#this piece is fairly simple tbh but it was still very fun to do especially with the colors
golden--doodler · 8 months
Geneuary Day Ten: School/Musical
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You can’t tell me that Gene wouldn’t be the type to belt this after school lets out for the summer, pffffffft. That’s mostly what inspired this piece, along with a general summery vibe, despite it being January right now.
[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene from Bob’s Burgers. He is standing in front of the Wagstaff School building, which is a simple rectangular-shape, and is blocking most of the sign, so only “Wag School” can be seen. He is very large in the foreground, and only the top half of his body can be seen. He is wearing yellow overalls with a bright orange undershirt. He has a huge, excited smile on his face, and text next to him shows that he’s singing What Time is It? Summertime!!
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nct-lian · 4 years
her style (seven categories)
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— daily wear (casual wear)
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lian’s entire wardrobe is the definition of ulzzang fashion. she loves loves loves the korean style !! lian can get cold really easily, and so she tries to incorporate some sort of long sleeve into all her outfits.
it works out perfectly as well because when i tell you she’s obsessed with cardigans and jeans- lian owns SO MANY JEANS like half her closet is just jeans and it’s scary :0
she doesn’t normally gravitate towards layering clothing, but i promise that when she does, it looks so so good.
she has no problem layering a simple sweater vest or putting on a thick sweater over something thin, but she’s expressed how she finds it to be uncomfortable if she layers a bunch of thick clothing on top of each other.
lian also really loves skirts !! her legs have never really been the target of cold weather, so wearing skirts in the fall (or even winter at times) has thankfully never been a problem for her. she particularly loves mini skirts with a solid colour or a plaid design.
her colour scheme consists of neutral colours, black and whites and occasional pops of pastel!
— formal wear (meetings, company dinners, etc.)
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there’s a rule in sm that states: the idols aren’t to wear anything denim or “lazy looking” while attending important events within the company or meeting new people in public because it’ll set a good first impression.
lian makes sure not to go overboard when dressing formally, but she’d get scolded if she were to underdress. and so that leaves her with a limited amount of options when choosing what to wear.
she tends to go with the simple blouse paired with a mini skirt, or if she doesn’t have the energy to try, she’ll throw on a pair of trousers with a solid coloured top and call it a day.
whereas if she were to be attending a company gathering with her seniors, she’ll wear a pretty dress or expand her “blouse + mini skirt” outfit into something a little more extravagant!
again, her formal colour scheme sticks to a neutral palette with black and whites. it’s rare to see any sort of colour if she hadn’t decided to wear something plaid.
— comfy wear (lounging, hanging out at home, etc.)
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as much as lian wishes she could just stay in her pyjamas all day long when they’re off schedules, she knows that’ll do her no good. forcing herself to get up every morning and change also gives her the motivation to brush her teeth and wash her face like she needs to.
that being said, if she has to change so early in the morning, then she’s sticking with something incredibly comfortable.
tons of oversized shirts and baggy pants—the shirts normally belonging to the boys. no joke, johnny has lost over fifteen sweaters to lian, and they’re definitely not going back to him.
like his shirts basically go all the way down to her knees and so there’s no need for pants to keep her legs warm. a random pair of shorts and she’s good to go!
all of her comfy clothes are super soft and fluffy and perfect for sitting around to do nothing! she practically swims in all of these clothing items, but that’s part of the fun :D
she doesn’t really care about the colour, but she does have to match the pants with the shirt because if she doesn’t, then that’s just wrong, guys.
— sleep wear (pyjamas)
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the fifth floor’s heating system has been broken for like the past three months and nobody has fixed it yet, so the dorm is constantly cold.
but lian does this thing where she freezes herself before she goes to bed because “it’ll feel nice when i sleep.”
the boys always tell her to go put on a sweater or change into a longer pair of pants because her sleep wear is literally the thinnest material ever—and not to mention, she’s wearing short sleeves most of the time!
lian seriously despises going to sleep in long pants because they make her overheat and it’s all uncomfortable when she’s under her thick ass duvet, so her pyjamas are normally short.
again, lian doesn’t really care about the colour because they normally come in sets and everything matches anyway. she definitely prefers to have a thin and soft material!
— award show wear (first row: while performing, second row: red carpets)
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okay say it with me: LIAN PRETTIEST GIRL !! the stylists absolutely love love love lian, and they make sure to show it when putting her outfits together. whenever lian is performing on stage, she’s always decked out in a glitter filled outfit so that she shines even brighter than she already does—especially if she’s with the boys.
it’s no secret that lian is rather ... vertically challenged, and the stylists want to make sure she’s not completely enveloped into them to the point where she can’t be seen. they make sure her outfits a little more sparkly so she’s able to be seen well, but they always have to match with what the rest of of them are wearing.
if she doesn’t match, she’ll looks like a random girl just following them everywhere they go, and that’s something nobody wants!
while walking the red carpet, lian literally looks a million dollars. all her outfits are personally made just for her so they fit perfectly! unless it comes from a designer brand, of course.
she’s obviously had a little bit of malfunctions because the “too short for their body type dress” has happened once or twice despite having all her outfits custom made. make that make sense tbh ??
the colour scheme is super colourful and diverse! like stated before, the stylists love to have her stand out and shine, so they love to take risks while creating her outfits :)
— jewelry (necklaces, rings, earrings, etc.)
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lian loves her jewelry! she’s always seen wearing pretty necklaces, shiny bracelets and gorgeous, dangly earrings :) but she has a very strong love-hate relationship with rings.
there are only certain rings she’s able to wear because bulky and chunky ones make her very uncomfortable. she leans more towards the dainty and thin style.
for earrings, she really goes all out with them. her earrings are always dangly and shiny, and super extravagant! she has a lot of piercings as well so she’s able to wear several earrings at a time.
her necklace preference is fairly basic; just the simple dainty chain with a diamond on the end or a trail of pearls.
— head wear (hats, headbands, hair clips, etc.)
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lian honestly doesn’t care for hats that much. she prefers having her hair flow nicely with a couple of hair pins to keep it in place, but it’s necessary to have a hat on while dancing because her hair will go EVERYWHERE everywhere if it’s not secured in some way.
she only likes bucket hats and baseball caps because she believes that the other ones are ugly. no offence to beanie wearers, it’s just not her style!
headbands aren’t something she’s too into either, she’ll only wear them if she believes that it’ll go well with her outfit. she’ll also wear them if she has to keep the front pieces of hair out of her face for the day.
lian’s hair clips are like her children. she’s always wearing some sort of pin and they’re literally so beautiful and match her outfits so well!
not only does lian absolutely love the way her hair clips look on herself, but she likes how the boys look with them in their hair as well. when yuta still had his long hair, she would constantly be styling it for him.
he would be adorned in golden bobby pins and sparkly clips basically 24/7 :D
majority of lian’s clothing sticks to a neutral colour palette, so she buys hair accessories that match well!
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 years
All the writer asks!!!!!!
I’ve already answered the pen n paper one so I’ll leave that one out and answer the rest haha
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
hmmm… well to usually set the mood would depend on the type of story I’m writing, if its horror/really angsty shit then I’m definitely going for dark themed music, if its something fluffy n cute- then im gonna go for some really happy upbeat music, so to set the mood- it’d usually depend on the genre
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day?
……Shhh… Let’s keep those my dirty little secret… (their not nsfw, thats not what I mean by that just to clarify)
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
Hmm I guess I’ve done it once or twice before, but I dont do it too often-
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
I don’t think I’ve even came CLOSE to an entire novel but, I do a lot of short-stories and ESPECIALLY one-shots, im not very good at chapter based stories or anything
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
Ooooh fuck this is a tough one, Im too lazy to link it but- in my Yan!Henrik story there were some parts I ABSOLUTELY loved and felt were p damn good and in the werewolf story I wrote as well, some good parts in there too, but I definitely feel more fond over some of the scenes in the Yan!Hen story than any other one
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
Honestly, I’m pretty open to genres, like- fantasy, science-fiction, etc- the whole shabang- im not too picky bout any of them-
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
hmmm I guess like- wouldnt it technically be in third person with the way I write, for the reader its always You and or they, I always keep a story gender-neutral so that way all readers can be who they want to be in the stories, it can give them a better chance to imagine themselves in said position, now if i got a specific thing to do, male, female, non-binary, etc- then yeah I’d do that
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
That’s a- actually kinda simple tbh- its not an interesting story- At first I was actually unsure about it, but then- the more I wrote, the more I got super into it-  It was just… super fun to me after I did it for awhile
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)?
It’s a hobby for now, but I do wish I could open commissions- but hmm its been like, maybe 5-6 years by now, maybe even a bit longer
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
You should know this for sure haha, my favorite characters to write with tho- I’ll just say who they are, all the septic egos p much except… im still not too confident with writing Angus yet, some of the Iplier egos, like the Jims, Harold, and Eric, and I’m trying to branch out to other fandoms, I like writing with David n Daniel, from the cc fandom, and I’m trying to work on Dream Daddy characters too, Joseph, Robert, Mary, etc- and then my own characters too- I dont write wiht them often but I try
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
hmmm… I get inspired fairly easily so it’d be hard for me to name anything like that off the top of my head tbh
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
…. Why not ALL the tropes? …okay maybe not ALL of them
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
Eh, im a p open person to tropes/genres- I mean unless like a trope could count as in, like- “it was all a dream” or “you were the killer all along” or some shit like that, then that type of shit isnt REALLY my cup of tea
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
There’s a lotta things I think I could improve on, honestly… I think, its not a matter of insecurity really, more so like- no matter who you are, there’s always room for improvements, I think we all improve on things every day, writing, drawing, roleplaying, even simple things- after all, there’s nowhere to really go except forward in life, so I just tend to go with my own flow, and if I improve than I’m happy with that, if I dont? Welp, that just means I still have a bit to go-
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
oh god I w i s h I was organized enough to fucking- have a writing playlist ashdjshfdsj, it just depends on my mood- sometimes I get distracted by songs tho-
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
…I wrote one, its a really old one and im not too proud of it, but, people like it apparently so I keep it up since it seems to make em happy and thats what matters in that regard, but nah im not BIG on writing things based off songs
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
Hmmm not yet, I don’t think I’m ready to physically publish my stories or anything, although my dad does encourage it, he tells me I should find a publisher or whatever and publish some stories (it wouldnt be ones with like- characters from things like camp camp, dream daddy, etc of course- it’d be ones with my own characters)
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
D e f i n i t e l y a specific place and mood, my mood’s totally off and wrong right now and its frustrating bc im trying to write but the body and brain is like no motherfucker, be in pain and hate me more than you already do
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
I dont… know if ANY of my personal life has… influenced my writing? not that I know of anyways
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
I think… I dont know who I’d dedicate the books too or anything-
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing?
…honestly? The one pet peeve I, myself, have with writing is the I/Me POV- now of course its fine if others use it, it could be easier to them, or they simply like it a lot, but I myself, just- cant fucking s t a n d that type of pov
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
Okay- I need to be honest here, bc I get a lot of them, when I constantly state that I only do one shots and not chapter stories but the whole “pls continue” “another part to this please” “Do more of this” that doesnt really make me wanna do more, it makes me wanna move on actually from any of that, like im not about that plz continue, do more!!! type of comments
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
Oh god I’ve received TONS of good advice from people, especially when it comes to some of the German I use for Henrik, I will admit… I’ve been severely slacking with learning my German, and I…. I deeply regret it tbh, but- I never mind and am actually grateful when someone corrects me when using a word incorrectly in a sentence or whatever
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing?
A n g s t
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
I love all compliments tbh, I especially love comments on my angst like NO HOW DARE YOU OP, or OP wha t the f uck- my  he a r t, or anything like that- …im a sadistic lil gremlin arent I? I love breakin hearts with angst, but like any compliments I receive on my stories are all greatly appreciated, I just most of the time I dont have the time to respond to them, BUT- I do read em, every last one of em-
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gyeommine · 7 years
MONSTA X as Best Friends
this is one of my lil’ au’s that i whipped up whilst i was away with no internet. i need to write more mx stuff(: i tried anyway - i hope y’all like it.
(gif credits to the original owners)
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(boiii look at u w that bandana !)
biggest dad friend you'll ever have in your life
makes sure you're fed
gives you lifts whenever you need one
also makes sure you never have to walk on your own.-will fight a mean s/o who he may have had a bitter disliking to anyway bc it's you
basically is super protective of u
he is always v sleepy tho, esp if you're just chilling at your place.but you forgive him bc he's an overworked dad of 6
he is super down to earth and most chill human being in your lifehe is also super dependable, and is always there when you need him
he also gives the best hugs – they're rare but bOI are they worth it
is always awkward about you seeing him at shows or watching shows he's on bc he doesn't feel like he's a big idol, he's just your best friend
but you force him to tell you when he's doing anything so you can shout the loudest
most easily mistaken for your boyfriend
is a lil' bit dense at times, and is least likely to laugh @ your jokes
doesn't get sarcasm either
he's also clumsy
but apologetic, extremely apologetic
he can be a lil' blunt and straight forward at times but he's never as bad as the 'shownubot' he is v sensitive to your emotions, and is super caring
you also see the cute side of shownu
him beaming at small animals, when he talks about his fave food or his parents
again, far from the showminator everyone sees on variety shows
buuuuuuut he's v difficult to read, thanks to that beautiful but often blank face he has 
you also get really flustered when he juST strips??? boicouldunotwearepalswthpls 
you look at him awkwardly but he'll either not get it or be like “what? We are friends?”
and you remember your best friend is the most endearingly dad-like human in the world and nobody can change that
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(a d o r a b l e)
I am convinced he will just giggle 24/7
ray of sunshine hoseok will just make you so energised and happy when he's in the same room as you
which makes you fiercely protective of him
you get to see his cute, bubbly side all of the time and it's literally a goddamn blessing
you guys just eat together
you'll deliberately plan on going to different restaurants or food places just so you can sample everything
but his eyes will always light up when you say “Ramen?”
like dad!sonhyunwoo, he is fairly shy about the stuff he does and is v bashful when you compliment his idol stuff
he'll shrug it off like its nothing and you'll be like “??? ur one of the most talented people ever you can literally fite me”
wonho and you could literally make anything fun, so hanging out w each other is never ever dull like, you'll create random dumb shit to do that only kids would think of and it would be great
but he's a really sensitive and sweet friend
he just gets you, and will immediately be on the same page as you w whatever you are feeling
he is so supportive and cares about you to the moon and back
it's bloody adorable literally treasure this man 
like he will literally stay up to ridiculous hours in the morning to listen to you rant or console you 
(my heart is melting whilst writing this send help)
but as we found out in the monsta x ray finale, boy needs that support since he spends all of his energy worrying about his pals and like how he gets you, you completely understand him it's weird, neither of you understand how you're in so in tune w one another 
but it's great honestly a++ friendship
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(y’all don’t even understand how much of a look the red hair was wOW)
most of the time he just ??? you can't explain him ???
he is one of the loudest, and goofiest people you know
when you guys go out together, ppl are stunned bc he's super handsome
but you know that he's not this super cool, standoffish model-type – he's an idiot
he sends you pictures of cute animals all the time
or he tags you in them on every social media possible
and you guys watch a lot of disney
w a perfect aladdin duet where minhyuk is jasmin (ofc)
lil' dumb things like that brighten your day
he just has a knack for cheering you up
and he just radiates kindness – he's just a sweetheart
but when you guys are together, the sheer amount of noise you guys make is incredible
you guys are literally tied at the hip
you do everything together, a lot of spontaneous stuff too
lots of random sleepovers where you stay up way too late
you hang out so much, that the rest of the mx are just used to having you around
like an 8th member tbh
it gets to a point where you guys miss each other like crazy when his schedule is packed
and the guys tease that you might as well go out
but it's fine, you've both talked and thought about it (midnight chats is all I can say)
but you both know that you're more like siblings
and that's chill
like wonho, he just gets you
he knows when your sad, and exactly what to do
he'll have some takeout on speed dial and a shoulder to cry on
he's actually one of the most attentive people
and sometimes it makes you sad when people just assume he's a shallow idol
but you're just happy to have him in your life.
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(his lil’ smile i swEAr)
he's so sassy w you
he's literally like a middle aged mum
yes, so he's often ruthless but he gives the best advice
someone treating you like shit? cut them out
it makes him incredibly reliable
he's always got your back and is ready to stand up for you 
you guys wingman for each other too 
you pretend to be in a relationship to fend off unwanted ppl in clubs 
people think he's adorable but you know he's cut throat – and you love it
 yet, there are instances where you catch him cooing at a baby or a dog
despite appearances, he would literally drop everything for you 
he's loyal 
if something has happened to you, he's right there if you're crying and listening intently
he genuinely wants to give you the best advice possible 
he does love you, he just has v sarcastic ways of showing it
“i mean, if you were the last person on earth sure” 
and you roll your eyes and just continue 
probably will ask you weird questions at 3am 
doesn't get that you not responding means stop so he keeps going
he has a ripe selection of mugshots of you and will utilize them 
he's probably protective in a lowkey way, like he tries not to show it
he'll walk you home w the excuse “nothing else to do”
“for a sec, I almost thought u were showing affection!” and he'll scoff 
you nod in mock acknowledgement but ofc you think it's really sweet beneath the unending sass you will tease him with predebut mx and it's rich 
you always tell him you bias shownu just to irritate him
“he's not even that cute” he'll mutter bitterly
doesn't mean you won't have a funny picture of kihyun as your lock screen for months
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(look at this dumb dork w his dumb ass smiley cute face what a dumb human)
one of your memeist friends
sends u dumb shit even if he's sat right next to you
also your laziest friend
if you guys arrange a time to meet, you always mentally add an extra 15 minutes
bc he's always late
he's also extremely sarcastic
even if it's just through an eye roll, he's a piece of shit
he's also a lil' awkward
you first met him through the rest of the guys, and he barely spoke
you just spotted a literal model on his phone in the corner
but as you were round there more, he let himself go
and came to know the lanky piece of shit u now tolerate
very much a love-hate friendship
from afar, it looks like you guys have no boundaries and you will say anything 
but both of you just toss it aside w “character building” and you laugh sometimes he's sweet and it surprises you (like w the kids ep in monsta x-ray omg) 
like he'll buy some food for a homeless man, or pull a funny face at a kid on the bus 
and you tease him about it again, just character building;)
he's silently supportive
he's not great at the words and talking bit, but he's happy to just sit and listen
or he will instantly know what to do, and just order some food before you say anything
so you know ppl are wrong when they say he's just a lazy and standoffish idol
but he's extremely good looking and you had to learn to avoid stares when you guys go out together
he probably has a gift he bought you abroad from 2 years ago
says he'll give it to you, but still forgets
you really hope it's not candy that went off months ago
as much as you love your best friend, you don't want mouldy sweets
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(cutest cutie that ever cutied)
whether he's making you laugh or you're laughing at him - he's funny
you guys were definitely childhood friends
and everyone loves him
your close family always talks about him, asks about him
he's like a brother you never had (as cheesy as that is)
most friends drift apart, especially w his idol career
but - you guys are the definition of inseparable
you met bc someone was picking on you at nursery and baby jooheon intervened
and since then, you guys have never been a part
he is v protective
even little things like accompanying you home when it's late
any partner he has to meet just to make sure they're good enough for you
you sometimes have to tell him you're okay on your own
and he'll apologise, that he's just looking out for you
he doesn't mind you ringing him at early hours when something's on your mind
and the same with you
when you guys hang out, it's simple
going out for a drive and just watching the sun go down
you'll blast your favourite music and enjoy each other's company
it's like something out of a movie
he'll sometimes even treat you – like take you out to dinner or something
to say thanks for being such a good friend all this time
you tell him he's cheesy, that it's not necessary
but he just blushes a little and says it's no big deal
he's the boy you'll mum will nudge and say “oh isn't he lovely”
you'll roll your eyes and say“he's just my best friend”
but you've thought about it, trust me he's definitely thought about it
who knows, all I can say is that it could happen
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( i fell in love w changkyun while writing this i am such a sap )
you guys are like the chillest pair of best friends known
that's probably bc lil' changkyun is definitely more the introvert
he would much rather retreat to his studio to unwind than go out
which you're all for
you guys sit for hours in his mini studio
you listen to his stuff, and you just beam as he talks about his passion
it just fills you w joy when your best friend is so talented and you get to hear it
you do have to bring him out of his shell a little
bc this dorky, funny side comes out that has you cackling
you guys get food together mainly
and he loves it when you cook
you also feel it your duty to take care of this smol
feed him, look after him bc he's still your lil' maknae although nobody thinks he is
but it's not patronising, he's completely chill w it
the guys joke that  he had/has a major crush on you
sometimes you question it, but he's like a younger brother to you
so you just throw something at minhyuk and jooheon to end the teasing
although changkyun always gets a tad shy when they mention it ??
there's never any arguments bc you guys are so alike
you have the same music taste, like the same foods, have the same opinions, watch the same tv shows and movies
it's really weird, but neither of you are complaining
makes life 10x easier !
he always feels super bad that he can't see you more
(which is v fucking cute fite me)
so he tries to plan these elaborate well thought out days for when he gets back
but he gets really bumbly and shy about it
bc it feels like a date but it isn't but he kinda hopes it is
so you guys always opt for a night long catch up w pizza
and you don't mind bc you're happy to see your fave human
i can assure you, so is he;)
hoped you guys enjooooyed! idk, this kind of helped me suss out their characters in my head a bit more - which is nice !! ty for reading <3
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bibbykins · 7 years
A Convoluted Code
A/N: This is hours late, but here it is!
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Pairing: College au! TA! Taehyung (based off of 707 of Mystic Messenger
Genre: Fluff (Soon), Comedy
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Technological Special Agent, Kim Taehyung, never made mistakes... until he did, and that led him to you, a mistake he couldn’t live down
It started out as just another petty job so that he could buy another computer. As if the multiple screens that surrounded him in his office plus the five laptops lying around weren’t enough for him. However, he was the best, and he required the best equipment.
The job was simple enough, hack into this guy’s phone and see if he’s cheating, but even the best make tiny mistakes.
Usually all he needed to hack into a person’s phone, laptop, and any other accounts was just a phone number, this was thanks to how connected everyone’s accounts were.
Then Taehyung could sift through what he wanted to, report back, get the money, and call it day. The customers he worked with were usually fairly prestigious, so he figured that they would be intelligent enough to write down a stupid number correctly.
And with that foolish assumption concerning the snooty, the best had made a mistake.
It was somewhere between his third caffeinated soda and second bag of chips he realized he hadn’t hacked into Seung Chanwoo’s laptop, it was yours. However, he realized this only after hacking into your laptop camera, it was then the texts he had just read from you and a Soha had finally made sense.
You: Oh btw, I can’t close it anymore
Soha: What? Why not?
You: It’ll snap right in half, and I need it until I can find the money to get a new one… or a sugar daddy that’s around my age, whichever comes first tbh
Soha: Yeah right, have fun writing your little heart out
Maybe a man and his mistress wouldn’t be talking about getting sugar daddies.
This clicked when he was met with you sleeping on your bed, only wearing a tshirt and underwear, he immediately diverted his eyes. You were beautiful, and he wasn’t prepared for that. He was now looking at your wall with several rewards on it and your high school diploma on your wall reading Y/N L/N. With crimson cheeks, he exited out of your laptop’s view from your desk and decided to do research on you, because your number was off by only one digit, and he was thorough in his investigations, and he could swear your name was familiar.
After just a few hours, he knew just about everything about your past and current job. You went to a high school he’s never come in contact with, got decent grades, and you only joined journalism-related extracurriculars, a real recluse. Currently, you worked from home serving as a third-party editor for several magazines and newspapers both online and on paper, but nevertheless keeping up with reclusivity.
It was on his fourth bag of chips and seventh caffeinated drink he realized he was nearly late for his cover job.
Taehyung’s line of work was high-profile and unbeknownst to many of his friends, he often took care of government work. Plain and simple, he was special agent Kim Taehyung, basically a spy. With such a job, the government had suggested he take a cover job to keep him in plain sight, relieving suspicions other hackers may have, since hiding is the easiest way to be found in his world.
He chose to be a paid virtual Teaching Assistant at an average college for a variety of classes from Computer Science 101 to Economics 305, he just did all the electronic grading as instructed by professors he had more credentials than. Only time to time would he have to physically be present when a student requested tutoring and the professor wasn’t there or just didn’t feel like it, or the professor was out sick and he had to lecture.
Today, he had to lecture for Computer Science 101, which he dreaded the most. The students’ work was like grading kindergarteners on coding, just ridiculous. The class only had one lecture a week, but teaching beginner’s computer science is about as mind-numbing as reciting the ABC’s for two hours, especially since most of the students only took the class to avoid a proper math class.
He hated this class.
You hated this class.
Tech-savy was nowhere on your resume. Electronically proficient, maybe, but the 0s and 1s turned your brain to mush, it made an ironic sum of zero sense, but you would crumble in Calculus, so this was the only sensible choice you had. You almost regretted it. You didn’t know a soul in the class, nor wanted to, not to mention your laptop was five years old and beginning to quite literally come off its hinges, but luckily your professor was a slightly creepy yet understanding middle aged man who didn’t make you close it during a written test,like one you had today.
You weren’t worried until you walked in to see the fine piece of man that was Kim Taehyung, dreamy TA, and most likely unbeknownst to him, distractingly hot neighbor in your nice apartment complex. He was beautiful, made his own money, and a lot considering of the quality of the apartment building you only reside in due to the connections you have with very wealthy editors who offer discounts. Nevertheless Taehyung was amazing, smart, sort of kind, and completely ignorant to your presence. Not that you could blame him, you never really left your apartment safe for class or if Soha forces you to, and even in class you don’t make a peep and make average grades, so no real reason to cross paths.
But your worry didn’t come from the adonis’s looks, it came from the fact you had to formulate a sentence to him when he tried to make you close your janky laptop.
Okay, just let him know before class starts. Go to the desk and- or just keep walking like an idiot and wait to be called out- or spend a solid minute turning forward and backward repeatedly, that works too, idiot.
Finally,you mustered up the courage to utter a sentence to him, “Uh, my laptop won’t close,” You mumbled, cursing yourself that you didn’t offer any explanation. Taehyung typed away on his own laptop, not looking at you when he responded.
“Just pull the top screen down, it’s simple,” His response was snarky at best and you flinched.
Your face scrunched in annoyance, “No, it’ll snap in half if I do.” Your voice had gotten smaller.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, not caring to talk to any of these students longer than required, “Fine just put something over it and make sure it’s on sleep mode.” He said, never looking up at you. You nodded meekly and went to your seat in the very back of the lecture hall.
After a few minutes of everyone making sure their laptops aren’t accessible, Taehyung skipped roll call as he counted and everyone was here, so he administered the test to each student, and when he got to you, he was met with a terrifying view as a pseudo official.
You were in the middle of taking off your sweater to reveal only a black tanktop that brought attention to your cleavage, “What on Earth are you doing?” Taehyung deadpanned, making you jump, since you didn’t see him near you.
With heated cheeks, you quickly stripped off your sweater and put it on your laptop and as you placed it there you spoke, “Sorry, I got a bit trapped in there,” You explained as he just put a test in front of you. It was then you made eye contact and his whole word stopped, “Thank you,” You smiled as he walked off.
It was official, Kim Taehyung had made a mistake. What kind of hacker doesn’t check what university she goes to? Or what classes she’s taking? No wonder her name seened familiar. As if he hadn’t done so enough, he stared at her, wondering how it is he never seen her here before. He was usually very good at recognizing faces and being observant, but then you come out of the blue. Goodness, he feels creepy, but there’s something suspicious about you. Maybe it’s his pride trying to avoid the fact that he made a mistake, or maybe you are a fellow hacker trying to play him.
And with these grades, his pride diminishes. He started down at your test probably the same way you had. Your grade wasn’t horrible, but the mistakes you had made was horrendous. Okay, so maybe he was just losing his pride, but he couldn’t stop looking at you through your laptop camera.
You had been getting your makeup done by Soha, who was in beauty school and needed a test face, plus she thought you needed a confidence boost as you had been viciously dumped last week, leaving you even more of a hermit, “We should go out or something, sucks I have a date,” Soha pouted, “Hey maybe he can bring a friend for you?”
You shook your head, “I don’t need another boyfriend,” You stated as Taehyung researched your past one. He was average looking, but he seemed to have bounced back quickly after six months of you two being together, “I need a sugar daddy,” Soha chuckled at your words, “I do, this laptop is killing me-”
“I should be killing him,” Soha seethed, “Sex in the practice rooms are you kidding-”
“Soha, it’s okay,” You chided and scrolled through your phone to see ankther voicemail from an unfamiliarly familiar number, “That angry voicemail lady is still there” You shrugged, referring to the awkward calls and text you had been getting for a few weeks by some crazy women. You didn’t bother answering to correct her since you and Soha had agreed she’s probably just lonely and wants to yell, since Soha’s troubled mom would do that too in the past, “Anyway, there’s better guys around the corner.”
“Or next door,” She giggled and it was then Taehyung realized he hadn’t looked up where you lived.
Your cheeks heated up, “Shut up, like he knows I exist.”
“If I lived next to sexy Kim Taehyung, I’d let him know I did,” Soha stated dramatically at the same time Taehyung figured out where you lived, making him freeze.
Your eyes widened, “Shut up! The walls might not be as thick as-”
“He probably is?” Soha smirked and Taehyung wore a smug smile while your cheeks heated and your hands flew to your ears.
“Lalalala, I can’t hear sin, sorry,” You retorted as Soha rolled her eyes, continuing with your makeup.
“Don’t you have him as the TA in your computer science class? Does he give you the eyes?” Soha spoke dreamily as you snorted while her brush made contact with your eyebrows.
“And my English Lit class, but he probably doesn’t even know we’re neighbors. I’m pretty sure today was the day he learned my name just because I got stuck in my sweater like an idiot.” Taehyung chuckled slightly at the thought, “Anyway, any word from your sugar daddy- sorry boyfriend?”
“Stop being mean,” Soha huffed.
She was with a married shit stain of a man whose wife was most definitely catching on.
“I just think you deserve better than being a mistress,” You remarked.
Soha was a notorious party girl with an expensive appetite, so rarely was she ever in a progressive relationship in the years you’ve known her.
“Chanwoo promised he was leaving his wife soon,” Soha pouted and Taehyung perked up.
“Giving his wife the wrong number like a child is not leaving her, besides what did he even give her as his number?” You asked and Taehyung watched as Soha’s face went guilty.
“Well, he gave her one that’s just one number off,” Soha stopped putting makeup on you and looked for another product awkwardly.
“That’s super irresponsible. Shouldn’t it be someone you know that won’t bother correcting…” You trailed off as it clicked and you let out a humorless laugh, “You have to be fucking kidding me.”
This wasn’t the first time Soha roped you into her affairs, and you were sick of it.
Soha bit her lip as she packed up, knowing what was to come, “He asked me if I knew anyone that was-”
“Stupid enough to let you convince them not to correct their poor wife?!” You raised your voice, “God, Soha you heard that women she isn’t crazy, she’s suffering!”
“You don’t get it-”
You didn’t want to hear it. Lying like this was something you hated most. If someone is not happy, they should leave, it’s very simple.
—- one week ago
You didn’t want to work on your piano. You wanted to go home and sleep, but this class was required and it beat history work for the time being. The practice rooms were rather informal, but nevertheless you booked one anyway. The music building was basically vacant, which made the not-so soundproof practice rooms less of a nuisance.
Except the music building was exceptionally rowdy upon entering the practice hall. You had known the practice rooms were a popular place to hook up. This was due to the assumption they were sound proof, but most couples weren’t so stupid to be this loud.
You rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore it for the time being, thankful you brought your headphones and disinfectant wipes. All the other practice rooms were filled with people actually practicing, so you had no choice but to break up the most-likely unintentional baby making session, you considered it as saving a couple’s future for the time being.
With that mindset, you swung the door open to be faced with your semi-serious boyfriend and a semi-bitchy girl connected in a way you and him had never been.
“Oh, awesome,” They froze immediately when they heard you let out a humorless laugh, “You know these things aren’t actually soundproof, right?”
Your, now ex’s, eyes went wide, “Y-Y/n, I can-”
“Save it.” You seethed, slamming the door behind you as he struggled to pull his pants up to chase after you.
He was successful in his attempt as he grabbed your arm, “Y/n, stop running!” He shouted.
“Stop trying!” You shouted back, tears beginning to well up in your eyes, “You…”
“Don’t you dare make me out to be the bad guy!” He snapped, “I wasn’t happy, you didn’t make me happy-”
“Then say it, dumbshit! Dump me! Don’t lie like this-”
“I didn’t want to face your tears or hurt you-”
You scoffed, “You think I’m crying because I loved you so much?” His face dropped, “I’m crying because I feel like a fucking idiot wasting all this time on the world’s shittiest liar!”
You scrunched your eyebrows as Taehyung took note of what makes you tick, “You’re disgusting, he’s disgusting, and before I say something that I just might regret you should leave, because I hate being sucked up into your mistress drama shit,” You seethed, “I love you, Soha, but I hate that you don’t respect yourself or me enough to not do this, let yourself out.” You took a deep breath as you turned around to go to the bathroom to calm down.
Soha looked down, sighing as she walked away. Taehyung concluded fights concerning the man he was supposed to be tracking happened quite a bit. With this and the texts he had gotten from the man’s real phone, he could wrap this up and never spy on you again.
When the door closed, you entered your bedroom again and then made a move that made him eat his words, you angrily slammed your laptop closed.
Taehyung’s visual of you went black and the room was silent for a while until he heard a resounding, “FUCK!” Which resonated through his walls, paired with a desperate, “No, no, no, no, not now!”
You panicked as your laptop now seemed to be a tablet and a keyboard, both of which could not be used separately. You had work to do, which all required a laptop. It was then you determined today was shit. You’re basically friendless for the time being, and now you cut off all shots of virtual friends and good grades and work and money and to top it off, you had started crying.
Five minutes into your ugly cry, you decided you had one option, and that was to go next door to the computer genius himself and beg to have him fix it.
Taehyung noticed you were oddly silent for quite a bit, and he shrugged it off until he heard a knock on his door. He opened it only to see a red, puffy-eyed you standing in his door way, “Hi, I’m Y/n, your neighbor, may I ask a question?” You sniffled and he nodded cautiously, “Hackers can fix computers too, right?”
Taehyung’s heart nearly stopped at your words. How in the hell could you have known he was a hacker?
“Who said I’m a hacker?” He leaned against the door, “I’m a TA.”
You tilted your head, “Yeah, but you’re also special agent Kim Tae-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He had grabbed you by your collar into his apartment, pushing you against the door and using his hand to support him on the shit door.
“What leads you to those assumptions?” He asked trying to keep his cover.
“The walls are paper thin and all your calls are by speaker dumbass- wait why am I echoing?” You questioned and Taehyung realized your microphone still worked and your feed was still up.
“No you’re not,” He quickly replied.
You looked to his many screens, which he then put his arm on the other side to block the view, “Yes I am!” You struggled to see past his arm.
“No, you’re hysterical,” Taehyung quipped with a nervous chuckle.
“No, I’m echoing, why am I-” You caught sight of the window titled Y/n’s feed, “OH MY GOODNESS, EW!” You groaned.
Taehyung’s sense of composure was long gone, “No, let me-”
Taehyung clasped his hand over your mouth, “Seung Chanwoo’s wife hired me and gave me what evidently wasn’t his number to hack, okay?”  You were still mumbling a question through his palm, “I kept tabs of you just in case you were connected to him in any way, I didn’t even know who you were until today, understand?” You stopped struggling and nodded.
Taehyung sighed in relief, letting his hand drop from your mouth, “You know what? I don’t care. Sure, whatever, I digress,” You held up your hands, “Can you fix this piece of junk or not?”
“Not for free,” Your eyes widened at his reply.
“You watched me, without my consent, and now you’re going to charge me to do a simple fix?” You scoffed, “I suddenly remember why I don’t do one-night stands, a shit time with a shit payout.”
“Sorry, I need a new laptop myself,” Taehyung shrugged, “And I spied for business, okay?”
“You have three laptops on your couch, not to mention the plethora of monitors!” You seethed, gesturing around the room, “One of the laptops haven’t even been opened!”
“I’m very busy,” Taehyung crossed his arms, suddenly understanding why you don’t have many companions.
“You know what? Fine, I’ll offer free hand jobs outside the IT building,” You huffed, “Maybe a blow-job will get me a new laptop?” You pouted as your laptop full came off its hinges and the monitor fell to the ground, “Looks like I’m putting this virgin mouth to work tonight then,” You groaned as Taehyung awkwardly shuffled to help you, but you smacked his hand away, “Just get the door for me,” He nodded, opening the door wide open as he stood next to it.
Now, you don’t know why you did what you did next, but you couldn’t turn back. Usually, you would never do this you were rather nervous around people of Taehyung’s caliber, but you were having a shit day and a bad life, so to have someone like Taehyung spy on you and act like such a prick about it, made you lose all sensibility.
You dropped your laptop, grabbed the box with his new one, and ran.
Before he could even register what you had done, you had shut your door. You locked it as soon as Taehyung touched the handle, and he banged on your door, “Y/n! What the hell?!”
“Shh! You’ll disturb the whole floor!” You responded.
“We’re the top floor, it’s just our places up here!” Taehyung yelled, pounding on your door again.
“Hey, Taehyung!” You hollered back, clutching the box to your chest.
“Shut up!”
“Give me the laptop back!” He yelled.
“Fix mine!” You responded.
Taehyung was taken aback, “Why would I? You can’t stay in there forever!”
You laughed, “I’m a girl who is pitied by my breakup, so I have class notes taken care of, I work from home, and I just got groceries, so try me!”
Taehyung let out a growl of frustration as he slammed on your door one last time, “Fine! I’ll have it done it two days!”
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un-tide · 7 years
Omg RIP @darknings I deleted your ask but you asked for the 30’s so here we go!! This is for my new & undeveloped zombieverse OCs, OC1 & OC2. I haven’t named them yet lol, but OC1 is the main character. OC2 is their best friend/possibly gf idk yet. No one knows OC1’s gender. Not even them.
30. OC1 is severely depressed and does not like technically work out (they hate to move tbh) but they live on a self-sustaining farm so they still get a lot of exercise. Post-zombie-bite they exercise even less bc their body is super fragile. OC2 is not depressed and goes for runs around their property and does more of the hard labor around the farm. After her runs she feels energized but also calmer and it helps her clear her head. She’s a healthy gal.
31. Neither of them drinks much but they do make their own fruit-flavored alcohol that they drink and sell and trade for other people’s homemade alcohol/other resources. OC1 used to be kind of a sad, sloppy disastrous drunk just trying to have a good time but is feeling very attacked right now, but now drinks way less and is more of a soft&fuzzy content drunk. Can get very excited & happy while drunk tho, esp if OC2 is feelin wild n fun. OC2 is a blushy, bubbly, drunk and drinks more than OC1, but can also be very quiet and chill.
32. OC1 doesn’t care too much about fashion but puts a lot of time into skincare. Kinda punk/grungey aesthetic tho when they do put the effort in. Does their eyebrows and sometimes wears eyeshadow and/or lipgloss. Has many ear piercings. Maybe has nipple piercings. Maybe not. Sleeps in underwear/big shirts. Sometimes sleeps naked when it’s too hot. Hair is very soft and clean but messy-looking and is about shoulder-length. OC2 has long hair that she braids or ties up. She likes lipstick and mascara and high heels, but doesn’t wear any of it often bc of That Farm Life. Rocks farm-chic mostly instead. Overalls are life, stereotypes-be-damned. She sleeps in flannel pajamas when it’s cold and soft shorts and bras when it’s hot. They both buy their clothes from garage sales & second-hand stores, but sometimes buy some more fashionable stuff in the city.
33. OC1 thinks bras are the devil, and only wears boy shorts/boxer-briefs, both lacy and cute or simple and soft. OC2 loves bralettes. Sews padding into all her tank tops and wears them as bras. Despises lace underwear, will only wear soft ones.
34. Both are cool w their bodies. OC1 is a little underweight but toned, and fairly tall. Has a very androgynous body type. OC2 is very fit and a lil chubby. Average height. Thick thigh club + biceps to rival any goddess. I may or may not be gay for her.
35. I actually don’t know what their guilty/unguilty pleasures are.
36. OC1 is good with animals but doesn’t really think so. Is surprisingly strong. Good at doing makeup symmetrically. Has really good sense of hearing but bad eyesight. Has a knack for computer/internet stuff. OC2 is not that great at cooking but tries hard at it so 90% of her food turns out pretty good. She’s a very fast runner and has a lot of stamina. Also a good swimmer and is really good at math. Very business-savvy and definitely a people person, both superficially and more seriously.
37. Both love to read, but OC1 reads more. Poetry’s alright, but they prefer novels, especially historical fiction. Also like reading nonfiction, though OC1 has a hard time maintaining their interest/focus throughout a whole nonfiction piece. OC1 reads super fast.
38. OC1 wishes they weren’t depressed p much. OC2 is pretty confident in herself but admires honesty, straightforwardness, reliability, and strong-willed people/people w good boundaries and wishes she could be better at those things.
39. They don’t really write letters, they mostly use email for business and stuff. They do use sticky notes and little business cards/fliers though.
All these questions rly helped me think about and better develop my OCs into more concrete characters. Tysm for asking!!
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