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jagmodblog-blog · 9 years
Happy New Year....and resolutions time!
Man, 2014 has surely been a bad year in general. For me it's been more busy than anything else, but I can't complain. Looking back at last year's resolutions I see that I didn't fully got many xD
The ones I fullfilled were finishing Pokemon X, making new friends (who are awesome btw) and getting in college. The rest I'm either working on them or completely failed the the amazing angel update one
However, feeling bad about these is not the way to go. I'm rather looking for a way to see back at the mistakes I may have made and learn so I can finish the job.
But that's last year, let's focus on what I have in mind for this 2015 year!:
-Pass as many subjects in college I can (they are hard tho)
-Improve on my art so it's better than last year
-Start making money with comissions (and hopefully spend it xP)
-Catch up with my fav YT lets players and comedy reviewers (Game Grumps, Markiplier and Nostalgia Critic at the moment)
-Give some fucking good use to my Steam account xD
-Try to keep calm and be reasonable in discussions I take part in
-Finish ORAS before its release date (because why not have another Pokemon game resolution x3)
-And of course, spend more time with friends, make some more and interact with my followers :)
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