#this time some vk specific content because honestly I just wanted to
creamecream · 9 months
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"Aren't we too early? they're still setting up..."
Polly rung her hands, but Cornelius laughed and waved a hand dismissively.
"Don't worry about it, Hun! if they wanted us to leave, then they'd say so!"
Polly nodded at that. "I guess you're right..." the princess said, letting Cornelius spin her, making her laugh. "Okay! okay!" she yelped through giggles.
"Good! don't you worry, Esty, I'm always right~." Cornelius said lightly, putting a hand on Polly-Ester's shoulder, as well as on Aegir's, who was standing behind him, making the sea warlock freeze up.
Aegir quickly got his baring's back, glaring at the other boy.
Mkali rolled her eyes when Aegir just huffed with annoyance, opting to just glare at Cornelius rather than saying anything or batting his hand away.
"Just say something."
Mkali insisted quietly. "Tell him to back the fuck up."
Aegir turned his gaze back to the lioness hybrid, shaking his head slightly.
"That'll just make him worse, and you know that."
Polly-Ester giggled from behind the pair, making them turn back to the others, seeing the other two looking at them, their eyes bright with mischief.
"We can hear you; you know." Cornelius said through a laugh.
0 notes
stone-man-warrior · 4 years
December 15, 2020: 6:49 pm:
I’ll do read of this email from VKA came today, it’s gets complicated, I really don‘t want to do the reading, I have no letter n on my keyboard, it’s a hassle, have to copy & paste them when I need a letter n, and Tumblr, Centurylink and Google are forever making everything I do more difficult to do in ohhhh soooo many ways.
Besides that, I am under physical attack as write this stuff that you read here, for the moment, there are some new people are staged at 598 Jackpine, Manning MedDems terror cell, at Monroe where most of the surveillance is done, at Strong’s SAG House terror cell at 3747 Russell Road, and the newguydeadmotherfuckerwaitingtohappen at 520 Jackpine, all are in place, ready, waiting for some kind of opportunity to attack.
Last night included heads rolling around in my driveway, some asshole with a cross-bow shooting at me, and the idiot who does cover by yelling at me when I walk back to the house after the sword fight in the driveway,
But I’ll go ahead and do a reading on this, because it’s about kidnapped people. Ones who are held captive, forced surgical changes are made to them, some are kept as pets by SAG leadership, others become custom tailored human being terror soldiers.
This ad from Vintage King Audio. That is the entire ad.
What I am going to limit this to is the top part, the studio monitors. So, scroll through to the bottom and we’ll go to the VKA webpage where the commands are at.
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They tossed that “accept” footer there to foul me up at the last minute.
That is where the Studio Monitor ad leads to when you click it.
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Some text you can read if you want, there is probably something that can be said about it, I am going this other way, to show just some basics.
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That above is the introductory important message, tells what the page is about just with use of that photo. The Barefoot Speakers are placeholder for people. Usually kidnapped surgical subjects, so, that is what the page is about, people, different kinds of people.
Down below is the contents of the terror comm page:
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You can notice a few things about those selected models. The first thing I see, is that there are two Three-Way models, the rest are Two-Way, with one Bass unit at the bottom. That is important for “Trinity” considerations. Terror soldiers look all the place for Trinity indications for their marching orders. So, those two Three-Way models are what I am interested in showing, but there is more than that in here.
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I guess I do need to show what that says. It says that VKA is interested in professional audio engineers. That sums it up.
I know what you are thinking... “That’s what they are supposed to do... you even said so yourself... the place is for professional audio engineers.”
So I tell you that when the terror takes over, they need to cover what they are doing, so, these guys are not likely to hide somewhere that is any different than the kind of specialized killing they do... they need to stay with what they know in order to fish for who they want. You don’t go fishing in Arizona desert, everyone will be noticing that you are fishing out of water, so, they fish where the fish will come to them. Same is true with other terror cells. These guys need a supply of captured audio professionals in order to make the time-warp terror videos, there is also going to be the same kind of fishing for video professionals at places where those people go for equipment.
When they want to fish for children, then school supply is a place where the parents bring the fish to the fishermen. There are not a lot of children going to the nightclubs, so, they fish for young men & women at those places instead.
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Looks like it refers to Trump to me.... from where the VKA terror orders are coming from for this installment of that page, which has been presented many times before, slightly different text explanations in the past.
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This is one of the Three-Way models. All of that text there tells about people. The kind of people that VKA is after, audio professionals.
I see that as a kind of place holder, a Grey Area for containing some thoughts to carry somewhere else.
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I carry my Three-Way thoughts over here to these Focal Trio6 models.
Look at the text:
“...Switch to FOCUS mode to remove the subwoofer from the circuit for a more focused sound. With a neutral frequency response, ...”
Some explanation and some history is necessary to help convey the idea that they are targeting the people I pointed out above from the text on the page about audio professionals, as follows:
First, see that the speaker selection is all new-fangled modern configurations, except for those Red Sided Ones. Those are reminiscent of times gone by. From a time when US navy was stationed at Okinawa, saw that the audio equipment was dirt cheap. Audio-Techinica, Marantz, Sherwood, Kenwood, Pioneer... other popular audio manufacturer name brand was available in Okinawa for a song. The US navy sailors snapped that stuff up, shipped lots of it to their friends and family members from duty-free base, no shipping costs.
now, all of those people who recognized that about the audio equipment are older men & women who are audio enthusiasts, so, that time was a time that you can see in the speaker design of that model, has that 1970′s goodness to it, is familiar, not too new foreign looking. You could say other stuff about that, but, there are so many other US navy themes going on lately, that is the direction I went easy... the Big Fog Horn in the sky brought me to Okinawa, 1970′s electronics, and US navy shipping it home.
I don’t have a conclusion yet.
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Have to have a look back at these, more closely. the Barefoot models are very spendy. They are bait. They are like Tesla cars are, there are some around, they made some, you can see them occasionally on the road. these Barefoot (William Barr for the Trump Twitter connection) can be seen at selected places where terror guidance is done, either as a contact to comrades, or as a set-up to help a fool part with his money.
Look closer, at other models:
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Above is the one that is “Jesus Face Toast” model. Costs a lot of money, “Jesus!”
That’s nothin‘... wait to get a load of these:
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That above is the “Partner, Tennessee Tuxedo Model”
Those are the representation for the kidnapped surgical subjects I started out with explaining was part of that email from VKA... locations in Hollywood, and Nashville Tennessee.
A “Tennessee Tuxedo” might be a lot different things to a lot of different people. Those are the Deluxe Custom Fit Model Tennessee Tuxedo, the worst kind.
Look at the price, think Tesla, not really available, but they did make some of those speakers, I honestly don‘t believe there are people who would pay that for those. Some other thing is going on.
The ones above are the “Pet Partner Person” model. SAG members can custom order a Partner, takes a long time to fill the order, many years passes for the multiple transforming surgeries, the healing, physical therapy-like treatments, more surgery, more healing, more therapy, repeat. Long time.
SAG members need to be specially prepared to accept delivery of the Partners they order. The preparation is physical with ways to conceal and house the US Citizen Victim pet persons who look more like a Afghan Hound than a human, and, they need to be emotionally and mentally prepared to have a pet person who has suffered so greatly.
Let’s say nancy Pelosi ordered a Partner. There came a time in about five years when the transformation was complete. The powers that be, test nancy to see if she can handle the news that her partner is ready for pick-up, and hand her a Gavel on live TV while saying that her Partner is ready.
Then, you get nancy Jesus Toast Face, like she had that day.
Maybe she is not ready to have a Partner. Maybe she is, I don‘t know.
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That model above has more stuff attached.
Let’s say nancy Pelosi is not quite ready, emotionally prepared to accept her specially ordered to specification of arm length, leg amputation location, location of re-attached hands, or, “flippers” as they are called after the transformation, other special details that nancy wrote down on a order sheet one day a few years before that Gavel was presented.
In that case, there are a number of people who could say nancy is not ready, or she could refuse delivery, have to send the Partner back.
Then, those non-acceptable Partners get dressed for special services with Church Warfare HQ somewhere. They may be subject to additional surgeries to accommodate special soldier needs.
They could also just serve as more practice for more experimental surgeries.
The thing that makes this entry worse than it already is, is that those SAG members who order a partner are sort of used as a Grey Area. The real reason for all of that horror, is that that the master plan of the Global Domination by the Vatican, includes the all of the world’s population will one day all become custom tailored slaves, ergonomically designed to perform specific tasks, with use of special apparatus that the people will be fitted into, machinery that becomes an extension of the custom made special order slave populations.
This is a horrible subject to explain, I have made the explanations before, don‘t want to have to say it again just to please some pompous asshole at nsa who won‘t do their job, and just wants to make sure the information was written correctly the first, second, third..... tenth fucking time.
That’s my read, it’s incomplete, same as the US Citizen Victims that no one will protect, incomplete.
9:45 pm:
Personal experience at Vintage King Audio, 2004-ish:
I go to Southern California, need to pick-up a camper-trailer that I did not ask for, did not really need it, could not really afford to go or pay the tax and licensing for this thing i was told I had won in contest drawing.
Somethings made me interested in swing by a VKA, also went to Fultone in Santa Monica while in CA... other places too, saw some old friends, went to look at musical equipment while there.
Outside of VKA on Hollywood Blvd is a woman w/old style baby carriage, is walking with it, notices that the baby is not in the stroller. She freaks out screaming, looking all over the place, inside of cars, inside of the stores there in that part of The Barrio in Hollywood.
I can‘t help her. I go inside at VKA, it’s much smaller than I thought, is for professional sound engineers, I thought it was more like Guitar Center or something. There is nothing in there i can afford. Small patch cable costs like $50 there.
I hear noises and screaming again, can see there is a room at VKA has glass separating from the rest of the store, inside there is a man beating the living daylight out of a small infant size baby... I leave quick, drive away, call 911, say what happened, all they want to know is where I am at. I was somewhere in Hollywood, that is where I was at.
Later, there is a lot of traffic stopped on Hollywood Blvd in Pacific Palisades area, maybe was Sunset Blvd.., police directing traffic so that Kobi Bryant could come out of the neighborhood with a lot of other celebrities in black limousines, they all turned the corner, and traffic resumed.
That’s what happened.
You might be thinking as I do that this kind of terror take-over I make eye-witness reports about should have already been stopped, seen, some people should be talking about it, there should be news reports on TV, or newspaper or something,,, why is there no information about it?
Good question, why?
The TV & newspaper part is easy to answer, they are the terror leadership, that is where the commands come from, so they are not going to be making any kind of reporting about the terror take-over of USA... won‘t happen.
Certainly there are eye-witnesses, where are they?
The terror eye-witness makes a phone call, to 911 Emergency, that is the only approved means for getting help, everyone is brainwashed. have to call 911 to say what happened, say what they saw. Ok, sounds good, but there are too many ways that is taken advantage of, people are discounted simply by saying what they saw.
“Yeah... hi... uh... I just saw a man in Gumby suit on roller skates at the Walmart... he had a sword, skating... he was cutting people with the sword as he skated through the Walmart... please send help...”
That... makes problems for the eye-witness who saw a Gumby cutting heads off people at the Walmart.., it’s not that it did not happen, it’s that it”s not believable, is discounted, swept under the rug and forgotten about.
The terror has been taking 3% of the population at gatherings such as music concerts and carnivals, county fairs, the mall on Black Friday... for fifty years. Every time someone makes a report, they learn more ways that they can make cover for it, in that way, the Mother Russian Hoax keeps getting bigger, more details are added...the story started about a place called Russia, a lie, it’s not there, more lies were told to cover that it’s not there. “They are communists, that’s why no one can go there, we can‘t get any information, the place is wrapped with an Iron Curtain, they have intercontinental Ballistic missals there, but it’s a Cold War, no information is available... would you like screwdriver cocktail? We have Russian Vodka for that, but no information... cold war (Means Canada) Rooskies Communists. Secret Gnosis variety knowledge is that everything north of 45th Meridian is fucking cold, so that means everything north of around Portland Oregon is too cold, farther north then the more unpleasant things become. That makes California a Sales Pitch to would-be Canadian Rush Fan terror soldiers who are too cold, and Oregon is a place with Four Seasons, is good.
Same thing with terror eye-witness reports. They are studied by the Royal Canadian State Police who are planted in with real police. There are SAG actors who can smoooze the reports from police to have a look at what was reported, a cover story is made to work ahead of time, before the terror attacks are done, the cover for them is done, in advance, based on all of the ways that eye-witness has seen and reported something in the past.
Stingray surveillance in the hands of the terror cells makes it impossible to get help. they have thought of everything simply because they have gained so much experience without being detected by those who have power to stop them. All of the other regular people are just tracked down and killed, replaced to solve the eye-witness report problem. The Russian Mother Hoax started with just two lies. “There are Russians”
“They are bad people with missals.”
Everything else is more lies basically from those two to cover them.
So it’s not that there are no witnesses to the terror mass murder take-over of Global Domination, it’s that the terror became so big, for so long, that they created systems within the social fabric of the democracy that favor the advance of the domination, witnesses who make reports simply have no outlet to say what they saw, 911 Emergency Phone is part of the terror take over, witnesses don‘t live very long enough to explain to anyone who could help stop the big terror machine. 911 Emergency is like calling to cancel a SAG card, won‘t go over very well, it’s a the kind of club you can never leave alive.
11:55 pm:
Some memory of fighting last night:
The newguy at 520 really took all of my thoughts away when he came out and started yelling at me to get away from his fence.. there was verbal altercation in the darkness to someone I could only hear, could not see, after ambush fight at my driveway with swords that were brought by two or three terror soldiers, and all I could see is one hand of one of them, and the handle of the sword in it’s scabbard worn by one of them.
I saw a net.., a web looking thing draped at the end of my driveway, and walked towards that. Cross-Bow assassin took a shot at me while on approach to the net looking thing, I turned when I heard the sound of the bow from the woods, that is when the ambush happened. I heard more than I saw, it was dusk, almost dark. I walked to the mailbox, one piece of mail in there, someone was making noise in the woods there, so, I walked to where the trash cans are, saw that they were bassackwards and saw that illusion of special Christmas lights arrangement at 560 Myers terror cell, then, that is when I decided to go find cross-bow assassin to deal with that more personally, then, that newguy started shouting from the other side of the fence at 520 for me to stop creeping around his fence. I walked home through the woods rather than back down the driveway. Then I wrote about the credit card, while wondering why my eyes hurt with big chunks of something in them. I forgot about the fighting completely for a few hours after that, started to remember today as the day progressed.
I heard some words spoken:
“He saw us”
“There is someone standing on the driveway”
“Use glass”
Maybe I heard “Manning” and “Rick” spoken softly. Either “Sandy” or “Tammy” also spoken softly at some point last night at that event at the end of the driveway.
“I’m run through” was heard after I defended. “He took her head off” was also spoken in the darkness there after very brief encounter with terror soldiers with a net.
The net I determined is a net that is usually covering that small pond I talk about here sometimes, it’s at the Monroe’s along the side of the fence line near my driveway. That net was taken off of the pond this past week, it was put there a couple years ago when blue heron great big bird kept going into the pond, I guess it was eating their pond fish, so, the net was put there, been there a long time. Last night the net was draped across my driveway when I went to go get the mail. There was that credit card in the mail I reported about.
That’s all I remember, I grabbed the handle to the sword that was in the scabbard of one of the terror soldiers, and used that to defend with, did not use my fingernail clipper as I usually do.
They put glass dust into my eyes again though, it’s making my eyes hurt already, and vision is poor right now.
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tpohappiness-blog · 7 years
Days of Happiness: Day Seventeen
New Post has been published on http://thepursuitofhappiness.me/days-of-happiness-day-seventeen/
Days of Happiness: Day Seventeen
Days of Happiness: Day Seventeen
The 30 days of Happy Thoughts series is inspired by the International Day of Happiness (March 20th, 2017).
  Today’s Motivational Video
Today’s Happy Thought
  National Nutrition Month® Tidbits
March is also National Nutrition Month®! Eating healthy is important to your happiness too!
Check out this week’s game here.
Check out this week’s NNM video here.
Day of Happiness Celebrations: Q&A
Happiness means different things to different people, what does Happiness mean to you?
For the most part, I think happiness is a state of mind. It means finding joy and contentment in everyday life. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, but really trying to see the positive side of everything is helpful.
  Even when I struggle to find the positive, I know the struggles are impermanent. I like the Buddhist saying, “10,000 joys, 10,000 sorrows”. Life isn’t always going to be rainbows and roses – and we shouldn’t expect it to be. But, the bad times do pass with time and there is more joy to come. Hope provides the strength to weather the storms.
  Also, what makes me happy won’t necessarily make someone else happy. Happiness is unique to each individual and everyone defines it differently. Even the things that make me happy today may not make me happy tomorrow. 10 years from now, my definition of happiness will look different.
  Do you believe happiness is an emotion or more of a state of mind?
Great question! I believe long-term happiness is more a state of mind. And I think this type of lasting happiness stems from being positive, recognizing what’s meaningful in our lives, and living our lives according to our own values and beliefs (not what’s prescribed by society).
  However, I do think happiness is expressed as an emotion, but this is more of a short term feeling. Roller coasters and zip lines bring me an abundance of this type of happiness. 🙂
  Do you consider being happy important to you? Why?
Being happy is very important to me, but I also don’t expect to be in a constant state of happiness.  I think that we all strive for maximum happiness – it’s part of the human condition. Experiencing the simple pleasures in my everyday life and recognizing everything I have to be grateful for are great sources of happiness for me.
  What do you consider a fundamental barrier to Happiness in your life?
Myself. Sure, there are some unpleasant circumstances beyond my control, but I have a great degree of control over my thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Whenever I’m unhappy, I try to look inside – for the thoughts that are causing me the unhappiness. The interesting thing is – most of the time these thoughts are of the future – thoughts and feelings that take the form of fear and uncertainty. I do my best to bring myself back to the present.
  How important is wealth and money to your own happiness?
As much as I want to deny it, it does plays a role. Paying off all of our consumer debt and building a nest egg provides my family with more choices. We have less stress and more freedom. So, in that respect, it has definitely contributed to happiness.
  On the other hand, having more money wouldn’t bring me more happiness. Living a frugal life has helped me recognize this. I find great joy in things that don’t cost money –  mostly related to how I spend my time. Those simple pleasures – sipping my morning coffee while watching the sun rise, reading a great book by the fire, hiking on a beautiful day, digging in my garden, spending an hour talking to my family – those are the things that fill me up and bring me the greatest happiness.
  How important is health and wellness to happiness?
I think health and wellness are very important to happiness. Being healthy and fit allows me to do so many of the things that bring me joy – hiking, biking, rock wall climbing, taekwondo, gardening and keeping up with my teenagers.
  But, too often, we take our health for granted – that is, until it’s negatively affecting us. This one hits a little too close to home right now – and I’ve recently realized just how important it is. Though I don’t know exactly what my health issue is at this point, what I do know is I have multiple cysts in one of my legs. My fear is that I will have limited mobility in the future due to treatment and/or progression, but that’s just the evil fear monster creeping in and robbing me of my happiness today. I’ve tried to kill that monster and focus on taking control. One way or another, I’ll find ways to push forward and still be able to do what I like to do. I’m pretty stubborn, so whatever happens, I won’t let it stop me.
  What has been the happiest moment in your life?
Honestly, I cannot name just one moment. But I can tell you that marrying my husband and having my children have brought me immense, indescribable, boundless happiness.
  Do you have any specific goals or resolutions for 2017?  If so, would your share your top two that directly relate to your own Pursuit of Happiness?
I have a heap of goals for 2017.
  My top 2? That’s tough!
  I guess my top priority is to figure out what exactly my health issue is and address it head on.
  My second goal is, unfortunately, dependent on the first, but it’s to buy our first rental property (this has been a dream of ours for years!). Getting started is the first big step and it brings us one step closer to making my husband’s 9-5 optional.
  Do you consider giving to others or charity work an important part of your own Pursuit and why?
Yes, yes, yes!!! Volunteering, giving time and money, and simply spreading random kindness is a top source of happiness for me! I’ve experienced such immense happiness by taking part in the Rockstar Community Fund in the last few months. Giving can be life changing.
  What 2 things have you learned in your own pursuit that you would like to share with others?
You won’t find happiness in material things. Sure, buying that new, shiny thing will give you a little boost of happy, but it’s short-lived and doesn’t lead to long-term happiness and joy. Though I’ve never been a big spender, once I really put this into practice, life changed drastically – for the better.
Focus on what’s most important. This relates to #1, but takes it a step further. When you really define what’s most important in your life, and then live your life accordingly, you will experience happiness and fulfillment. Don’t let society tell you what’s important. You decide what’s most important to you.
  If you could recommend only three websites/books/articles to anyone reading this, what would they be, and why?
Only 3? In no particular order:
1-The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die – because it’s an easy read, chock full of valuable wisdom for living a happy and fulfilled life.
2-  Your Money or Your Life – because it shows you how to create freedom by aligning your money with your life values and priorities.
3 – Tiny Buddha – because it’s a blog I’ve read for years that has so much useful wisdom on life, happiness, mindfulness and meaning.
  What is your blog/website address and theme (if you want to share) for 2017?
I blog at Centsiblyrich.com. I talk about all things money, with a focus on using money as a tool to create a life of freedom and choice. It’s all about the mindset!
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