#this shit too interesting 🍿🥤
ibuprofenaddic · 2 years
im fuckin crying some of yall need to be checked cause why yall talking bout this mans private life like that 🤣
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uno-writing · 3 years
What do u think are some really powerful abilities? Not in canon, just in general.
I have an oc with an illusionist ability (I call magician lol), and I feel like that's something with so much potential, suuuuuper powerful. Even sera would find it difficult bc like how can u manipulate time without knowing what to manipulate? And even tho the illusion isn't real, the way people react to it is and that becomes so much more significant when the reacting individual has powers. I've spent way to much time on this oc and their ability lol.
Another really powerful one I feel is, wait for it,,, probability. Like the ability to control probability. What's the probability I'm surviving this deathly situation? Make that shit 100%. How am I actually getting out of it? Fuck if I know, but I'm garaunteed survival no matter what I do. What's the probability I dodge this hit? or ace this test? 100%. And on and on. Obvs it has a ton of limitations and stuff but I find this one REALLY interesting.
I have a few more but that'd be too long lol. So bored of the elemental abilities (sorry not that ur ice OC is bad is great), and I love thinking of the most unusual things to control. I think any ability that isn't centered around a form of energy blast is automatically pog
- boba Anon 🧋
You asked the right person bc I have a bad habit of making super OP OCs that I later have to go back and tone it down a lil bit lol🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
I really like the two ability ideas you just mentioned. Like even if it is a weaker person, illusions would be so difficult to combat just bc of how high the trick stat would be. Like illusion is such a cool and badass ability idea. And probability is super cool and strong. Like Domino from Deadpool 2 kicks so much ass.
Partially a basic idea, by one of my OCs ability is called Psychic. She p much has the whole shabang of psychic abilities( telepathy, telekinesis, foresight) and likes she’s only upper high tier rn, I think Sera would still have a little bit of trouble. Just bc my OC could be really cheeky and just hold Sera above the ground so she can’t move. Bc as far as we’ve seen, Sera can only reverse the damage on her own body so if she’s just above the ground, she couldn’t really do much until either of their abilities got strained (probs my oc first but oh well). And I think she has a lot of potential to get stronger so she could have similar power to Scarlet Witch or Jean Grey if she gets strong enough.
My strongest OC (I think…the order of strength bounces around my ocs a bunch) has an ability called Reaper. Basically they’ve got p even stats and they’ve got a lot of variety so they can drain others and heal themself and they can also use shadows to teleport or form weapons. They also have a part of their ability that causes those in the immediate radius from them to feel fear and paranoia which makes it harder for their opponents to focus.
And finally, probs my favorite of my OCs abilities, is vibration manipulation (i think p much any manipulation power is strong). So basically he can control any time of vibration (ranging from causing an earthquake to controlling someone’s heart type stuff). He can also technically control sound waves and he’s able to take down buildings and stuff. He also has a good chance of growth potential and his ability in itself is super powerful.
Those are just my most powerful OCs. Other types of super strong powers are creation, any type of absorption power, or, like i said ^^, any manipulation type power has a lot of power potential backing it.
I get the hype for elemental and energy based powers bc they’re flashy and they’re fun to look at (its okay btw. you can call him basic, i know he is, i made him after listening to the frozen soundtrack lol) But yeah, there’s so many other fun possibilities for strong powers.
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uno-writing · 3 years
it’s so interesting to me how mature arlo seems, even though he’s just as underage as every other character
child can’t even d r i n k yet
and he’s out here trying to protect his friends from the government that kills people and some creepy ass organization that’s also trying some crazy shit- help this kid
but it makes me sad because i hc that his parents put way too high expectations on him and kinda forced all these leadership roles on him, yk?
anyways, hc on arlo’s parents pressuring him into being perfect… kinda like seras ig 😢
I think that’s a common thing among high tiers, especially god tiers. Though yeah, Arlo’s definitely the most mature. Like he had to deal with essentially leading the school, the death of his mentor/older brother figure/friend, Remi becoming a superhero, SPECTRE stuff, John stuff, and now Safe House. Homeboy’s had an eventful senior year (also this devolved into Arlo dealing with pressure in general, not just from his parents. sorry, got a lil sidetracked lol)🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
*He got pressure from both his parents and his aunt
*Like, I mean, we see his aunt put the pressure back on him and mention how his parents will be disappointed
*That’s probs also why he’s so mature, much more than Sera who probs had a similar childhood, Arlo seems to crave approval more than Sera does
*It probs began before he got his ability. Like his parents probably forced him to work on his mindset so he’s ready for it when he gets his ability
*And it just got so much worse when his ability developed
*He tried to take solace with his aunt, but then she puts pressure on him as well and he starts to think that the pressure is the only way to live
*I don’t think he’d know what to do if the pressure was lifted
*He probably had a mini crisis the first time John beat him
*Just bc that’s the first time in his life that he wasn’t the strongest (not counting Sera) in the school
*He probably had another mini crisis after he was publicly dethroned bc that’s so much pressure just taken off of him
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uno-writing · 3 years
Oh that makes sense, i would make it a challenge if someone said that to me too🤪🤪🤪🤪
Okay no but tbh Nate wouldn't even reach Remi💀Big brother Arlo would beat Nate up like how nate beat up the guy who *😤😤😤😤😌😌😌And then Blyke would finish him off😎😎
But like imagine an Isen x Fez friendship wjsbsjnsjs idk it would be so chaotic but so amazing😭😭
Oh btw what are your opinions on Lexie and Cassie :D Oh and Jules👀👀👀👀
Also can I get some arlo angst that turns into fluff😍😍😍😍
I love both even though arlo angst makes me cry🤡🤡🤡And you CLEARLY LOVE WRITING ARLO ANGST🤪🤨🤨🤨😭😭😭
-Candy Anon🍭🍬🍫
R@ped Maddy
Oh my god I didn’t even consider an Isen and Fex friendship. I’d love it so much. You’re absolutely right. Arlo would rock Nate’s shit as soon as he saw Nate start to show interest in Remi. I have a feeling Nate would try to be friends with Arlo so Arlo would probs have at least a little bit of a first hand experience of how shitty Nate is, especially to women since Nate kinda brags about it.
I like Lexie. I think she’s p cool but I’d like to see a Lexie episode to get to know her better. I liked season 1 Cassie. The abortion/ice skating scene was really sad. It was a beautiful scene, but it was so sad. I’m not the biggest fan of season 2 Cassie (i haven’t actually watched season 2 yet, just seen a lot of tiktok spoilers). ***SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2 OF EUPHORIA*** Like I kinda understand why she gets with Nate. Like if you take away the toxicity, he’s fuckin hot. Not ‘betray my bestie’ hot, but still. I mean, everyone in Euphoria’s hot. I’m not the biggest fan of Jules…I mean, she’s just kind of a shitty friend. Like I know it’s hard to be friends with someone struggling as much as Rue is, but Idk it just seemed like Jules kept putting Rue in situations where she’d struggle more (like the party where Jules gets crazy drunk).
It’s less that I love writing angst, and more that I love/get a kick out of seeing the reactions to said angst lmao I’ll be honest, I started to get teary eyed with that last Current!Arlo angst😅
Also, this one had more in Y/N’s POV than I usually do. I tend to avoid it bc to me it seems like it’s less x reader at that point since everyone doesn’t react the same way, but I wanted to try it this time for funsies :D Lemme know what you think! <3 <3🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
Y/N glances at their phone, sighing as they see no new messages from Arlo. They scoff and toss their phone on the bed, feeling stupid for waiting for Arlo to text instead of texting him first. They keep telling themselves it’s because they don’t want to bother him, that they know how busy he is and how he doesn’t like to text. But deep down they know they’re trying to test him. To see if he cares enough to reach out to them first or if they’re going to be the only one putting any effort into their starting-to-get-serious relationship. Arlo’s…not the most obvious when it comes to people he cares about and he has a bad habit of repressing his emotions, especially with softer emotions. Of course they didn’t want to blame him for their own insecurities, but they knew his repressed emotions planted the seed of their doubt.
Arlo wasn’t stupid. He knew something was wrong with Y/N. They had slowly become more withdrawn, seeming more uncomfortable around him. He’d spent several nights awake and wracking his brain, trying to figure out what he was doing to push them away. After a week and a half, he finally came to the conclusion that they were just ready to break up with him and trying to distance themselves to either make it easier to break up with him or make him break up with them first. Arlo knew it’d be a good idea to break up with them first. It’d save him time and a prolonged heartbreak, but he couldn’t do it. Even if it was going to cause him more pain, he couldn’t let go of the hope that they still wanted to be with him. So he decided he’d wait and watch them continue withdrawing from him.
Arlo watches them out of the corner of his eyes, seeing them look up at him before looking away, a sad look poorly disguised on their face. He feels his heart drop at their reaction and his stomach turns. Arlo lifts his head and looks at them.
“What’s wrong?” Arlo asks even though he knew exactly what their answer would be, the same thing they had repeated every time he asked. They glance at him quickly before looking away again.
“Something’s clearly bothering you.” Arlo replies, not noticing how rough his hurt tone sounds to them. They clench their fists in their lap and they swallow hard, trying to force the bubble in their throat down before they talk.
“I-” Y/N cuts themself off when they hear their voice crack slightly, taking another moment to compose themself. “I need someone who loves me.” Arlo’s heart drops and they lift their head to look at him, panic crossing their face when they see the hurt in his eyes. “I’m not blaming you! I know it doesn’t come easily to you, and maybe I’m just not good enough for you to love and that’s not your fault, it’s mine.” Y/N rambles, losing control over their emotions as they speak, their voice more shaky with every word. Their hand raises and angrily wipes their tears away, upset that they were unable to hold them back. Arlo feels a pang in his chest at their tears and he reaches over, cupping their face with both of his hands.
“Y/N, look at me.” His thumbs gently rub their cheeks while he waits for them to meet his gaze. They slowly lift their eyes to look into his own, their hands nervously fidgeting in their lap as he stares at them. “I love you. You will always be good enough for me.” Arlo confesses, his words breaking the dam holding back their tears. A choked sob leaves their lips and tears rush down their face. Arlo hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms around them, pulling them into an awkward hug but they don’t seem to care. Y/N hugs him back and buries their face in his shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” Arlo stays silent, trying to find the best thing to say. Before he finds the words, they pull away and hide their face in their hands. “I’m so stupid. I was completely convinced you didn’t want to date me anymore.” Y/N admits, still hiding in embarrassment.
“In that case, we’re both stupid.” Arlo huffs and Y/N peeks out at him.
“You thought I was going to break up with you?” Y/N asks softly and Arlo nods after a moment, watching them drop their hands from their face to look at him easier. “I’m sorry.” Y/N murmurs and Arlo scoffs lightly at them.
“It was a miscommunication from both of us.” Arlo gently takes their hand, his thumb rubbing slow circles on the back of their hand. Y/N nods and they pause for a moment before asking timidly,
“Can…can I hug you again?” Arlo wordlessly pulls them into his arms, pressing a kiss to the side of their head. Y/N nuzzles into him, feeling safe and content in his arms.
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