#this sequence: and wait what's this??? here comes bren-hen-ward with a steel chair!!
henrysglock · 1 year
That's Him, Your Honor! That's Vecna.
Or at least that's what they want you to think.
I've gone ahead and matched up one of five possible jumpsuits from the NINA sequence with the weird Brenward character from this post.
(Note, the exposure and sharpness have been adjusted on Brenward's shot for ease of comparison because I'm blinder than a bat. No other edits were made.)
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And then, (with the help of Em's bloodstain pics)...
Not the same guy.
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This means, without a doubt, we have multiple massacre guys (per Em's initial catch on the jumpsuit bloodstains), multiple versions of the massacre itself (per Em's changing corpses and my later catch on El's eye blood swapping), multiple different dimension events (per the mirror shard reversal and crack changes)...and now the multiple Dimension X guys to go with it.
One of them became Vecna, and the other...?
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He's the subject of a different post, because I need to see more instances of certain jumpsuits to line it up properly. The guy who shapes the Shadow fits with one of two different jumpsuits, I just need to tease apart exactly which one he is. I have a sneaking suspicion he's the one El had pinned against the wall, but I want to compare with more pictures to be sure.
Originals below the cut, in case you still don't believe me and want to compare for yourself.
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