#this sounds bitchy but I promise it's not they're all lovely and im so happy they're w guys who are treating them well
coquettesamosa · 5 months
i feel like im gonna remain hopelessly single 4eva
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Ep 1: the Heirs of the Dragon
LOVE the shot of the burnt insides of harrenhal
"That's almost large enough to saddle two" my god these bitches gay
Ser Harold's pearl clutching when he saw Daemon on the throne
Aemma seems so lovely and sensible 😔 girl we are gonna get you out of there and you can stop trying for kids. Her speech about mourning all the dead children she can and failing in her duty to provide an heir 💔💔💔
Lord Lyman saying "Dear me" to Daemons gross rant about Rhea Royce. He's been a real one from day 1. I know a young lord lyman would treat me right.
You can really see the difference in splendour and size between this tourney and the s1 GoT tourney.
Daemons armor looks great. Totally impractical but great.
The crowd booing Daemon for his unsportsmanlike conduct dhalaidjssjsk hes entering his Elon Musk era
Loved Rhaenyra and Alicents little bitchy gossip sesh
Bby Laena gripping Laenors arm when the knight is getting beaten up 💔
The increasing tourney violence juxtaposed with Aemmas increasingly gory birth....
Daemon does have a point. Viserys is weak and I'm kind of happy he pointed that out.
I like that they showed Rhaenys looking a bit (imo) conflicted when Rhaenyra was named heir and the lords swore their pledges. It must've hurt for her.
Wish we'd seen more of the politicking at the great council :(. Especially the random lesser claimants like Saeras sons and the descendent of Daenys and Gaemon's second daughter who married a petty lord. Also can you imagine seeing Jaehaerys interacting with one of Saeras illegitimate sons? That may well have been what finally sent him off.
Daemon is annoying me. I didn't mind him in the books but this version is actively passing me off. Gotta say beginning his speech with insulting the city watch was funny tho. Having him say "our city should be safe for all its people" after he spent the night being judge jury and executioner was just audacious....so yeah textbook Daemon
Having the gold cloaks just be thugs terrorising the city like??? Why???? AGCAB tho (all gold cloaks are bastards)
WHY are they acting like absolute male preference primogeniture was firmly established by the great council? That happened after the dance my guys. Picking Rhaenyra over Daemon may have been kind of shaky because of the great council of 101 but it could be justified with andal law, or if daemon is so widely distrusted/disliked another great council.
Fights to the death being allowed in jousting. It's supposed to be an exercise for wartime not an actual war smh
Im sorry but Caraxes looked like one of the Jurassic park dinosaurs in the scene where Daemon lets Mysaria touch him
Not a fan of the prophecy being used by Viserys but if the dance ends with the prophecy being lost I won't mind it so much
Can they stop having everyone and their mother repeat the lyanna stark promise me line like please
I liked all of Alicents dresses but only Rhaenyras red tourney dress and heir dress. The first yellow/gold Rhaenyra dress was awful.
Rhaenyras heir outfit was *chefs kiss*
I liked Mysarias white dress in the brothel.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
What do dragons smell like if they're that stinky that you smell like them after a ride???
my man Corlys is rolling over in his grave cause one of his descendants is now one of those very pirates beggaring the realm
Interesting having Viserys be cut (or claim to be cut) by the IT in the first ep when it's taken as a sign of being unfit to rule in the books...AND THEN IT CUTS HIM FOR REAL.
"Bad humours of the mind can affect the body" Ok Sygmynd Fraeud
Bro Viserys' dream sounds just straight up like wishful thinking not dragon dreams 😭😭😭
If I were Otto I'd hate Daemon too "don't let him provoke you" like fuck you Viserys he just insulted the man's recently deceased wife
"You are Daemon Targaryen. Rider of Caraxes, wielder of dark sister, sufferer of plot necessary erectile dysfunction"
We deserve a spin off prequel where Daemon slowly works through every small council position and fails miserably while Otto tears out his hair
Otto you are going to hell along with Viserys. Imagine pimping your teenage daughter out to the king in one of her mothers dresses . Imagine not sending your teenage daughters best friend away when her father has placed her in this position. Viserys being this gross when he has a daughter Alicents age is atrocious.
Do they not have seperate rooms in Westerosi brothels?
The guy who paused mid-fuck to listen to Daemons heir for a day speech hdsldjwkajdjs
Daemon trying to play off the heir for a day speech as GRIEVING IN HIS OWN WAY my god
Is it just me or do all the candles around the dragons kind of imply the Targaryens worship them? I like that idea I'm keeping it.
Overall thoughts:
They should have trigger warnings on these episodes for pregnant people cause jesus christ
Viserys really loves threatening to cut people's tongues out eh?
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