#this one's pretty good i feel like i worded it clumbsily but other than that no notes
aropride · 4 months
guy in the club on his phone squinting at a wikipedia article and then holding both his hands out making L shapes with his fingers to figure out his right from left so he knows if the guy with the hankys in his pocket is a top or a bottom
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
So proud of Cor for the address he gave to the glaives for Noctis' returned. He used his words and convaying emotions. Seems like a strange thing to focus on, but I think about how cold he was, with "That makes sense." statment as well as his other very impersonal statements in the begining of the story, to finally addressing his feelings about regis' death, albiet clumbsily at Caem, all the way up to the end with his parting words to Noctis, he grew alot. (#Episode Cor plz)
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UGH. Like always you have a very pretty way with words and wonderful thoughts that I’m always so honored to receive and read. You always leave me thinking, or in realizations that are like the smack of a shovel in the face, hahaha. This one is the sort to put me to thoughts.
Well, first off, I’m very sorry for taking this long, and thank you lots for the patience, Wombat friend. 
Now, about Cor and all you’re sharing.
I did like the way Cor talk to the Glaives about Noct. I do have to admit that I was sort of disappointed when he first meets the guys, sees Noct after TEN YEARS, Noct, the man he saw since he was but a baby, the man Cor would very literally give his life for to keep safe because he’s failed the other kings and doesn’t want to fail this one, and he’s just like “Yeh. Good to see you. Come this way.”
I was like
“:’D Cor please come hug me? At least say something else? G-good to see you? Cor…please don’t be this cold with me, Cor… :’D”
Hahahah, but then again, neither Square Enix nor Cor have been one for much sentimentalism, hm? 
And I hadn’t thought about it as in him warming up later. I still haven’t fought Cerberus (…well yes but it’s a long story, so let’s keep it as I haven’t fought Cerby boy XD) so I haven’t seen Cor’s scene there. All I’ve seen from him is the imperial bases quests and the conversations you get after you clear those (Regis and him crashing the Regalia, included!), so I haven’t seen that conversation where he just talks about two kings.
To be honest, I think that Squeenix did to Mors as they did to Lady Amicitia (just answered that one); “unimportant” character has no relevance in the story? LEt’s not make a single mention about said character. Lol. Hahahaha, so that’s why Cor maybe mentions just 2; had he said 3, maybe the fans would have gone nuts like “3? Which 3 kings? Omg who was the previous one?” (not all know Mors’ name), so it would have felt like they missed something and maybe Squeenix just wanted to avoid all this “WHY YOU NOT GIVE US ALL INFO D:”
Let’s roll with this idea that Cor didn’t mention Mors on purpose, as you say.
*puts fingertips together and nods*
Yes, yes. I see what you’re saying and I’m into a lot of thoughts and reflecting hurrrrrrrrrr.
But wait, I didn’t talk about that he grew. Hnnng, gonna put the rest under a cut aaaah
I hadn’t noticed or thought about it until you’ve mentioned it, Wombat friend, but I think that, yes, Cor had a pretty development. 
At Caem and the story and such, Cor seems to blame himself too much, punish himself with guilt too much about this stuff. He does sort of look pained and in regret of sorts. And no wonder why; with the way he “abandoned” (or feels/thinks he did) Regis and Clarus, to have outlived two kings, one who was one of his most dearest friends in the entire world and life, of course he’s feeling terrible.
I haven’t seen Cor’s parting words to Noct, but I will assume it’s the “Perhaps we’ll meet again, at dawnbreak.”? 
That, and the way he smiles while saying it. And the conversations he has with Noct. It sort of talks about acceptance. I’m not sure if Cor knows Noct is to die, so his words may be a conflict for me; he’s either in denial, or he has accepted Regis’ death so well, he’s now positive about Noct’s life (oblivious of what’s to come… :( ).
Whatever it is, he seems to have accepted Regis’ death, and that’s quite some heavy concept.
And when he talks with Noct aout Regis, and they laugh together at the end? Absolute acceptance. He stopped not just being in denial, but also stopped blaming himself and being so harsh on himself about it, so much that he can laugh and remember Regis with delight and joy once more.
I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve always pictured Mors to be a rather…not so good king. I assumed long ago that it was just the name, because it sounds like a villain, hahahaha, not because it means “Death”, it’s just. Mors. Sounds sort of fitting for something like Darth Mors and such lmao
But yes, I don’t know why I’ve always thought about him as a rather cold or not-very-gentle king. Whenever I think about young Regis, I’ve always pictured Mors to be quite harsh with him, not physically, but about attitude and such. Not a warm, open dad like Regis was, or tried to be. 
And you know, that could explain a lot of why Noct’s and Regis’ relationship can turn to be rather awkward at times. Like, sometimes they don’t know what to talk about, even though Regis tries. And it would be VERY natural to think that maybe the reason Regis doesn’t really know very well how to be a dad is because he never had an example of one. A proper one, that is.
His dad didn’t play with him, so how is he supposed to know how to play with Noct? His dad rarely spoke with him about non royal matters, so that’s why he has troubles coming up with a subject. 
Maybe it’s not just Regis’ own thing, maybe he just didn’t have a fatherly figure that he can reflect his own actions on, hence his relationship with Noct.
And, you know, that only  makes him the SWEETEST dad of history, because he didn’t have a figure to imitate or to learn from, BUT HE TRIES, aposjdposdfjpojfdpgdf
Ohno, I’ll stop here I’m destroying my own heart with things I haven’t even written ahahahaha, this touches my heart too much, aaah, Regis’ subjects make me too sensitive :’D
You know, maybe it could also explain some of the Lucian hatred towards Regis and his decisions; because maybe Regis took the throne after Mors had already fucked up. So it’s not Regis making mistakes; it’s Regis trying to fix the mistakes Mors did, but there’s not very  nice or good answers, and sometimes no answers at all, so that’s why he may make harsh choices sometimes that the people don’t understand. And the people, of course, only see what Regis is doing; never thinking about why the problem existed in the first place, and who fucked up first.
Regis choosing to not be like his dad, that’s quite a heavy and hard concept. Both as a dad and a king, Regis wants to be better.
To share apersonal experience, for example, I learned what love is not because someone taught me what love is, but because they taught me what love is not. I share this because it’s the summary of how Regis may have thought at his time; he learned what a good dad and a good king is not because Mors taught him what a good dad and a good king is, but because he taught him what they’re not. 
Like de-buiding a clock to understand how it’s built; you didn’t build it, but now, after you unbuilt it, you do know how to build it.
It’s such a strange concept, and so heavy and huge when seen in this; a king that learned how to be king, from seeing the previous king not be a king. Not the kind that is needed or one that’s good. 
Geez. Indeed, a heavy concept.
And the best/worst part is that it could absolutely be canon, I see no reasons for it to not be. Mostly when the matter is so open and we have no info on Mors other than the year he died, and that we know just because it’s the year Regis took the throne, hahahaha.
Man. I’m left here thinking a lot about all this.
But basically, yes! Episode Cor pls, Cor has grown, wtf is up with Mors. 
Thank you. Seriously, thank you so, so much over and over for sharing your thoughts and doing so with me. I’m honored, and it’s always great to be put to think like this. I love it soooo much hnngnfgnfgh
So thanks!
Hope you’re having a fantastic day or night, buddy! Thanks again!  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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