#this probably is the end of chapter 5 according to Gale's anime mapping of the manga :P
And we’re back
Part 2 of chapter 9
We jumps forwards into the girls back on Earth and Iko finally waking up... I was gonna say there’s not much to it but she falling sleep gets mentioned and... *takes suspicious notes*
Before they part way Teru goes all up to how bad she is at being a hero and... at least she ends the selfdeprication to declare she will become stronger so Iko will never have to cry for her again :)
MDSH: Tears... promise... Am I the only one thinking Fullmetal Alchemist?
Me: by this point this manga is hitting all the right spots isnt?
Iko gets it! Teru is sensitive AF (nothing wrong with it) and that reflect in her heart AND power, yeah me likes
“Your hero name is SHY, and your face is burning as red as a flame“
That has to be the most silly idea of why SHY is named SHY... its canon until proven otherwise (and even after)
Laughing together :)
So Teru lives on her own... I’m not ready for that truck to hit yet, can we wait?
And we end the chapter with the looming presence of Stigma doing shit on China which is shown on the news, and Teru being determined (while scared) to be the hero that can protect everyone
So very standard last part... lets jump to chapter 10 right away!
Chapter 10: I hate it (Lady Tsundere chapter? mmm... ok)
Teru is buying stuff at a store and as relatable as usual when no one around calling to people is horrible (I usually dont cry but yeah its awkward)
Oh! seems its a place she used to frequently go with Mei-chan... who’s Mei-c--?
Simple backstory talk. Chihiro san has had it rough with her back and her husband’s death but she still does what she can to take care of the store, even when not many people show up anymore...
And the reason Teru showed up after like at minimun 4 years? A memory of a mountain and a painting that’s in the store... and Chihiro san remembers she and her late husband climb its peak every year... she as being doing it alone to remember him but her back is at her limit
Oddly comedic break back to prove it I guess xD
“Losing interest in the places I used to be familiar with” okay Teru stop reading my mind!
She wants to help Chihiro san but she doesnt know how, or at least iis thinking of something but she cant heal her so...
So I guess the plot convinience fairy is knocking at the door?
IT IS! Lady Tsundere is here to give Teru a check-up... oh dear... okay lets be open minded and see where this goes
While on check up we get some extra info! Pilse (Black Lady’s real name) is a university student trying to become a nurse? Nice... also that STILL leaves Teru as the youngest hero by a WIDE margin!
Funny how sometimes one doesnt even question the language barrier yet the media always makes sure to explain WHY people from different countries can communicate in japanese in this case I guess (its the bracelets)
Teru has an idea!
Pilse instantly goes on the defensive
... that was a perfectly timed comedic turn page transition... also Pilse is never NOT gonna be Lady Tsundere
Again, moods are EXTREMELY different but all these heroes share having a kind heart :)
Kind MEDDLESOME heart in this case since Pilse upon Chihiro san’s question if she can hike the mountain inmediatly offered herself (and Teru) to accompany her... I’m starting to like Pilse, good job manga.
A stubborn heart is more accurate then, since she hates hiking and the mountains yet she is good at it cause she wanted to prove she could
Also she is an asshole... and yet this is entertaining so she’s alright
Also also I presume emotional energy makes up for her lack of athletisism but Teru might need to shape herself a bit :P
I did not see that coming... but comes to show how adversity is not easily noticeable until it hits you with (in this case) her prosptetic legs
I’m glad Pilse has a better opinion on Teru for walking up the mountain despite being difficult to her
... she is still Lady Tsundere... but its now in a WAY more fonde tone
I was actually fearing she was gonna be a tsundere of the obnoxious type but instead I get a kind yet harsh person who has lived hardships and life but fought them off and wants everyone to do so as well, despite she knowing not everyone CAN be the same way inmediatly
OH! Trivia in Pilse’s last name (Dunant) coming from the man who co-funded the red cross? NICE!
Overall great chapter! We get to meet Pilse and Teru trough her interactions with her recognizes she has to climb her mountain, yeah it was good
Gonna start the next chapter but unsure If I’ll post it right away, we shall see
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