#this rant is purely rhetorical because as an actor I know exactly how these things happen (or don't) but it still drives me a bit crazy
avaantares · 2 years
Me: /slaps every character in this scene/
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(rant begins below cut)
Spoilers for episode 19 of Guardian (though at this point I think I'm the last C-drama fan on the internet to watch it)
Look, I realize this show didn't have a budget. I can handwave the """absolute zero laboratory""" with its five-foot-tall open ventilation fan, vinyl-covered medical exam table, shelves of uninsulated supplies, and several inbuilt LCD screens that would not survive hitting zero Fahrenheit, much less zero Kelvin. I can shrug off the fact that none of our heroes thought of removing the lift-out hinge pins that are clearly visible on the INSIDE of the door and just walking out of the room. It's a little harder to rationalize the choice not to block the relatively small hole through which the refrigerated air is blowing into the room, and it's kind of ridiculous that even though one of the people locked in the lab has the ability to produce flame at will, nobody attempted to build a fire out of any of the flammable materials lying around (like, say, the cotton ropes, or the gauze and alcohol in the first aid kit, or anything in the boxes of lab supplies) to stay warm. All those things are silly but largely forgivable, because constructing a more accurate set or adding in more fire SFX might cost money the production just didn't have.
But WHY. for the love of thermodynamics. did nobody bother to PULL UP GUO CHANGCHENG'S HOOD when he's supposed to be tragically freezing to death?! IT'S RIGHT THERE IN THE SHOT, GUYS. It doesn't cost extra!
Even a minute later when GCC passes out and Chu Shuzhi bundles him up in his own hooded coat, neither of the hoods are placed over his head. It's like they're purely decorative and absolutely not intended to be used for insulation.
#guardian#ava watches guardian#this rant is purely rhetorical because as an actor I know exactly how these things happen (or don't) but it still drives me a bit crazy#i mean if the director doesn't want costumes adjusted between shots b/c of continuity then nobody has the authority to argue w/them#but this is why we have a person whose job on set is continuity (assuming guardian had one of those... which it may not have)#I mean I've gotten in serious trouble on set just b/c I spoke up about safety issues because set culture has incredibly toxic hierarchies#and depending on your department you aren't allowed to speak up if people from certain other departments are on the scene#which is partly because of unions but mostly because producers and directors have high probability of being narcissists#at least as an actor you're allowed to speak which is more than some other staff can do#once when I was working crew i was doing last looks on an actor who wondered aloud about the usage of a word in the script#and since I was familiar with the term I just answered without thinking#and the director heard me and gave me a look that could have fried bacon at thirty paces#because How Dare I speak to an actor on set despite the fact that I was responsible for their entire appearance (on that particular film)#anyway I've only worked in the u.s. and I have no idea how chinese set hierarchies are structured so this is basically irrelevant#also this is so deep in the notes that nobody is reading anymore so
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kob131 · 4 years
Geez, this person really went all out with this BS rant against the show/staff. www(.)reddit( lcom/r/RWBY/comments/kiqatg/why_rwby_will_always_be_an_okay_show/
... You know I have been trying to step away from directly addressing RWBY bullshit. But...fuck it here.
If you ever talked to me about how I felt about RWBY, I would say that RWBY pre-Volume 8 has been a touchy subject for me. I felt very validated by two videos, "Why RWBY is Disappointing" and "The White Fang Problem".
Yes yes, and people with parental issues feel validated by their abusive spouse. That means nothing, especially given that one of those videos you mentioned is riddled with bullshit.
"Why RWBY is Disappointing" validated my criticism of RWBYs writing. The fact that Miles and Kerry can't and refuse to take any kind of criticism that doesn't hurt their feelings is complete [insert bad word here]. All criticism is going to hurt your feelings. Yes, you should probably ignore the long winded rants that make themselves out to be self important- why is there a mirror here? But there is truth to all criticism.
And there’s a kernel of truth in the best lies- they’re still LIES.
Not to mention the video you mentioned here (which I am assuming is Hbomberguy’s) pulls the SAME SHIT it calls out. Like say...decrying critics pesonally attacking the writers...while proclaiming Jaune and Neptune as self inserts even though Miles AND Kerry is on the record saying that at least Jaune isn’t written by his voice actor.
I'm currently learning about Branding and how important it is to know your audience. Take self.care breaks, talk with someone you trust. Someone who isn't Miles or Kerry! If your reading this. An outside perspective can help. The reason I say that is because if you two constantly talk to each other you're going to end up in an echo chamber. TALK TO FIONA! She's literally your target audience!
Because hey, a man who contradicts himself numerous times and made personal attacks on the creators that only the most malicious and self righteous do is SOOOO trustworthy right? 
Remember that tweet Hbomb brought up in his video as an example of criticism the creators should listen to? The one that demanded Miles get back to work and tried to use the catchphrase of his dead friend to manipulate him?
What a fucking target audience.
I know they mentioned ‘Fiona’ (likely the character’s voice actress) but there’s a supposed fan, one that pretty much sums up the critics, and a perfect example why it gets tossed out.
Moving on, the other video validated something I wish it didn't. "The White Fang Problem" brought to light something I knew was there but either ignored or I wasn't thinking. The White Fang has always made me a little uncomfortable. As a minority, it didn't translate well in my head. The minority are the bad guys. The Civil rights group were the bad guys. I brushed it off for a long time but after that video I couldn't.
Ah huh. So uh, the existence of Blake, Ghira, Kali, Sun, Illa, Velvet, Neon ect. is just incovienable to you huh? And don’t give me that ‘But civil rights group!’- The first episode had them break up a peaceful protest and it’s repeatedly hammered home that the current White Fang doesn’t give a SHIT about equal rights. And no, that concept is not racist- Judging from a story I read, that happened to the New Black Panthers in REAL LIFE.
It became a moral issue. Watching RWBY became a moral issue. RWBY is still pushing right wing talking points.-
Being right of you is not right wing, Especially given how you just acted.
I dont believe Miles and Kerry are racist. I do believe that Miles and Kerry both hold skewed beliefs in what right and wrong is.
The way Miles and Kerry treat self defense and protest shows that they know nothing about being Black. They didn't do their research. They didn't talk to minorities about how they were being portrayed. They simply believed that they were right and we were wrong.
Ah huh, ah huh, ah huh-
Monty wrote the White Fang this way. You know, the ASIAN man of FOUR NATIONALITIES. So uh, congrats on saying at the absolute most- Nothing.
Now these two videos are old news. They've been posted on this very same subreddit. But you can't go around and say how much of a progressive and open minded individual you are when the fact that RWBY is a racist show and treats minorities very badly. So no one talks about them.
Or that, as I showed: these videos are bullshit.
Also its kinda homophobic too, not because of Bumblby but because despite Tera and Saphorn being a happy married couple they never kiss on screen. Have you seen happy married couples? Have you seen gay happy married couples? They literally do nothing but kiss. Its cute and adorable and deserves to be spread as far and wide. Despite the show having two straight couple kisses, granted one was in Volume but still, they couldn't get the married couple to kiss? Just saying.
... And not all gay couples are the same, even if I’m sure you’re thinking of TEENAGERS.
You know, judging people based on a preconcieved notion (AKA stereotyping) is pretty fucking bigoted itself...
Watch people be in the comments typing away that this isn't a romance show and how I shouldn't expect romance in an action adventure show despite the long list of evidence to the contrary.
Ah yes, that long list of ONE kiss by a TORPEDOED SHIP.
Such convincing rhetoric.
So you can see I was not coming into Volume 8 with my rose colored glasses. I'm sure many of you hate me because of all my comments, but I don't care. I was ready to leave RWBY. I didn't care. RWBY had taken up so much of my life but I don't care. I was not going to support a show that didn't improve.
Ah huh-
You just came in with jade-colored glass and accepted anything that validated you instead of questioning yourself. You talk about branding but that’s ALL you’ve branded yourself as.
So I watched. And something happened. Something strange. RWBY was moving in a direction I didn't expect it to. Oscar got what he deserved. The Heros were oblivious to the danger that is Salem. Things were headed in the direction that would change the characters forever. It'll be just like Beacon but better. And then they had to ruin it.
Oh we are about to get some real bullshit.
Oscar somehow convinces Hazel to betray Salem. What could have been an avenue to a multi season story arc for Oscar that included the stories villains became a shitty uninspired redemption arc. Kill me.
No he didn’t and this has been something hinted at since Volume 4.
There's still hope for the season but at this point I lost all hope. 
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This is the scene that killed Volume 8 for me. Oscar should not be the one who defeats Salem. In fact he should be an avenue to learn more about the villains. He served his purpose with the heroes, now he has a new arc with the villains. Oscar doesn't turn evil, but he's like a conscious. Salem doesn't want to kill him because he can be useful in finding the last remaining relics and maidens.
Oscar has a heart to heart with all the villains including Salem. Oscar learns to be his own man and accepts he's now one with Ozma but he doesn't have to be another Ozma. He doesn't have to make the same decisions.
Its a great Arc for Oscar. It also makes sense for his character. Ozma feels Salem is pure evil but Oscar can learn for himself.
But they won't do that. Instead they're going to take the easy way out. Like always.
Bias getting in the way.
Miles and Kerry love wrapping up each season in a little bow. This is why RWBY is so okay.
They say as every RWBY Volumes ends in a cliffhanger.
This is Beacon but if Miles and Kerry thought that RWBY should still be in Beacon. This is Beacon but without major character death. This is Beacon but the main villain loses because the heroes can't lose. Cinder isn't threatening. None of the villains are. Salem is in a Grimm! She should know everything! Why is there no creativity? Why is she not an over powered mess in A GRIMM!? Her own domain?! Why are the writers writing her not as a powerful goddess reaffirming her as a threat but as a human being. Yes I know what that sounds like but hear me out.
‘None of the villains are threatening!’
‘Why is there no creativity?’
How about I keep mocking you?
If Salem can be out smarted by a 10 year old boy, why did it take Ozma so long to defeat her? Oscar should fail. RWBY should fail. They should go through character arcs that help them better understand Salem. Because that's how you defeat Salem.
Pushing your own thoughts onto the show. Also assumptions AGAIN.
I always believed that Ozma and Salem are very similar to Ruby and Weiss. Yes I know how it sounds but it makes sense.-
Too bad your AU fanfic doesn’t matter.
But they won't. Miles and Kerry will use Oscar to defeat Salem. Why? Who knows at this point. I dont know why Miles and Kerry keep pushing Oscar into the spotlight. Its exactly how they treated Jaune Pre-Volume 7. Jaune had to be the focus so often we hated him. And they're doing it again with Oscar
Ah huh. You know, the whole NOTHING Jaune did in Volume 6 was SOOO spotlight stealing, along with his REMOVAL FROM THE CAST FOR SEVERAL EPISODES.
Wanna bet this is another case of ‘penis on screen, me hate’?
They refuse learn and they refuse to improve. If Volume 8 doesn't improve im leaving RWBY. It doesn't matter to any of you. I'm saying it more for myself. So I don't continue with a show that constantly disappoints me. But more so, I don't support a show that views people like me as lesser. If the writing improves it proves that they can grow and get better but if it doesn't it means they will continue to treat Faunus as misguided and horrible characters. And I refuse to support a show that uses my likeness to get brownie points from people who are unaffected by such messages.
A. No, that’s who refused to do self reflection and improve.
B. Should have done that in the first place.
C. No, once again- You blind yourself from the shit that disproves you.
D. You heard him- Treat the Fanaus like shit and make the humans in the right. You know, the opposite what the show is doing now since it’s SOOO horrible.
E. You are not the center of the universe.
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potetiallycurious · 7 years
rant (the first of many)
A LOT of knowledge exists about the conspirators tactics of authoritarian (or aspiring) regimes - how do we disseminate this information to the people and more importantly, how do we do some in a way that is trusted & not just tossed away as Western propaganda (in Eastern countries) or the doings of George Soros and his band of power-hungry liberal elites (in Western countries). Obviously, one truth exists, but with the whirlwind of false information cycling on social media and even on trusted daily news sources, it’s difficult to determine fact from fiction. Each ideologically loyal individual is predestined to cling to their ideology, and rarely responds even to cold-hard facts that challenge their beliefs - thanks to this past election, any information that contrasts our beliefs can be written off as “fake news.” This is a very shitty position to be in, especially when political ideology is so blindly conflated with certain individuals or policies. People know what they believe in, and they might even be able to tell you why, but they rarely are able to come up with ACTUAL, CONCRETE evidence for why their ideology would actually be the most beneficial. Most people DO NOT do their research. Their opinions are based upon what they’ve been told - after hearing this be repeated to them over and over again, they internalize it and swear it to be face, even if empirical evidence says otherwise. GR8 EXAMPLE: FUCKING REAGANOMICS. THERE IS LEGITIMATE, TESTABLE PROOF THAT TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS IS GOOD FOR THE ELITE AND BAD FOR THE REST OF THE POPULATION. YET SOMEHOW???? THE POOR/MIDDLE CLASS WHITE POPULATION OVERWHELMINGLY SUPPORTS IT?? WHY?? IF WE WERE TO ASSUME THAT HUMANS WERE RATIONAL, SELF-INTERESTED ACTORS, THIS WOULD MAKE NO FUCKING SENSE. LIKE WHY WOULD ANYONE SUPPORT A POLICY THAT IS PROVEN TO HARM THEM???? You could say that people are just stupid, but for the most part this is not true. These people live in an alternate reality, created by a political elite that had the power, organization, and incentive to do so, and an audience that was desperate for anything that would explain their misfortune/appear to provide promise for a better future. Reagan’s campaigns were SO incredibly aggressive. (Bruh this is crazy like Russia not gonna lie let me just lay this out for ya.) Poor peanut boy Jimmy Carter, who was Reagan’s predecessor, was seen as an absolute buffoon (much like ya boi Boris Yeltsin). He (like Yeltsin) inherited a political atmosphere that assumed all politicians were corrupt and incompetent. Carter viewed himself as a political outsider, and only he could turn this morally-bankrupt system around. A few unfortunate things happened to Carter: his administration was a part of some major fuck-ups internationally - some were their fault, some were not, all of them made him look bad. Two: during his administration, the US experienced one of the worst economic downturns since the gr8 depression. Doesn’t matter if that downturn was the effect of his policies or not, he was the one in power, he had to take the blame. Oddly enough, it was the rationality of Carter, and his refrain from scapegoating others that was his downfall. Try as hard as he might, Georgia-peach Jimmy Carter could not bring about the change he promised. He let down a lot of people, and reinforced the people’s negative outlook of US politics. So why is Reagan different? He, like Carter, was a political outsider that promised to bring about change using policies that ultimately failed to achieve their stated goals. The difference is, unlike Carter, Reagan was seen as TOUGH. Homeboy survived an assassination attempt, cracked down (read: created) on the War on Drugs, suppressed protestors, publicly declared the Soviet Union an “evil empire,” and (in the US mind, not really paying attention to the fact that the USSR was already in a great decline and disregarding the fact that they were already fucking themselves over) brought down the fucking wall. He accepted any and all praise whether he deserved it or not, and challenged any and all criticism. Reagan was an actor - he knew how to play to a crowd, and he was sure as hell good at it. He was really great a redirecting the blame, and knew that any action (good or bad, warranted or not) was better than no action at all. Reagan was a shit-head that left America much worse off - critics contend that his economic policies resulted in rising budget deficits, widened the wage gap, increased homelessness, and that his foreign policy actions lowered the US’s global credibility and favorability. And yet, he has somehow become idolized by the Republican party - described as the greatest president this nation has ever seen. He was a shit-head - but a shit-head that made people believe in the American dream. In Reagan’s world, the rich are rich because of hard work and perseverance, and the poor are poor because they are lazy freeloaders. It is an idealistic world - one that motivates entrepreneurship and plays very well into the belief that “God has a plan and everything happens for a reason.” Reagan’s policies were very attractive to those that deny any type of privilege got them where they were (ahem white men), and suppressed the grievances of those disadvantaged by the system (minorities, especially black males, who were the target audience systematically persecuted and disenfranchised by the war on drugs and Stop & Frisk). He opposed affirmative action policies, which by white people were seen (and are still seen) as anti-white. Reagan did not really care that he was unpopular with black people or minorities overall - he knew it didn’t matter what they thought because, well they were the minority. The majority of voters were white, and not just by pure accident. Reagan’s policies and his rhetoric disenfranchised minority voters twice over. Because individuals charged with federal crimes were and are barred from voting in elections, his “tough on crime” campaign took a large portion of black and minority individuals out of the potential pool of voters. Additionally, his economic policies made the poor even poorer - these are the people that are least likely to vote not because they don’t want to, but because they are not able to. The US does not mandate workers should be able to take off work in order to participate in elections, all the while only holding elections during regular working hours. Polling places are disastrous, with obscenely long waits just to cast a single ballot. Early voting is an imperfect system, and isn’t even allowed in all states. For many states, the only form of early voting is through the absentee ballot, which requires an excuse the state deems to be legitimate, a pool which is very limited. Furthermore, votes cast through absentee ballots are all but irrelevant - there are strict requirements for when they must be received in the mail, they often get lost, and even when they do make it on time they are rarely recorded. Politicians have even attacked early voting as unconstitutional - saying that it provides a means for rigging an election by allowing individuals to vote in multiple states (pretty sure this has been largely debunked, as cases of multiple or illegal votes is minuscule - I’m talking 10 total cases per election small). It is understandable that to those well-off enough or have jobs that do not make it difficult (read: near impossible) to take time off to go to the polls, or that live in more affluent areas that can afford to bring better organization and efficiency to election day to deem attempts to make voting more accessible as unnecessary or even corrupt. And you know what, those people are exactly who Reagan targeted & ultimately received extreme support from. Now, if you’ve been reading up to this point and thought to yourself, “Wait a minute, are you sure you’re talking about the Reagan era? That was over 30 years ago, but it sounds exactly like what’s going on today.” Yes, my friend, it does sound an awful lot like our current political environment because it is. Reagan was so influential that he basically set the precedent for politics up to this very moment. Elected officials on both sides of the isle saw what made him successful and applied his strategies to their own aspiring political machines. Every (i have no research behind this I’m just making a statement right now) administration, every successful political campaign, has been inspired by Reagan in some way. Republicans tend to attempt to make a direct connection (Reagan is their Lord and Savior, anyway) while Democrats tend to borrow his tactics while putting a more liberal spin on them (same concept, different rhetoric). There have definitely been ebbs and flows in the public’s reaction to certain policies and strategies - Obama’s campaign (probably, based on my limited knowledge) more resembled Carter’s in tone and in execution. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Trump’s rise in power and his relationship with his support-base, although much less polished, is incredibly similar to Reagan’s 30 years prior. Reagan had the nickname of “the Teflon President” because he could “do almost anything” and not get blamed for it.
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