#this persons art is so pretty pls everyone check it out im obsessed
gswharang · 2 years
Hey everyone! I am Belle and as a heads up this is a queued post bc I live on like the opposite timezone of basically anyone in the US so this site is opening before dawn on fri for me and I have work. I'll try and hop on fri night, otherwise I'll get back to everyone on my sat! Anyway, I'm excited for this rp to open, I love surreal and horror. 🔥 My hobbies include writing gremlin bois and oscillating wildly between regular capitalization and lapslock. Also ToF/genshin (hmu if u play tho). This is Noh Harang, resident gremlin, morally ambiguous and in the trade of plots that verge on the wrong side of functional. Here is his about and profile page which has the more relevant of information, but I’ll drop some additional quick facts under the cut along with some attempted plot ideas! If you want to plot just like or dm + I have a discord on request if it’s easier to plot there (i usually prefer it A Lot, so if you want me to add you just drop your user in my ims and when i get online later i can add 6v6 ). 
if you want the full gist of why he is the way he is i’d rec reading his bio + checking his profile page, bc this is like: scenario, i'm trying my best, but my best is never good enough 😔 if not, ig you'll have to go by this image:
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was born in ulsan, his dad died when he was pretty young and was largely raised by his mom w help from other family members. he is  ✨inspired ✨ by sharp objects (bc i Love it), only less murder-y, but his mom has FDIS (munchausen by proxy) and it influenced his emotional development a lot. 
moved to the island as a teen when his mom remarried, which meant there were new and exciting doctors to visit who weren’t suspicious of her yet. cowabunga, dude. spent a lot of time in his room drawing when he was ~sick~
he’s decently smart, and he did go onto uni for art, but then he got pissed at someone else and sabotaged their assignment by breaking into somewhere he shouldn’t have been and prob broke like 4 school rules in the process and was kicked out his second year. so he never finished. good life choices? check. clearly.
he is vindictive and revenge-driven and will act immediately on those feelings without considering the consequences on getting caught. harang in the moment is always like: i will definitely not get caught. and the narrator is like: that bitch did, in fact, get caught.
is he a good person? no. does he try to better himself every day? also no. memes aside, he does have good qualities but he’s def not sugar and spice and everything nice. if you enjoy complicated, emotionally wrought, and sometimes dark plots 👀 👀 👀 pls come to me, that is what i’m weak and design my chars for.
he’s a webtoon creator/artist. he’s into horror, esp supernatural/paranormal horror. his webtoon is similar in storyline/vibe to something like stagtown? but his art style is different. he takes inspo from junji ito of course. likes consuming horror media/projects as well.
obsessed with herbal tea, has So Many flavors in his apt. 
really into vinyl, though he usually collects based on cover artwork first and music second. likes playing atmospheric music when he’s making art.
he smokes, his favorite is cherry tobacco. they’re bad for his body but he’s pretty sure his body was basically destroyed in his youth so what does it matter anymore anyway?
he has a weird vibe but he’s good at covering it. will default to auto-mirroring people’s gestures and personalities around him without super realizing he’s doing it. if you spend enough time around him though it fades, it’s mostly done for people he doesn’t interact w regularly. 
he has long hair, and yes, that is a personality trait
he’s not always the nicest person but he’s also not mean for the sake of being mean. it can take him a while to emotionally connect to people. he doesn’t frequently get into romantic relationship because of it, def finds casual to be easier. his sense of love and how it should be expressed is ✨very off ✨
can turn himself into a victim in 4 minutes flat (i_got_it_from_my_mama.mp3)
he hates doctors, not in a take it personally sense, more just going to the doctors and being treated sense. will avoid going to the hospital At All Costs. 
can be manipulative, and isn’t always the most empathetic person (in this house we support morally grey chars 👏 )
plot ideas -- tbh i often prefer to like talk apps and come up with something organically, but here are a few ~general ideas~ that might be nice to have, and a few that could be starting off points if we’re really stuck.
an ex that was messily resolved and there's some baggage there is always fun. would love if it imploded due to reasons on both their ends rather than like one person being the Saint and the other being a Villain. I want mutually assured destruction and angst tyvm.
conversationalists. they live in the same area and keep running into each other, harang takes frequent smoke breaks outside for instance. but the strange part of it is there’s no real set schedule, and they just keep running into each other even though they're leaving at drastically different times every day. could be fun if they know some deeper pieces of each other’s life without knowing the like basics of each others personalities (like an inverse of basic friends, unbasic not-friends, if you will)
a bff? like we really click together and even though you make bad life choices and are lvl 500 dumb sometimes i’ll still help you with whatever mess you invite upon yourself. can go both ways, of course.
me, sweating and running out of plot ideas i’m brainstorming on the spot, someone who’s into harang’s webtoon. ofc it would need to be ✨developed ✨ so it could be interesting, but yes. OR his anti!!! OR a mix and they're obsessively into it to the point of being creepy. a creepy stan stalking a creepy artist, creep² if you will
i Am a fan of antagonistic plots, i think they’re really fun, esp when both chars are kind of catty about it and it’s not just one being the ~evil~ one, tho i don’t have any ideas on how to get there but if someone really wants one and to figure out a reason why i’m down!!!!
okay i think that’s it i’m out of ideas, but i’m v excited to plot and write so pls don’t hesitate to let me know if you like something or have another idea or wanna create something organically 👀
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miriossunshine · 4 years
hi could i get a matchup with a boy and girl student? im a girl, 5'8 and pretty curvy. i have medium length black hair and am pale. im pretty introverted but am very passionate about issues. i always try to stand up against people who are rude/bullies. im pretty sensitive and have had a lot of trauma. ive been described as one of the nicest people in my class, even when people arent kind to me. im hardworking but often get stressed easily. - rose 🦋🦋🦋 1/2
continued: i raise butterflies and love animals (im a vegetarian). i love all things spooky like true crime and horror movies. i love indie music and musicals as well. i do art, musical theatre and play piano. if i had a quirk it would probably be something to do with my mind (like a telekinesis) or some sort of healing quirk. thank you!!!! - rose 🦋🦋🦋 2/2
omg yes ofc! u sound so sweet T^T 💕💕 my nana raises butterflies too!!! :D it’s so cool to see the whole process!
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i ship you with tamaki amajiki!
aH you’re the perfect girl for him omg his favorite thing is butterflies! tamaki is in love with how gentle you are with the delicate babies. and just imagine him with a little butterfly perched on his nose omg \(//∇//)\ tamaki is hesitant to help with the caterpillars, but after a while he gets the hang of it. he definitely stays up all night watching the chrysalises so that he doesn’t miss when they hatch T^T 💕 (and when they do, his face lights up like a kid’s on christmas omg)
and obvi his most used nickname for you is “butterfly” 👉👈💕
tamaki admires your bravery and ability to stand up to bullies so much. you give him the strength to be as courageous as you when he’s in stressful situations!
he feels bad when he eats meat in front of you, but he explains that it’s mandatory for his quirk to be useful T^T pls forgive him ZbdbfbBDNDN
tamaki listens to you fully when you open up about your trauma. afterward he explains how incredibly proud of you he is for being so strong and kind to everyone despite what you’ve gone through in your life. he would literally do anything for you 😭
he always checks on you when you’re working on something because he knows how stressed you get. tamaki gives you the most adorable puppy dog eyes when he asks you to take a break and ugh how could anyone say no to him hxnxnxnsbsnbd (*´Д`*) tamaki will make sure you get lots of relaxing rest time to avoid anymore stress on you T3T
tama will watch horror movies with you but ends up hiding his face in your shoulder or the blanket you’re sharing when things get too scary >~< listen he’s trying his best to be brave for you!! BDNFNNDND
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i also ship you with nejire hado!
she’s SO interested in the butterfly raising process!!!! nejire watches with so much curiosity as you care for them, and she has so many questions for you about everything! she names all of them and keeps a tally of how many you raise together 💕💜💜💗💜
nejire cheers you on when you stand up to people’s bullies hehe. she also consoles the victim while you give the bully a piece of your mind 😤💞
ngl she’s probably a little nosy when you open up about your trauma at first, but she catches herself quickly to just let you vent! nejire pulls you into a bone crushing hug as appreciation for being so vulnerable with her T^T she loves you so so much and is also very proud of you ;;;
she will fight anyone that pokes at one of your sensitivities ok!!!! she pulls you into her arms and strokes your hair to comfort you and remind you that she still thinks you’re the strongest person she knows 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
you guys would totally have a shared obsession with true crime! nejire is way too curious to not have an interest in it!!!! she likes to try to solve the mysteries with you before the documentary you’re watching together finishes, and she jumps up and down in excitement when your guys’ predictions were correct hehe \(//∇//)\
nejire adores your art and loves watching you create new pieces!!! she likes to help pick out the colors you use hehe (〃ω〃)
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princeyitz · 6 years
who are your favorite simblrs and why? love ur stuff xx
oh man this is a huge question!!!! i follow a lOT of people so uhh idk if i don’t include you im really sorry!!! i’m mostly going to put people i’ve been following for awhile in this - or at least simblrs i’m caught up on idk this is maybe a follow forever idk man!!!
also this is in no way organized lmao im really tired
another also i realized i put a lot of people on here and i gushed a bit so i’m putting this under a read more to save u all ok bye
my fave stories/legacies/etc!!!
@a-kind-red​ not only is red super sweet but he also has an aMAZING story and i’m still trying to get caught up but whOOOO boy if you’re wanting to really get into a story pleeeease give them a follow!!!
@musicalpixls i really love amy’s nsb it’s really awesome and her writing is really great also i love lyte a lot
if you’re not following @qwertysims​ please fix it asAP raven is fuckin’ awesome and makes really unique and beautiful sims i’m a Big Raven Stan
@teanmoon​ inga is sO so sweet?? and i’m really diggin’ her ariadne challenge. you can tell she really puts a lot of research and time and love into it and i really admire it/her!!!!
gotta talk about my girl @xuni​!!! her sims are so cute??? i die honestly
you wanna cry at beautiful edits and giggle at fun and cute gameplay? check out keek @whiisker​
my girl breezy @simblrbreezycakes​!!! sUPER sweet and writing a beautiful story. seriously i love when i can hear characters’ voices in my head as i’m reading and breezy nails this 
@keysims​ has an amazing story??? i love damien i don’t even cARE. also editing is fuckin’ top notch and you can tell how much effort goes in
@wooldawn​ meshelle’s sims are so unique and beautiful she inspires me a lot?? i’ve been following for awhile and i just. i love everything she posts
this wouldn’t be complete if i didn’t include @takemizzu​ and gush about her. bree has such a fresh and different simblr but its not forced at all??? like i fuckin’ stan so hard. all of her monsters are amazing and she puts so much into them and i love seeing when she posts. if you love gore, horror, monsters and fun check her outttt!!! (also ps give ricky a smooch 4 me)
@ratboysims​ prrrrobably one of the first simblrs i followed?? i read emmett’s legacy from the beginning and cried. do u remember jonathan and darius bc i do. i love finch, i love birdie my name twin, i feel for sam, i miss dove and leo, roxie is a babe i miss her. he has cute rats, he makes beautiful art and you should follow him forever
@smallcowplant​ follow sam!!! follow her on all your accounts!!!! she’s so sweet and has this beautiful way with words i just??? you like history? she’s got that. you like ladies who murder husbands?? got that too. you like romance and cute boys competing for a total babe’s heart?? GUESS WHAT SHE GOT THAT TOO.  her edits are super cute as well and i stan her dog to the end of the world
i’m pretty sure everyone is already following @okyio​ because christy is literally a ball of light but in case you aren’t pleeease get on it. she constantly brightens my day no matter what she posts and she is one of the few people out there who is GENUINE in care and kindness. she makes beautiful edits, draws super cute art and just wants everyone to take care of themselves and just. ball of light. i’m serious
@bratsims​ is hilarious and you gotta read the woods from the beginning bc. just do it. i’m still sad about arthur and also i think sunny should be make another appearance somehow. also??? wylie?? im love him and he should just have 10 partners okay and i wanna give mei a big hug
follow @eefahsims​ purely for elliot please i’m begging u make that boy happy i love him. also her bio is “raw power of roadhog mindset of torbjorn” so that should b an instant follow tbh
@tea-sims​ super sweet, has beautiful gameplay??? want 2 give her a hug tbh
@blarffy​ here’s another simblr i’ve followed since i started mine. read her greene legacy from the beginning it does not disappoint. makes beautiful sims, is beautiful, super nice and always willing to help. top notch person in general 
@peonypyxels v nice, has cute sims, has beautiful screenshots, i can’t wait for the next update on her story its so!!! ahhh!!!!
here’s another simblr i’m pretty sure everyone is also already following but i’m putting her here anyway: @ridgeport makes amazing cc, has a hilarious and fun gameplay, beautiful edits? check. also very sweet and i stan her sims’ noses, it’s a Thing.
i follow claudia @plumbee-bob here and on yt, pretty much one of the few that i do watch. she has beautiful, unique sims, and i love how colorful her gameplay always is. she’s so sweet and has a very relaxing voice
really awesome cc/builder simblrs!!!
pretty sure i’ve downloaded liTERALLY everything @pyxiidis​ releases. honestly a Queen. becoming a patron was the best decision i’ve ever made. her cc is Pure Quality and so unique and i use it on every sim i make
i’m pretty sure i download everything @cakenoodles​ makes too. james is super talented
if you love plants you’ll love @magnoliidae​ seriously like how do u do these things??? pretty sure mal is actually magic
@viiavi​ is honestly cc royalty in my eyes like hoooo man i swoon everytime she posts something
@plasmafruit-tree​ i’m obsessed with their makeup cc like it’s so good??? has amazing cc in general also i love the cake’s a LOT
male cc is always lacking but guess who isn’t slacking? @wyattssims​ i’m so sorry for that rhyme but not sorry for promo’ing you bc you deserve it. everything wyatt makes is Quality and he’s also got this really cool ensom project going on and i’m confused but into it
@valhallansim​ another one i’ve followed since the start of my simblr. i loooove all their cc and they make really unique and fun stuff???
a sweetheart: @cubersims makes beautiful recolors and is always a light of sunshine??? 
everything @nolan-sims makes is stunning. she’s incredibly sweet and i love talking to her. she also has beautiful art. if you want to follow someone who not only releases flawless cc, but is also a sweetheart, she’s your gal
UM I THINK THAT’S IT FOR NOW??? again pls don’t take it the wrong way if i didn’t include you i love you all tbh oki im super tired bye
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