#this season ive been lurkijg more on twitter tho bb updates
ducky-134 · 4 years
assuming the show doesn’t get cancelled since it’s gone to shit, i was going to start applying come next season (once I finish college). I would hope to be cast as a token (lgbt) minority (lol).
but my question to u guys is, do u think it’s realistic to try & bring back old school. I’ve been rewatching a lot of the older seasons namely 6,7,10. can game like that succeed in this new era of being sheep? if the tone is set at the very beginning, is it possible to change what we’ve (disappointingly) experienced in recent seasons.
is it time for a new wave of new new school to overtake this boring & predictable gameplay? this “all stars” should be a reset. after this season they need to revamp. casting, comps, powers. all of it.
i’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts. bbtumblr usually has the best takes
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