#this season has been so fun sam reich if you see this i'm having the time of my life
allthecastlesonclouds · 5 months
i do have to say that, if there's a theory that game changer's got an ARG based around sam looking at his hands when he says "i am your host, sam reich" he does do it earlier seasons, so either this has been going on for longer than we thought or he wasn't lying in the discord.
rewatching s4 right now and he does it in Don't Cry, Sam Says*, Noise Boys** and Survivor (Part 1). it doesn't happen in Race to the Bottom, Like My Coffee, Secret Samta 3, and The Official Cast Recording. Survivor (Part 2) does not have an intro so it does not count.
i don't know if this means anything. i was just binge-watching shit and remembered that this is something going around, so i thought i might bring it up if anyone wanted that information. i didn't notice any common threads (though katie does say "sam's a magician" in survivor part one) in tie color or something else, but. well. you never know. i'm just having a good time watching a game show.
anyway, game changer theorists, do with that info what you will if you want to look into it! happy theorizing and good luck with sam dalton reich!
*one hand / **one hand, the other one still holding the mini-mic
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satinoflowers · 2 years
I think mice and murder may be one of, or THE best d20 season.
Brennan overwhelms you. He gives you upwards of thirty characters, fun accents, countless leads, and a crew with so much distrust and history between them that it's almost impossible, at first, to deduce anything.
But the players find information, and threads begin to connect. I solve the electromagnetic pulse puzzle minutes before Grant does, and I am still on the edge of my seat and bouncing like a baby at the excitement of the reveal. Pieces are connected as leads fall away, the seemingly unimportant detail of Barkus Aerlius culminating in a discovery that Rekha prompts, without even Brennan's help. Characters are divided into groups without even cognizance- suspect and irrelevant, clean and dirty.
Then, as the pools fluctuate, the players diverge into following their own leads, Gangie, Lars, and Buckster following into the elevator and correctly deducing where the key goes to. They single out their suspects- looking at their guesses as Daisy reveals the information about Sylvester's old rival, and following up and saving the information for an opportune time. Sam inviting Jeremey into a casual conversation and using insanely executed real-world wordplay to exctract information from the character is the final straw for me- that is one of the best pieces of d&d roleplay i have ever seen.
Later on, with the mystery being solved of the "ghosts" on the dock as Daisy is in the bathroom... i'm completely shocked! What an excellent twist that has been building up for episodes!!! I'm absolutely aghast and it is a twist i did NOT see coming that Connor is possibly still alive as well as the archenemy (i can't remember his name and i don't want to look anything up until i finish the season) has possibly been in the house the entire time (despite the Reich Reference in the title)
This show is incredible.
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