-a · 4 months
[Gakuen K] Extras Translation
Special Club Quiz Championship
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[Translation under the cut]
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Anna: [Ladies and Gentlemen. Now, we are going to have a special club quiz championship. Applause]
 *lazy applause*
Anna: […]
Anna: […Those of you who didn't clap, next time be prepared to get horrible grades on your final test. Applause]
*heavy applause*
Anna: [Now, here are the clubs that have entered the quiz competition…]
Anna: [Under the leadership of Mikoto with a beautiful Red -- The Red club]
Anna: [The first ones whose uniforms you'll want to paint with ketchup -- The Blue club]
Munakata: I don't like that catchphrase…
Anna: [Those whose presence is unnoticeable -- The Silver club]
Shiro: T-that's not true! We have traditional club activities!
Anna: These are the three teams. Which team will win?
Anna: So, let's start. The first question…
*sound signal*
Anna: …
Anna: …Yes, the Silver club.
Shiro: Uh…
Anna: First question, answer.
Shiro: Ahaha, sorry. I was wondering what the button was for and accidentally pressed it.
Anna: It is a button for a quick quiz. It's what you press when you answer the quiz. Didn't you listen to the explanation before we started?
Munakata: I guess the Silver club pressed the button because they knew the answer. Please go ahead and answer.
Shiro: Ehh! I just made a mistake. Oh well. Never mind. The answer is "rice"!
Anna: Wrong...Continuing with the first question. A "bun" is a piece of bread, but…
Anna: …Which composer has a word "Bun (パン pan)" in his name. Answer with the full name.
Kusanagi: What's with that question? That's a pretty difficult quiz.
Totsuka: Fufu, not really.
Munakata: Frederic Francois Chopin(ショパン, Shopan)
Anna: Correct. The Blue club gets 10 points.
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Munakata: Plump bun!
Anna: Correct. The Blue club gets 10 points.
Totsuka: Munakata-san is amazing. He has been answering correctly from the first question. No wonder he wears glasses!
Kusanagi: I can't believe how many questions he answered correctly. I'm sure he's actually smart, but…Our king doesn't move an inch.
Totsuka: That's right. Shiro-kun pushing too fast for no reason and keeps getting penalties…Hm?
Kusanagi: What's going on? Someone went up on the stage.
Kuroh: Shiro, switch with me.
Shiro: Okay,but…Weren't you uninterested in the quiz competition?
Kuroh: I was uninterested. …But I can't sit silently and watch this situation.
Kuroh: Why do you push the button before the question is asked?
Shiro: I figured if I didn't push fast, someone else would beat me to it.
Kuroh: Do you really think you can say something random and get it right when you don't know the question?
Shiro: I thought if I hit enough times, I'd get one right~
Kuroh: …By the way, how many scores do you currently have?
Shiro: 0 points!
Kuroh: It's beyond appalling. Switch.
Shiro: Okay-okay, I got it. Kuro, I wish you good luck.
Kusanagi: Oh, a change of players. I think the Red club better do something too. --Yata-chan.
Yata: What is it?
Kusanagi: Get up on the stage and switch with Mikoto.
Yata: I!?
Kusanagi: Mikoto not answering the questions at all. If it continues like this, we'll lose to the Blue club.
Yata: …I hate losing. I'm going!
Totsuka: …Yata don't look like a strong quizzer.
Kusanagi: It's feels like clinging to straw. I hope for a miracle.
Kusanagi: …Eh, you should have come out. You're strong at trivia.
Totsuka: But look at Yata. He's all fired up.
Kusanagi: Please, a miracle. Just for a moment, take the stupidity out of Yata!
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Munakata: The answer is "Docosahexaenoic acid".
Anna: Correct. The Blue club adds another 1O points.
Kuroh: Damn, as expected of the school's most smartest…
Yata: W-what is it? Doco-something acid. What language is this…?
Munakata: …Fushimi-kun, are you there?
Fushimi: What is it?
Munakata: It would be no fun at all if we keep winning like this.
Munakata: Please switch with me and participate in the quiz competition as a representative of the Blue club.
Fushimi: Wouldn't it be better if we just win?
Munakata: There is nothing more boring than a game you know you are going to win.
Fushimi: …Understood.
Fushimi: Hi, Misaki.
Yata: Saru…
Fushimi: How did you decide to come out in Mikoto-san's place?
Yata: For the sake of the Red Club's victory!
Fushimi: And you, with your thick brain, are the one saying that? …Hehe. Isn't this funny? I'm gonna beat you, Misaki!
Anna: …Saruhiko, refrain from private conversation. Now, the next question.
Anna: The greatest calligraphers of the "Three brushes" are Kukai, Emperor Saga, and who?
Yata: It's obvious! It's Mikoto-san!
Anna: Wrong.
Fushimi: Mikoto-san is not a master calligrapher, is he? You don't know that even though you've spent so much time together? That's why you're an idiot…
*sound signal*
Fushimi: Tsk…beat me to it.
Kuroh: It's Tachibana no Hayanari.
Anna: Correct. The Silver club, 10 points.
Yata: Don't be so slow at pressing the button, Saru!
Fushimi: Shut up. It's just a coincidence.
Fushimi: I'd rather correct the mistake than be an idiot who thinks he answered correctly.
Yata: What?!
Kusanagi: That's bad. Those two have started fighting.
Kusanagi: Hey, President-san. I'll stop Yata, you take care of Fushimi.
Munakata: It's funny, why not leave it as it is?
Kusanagi: …You're The Head of Student Council. Isn't it your job to do something about student problems?
Munakata: Look at the audience. It's getting quite lively, isn't it?
Munakata: The main purpose of the school festival is to entertain everyone. They are making a contribution, I'm not going to stop them.
Kusanagi: Eh…He's gone. Is it really okay?…?
Shiro: I think it would be fine. I'd like to visit the food stalls. I think the booths are open right now.
Mikoto: …Let's go.
Kusanagi: Even Mikoto! What the heck, everyone's acting too freely!
Totsuka: Well, now as it turned this way, there's nothing we can do about it, right?
Kusanagi: Is is all right? This school festival…
Totsuka: It's fine, it's fine. Everything will work out somehow. Let's follow King too!
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