#st makeup
henrysglock · 3 months
[Kazoo Kid voice] Wait A Minute...Who Are You?
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ANOTHER installment of the Cracks and Mirrors series...this time tied (haha) to Brenner's ties. Yeah. Ties. Plural. This is going to be a long one. Where to begin.
#1: The Ties
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If you can make sense of that, more power to you. Here's what you really need to know:
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Meaning these 5 guys are different from each other:
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Wonderful! I hate it here.
Interestingly enough, this guy is the only guy we see the doors to El's stairwell with:
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Now, it finally makes sense why none of these blood patterns match:
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All of this, of course, ties back to what I said in September about Ten's changing test room regarding shot choices, prop movements, and color grading fuckery: It's not the same room continuously.
These two, however, seem to be set in variations on the same universe:
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And they both end in an infuriating camera cut to (in Brenner's case) a completely different guy. (smash cut to my post about how if El's experience is lifted from Brenner's memories, then Brenner should have seen One killing Two, like El did)
Anyway, what we can glean from this is that Running Brenner's universe is one of the top row, but not any of the bottom row:
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(i.e. It's at least a variation on a) the taped version of El's first NINA experience and b) Henry's electrocution. It is not, however, any of the other versions of El's NINA entrance, as far as we've been shown...which is consistent with the multiple versions of NINA we seem to be seeing overall.)
Okay. Good? Good. Moving on.
#2: Tying the Ties (to the Rainbow Room)
As I just mentioned, the Brenner in the hallway isn't the Brenner who runs into the Rainbow Room. And as far as I can tell, Rainbow Room Brenner doesn't appear in the hallway shots:
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Rainbow Room Brenner, as far as I can tell, seems to be this Brenner:
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And so, of course, the part you all knew was coming...
#3: Tying the Ties (to the Cracks)
Yeah. We're fucked. We got a bunch of different guys.
If you're just tuning in, I suggest you take a peek at the original Cracks and Mirrors post (the other installments of which can be found in my pinned post)...but for time being I've lifted the most relevant portion:
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Now. These cracks have associated Brenners:
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No Gate and Gate, respectively.
Not only are these two Brenners not the same guy, they're also not any of the guys we saw running around or the guy who burst into the Rainbow Room:
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Adding lines would make this more confusing, so just go ahead and squint at them all. You'll see what I'm on about pretty quickly, since I've circled the important bits.
But...Surprise! We now have seven Brenners! (My apologies for the fucking crunchy as hell "looks like the visual representation of an earrape video" cracks Brenners, it's just that the lighting is shit and I can see fuck all if I leave them as-is)
So. A Tale Of Seven Brenners...or so you THOUGHT. (Because fuck me, that's why.)
#4: More Fucking Ties!!
Of course, none of these Brenners are this weird fucker with blood all over his face:
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Many such cases, because none of them account for this Brenner from earlier in 4.01 who's shown with a) an incorrect tie and b) incorrect hair (shown here with "correct" Brenner) either:
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...Which I talked about here.
Now...I still have questions about this last Brenner ^ being shown as a reflection in his mirror at home, as opposed to Brenner in the massacre who does not reflect in the Rainbow Room mirror (both in 4.01 AND 4.08, respectively):
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But for now...that's beside the point.
Closing Tangential Note:
Isn't it funny how everything electronic is going super haywire...except the camera and the card reader...and the lights in the hallway that doesn't exist on any of the HNL specs we have..........funny how that works:
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You could argue that the camera and card reader are on a generator/backup circuit...I just didn't think powers-usage picked and chose which circuits it affected like that.
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It's almost like, by passing through those doors, El has entered the "plot", so to speak. Like when you hit a save checkpoint, or leave a "safe" space in a video game (staring at you, Resident Evil: Biohazard). She wanders through the safe but horrific "context" sequence, then she enters the unskippable "villain lore drop" cutscene, and then she's in the Boss Fight sequence. Babygirl, you are just a cog in the machine!!
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aemiron-main · 1 year
would like to remind the “production error/it’s not that deep or detailed” gang that the st makeup and costuming team made lacefront brows for virginia.
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and also the fact that they spent a ton of time doing prosthetics and makeup on eddie that was never seen on camera just in case it would maybe show up on camera for a moment.
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and yet im supposed to believe that they just forgot the blood henry’s face in closeup shots between shots and that it just reappears and disappears in time with the dead bodies also changing for no reason other than “production errors lol”. ok. mhm.
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tequileah · 3 months
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Happy St Patrick's day!☘️🍀
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a-s-levynn · 9 months
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webdiggerxxx · 5 months
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a-fistfull-of-datas · 12 days
was brent spiner high when he was data?? i don’t know if it’s just the makeup, but i’m on season seven now and his eyes look more red than they have been. now i have no hate if he was or not, but i am genuinely curious. it seems in the later seasons they get a lot more up close shots of him and i just can’t stop looking at his eyes every time.
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
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bebx · 10 months
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Jamie Campbell Bower as Henry Creel | 001 | Vecna in Stranger Things
I need to wrap my arm around his waist
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
Do you think Kes' ability to pick up on things so quickly is linked to her being an Ocampa? Like, since she's 2~ years old in canon (and has distinct memories of her father) I imagine her species doesn't spend much time as children and I wouldn't imagine they'd have formal schools (like entire buildings for schooling) and would instead learn from like, primarily parents or other elders. In that case learning things very quickly would be extremely beneficial for their survival. Kes: Oh yes, childhood...what a lovely few days~ Kes was a baby like for a day and then the next day she was up and ready to learn. Kes meets Naomi and every day that passes she becomes more and more amazed that she's still a baby. Wow! It's been like two months and she still can't do anything?? The doctor told her it was normal but wow. What I'm saying is they should have had Kes as a jack-of-all-trades character who could slide into pretty much any of the teams on Voyager. The Doc misses her when she's not in sickbay though!
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karinhart · 1 year
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assorted mistos 🐈‍⬛
left to right: timothy scott, jacob brent, wayne sleep, ricky ubeda, liam mower, guy-paul de st germain, joseph poulton, pierpaolo scida ✨
[ID: A series of drawings, from the shoulders up, of eight different people who have played Mistoffelees in the musical Cats, in costume. The spaces between them are decorated with white sparkles against the black background. /end ID]
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henrysglock · 11 months
Have You Gorged Yourself, At Last, In Your Lust For Blood?
No, I have not 💕 This is yet another post about the massacre of 1979 and its fucked up blood, because there's just...so much to unpack.
Namely...why does it all feel like one big copy-cat of other attacks...with a dash of Vecna mixed in for the Flavour, the way Klarbrunn tastes like fruit?
My main question for tonight: Where is all the blood coming from?
We know all the Vecna-style attacks are relatively bloodless...and I mean bloodless. He's not messy. The only blood that we see leaving the body is via the eyes. This is consistent.
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So where is all this smeary, pooling blood coming from?
There's blood with no associated body, blood near a body that doesn't match that body, and blood near bodies with no visible source for the bleeding:
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The only person whose psionic kills get messy, so far, are El's...
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But even that doesn't explain the bloody, smeary hand prints and bloody impact marks.
Neither of them leave bloody impact marks. There is no precedent for bloody impact marks anywhere in the show.
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Which, this becomes far more interesting when we consider that the blood and the cracks exist separately:
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(Which is something Em noticed, and if he hasn't talked about it in depth on here yet I know he's planning to eventually!)
So that brings me back to wondering:
If it isn't tied to the impact, and there's no visible explanation for it...then where did all that blood come from?
This, then led me to pose the question:
Is it possible there's something else going on here...something unrelated to One or El circa 1979?
As we know already, many of El's flashbacks of the 1979 massacre/4.07 are shot-for-shot reused footage from Brenner's recollection of the events as they occurred in 4.01.
There are some original shots, such as this hallway:
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(Brenner's recollection vs El's, respectively. Particularly, the orderly in on screen left. He's changed position, and the prop above/beside him has moved.)
But shots like these, for example, are directly copied and pasted from Brenner's memories:
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Which then led me to ask: What other memories of El's, Brenner's, or both might be bleeding into NINA, intentional or otherwise?
There's one scene, in particular, which we never see any additional detail for...and I really wish we did.
It's the opening scene for 1.01:
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Now, you all also know, I have many questions regarding El's supposed post-gate escape in 1983, the main of which being —
How did she get from this:
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To this, the next morning?
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We assume she escaped in the confusion re: the gate...which is questionable, given a number of questions and inconsistencies (Such as: What time did she escape, exactly? If it was during that morning's confusion re: the gate, then how did she get that tank open and why did she stop to change her clothes? If it was later that night and she'd been rescued from the tank/her clothes were changed by staff, then how did she manage to get out without being stopped? What were the circumstances? Did she kill her way to the tunnel? If she did, then why does Brenner look to the gate when he says she can't have gone far? )...but that's not what this part of post is about, so I'm setting this aspect aside.
I bring this ^ whole debacle in because these two guys (the guy screen right during the supposed opening of Mothergate and the guy who gets chowed on by what we assume to be the demogorgon) are the same guy...and judging by his outfit and the title cards, the same guy on the same day: The day the gate opened, which is also the day El made her escape.
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We see El at Benny's Burgers the next morning, after this guy ^ gets chowed on.
That means at least one version of Brenner and/or one version of El ought to have taped footage, memories, anything for whatever inevitable collateral damage occurred between the moment the gate opened and the moment when this elevator, with the creature in it, went upstairs:
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We never see what actually killed this guy, as opposed to what or who he was running from... nor do we ever see what happens when the elevator makes it upstairs.
What, did the demogorgon just teleport in to kill this one guy, and then teleport back out, leaving behind a perfectly good meal (the lab at least has a skeleton crew, we see that in ST2) upstairs? And even if it's the Vecnagorgon...again, teleporting in to kill one guy and then leaving?
I'm calling bullshit.
I want to know how and when our El really escaped, and I want to know what aftermath she and/or Brenner inevitably saw upstairs when the creature in the elevator escaped.
And why do I want to know this?
Because the 4.07 massacre of 1979 is shot, positioned, and painted just like every other creature attack in a lab/prison/hospital.
Russian demodogs, ST2 demodogs...
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and as Em pointed out here: the ST3 hospital scene, which I also pointed out as having HNL gown vs General Hospital Gown fuckery.
None of these are Vecna-style attacks. All of them involve a creature. So why are they all so shot-for-shot paralleled to a massacre committed by one human man?
I mean the bodies, the hallways and door...they're nearly identical in every case, for heaven's sake!
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Knowing what we know about the blood vs the impact marks (i.e. they are divorced from each other, they exist as separate marks):
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Let's ignore the impact craters. Look at how the blood is applied.
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It's the same smeary/drippy/sprayed application.
Both the ST2 and ST4 democreature attacks are also coincidentally watched on and/or guided through via security footage, just the same as NINA is guided via security footage (supposedly):
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The only creature attack we don't have footage for is the "overwritten" overnight footage from Nov. 6th, 1983:
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Truth is? We know just about nothing re: Nov. 6th, 1983.
We don't know what was in the elevator or where it went. We don't know what that scientist was running from. We don't know what the circumstances of El's escape were. We don't know what happened in the lab that day.
But we do know one thing: None of it lines up with what we're meant to assume happened, meaning they're hiding things from us...just the same as they hid the events between Henward leaving El in the store closet and when she leaves to find him.
I'm willing to bet that he knows, though, given the way he stares up at the ceiling of the elevator...
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Which is where our lab tech friend was attacked from.
We also have this bloody, unexplained, intruding flashback in NINA:
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We're given no explanation, the flashback skips the memories of broken-limbs children in their rooms, it leads directly to that shared creature-attack hallway shot, it's cut with Brenner's flashbacks from within the rainbow room, and it does not appear again in NINA. Anywhere.
All this to say...Who's to say that the missing footage and/or memories from that day in 1983 aren't bleeding into NINA, consciously or unconsciously?
What if all this extra unexplained blood is that memory intruding from either El or Brenner?
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aemiron-main · 1 year
creelarke analysis: why are there so many scenes with hawkins lab extras that resemble scott clarke?
Anyone else find it interesting that the scientist in the very beginning of S1 EP1 bears a striking resemblance to Scott? Especially considering that he’s, as far as we know, the first victim of the “demogorgon” in 1983.
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And i’d maybe brush it off as coincidence if it wasnt for the fact that it
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Like cmon that’s two separate extras both associated with the lab who both show up repeatedly in the same season where Scott shows up the most, who both heavily resemble Scott. It’s a little weird. More than a little weird.
It’s also worth noting that the moustache on the extras is very very likely an intentional costuming choice considering that they made a lace moustache for Lucas’ dad.
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unforgivenemo · 3 months
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Don’t kiss me, I’m not Irish.
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salamander-shaming · 3 months
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ooo she thique
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projectmayhem-stims · 8 months
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mewtwofan1 · 20 days
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Pspspsps Saru fans…
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