#ava watches guardian
avaantares · 2 years
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OMG this show is going to kill me. I'm going to asphyxiate from laughing and my tombstone will read, "She was killed by the poor storytelling choices of a low-budget C-drama." Help.
The worst thing is I know I'm about to hit a Bad End and I'm pretty sure the emotional whiplash will just knock me unconscious. Which, considering how badly I'm wheezing right now, might actually be safer than continuing to watch...
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falcqns · 1 year
watching guardians of the galaxy vol 3 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
this stoat family is going to be truly something in these coming weeks. first episode and i'm already feeling it.
siobhan and izzy's character interactions as jaysohn and lila are so so good. true sibling behavior. kids who can kick ass. little rascals. even though this is a full family season i have a feeling they're going to have a whole thing of their own. and watching siobhan get to really go ham is delightful.
thorn vale and viola. my god. talk about making an impression in the dome right there. jasper and rashawn are just excellent. the way that every interaction with the cult members goes tells you so much about who they are as stoats.
that first scene with ava and tula. mammalian grooming. erika ishii, never change. i knew brennan was playing a single mother this season, but by god is it coming across so well. tula is stretched thin. and erika is in their element with ava. first non-caster of her d20 characters. the werther's original. a grandmother.
everyone is leaning towards partial casters and martial classes this season. 2 paladins, a ranger, a monk, ancestral guardian barbarian, and an inquisitor rogue. it tells you a lot about the world dynamic and how this is going to be constructed. they aren't your average stoats, that's for sure. dex is the most common high stat with wis following--i'm anticipating a lot of stealth and perception checks.
anyway, i'm very excited for the next episode. the spreadsheet is updated with class information for this season; assuming they level up at some point that may change. they may not. take a look if you'd like.
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seraphim-sarai · 1 day
Okay Ava. You can do this! You can totally make it up to tu hermana! Ya made up with Milan! That was easy!
Ava spoke out loud to himself as he walked through the alleyways. He remembered Sarai's schedule and knew that they would be picking up coffee for Sera at this moment.
Okay, not really. Lots of punching was involved...and Sarai ain't like that.
He worried if Sarai would forgive him after he blew them off. But she had to try. She told Sadie she would.
Sí Ava, ya can do it. Ava El Carbón doesn't run from a fight! -🚬
He was about to walk to Sarai, until he saw the familiar figure of an unfriendly Seraph bump into her.
Uh oh. Looks like they were arguing now. Better hide before she gets caught in the middle, and then she'd apologize.
He hid behind some trash cans and watched Sarai and the other Seraph talk.
Even as a guardian angel, Sarai was still not exempt from picking up coffee for the Council. She ordered the coffees, remembering the god-awful tastes of her superiors, and walked out the door.
She was distracted by a lot of things. One, she still couldn't stop thinking about Milan, who was now probably still with Adina.
((She wants to be with her? I shouldn't be so surprised. I could never compare. I'm not much.))
Second, Lana was bugging her - and not just by ignoring her helpful advice. She reminded her so much of someone - Ava, someone who she had also lost forever.
((They're so much alike. She'll hate me too soon. I know it. Ava already does.))
Lost in her thoughts, she bumps into a tall figure, whom she spills all her coffee over.
Oh, I- -🦢
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quietblueriver · 1 year
if you were still doin prompt? Beatrice as a zoo keeper/presenter and Ava in zoo/being involved?? Thanks if you still doin it x
Still here and delighted by prompts! Just dealing with life stuff, so I'm unfortunately unable to spend as much time writing as I'd like. Thanks for this, and thanks to everyone who has sent something.
Here's a little ornithologist!Bea fluff.
A toddler is already screaming, tiny hands opening and closing as they reach up toward their guardian, who is frantically searching through a small backpack, shaped like a lion’s head, for something. A slightly older child, ostensibly a sibling if the matching khaki shorts and purple otter shirts are any indicator, winces at the book in their lap. Beatrice sympathizes and makes a mental note to watch for their hand during the volunteer portion of the show. 
She’s distracted by a middle-aged man with a sunburn and a deep frown stepping boldly past the thick, bright yellow line and the corresponding, “Staff Only Beyond This Point” sign at the front of the stage to wave aggressively in Beatrice’s face. 
It’s tight and angry. Excellent. Beatrice forces a smile. 
“I have to ask you to step back behind the line, please.” 
His eyebrows raise at the pitch of her voice, and the familiar carousel of expressions of gender confusion passes over his face. He lands on disdain and, instead of stepping behind the line, runs his eyes up and down Beatrice’s body, squinting. “Ma’am. I guess. Sorry.” 
“It’s fine. I do have to ask again that you step behind the line, please.” 
He looks down and scoffs, takes a half-step back, his brown leather sandals still well in front of the barrier, and she forces eye contact, looks pointedly at the line again until he backs up further. When he crosses into the guest area, she asks, as pleasantly as she can, “How can I help you?” 
Another child screams somewhere in the bleachers, this one old enough to express specific displeasure. “I don’t want to see the monkeys! I want to see the bears!”
“When is the show going to start? We’ve been waiting for twenty minutes.” 
She lets her eyes wander to the sign posted on the stage beside her, a match to the one posted outside the doors of the little stadium as well as the one at the entrance to the Wings of the World section of the park. She doesn’t need to look at it; two years into her partnership with the zoo, she’s well aware of every presentation time, but she’s exhausted and he’s been quite rude already, so she takes a moment to herself, pretending to read carefully. 
“We’ll begin at 2pm, so,” she looks down at her watch and continues, as lightly as she can, “about fifteen minutes from now.”
He turns on his heel and is gone, Beatrice left alone on the stage to focus again on the small table in front of her, treats and toys laid out neatly, small laminated note cards underneath a photo of each of the day’s avian guests, in case she should forget any of her points. It has happened–rarely, and always, frankly, the fault of distracting behavior on the part of her co-host–and she likes to be prepared for all eventualities.
She’s straightening the notes under Sam, their beautiful bald eagle, when she notices a pair of green and yellow sneakers stop just behind the yellow demarcation, carefully avoiding it.
“Hello,” Beatrice offers. 
Wide brown eyes blink up at her and one small hand releases its grip on a well-worn stuffed manatee to wave at her. 
A man’s hand reaches to rest gently on the child’s shoulder and he smiles at Beatrice. 
“We’re sorry to interrupt. Marnie is very excited about the show and wanted to come take a closer look at the stage before we sat down.” 
Beatrice walks to the edge of the stage and smiles back at him, nothing forced about this interaction, and then turns her attention to Marnie. 
“Not interrupting at all. Hi, Marnie. I’m Beatrice. I’m an ornithologist. Do you know what that is?” 
She’s exuberant, jumping, and Beatrice laughs. 
“Exactly. Birds! And actually,” she looks at her watch again, “I have to go back and get ready to bring out our first guest.” 
Marnie’s eyes get somehow wider, the manatee crushed to her chest. 
It’s nearly reverent. The man’s hand squeezes her shoulder again, and he says, “I know, love. So exciting. Let’s go find a seat.” 
Beatrice waves to them both and then ducks back through the door behind the rock wall, breathes deep and releases the tension in her shoulders as she leaves the waiting crowd behind. 
It’s not like she has to do these presentations. She is a professor with a tenure-track position at the university. She has been published several times in leading journals, and her last article garnered enough positive attention that she received approval and financing for her next project with relative ease. She is Dr. Beatrice Liu. She has worked hard for that. 
She is also very fond of Camila Aguilar, the zoo’s curator, and Yasmine Amunet, a colleague with a longstanding and incredibly popular show on the mammals of the Pacific Northwest. She hadn’t been able to resist their poking and prodding to be a guest speaker during their inaugural Wings of the World presentation two years ago. She had started and never stopped, expanding the university’s relationship with the zoo to allow her graduate students to engage in some hands-on research and forcing herself to step out of her comfort zone for something that she loves. 
She does love the birds, and she also loves the opportunity to foster a love for them in the audience, complicated feelings about zoo patronage and resources aside. She has been told by multiple colleagues and acquaintances that she is “surprisingly good with children.” One of her favorite backhanded compliments. She likes them, generally. Likes less the feeling of being overwhelmed by sound and social interaction, but the balance is worth it, she finds. 
Marnie’s big eyes flash in her mind, and she smiles to herself as she enters the key code on the door to the temporary housing unit. Marnie is going to love seeing Sam spread his wings. She remembers vividly the first time she saw an owl up close, a nighttime zoo exhibit during a school field trip, remembers the swoop in her stomach and the way her chest expanded with the bird’s wings. Awe, pure and deep and lasting enough to push her through her doctorate. 
It’s the reason why she does this. 
One reason why she does this. 
The other reason is already in the room, humming to herself as she stands on tiptoes to look into the window of the small room where they’re keeping an injured barn owl. She startles at the beep of the door as Beatrice steps inside, smiles bright and peeks her head over Beatrice’s shoulder before stepping directly into her space and wrapping arms around her neck, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. 
“Hey, Bea.” 
Beatrice kisses her again, because she can, and feels Ava’s smile against her lips. 
Ava pulls back and runs her hands down Beatrice’s sleeves, squeezing her hands before nodding back at the window. 
“They say Barney should be good to go in a week.” 
Beatrice sighs at the name, as always, and Ava smirks, as always, delighted at her displeasure. 
“I’m glad. Do you think she should get a new name, in honor of her release?” 
Ava tsks and reaches for the tablet on the metal cart in the center of the room, swipes quickly before holding it out to Beatrice, a worryingly triumphant look on her face. She finds a photograph of one of the wooden name plates common to certain sections of the bird exhibit, a barn owl etched into it. There, inscribed next to its common and latin names, is Barney. 
A bigger sigh. “Well then. I suppose that’s it.” 
Beatrice’s watch vibrates and she hands Ava the tablet with another kiss, reaches for her leather gloves and says, approaching Sam’s container, “Here we go.” 
They met two years ago, during Beatrice’s first presentation. Camila introduced them with a little too much joy, unsubtle from the start, and Beatrice had been a bit overwhelmed by her at first–so incredibly beautiful and unapologetic and loud. 
She was also, Beatrice discovered quickly, incredibly passionate and excellent at her job. The zoo’s memberships skyrocketed as Ava took over their marketing and outreach, working hard to increase attendance, but also to build relationships with local universities and community organizations, finding funding to subsidize school field trips and community days and young patron science programs. 
Beatrice was one of her projects, and considered herself lucky to be on the receiving end of Ava’s focus. Ava’s emails were persistent but not pushy, her responses were prompt and professional, and each lunch, each conversation, was easy and interesting and fun. It was Beatrice, in the end, who nervously asked her if she might like to go to dinner sometime, the plans for a summer day camp and pellet dissection unromantically laid out between them. 
Ava grinned, eyed the pellet diagram and said with a raise of her eyebrows, “Way to set the mood, Bea.” She had eased the sting of that with a yes. And a kiss. 
Now, as Beatrice settles Sam on her arm, she hears Ava’s enthusiastic introduction and rolls her eyes fondly. 
“Believe me when I say, it’s going to be un-bird-lieveable. And now, friends, please do not put your hands together for Dr. Beatrice Liu and Sam the Bald Eagle.” 
Beatrice emerges to a crowd of people twisting their wrists to wave their hands in silent applause, and she takes a deep breath as Ava walks by with a wink, settling on the stool closer to the end of the stage. 
The show goes well. They balance each other, Ava’s energy and anecdotes and charm against Beatrice’s more staid approach, and the hushed gasps at Sam’s wingspan are as gratifying as ever. She catches Marnie gaping several times, makes a point to allow her and the reader she noticed before the show answer two of the pop quiz questions so that they can get a special bird stamp after the show. 
Ava stamps purple otter, Molly, and her little sister, Abigail, while Beatrice tidies, but when she sees Marnie approach, she sets the notecards down and moves to stand next to Ava, who gives her the little wooden stamp with a knowing smile. 
“Hi, Marnie. Did you like the show?” 
“It was awesome.” 
Beatrice smiles and crouches down, holding the stamp in Marnie’s direction, and she offers her hand eagerly, bouncing as she says, “The hawk was my favorite, but I liked all of them. How do you get them to listen to you? How do you know so much about all of them? It’s so cool.” 
Before Beatrice can answer, Ava’s down next to her, nodding seriously. “I know, right? Dr. Bea is the coolest.” 
Despite herself, Beatrice flushes, and says, quickly, “I went to school to study birds because I love them so much. And now I get to meet great people like you and talk about them.” 
Ava’s standing again, offers to Marnie’s father, practiced without sounding like a sales pitch, “We have some options for programming if that’s of interest.” She turns to the table behind them and then hands him a magnet, a monkey hanging around one of the zoo’s youth program QR codes. 
They leave shortly after, Marnie tugging on her father’s hand, eager to see the giraffes, and Beatrice returns to the table to finish cleaning. Ava’s hand runs across her shoulders as she comes to stand beside her, bumping their hips together. 
When they make their way back inside, she presses Beatrice against the door firmly, kissing her with purpose until they both need to breathe. 
“I really love listening to you, like, inspire young minds with your bird talk. Very hot. With your latin and your fun facts.” 
“My bird talk?”
“I said what I said. Dr. Bea, crowd favorite.” 
Beatrice shakes her head, kisses her again. 
“I don’t know, love. They seem to find your puns pretty emu-sing.” 
Ava groans in delight, slips her hands into Beatrice’s back pockets and says against her lips, “Holy shit, I love you.” 
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tinypaperstar · 1 month
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throws this weirdo at u
(once again thanks to @shakingparadigm for the profile template :))
Nero was 26 when he died during his performance on Alien Stage.
If he were still alive (during Ava's season), he'd be 30.
His speaking voice is on the lower side though he can reach really high notes when singing!
Listen to his playlist here <3
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He shares a guardian with Ava; though he's 4 years older than her, she's been around Nova longer. Originally a pet of a middle class alien, Nero was supposed to be put down for causing a fire in public (out of morbid curiosity lmao - the beginning of many similar incidents) but luckily (?) he managed to catch Nova's eye who promptly took care of it and took him off his previous owner's hands for a hefty sum of money.
Nero LOVES the thrill. He's not scared of getting into danger, anger any authorities or getting heavily punished for his misbehaviour. Some might even say he is looking forward to it. That's why even during his last moments on stage he was seen grinning from ear to ear while watching his opponent's points surpass his.
Fortunately for Nova, the aliens see Nero's personality as quirky and mischievious and he even has a fanclub that keenly follows the news about his latest "antics".
He wouldn't outright hurt anyone but his actions may or may not have caused headlines like "2 dead, 15 injured" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's why he usually wears his collar outside of performances and there are extra guards and security measures when he's on stage.
Also, his tongue piercing? self-made. Nova wouldn't let him have one since it could compromise his singing so he did it himself- that's why when he asked for a lip piercing, they compromised with a fake one.
When he dies, his guardian called him a disappointment for losing despite always causing so much trouble.
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eternitas · 7 days
A painful night with rain
Watching the Battle for The Vongola Rain Guardian Ring was a traumatizing experience for one Varia member in particular.
Please ignore the inconsistency in time of day. I didn't think of the time difference between italy and japan, so please ignore that mistake.
"The Captain---- lost...?"
"I don't believe it...." A hush went through the room filled with Varia members, most from the rain division. Since the battles for the Vongola Rings had started there was a live feed of each battle that the present members gladly watched. Some with hope for their officers victory and some with the hope for their demise. Most however saw it as a good and fun time. After all this was supposed to be their sweeping victory over some middleschool kids, how hard would that be?
Now after one loss and two wins with 3 rings in their posession it had been a battle of the swordsmen between the japanese katana kid, a student of the Shigure Soen Ryu, and the Varias second in command and right hand of their boss, Squalo, the sword emperor himself. There had been not a single member that doubted this to be their overwhealming win.
But after what felt like at least an hour, they witnessed the greatest swordsman in all of europe be beaten and defeated with the blunt end of a katana to the back of his head as if it was a god damn parody. It felt like a practical joke that was played on them specifically as spectators from afar. As if right now Lussuria would jump out from behind the couch and laugh about having tricked all of them. But there was no jumping from anyone.
Nobody dared to say a word. Some didn't even dare to breath too loudly. And unfortunately this was not where it all ended. Not only that the officers were talking about who would take out Squalo for good, being a disgrace, having lost against a child, but just then a beast was let into the arena. It was now a deathtrap for their captain. The japanese kid tried to help Squalo get out, lifting him up, determined to help, but-
it all happened in the blink of an eye.
The platform broke and Ava jumped up from his seat, holding his breath, as they all witnessed their captain kick the kid to safer ground and then be attacked by the gigantic shark in the arena. The stone under him broke and all that was left was deep, murky water and the shadow of the shark slowly fading.
It was completely quiet as they stared at the TV that showed nothing but the now still arena.
Squalo.... had been devoured by a shark.
Their captain was ... gone...
Shock hung in the air, nobody truly knowing what to do or say, until a realisation dawned on some of them. Among them was someone who took this particular loss the hardest. Someone who just now witnessed a horrible personal tragedy.
Ava, the younger brother of Squalo, had just seen his brother get killed by a shark. The tension in the air became a different one as the temperature dropped and everyone just waited for Avas next movement. Everyone knew how incredibly skilled he was, but only few were aware of how much Squalos existance tethered Ava to sanity. Without Squalo there was no saying how the young boy would react. They had seen people who just as much as questioned or insulted Squalo, be almost sliced into pieces. They had seen Ava pace around the lobby whenever Squalo was longer out on missions. They had seen how close their relationship was despite them working as superior and subordinate. They all knew what this meant.
Sergey dared to lean towards Ava whose eyes were still glued to the screen. He seemed so lifeless the way he stood there absolutely unmoving, hardly even his breathing to be noticible.
"Ava...?" He carefully called out, as Lorenzo, close by already reached for his weapon, just in case of the worst.
"Squ... was-...."
There was a distant ringing and just a moment later someone stumbled into the room, phone in hand.
"It's Dino Cavallone!"
Sergey jumped up from his seat and ran towards the guy, snatching the phone right out of his hands to once again check who was on the other line.
One moment later he was next to Ava and held the phone towards him.
"Ava, it's the Cavallone boss-"
Without a word he grabbed the receiver and held it to his ear.
"Yes?" he asked in a deep voice, that felt like the calm before a storm.
"Ava, he is alive!! We got Squalo and are getting him into medical care right now!"
"Is that so?"
"Yes! Yes, Ava its me! I made sure my men would get a hold of your brother, so you dont need to-- he's alive, okay?!"
"And you are not lying to me?"
The whole room tensed for a second.
"No! Of course not, Ava! He will be fine, he's alive and we will take care of him, I promise! I won't-"
"Dino." Ava interrupted him, his voice dark and cold.
"I will trust your word. Please take good care of him. Ciao."
"Y-yes of cour-"
But Ava had already ended the call, arm hanging lose to the side, hand still wrapped around the telephone. Nobody dared to speak. Hardly anyone dared to even breath.
"That's... good news though, right? We can-"
"I'd actually like to be aone for a bit." Ava said quietly, barely audible, handing the phone to Sergey next to him and without giving a further look back to the Rain Division member that had talked to him, he left the room, any passing Varia member making way for the young boy with his head sunk low, that it was hard to make out his face.
Riddled with bad feelings Leo jumped from his position to go after Ava, but Sergey held him back.
"I know, Leo, but I don't think we can help him now. If anything we might just make it worse."
The halls were quiet now. Most people were probably still out and about reeling from the fight, they had just seen on the screen. But then again, there was no reason for anyone to be in this specific hall. After all the owners of these quarters were all out and wouldn't return for a good while.
The big windows in the hall were letting the moonlight in. It ws a clear night and the moon almost full. It would have be a serene and calming night, if it hadn't been for this fight. He felt a choking in his throat, his hand tightly grasping around the cold metal key in his hand before he quickened his pace to a fast walk to a certain door, unlocking the heavy wood and swinging the door open to enter.
As soon as he was inside he leaned against the door and felt his weight help it fall quicker into it's lock. Like that he stayed leaned against the door in a completely quiet room. Alone.
Tears struck his wide eyes, his body starting to tremble as he finally couldn't hold his emotions back anymore. His restricted throat let out a terribly hoarse sob, as the tears left his eyes like heavy raindrops. All strength left his body and he leaned back, head bumping against the wooden door as he slid it down, eventually sitting on the ground, his whole body shaking. His voice became a terirbly high pitched wail, when all of a sudden his throat unclogged and he started to painfully cry and sob. His voice echoed through the room, revirbrating from the walls and all encompasing him in the cold darkness, while he tried unsuccesfully to wipe his eyes that couldn't stop the tears. Everything hurt and unadulterated panic set into his bones. His brother- his only lifeline, his last bastion of sanity almost died in a sword duel. He was so far away right now and there was absolutely nothing he could do.
What was he supposed to do, other than completely shatter into pieces? He was completely helpless. There was nothing that could console him. Even Dinos call only managed to dull his existential panic. Right now Squalo was still not out of the worst. He was alive, but would he be able to be stable and recover? Would Dino be able to save him? Would he ever get his brother back?
Now that he knew that for now Squalo was a least alive, he was back to being that young boy, hiding in his small bedroom, crying into cushions so his uncle wouldn't find and hurt him. He was back to being a child, alone and abandoned by the only person that was truly still his family. 7 or 10 or 16, didn't matter. He was just a child left alone in this world with nothing else to hold onto. It was cold. So incredibly freezing cold and he could barely breath.
He sat there, on the ground, leaning back against the door, crying his lungs out of his body, wailing like a baby and nobody who'd hear and answer his cries. Squalo wouldn't come and dry his tears. Nobody would. So he remained there, crying, screaming and sobbing with only one deep wish.
Please come back! Supbi-- please--- please come back, brother! Don't leave me alone again! Don't leave me behind!
Outside the room Lorenzo couldn't move a muscle, just listen to the muffled cries he could make out just a few centimeters away from the door. All rooms were made almost perfectly noise cancelling, but Ava was still right at the door, crying his entire heart out. Of course he would hear something. He lifted his hand to knock, but then decided against it. There was nothing he could do. Nothing anyone could do to console the young boy. All that could help was if all of a sudden Squalo waltzed in and declared that he was perfectly fine. But other than that-- nothing. Lorenzo lowered his hand again and closed his eyes. It was painful to hear him so completely broken. Someone like Ava, with such bright eyes and such a soft smile should not have to experience something like this... He took a deep breath and pulled away from the door, making his way down the hall. At least... he knew Ava was still around and where to find him.
When Ava woke up his head hurt, his eyes felt crusty and his whole body was in pain. He had just fallen asleep mid crying, possibly from the mental exhaustion and slept in front of the door until the next morning. It felt weirdly surreal to wake up to the sun shining. Almost as if the night prior hadn't even happened.
I need to get to work...
Stiff and dissociative Ava stood up and left the room, locking the doors as he made his way almost slugishly towards the kitchen by pure instinct. He wasn't even hungry. It was just his daily routine. Kitchen, missionboard, briefing, work. Everyone he passed made way without saying anything. He didn't even care if they pitied him.
Going through the motions he entered the kitchen, hardly acknowledging Sergey and Leo, as he went to make himself a cup of tea. It was an automatism at this point.
"Hey... Morning, Ava."
"Morning.", he said emotionless and waited for the kettle to boil. It was completely quiet.
"Hey um--... Ava? Bruno said that he'll take you off schedule for today so you can.... relax a bit." Sergey said softly as if he was handling a tiny stry kitten.
So I am being pitied... They don't even think I can handle work... Then again maybe this is the best call. I might endanger someone else if I space out too much.
The kettle was done boiling and he took out a mug to put a teabag in and dowse it with hot water. Not how he'd usually make tea, but he had no energy for a proper brew. He took the cup to sit down at the bar, staring into the slowly colouring liquid, ignoring the seering heat from the mug that was burning his hands. His mind was completely blank. Not a single thought formed in his head. He just stared down into the mug and kept quiet. It felt like an eternity and at the same time only a minute before someone approached him and he looked up into Leos concerned face who placed a plate with a freshly made sandwich on the table, showing Ava a small note that read
"Eat at least something small"
"I'm not hungry, thank you." he said with a polite but empty smile, watching Leo flip the note around showing only one word.
He didn't know what to answer. Leo had gone out of his way to properly prepare something for Ava to eat, he couldn't just keep denying his effort. Even if he was still pretty new to their organisation Leo had already proven himself to be a very nice and caring person. He wasn't trying to boss Ava around, he knew this much. it was pure and honest worry for a colleague.
"Thank you." Ava said finally and seeing a small smile spread on Leos face, as he watched Ava take the sandwich and take a small bite. Despite how delicious it was, it was weirdly tasteless to him. It looked like all of his senses had dulled.
"God damn can someone remove that depressed toddler from the premises?" Ava didn't need to look up to know he was being adressed by someone. From the sound of it it was a rather obnoxious guy from the lightning division.
"So your oh so holy big brother lost and got chomped by a shark, big deal, cry me a fucking river, at least this way officer Levi will finally become the bosses right hand-"
Sergey had explosively pushed himself from leaning against the nearest counter, stomping over to the guy and grabbing him by his hair, pulling him outside under strong protest and struggle that died down outside.
Ava took his hands away from the mug and got up.
"I'm sorry. I've lost all apetite. I will be taking my leave.," he said in a hushed voice and left the kitchen, not even acknowledging how Sergey was choking out the lightning division member. He was so tired. He just wanted to sleep and never wake up again. Or at least not until his brother had returned home. He made his way back to the room, only halting for a second when he noticed a bottle of water next to the door. Someone... knew he was staying here and was looking out for him.
But he ignored it and simply entered the room again, letting the doors fall into the lock, before he placed his forehead against the intricate wood. It smelled like cedar. It was such a weirdly nostalgic smell even though he barely remembered his past.
He didn't remember their mother or their father, barely even his own brother. But he clearly remembered one thing. One moment that had driven him to become versed with a sword and follow his brothers footsteps, to find him and stay by his side. His eyes watered again and he pushed himself away from the door. Finally he took off his old clothes and went to the closet to see what he could find. He noticed a long sleeved grey shirt and took it ut to put it on, feeling a form of comfort in how much bigger it was on his body and kept his own boxers before he checked the nightstand for any painkillers. Then he flushed a high dose down with some sink water and layed down in the big bed. The matress was so much harder than his own. But it was okay. He was exhausted and he wanted to just drown in the familiar and soothing scent that was at least calming him down somewhat.
When Squalo woke up in the hospital he felt his entire body aching with a dull pain. He knew this sort of feeling. He was on strong painkillers. breathing was a struggle with how much it hurt and he could hardly even groan. What had even happened? He looked around a bit and noticed a very familiar figure. Romario? What the hell is he doing he-
Suddenly it came back to him. The ring battles, his fight with the sword kid, his loss and--- his blinding pride-
He tried to get up, groaning in pain, the machines he was stuck to blaring loudly. The door opened and a familiar voice grounded him back.
"What are you doing?! You're too injured to move like that yet!"
Of course. The bucking bronco always had to get himself involved in matters he had no buisness in. Still. Right now Squalo was glad to see the other. His speaking was restricted, but he managed to make out one simple name.
Dino closed his eyes and exhaled annoyed.
"Finally. Honestly, I almost thought you had completely lost your mind from that strike to your head. What were you thinking?! You knew he was watching that fight!"
That's not what I need to know!
Squalo tried to move again.
"Stop it. You're just going to make your condition all the worse. Of course I called him right away and told him that you're alive. We both know that if I didn't--" He didn't finish the thought. They both were very aware of how fragile Avas mental stability was when it came to his brothers safety and wellbeing.
What was I thinking... throwing my life away... Even though it's my pride as a swordsman, to do something like this to Ava--
He managed to look towards Dino. His speech was significantly impaired and it took all he had to stay conscious enough to talk and form thoughts, but it was enough for the moment.
"I.... owe.... you...."
"You certainly do. I can't believe you'd do this to him. If I didn't anticipate you being reckless again-"
"Get... me.... back.... to.... italy...."
Dino stared at Squalo with surprise, but caught himself.
"I can't do that. Not yet. Ava knows you're alive, and I can tell him that you woke up. But I can't just let you go, Squalo. You have to answer a few things first-"
"Fine.", he said in a hushed tone, shocking Dino with his compliance.
"Just... make... sure... I'll... be able... to... go... back...."
Dino wasn't entirely sure what Squalo meant by that, but to him it was obvious. If he survived this there was a good chance that Xanxus would gun for his head. And in turn endanger Ava with this. Only someone with the power that Dino had could ensure that at least Ava would be save from that lunatics wrath.
"Allright. But you need to rest now. I don't want to call Ava and tell him that you're dying again, because you refused to rest and recover."
It was almost a month before the officers and the boss returned to Varia HQ. Things had gone their usual tempo for a while now. There was nothing newsworthy and everyone kept quiet about the ring battles. Nobody dared to utter a word. Some knew that mentioning one specific fight would get half the rain division on your neck, some held their tongue not to speak of the revelations and end of the sky ring battle. Squalo was the one that returned last, having had to be treated off premises for his wounds.
When he returned however it was almost insultingly quiet. His division was working as usual and while everyone seemed thrilled that he was back, they all exchanged strange glances. More than anything else however, he was surprised that one person specifically hadn't waited at the doors for his arrival.
Slugishly he entered the breakroom, seeing Sergey and Ava sit at the table over reports. Ser looked up a wide grin on his face as he jumped up from his seat.
"Captain! You're back!"
At the loud exclaim Ava looked up and towards the door. Squalo lifted his hand in greeting.
He had expected Ava to jump up in joy, throw over the chair and hug him tightly as he welcomed Squalo back- but none of that. Instead Ava smiled politely.
"Welcome back, Captain. How are you feeling?"
Even Sergey was surprised at this reaction, staring in disbelief at Ava, who looked back towards the papers.
"We're almost done with our reports for today and will give them to Bruno right away."
".... Right."
Something was definitely off.
"Say, Ava, I need to talk to you in private, would you come with me for a second?"
"Of course, Captain."
Sergey simply watched as Ava got up and followed Squalo, unsure what to make of Avas behavior.
All while they walked towards Squalos room it was quiet. Ava didn't engage in conversation, didn't break the usual polite distance you'd have to your superior and didn't do anything that would be out of the ordinary, which in itself was not normal. Finally they reached Squalos room and he unlocked the door, letting Ava in first, while he followed.
As soon as Squalo had entered as well and the door fell into it's lock Ava jumped towards him, arms wrapped tightly around Squalos torso, clinging to his back and pressing his face into his brothers chest.
Of course he wouldn't be unaffected.
But somehow seeing Ava cling to him so tightly calmed Squalo down. He didn't lose his emotions. He had been traumatized, but at least he hadn't become completely closed off in his emotions. The sensation of wetness right around his chest, hit Squalo and he noticed the terrible shaking of Avas body, his own body softening. Despite the pain from his still lasting injuries, he wrapped his arms back around his younger brother and held him close, so he truly would feel it. The tight embrace made Ava choke on a sob, before he finally allowed himself to openly cry.
"I'm so sorry for scaring you, Ava.", Squalo said softly, stroking gently over Avas head, treating him like the child he still was with barely 16 years old. He leaned down to give him a kiss on his light blue hair- their mothers haircolor, and kept him close. Everything else could fuck off and wait. The Boss, the organisation- the entire world could fuck right off for the rest of the day. All that was important right now was for him to be a big brother and reassure Ava that he wouldn't leave him all of a sudden.
"I'm back home, Ava. I promise I won't leave you behind again. Ever."
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navy-leader · 5 months
Mildly losing my mind so im gonna talk about my AvA AU, Heaven's Underpass
Its essentially just a demon/angel au with some minor worldbuilding and slight altering of the already existing narrative (and lots of shipping...). It is by far Not comprehensive and merely done for fun so inconsistencies abound, sacrificed for self-indulgence
I made this AU before AvA6 came out and structured the initial timeline with what we had at the time so it branches off into different alternates ever since then
Anyways the story for the most part follows the actual AvA series with the added addition of them being some sort of divine or infernal entity. Chose started off as and angel but once Chosen was captured and enslaved by noogai he burnt off his wings and became a demon. Then AvA3 rolls around, another angel was created and tasked to take down Chosen, Dark. Though after Dark was defeated and accepted Chosen's hand in partnership her divinity slowly drained out of her as she becomes a fallen angel/demon, though she doesnt fully become one until AvA5.
Then comes The Second Coming, a deity that rivaled the power of the animator but was raised amongst mortals (The Color Gang) so they never found out of their divine nature until much later. Also Green was a guardian angel watching over RBY until he got his wings stolen by a demon and became mortal like them, aint all that bad though cause now they can actually get to know eachother! He still has that protective and caring nature from his time as a guardian and extends it towards Second when they came into the picture.
Purple intermission! Cause theyre the only other character outside of the AvA series that i put much thought into. Shes a demon who had stolen an angel's wings (wink) to reach some form of divinity. I havent really thought of her background all that much but i did entertain the idea that her parents are demons but them being a mix of angel and demon but leaning more into demon sounds more interesting and i feel adds a bit more to their character. I also had the thought that King was a mortal who had made a deal with the devil to achieve his goals, that demon being Purple. He has a lot of moral dilemmas just like canon Purple but made worse because of the everything 👍
Moving on, AvA5 happens and Second awakens their divine powers (though temporarily) and Dark gets blasted into the stratosphere and becomes a proper demon, but shes not dead! Somewhere down the line she met Purple in her weakened state and they bond over their moral dilemmas like good trauma bonding buddies should do, and Purple takes care of her as she recovers
Meanwhile something appears on the desktop as the color gang head home from the events of AvA5 and find,,, a demon hollowhead? They seem confused and absolutely terrified of the mouse cursor that belongs to the animator and attempts to attack it but was soon held down by the color gang and calmed down. After a brief introduction they find out this demon's name is victim. And then this essentially follows the AU i had for if victim came back, made before AvA6 came out. I discussed it in this post here.
Anyways Second and vic and Chosen get crazy gay with eachother in the end and Purple pulls up to the desktop with Dark in tow like "hi guys meet my girlfriend!" and Dark and Chosen look at eachother like "Shit. Thats my ex." but in the end they talk it out and agreed they should see other people and yayy happy times
And then AvA6 came out and uhh crushed everyone's headcanons and i couldnt be happier!!! And then i havent really figured out what to do with the AU timeline wise and im just having fun slapping wings and horns onto these sticks and bringing out the themes inside the story to be more visual and etc etc
Anyways goodnight
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97ify · 2 years
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BENJi or JENNA ORTEGA’s REAL GF (CANON) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⌁ nineteen. he!xe. puerto rican. your typical mean lesbian !
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀˖ ࣪⭑
⠀ ❝ shut the actual fuck up before i raw dog your mom. ❞
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personal shit ! ☆
ABOUT JJ ✦ professional milf fucker. graphic design major. aspiring sugar momma. uzui tengen’s doppelgänger (i have so many wives fr). irl ava ayala (100%). miles morales’ actual cousin (real). venom's real life best friend (aside from eddie ofc). certified makima & himeno hater. diagnosed BPD pill popper. eren's biggest bully (so real it's canon). soul’s guardian. denji’s sibling. quanxi’s fifth gf (not clickbait).
MY ACCOUNT ✦ is for hispanic/latines that never see themselves in either oc's or readers, mainly because they're always white and don't have culture. it is also for my tall girls (i'm only 5'6, but tall women are everything) who never get representation in media, aside from the tall girl movie where they weaponized her height until the last 30 mins of that god forsaken film. so if you're one of the two, or even both, then my account is definitely for you love.
my beloveds ! ☆
ANIMANGA(S) ✦ attack on titan. god of high school. jujutsu kaisen. classroom of the elite. soul eater. chainsaw man. blue lock. gangsta. tokyo revengers. haikyuu. demon slayer. death note. hunter x hunter. sailor moon. angels of death.
COMFORT LOSER(S) ✦ takemichi hanegaki. michael afton. yuji itadori. denji hayakawa. suzune horikita. mikasa ackerman. mori jin. black star. meguru bachira. nicolas brown. aran ojiro. suma uzui. misa amane. killua zoldyck. usagi tsukino. isaac foster.
vibin’ things ! ☆
PLAYLIST ✦ bts. piwon. e'last. ateez. txt. le sserafim. new jeans. twice. xdinary heroes. onlyoneof. wonho. jiae. monaleo. megan thee stallion. flo milli. glorilla. kehlani. young m.a. ski mask the slump god. d4vd. kali uchis. joji. mitski. rae sremmurd. bad bunny. daddy yankee. melanie martinez. pierce the veil. zion & lennox. hector & tito. selena. a boogie.
MI FAVORITAS ✦ women. milfs. racing (fast cars). music. drawing. coloring. writing. reading. the color pink. dogs. cats. embracing and getting educated on my culture. kpop. watching kdramas. video games. maladaptive daydreaming. anime. mangas. manhwas. horror movies. slashers. lesbians.
⠀ ✿ 。 ׄ ׅ 𝟶𝟶 ׄ 𓈒 : 𝟶𝟶 ꞌꞋ ۪ ׄ ﹏
mis escribe ! ☆
BASIC STUFF ✦ i always write tall (6'2), indigenous taíno puerto rican oc's for my stories. only time i won't is when a request specifically asks for an unlabeled reader, or a specific type of reader that doesn't correlate with my typical one.
WARNINGS Y DISCLAIMERS ✦ i am obviously lesbian (if you still couldn't tell), so a majority of my writings will be for female characters and/or non-male characters. however, whenever i DO do an x male character book or oneshot, it'll either be a request from a mutual or because it's one of my favs.
mi personalidad ! ☆
MY ATTITUDE ✦ i am very blunt and honest, when it's needed. i try my best not to be sarcastic all the time online cause i am in real life and it's caused too many altercations for my liking, especially since i don't like people. if i sense something is off, i'll tell you. if you did something wrong, i'll tell you, so i expect the same in return. but aside from that, i try my best to be as nice as possible, especially to others with similar interests.
DISORDERS ✦ i have both ADHD & BPD (recently diagnosed with BPD) and i'm still trying to adjust to it, and the medicine. furthermore, i have moments where i "split" which means i won't want to interact, talk, or even do anything. i become a state of wanting nothing to do with anyone; friends, family, no one. so when that does happen, i will put my account on lockdown and won't be active until it's over, which usually lasts a few days.
➷ TO ADD ONTO THAT . . . whenever i take my ADHD medicine, it usually makes my splitting worse due to the symptoms of the medication, and also makes my anger issues insufferable. the only reason i'm making these publicly known is because i've learned from my mistakes in the past about not alerting people of them and it causing problems in the future.
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ © 97ify
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vacantgodling · 11 months
I can't think of a specific question, but I'd love to hear anything about Godeater ! That wip scratches a very specific itch in my head it's very satisfying <3
hi after 80 years i’m finally answering this teehee 💀
something i haven’t fully talked about is how The Under mirrors The Upper.
like The Sun, The Waning Moon is “guarded” from those who would sneak to snuff out its power. however, the waning moon doesn’t have as much power as the sun, so not many go after it; leaving the “guardians” of the moon more freedom to do as they please.
the guardians of the waning moon are the 6 SINS; some of the first demons to defect from the upper after lucifer. the most powerful of the sins is avarice or “ava” (greed) and i’ve talked about him a bit before (and i love him) but i don’t give the other sins as much attention so let’s talk about them!!
also as a side note the sin gluttony doesn’t exist. why? cuz ava killed him :))))))
anyway tho:
(1) IRE (the SIN of wrath) -> she/her
ire is the resident hot head of the sins and the second shortest, taller than ava by a mere inch. she wears her hair in spiky ponytails, half red, half purple, and while she has a bad attitude she actually avoids cursing and tends to insert nonsense words into her speech when she gets really upset. she loves sweets and cute things but hates when people call her cute. very much a “that’s cute i want to break it” energy. she’s the third strongest of the sins but the most likely to whoop some ass bc of aforementioned anger issues LMAO.
(2) HUBRIS (the SIN of pride) -> he/him
literally the most flamboyant fag on planet earth i’m not even joking. he’s a diva and a model; tall and pretty with long hair and thick lashes. he’s overconfident but also loves to hype other people up, and can be extremely dramatic, his emotions a constant whirlwind. he cares about people very very deeply and always wants to lend a helping hand or ear to those in need. he’s actually the second strongest of the sins but is perhaps the least likely to use his powers. he hates blood and gore but if you really manage to push his buttons (he keeps them secret so it’s less likely) then he’ll tear you (the bitch) apart :3c
(3) PASSION “SION” (the SIN of lust) -> they/them
sion is team parent, the second eldest of the sins (younger than ava by a tad) and always looking after the rest of them as though they were their children. they’re very patient and mature and seem almost conservative in their appearance… though what they get up to in their own time is between themself and their partners lmao. despite being lust, like ava is greed, lust extends to a variety of different things and their thirst for companionship, care or affection runs deeper than only surface level sex. if they want something they want it in every way they can attain it. ava considers the two of them the most alike; very unassuming but carnal in every sense of the word :)
(4) APATHY (the SIN of sloth) -> he/they
the most similar to his calling card of the entire bunch, apa tends to be the most lowkey of the sins. he’s the most likely to stay behind and watch over the waning moon, and while he isn’t always a napper he does prefer a sedentary life. he does hibernate tho i need to figure out when and how, and to compensate stays awake 24/7 without needing sleep when he’s not in hibernation mode. low fi beats, music, and pillows are his jam.
(5): COVET “COVE” (the SIN of envy) -> they/them
cove is the youngest of the sins and has a big inferiority complex in being so young. they don’t have as much power as the other sins, and their childish ways do get the others to look after them quite often and they just want to be wise and powerful already. secretly they do enjoy the attention and enjoy being babied which is something ava and hubris tease them about a lot much to their chagrin, and they usually have a monopoly on sion’s time; the two of them go everywhere together. as they continue to gain exposure to the waning moon’s light hopefully they too will become just as powerful a sin as the rest of them :3
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trashcankitty12 · 2 months
Once again:
Avery would be better off with Dante.
Sonny is Sonny.
And Ava is just as bad.
Don't get me wrong, I was okay with Ava... Until the messing with Sonny's meds and trying to fuck with his mind while staying with him, thing. And also the whole Morgan situation was icky for me. (I watched those some and... Idk... There was this feeling of, if Morgan was a girl and Ava a dude, it'd be considered super fucked. And yeah.)
Dante should be Avery's guardian. He's the most stable and grounded and genuine/non-schemey person for her.
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avaantares · 2 years
*finishes Episode 40* Well... that sure was an episode that happened.
It was actually a lot less traumatic than I'd expected (I had a scenario in mind that would have been much more cruel, which just goes to show that I'm far meaner to fictional characters than the average writer -- a fact that will surprise exactly zero of my regular fic readers, haha), but I can definitely see why I got so many "😑" responses when I mentioned my suspicions about the ending.
Including some of the bonus chapter material as the denouement was a nice touch for the novel readers, but I'm inclined to think fans of the book would have appreciated a different ending even more.
So, uh... On to the fix-its, I guess?
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steelbluehome · 2 months
Thunderbolts Trailer Revealed at Comic Con: “There Are Bad Guys and There Are Worse Guys.”
The Marvel Cinematic Universe's next epic team-up finally got its first teaser.
From the moment Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine showed up in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in 2021, fans have been waiting for the appearance of the Thunderbolts, the Suicide Squad-esque anti-Avengers made up of a smattering of ex-villains, from Red Guardian and Winter Soldier to U.S. Agent and Ghost. On July 27, fans finally got a first look at the Thunderbolts as the cast gathered onstage during Marvel’s highly anticipated Hall H panel.
“That’s the joy of watching them together because they don’t play well together,” Florence Pugh told the crowd.
The full cast appeared on stage, including David Harbour in full costume as Red Guardian from Black Widow. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who plays the team’s de facto leader, Val, also joined in an on-brand blazer.
“Val is after power, control, and just generally she wants to kick ass in the Marvel universe,” Louis-Dreyfus said.
The movie also features Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes, who’s notably been part of the MCU ever since Captain America: The Winter Soldier back in TK year.
“It’s like having nine lives,” Stan said. “How many are left?”
But when asked about the mysterious asterisk in the movie’s title, Marvel boss Kevin Feige replied “You have to see the movie.” (It’s worth noting that earlier during Comic Con, Marvel appeared to to reveal that the asterisk design is actually comprised of six bullets.)
Marvel then showed off a brand new trailer for Thunderbolts to panel attendees. In the trailer, Yelena meets Red Guardian and reveals that she’s struggling to live a normal life. We then see Ghost (from Ant-Man 2) with a new costume. The individual Thunderbolts are then tricked into showing up in the same room and told to fight each other, but we know they’ll ultimately team up.
“We’re brought up with this belief that there are good guys and bad guys,” Val says, “but really, there are bad guys and there are worse guys.”
Marvel hasn’t released this Thunderbolts trailer to the public yet, but hopefully everyone will be able to watch it soon.
Thunderbolts* stars Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova, David Harbour as Red Guardian, Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes, Wyatt Russell as John Walker, Hannah John-Kamen as Ava Starr, Olga Kurylenko as Taskmaster, and Lewis Pullman as Sentry. It also features Harrison Ford as President Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, building off his role in Captain America: Brave New World.
Thunderbolts* premieres April 30, 2025.
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stoneinyourshoe · 2 months
oh goshhh the buckies being dads to a little ballerina is so sweet. imagine them figuring out how to do her hair and watching her recital so proud 💞💞
honestly I don’t even know what to say about this because it makes my head spin I love it so much 💕 I hope you don’t mind but uhhh. I did a thing
okay listen I went back and forth for like an hour because idk if we’re talking canon or a modern au here. but. honestly. as I was thinking about it the modern-ish (I’m probably thinking early 10s here) just. fucking works.
also, I do want to point out that I’m not adopted and I’m not a foster care kid. I’m not from the States. I’ve done some research in my days, but I can’t say for sure that any of it is actually correct. Adoption and fostering is a complex topic that deserves to be discussed, but I am probably not the person to go to if you want facts and correct opinions.
Gale and John are “only” looking to foster, and even though they want children in the future, they’ve both decided it really means in the future.
It takes some time to set everything up, and they take classes and do their research and all that, and it works. It works very well, in fact. They both love it, it feels as if they’re both helping, both of them had shit childhoods in one way or another and they feel as if they understand the kids to a degree.
queue to little Ava being brought to their care. She’s just a baby when they meet her the first time, and when they see her it’s as if they both just know. It feels as if she’s their kid already, which they shouldn’t be feeling. They’re there to help, and be a guardian and an adult that the child can trust, not become their parent. That’s not what fostering is about. Ava still has her biological parents, and they still have their parental rights.
It’s safe to say that when they meet Ava, they start to seriously look into foster to adopt options. For Ava’s sake, they want things to work out with her biological family, but they’ve done this for long enough by now that they’re almost certain it won’t. It takes a butt load of time, but by the time Ava is three, the court terminates any parental rights her biological parents have. When Gale and John are asked about adopting her, they say yes. They’re reluctant to take any more foster kids until she has settled in and say as much.
Again, adoption takes time. It’s all made a little easier by the fact that Ava already knows and trusts Gale and John.
when she’s adopted, they let her help redecorate her room. she gets to pick the paint color and the furniture.
the first one she meets is Marge. They’ve meet very briefly before, and Ava is a little obsessed. Marge always wear pretty dresses and has her hair up and looks almost like a princess and Ava really likes that.
then, she meets the Egans. She immediately charms John’s mom and his sisters and she loves all the attention. The first time they meet, Ava and John’s youngest sister run around playing in the yard. Gale tells Ava not to get her clothes wet because they’re still going to the grocery store today, but obviously that little rascal isn’t listening. They’re running through the sprinklers for well over an hour, and when Ava comes back inside she’s soaking wet. Gale can’t be upset with her, though, not when she’s smiling so bright she might as well be the sun.
John’s mom says there’s plenty of clothes in John’s old room, and John and Ava go to find something else to wear. Ava finds a pink, frilly little ballet outfit that doesn’t really fit, but she refuses to wear anything else. John even tries to give her a Mickey Mouse onesie but she’s determined to wear the pink tutu. She looks adorable, so, John allows it.
John’s youngest sister is so happy to see the little outfit and teaches Ava some very basic steps. Ava eats it up like she’s just been taught how to solve every problem on earth.
They sign her up for ballet classes the same day, because she walks around on her tippy toes all day (and for the next two week) because she’s a ballerina.
they come with her to her first practice, both watching the entire thing because that’s their little girl.
she doesn’t miss a single practice. not one. not even the time Marge asks if she wants to go shopping (Marge offers to take her another time)
Gale tries his hardest to learn how to do her hair from a YouTube video, but eventually gives up. He reluctantly asks one of the other parents for advice, and John seriously considers growing his hair out to let Gale practice. They’re in the middle of a semi-heated debate about it over lunch one day when Marge says she can teach them and that they can practice on her. John picks it up faster but Gale is better at it.
one day in October Ava says she doesn’t want them to come to practice anymore. Gale worries about it for all of five seconds before the dance teacher lets him know that they’re practicing for the Christmas recital.
her first recital is a baby version of the nutcracker. make it like twenty minutes and for five year olds. and remove the fucking rats because they’re creepy as hell.
everyone is there, obviously.
John cries (he’s the first one to cry). Gale cries. Curt cries. Croz cries. Rosie cries.
the only one who doesn’t cry is Marge, and it’s only because someone has to keep it together and because she has seen this a million times already when she has helped Ava practice. But at the same time she has never seen it with the little outfit or the music playing and she’s grown so much since she saw her the first time and maybe Marge is crying a little bit after all.
When marriage is legalized in 2015, Gale and John get married. Not as soon as it happens, but they start planning for it when it’s made legal.
Ava is their flower girl and dances down the aisle in a baby pink romantic tutu.
When she’s a little older, she gets to star in the nutcracker for real. The usual suspects show up, and everyone cries again. Turns out Rosie filmed the whole thing the first time she ever performed, and even though she rolls her eyes and calls him a sentimental old man, she secretly thinks it’s super cute and she appreciates it a lot but she’s like seventeen and can’t admit that.
I was going to add a little blurb here but it's slowly turning into a bigger project than I anticipated so you'll have to do with this for now <333 thank you so much for sending this, it has been on my mind CONSTANTLY since I saw it <3
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seraphim-sarai · 2 months
Mumbling under her breath, Dahlia barges past everyone, ignoring her surroundings. Winners anxiously avoid her. Stupid Ava. Stupid ignorant, milkable fu- She gets cut off as she bumps into a tall, blue thing.
Watch where you're going, love. She growls furiously. Who does this bitch think she is? Bumping into her? Dahlia? The greatest exorcist ever known? How rude of them.
- @exorcist-dahlia
Sarai was not in a good mood. They had been chewed out by Sadie for their treatment of Ava, and lost their lover to Adina. What’s more was that now, apparently, she was expected to complete an assessment as a guardian angel. How was she supposed to do that if she couldn’t even take care of herself?
The small Exorcist bumping into her did not make anything better, especially not with how rude she was.
“Excuse me?” She said to the Exorcist, “From where I was standing, it seemed like you were the one that barged into me. I believe an apology is in order.”
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
ocs as planets
@dakotawritesif hit me up to do my ocs as plants! thanks for the tag :-D!
tagging: @narrativefoiltrope @quinnorion @magebastard @umbertors @solarisrenbeth @tangerineloves @ava-du-mortain @farahswife @agentnatesewell @wayhavenots @wywrds @amyreads @sustainably-du-mortain and anyone else who so desires!
Love is an echo
Ori Zhou - Uranus
innovative. unpredictable. resourceful. imaginative. creativity in science and disruption. oh, uranus. you were dealt the cards that don't have much to offer, but luckily you can always make them work. you are acrylic paint that has been plastered over the same canvas so many times that it is starting to have those little grooves of texture. you are ever-changing and suddenly it stops. and starts again. keep moving. nothing is wrong with not wanting to sit still.
While collecting the stars, I connected the dots ... I'm just a curious speck that got caught up in orbit, in orbit
Alana Clarita - Jupiter 
optimistic. hopeful. generous and compassionate. you are the guardian angel. you are 4:44 am and a sense of being watched over. you enrich the lives of others just by existing and caring for them. you give as many blessings as you receive and there is always more to go around. careful not to become too over-confident in these abilities. what makes you jupiter is your belief that ego has no part in caring and love. you are softness and the smell of almond coffee.
So we folded our hands and prayed/Like a domino/These wildfires grow and grow/Until a brand new world takes shape
Bethany Josnel Coleman - Earth
nurturing, generous and caring. introverted, tolerant, honest and trustworthy. you are "my phone is always on, call me any time." you are "i feel like i'm everyone's therapist." you are impressive with your stability and and peacefulness. you are wallpapers of cows and fields of ever-growing seeds. you are the best friend. mother nature. ice cold water and the smell of rain.
Like a telescope/I will pull you so close ...And suddenly, I see you Suddenly, I see you
Kendis Crawford-Louel - Venus [???]
passionate.  romantic. loving to be loved. courtship. adoration and taste. you are your own personal aesthetic. you are hand written love letters in copper ink. you are "let me show you just how much i can love you." you are royalty and class. love has no bounds with you. your heart is wrapped in chocolate tin foil. you attract what you manifest so keep believing in love. it is you and you, it.
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