#this request is so old im sos sorryrryryr
beelmons · 11 months
Imagine confident Spencer Reid pinning you down at your wrists telling you how the night will travel and you saying “I’ve never finished, you’ll never get me there, let alone 3 times” and he just does that cocky look and chuckles lowly and says “watch me”
i LOVE confident Spencer, i especially love him when his confidence is not unfounded
cw: dirty talking, dom!spencer (barely, he's just starved)
"I have never finished." you partially lied.
A man had never made you finish, that was objectively true. One of the downsides of knowing what you liked so well was that no one could ever touch you like you did yourself.
However, you were thoroughly enjoying the way Spencer's hands were grazing your skin, and his hips were dresperately bucking up as you straddled his lap. His lips had attached themselves to your mouth, a messy, lewd battle of tongues that both of you knew exactly where it was leading.
"We can fix that" he muttered against the kiss.
"I don't think you can" you scoffed teasingly.
Your words made his body crawl with the thrill of a challenge. He let go of your swollen lips to look up at you, and with a clumsy movement flipped your bodies to have you beneath him, his hands immediately wrapping around your wrists to pin them over your head.
You raised an eyebrow in question. It had been certainly hot but it was unlike him to show so much boldness, at least it was on your daily lives as coworkers.
"Cat got your cocky tongue?" his demeanor had completely changed to, almost, a point of no recognition. he bent over further, having his lips right by your ear "Don't understimate me."
"Don't take it personally, Spence." you tilted your head to press a gentle kiss to his cheek "I'm just hard to please."
His hands moved further up to put your wrists together, pinning them down with only one hand. The index finger of his free one trailed down the side of your face lovingly, ultimately landing on your chin. It was the first time you had been so intimate with him, that you were able to truly see his eyes pooling with desire.
"I'm going to tell you what's going to happen." he began to drag his finger down your neck "I'm going to kiss every inch of your body with so much tenderness that your skin will burn even days after." the digit then moved lower, drawing circles on the middle of your chest "But that won't be enough for you. You want to be marked, to have evidence of how crazy you drove me, to display how wildly you're desired, and I plan on giving you that, beacuse tomorrow I'll need to remember that I had you for myself and myself only."
His voice was coarse and low, and you couldn't see his face from the position that you were in. You were thankful for that, though, because it meant he couldn't see yours contort with arousing anticipation, something that would only feed his ego. Your train of thought, however, was interrupted by his voice again.
"At this point, you will be craving for more, pleading even." instead of just his finger, this time his entire palm was pressed to your stomach, and you realized that you had been bucking your hips up against him accidentally "But I'm patient, I won't be satisfied until I have tasted everything there's for me to taste. I wonder if you'll be as sweet as I've always imagined." his palm went back to moving again, this time further down until it landed on your sex, not quite touching it, just hovering his fingers over the area.
"And I won't stop. Not when my tongue is ravishing in your insides." one of his fingers trailed up your slit, and he sighed in content when he felt the easiness with which it slid up from all the slick "Not when your legs close around my head to keep me in place, or your back arches off the bed with pleasure, I won't stop until I've sampled every drop of your extascy."
Unfortunately for you, he was already acomplishing half of the goals he was proposing. Your legs were beginning to tremble, your walls clenching without anything to clench on, just aching to be taken. Desperate to be fucked.
"And then I'll finally fuck you." as if he could read your mind, your eyes were forced open by his statement. you hadn't realized you had closed them to further the power of your imagination trying to picture his every word.
You realized his face was no longer by yours, instead he was staring you down with a light, triumphant grin on his face. Shit, you had given yourself away, even though you were not going to budge that easy.
"You want that, don't you? My cock between your legs." he said once you were unable to form a word. Little did you know, his teasing was also a trick. Once your lips were parted open to retaliate, his thumb snuck past them and pressed to your tongue. Instinctively, you sucked around it. "You want to be taken, to be ruined. And I'll do it, I'll ruin you completely, because after I have you, you won't be able to be touched by anyone else. I'll fuck you so intensely, so passionately you won't be able to think of anyone else."
He was enjoying every bit of seeing you so needy. Face hot, toes curled, eyes drunken with lust. His thumb withdrew from your mouth, his palm landing on your cheek instead.
"Because no one has craved you for as long as I have, and no one has loved you with the intensity that I do." without thinking, you nuzzled into his touch "And when I'm done with you, when your climax makes you unable to think on your own, I'll do it all over again, until the next time you touch yourself, you realize nothing compares to my body on yours, that I know you more than you know yourself, that my dick is the only thing that can truly please you."
Never did you know Spencer could be so eloquent with words. Let alone have you dripping having barely been touched. But he was right on one thing, he had been there through good and bad, through adventure and lethargy. He knew you inside and out, every shade of you except the one he desired the most.
You knew him about the same, but you always thought of him as unable to satisfy you, like the rest of the men you'd met before. You were realizing now that you had been dead wrong, and the sky and stars he was promising to you was probably all true. But you weren't about to give him the satisfaction.
"Such a big talker." you mocked, and you struggled a little to have him let go of your wrists, and he did, your fingers tangling in his hair "Don't think you can pull all that, though."
Your tone was clearly challenging, and a chill ran through you spine when you saw him smile regardless of the remark. He slid down the bed, and you feared that you might have killed the mood. You were mentally prepared to beg if that's what he wanted, but in reality you couldn't spend another time without Spencer touching you in some way.
Instead, you saw him position his face in between your legs, his eyes locked with yours filled with confidence and pride.
"Watch me."
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