#this started as a desire to draw the Master’s TARDIS for this fic/my rp blog/my brain but oops!!! whoops!!!!!!!!!!
canisonicscrewyou · 11 months
I’m not going to ask if this is anything because this has been everything to me for like 10 years now.
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Whoever first started tossing around the fan theory around season 5 or 6 that Rory Williams was actually the Master in a fobwatch, I owe you my life, and you owe me years in therapy bills.
But now I’m actually in the beginning process of plotting out a cohesive(ish) fanfic* using my Rory/Darvill!Master, and maybe that plus drawing my self-diagnosed Pretty Boy will help get the fungi out of my brain (<- impossible)(<- the fungus is now a load-bearing part of my brain.)
*(in which the Master gains enough control+consciousness to… kind of put Rory in the fob(wrist)watch and like, he COULD probably just open the watch. But now Rory’s stubborn, and he can see what will happen, and he can use Rory as some kind of hostage, and… he’s kind of fond of him after like, a thousand and thirty some years, technically. Hence giving Rory a body+voice through a TARDIS hologram port.)(probably. it’s an early WIP for a reason.)
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