#this took forever and for what reason? gotta love it 😎
shnings · 2 years
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is   that   RYAN   DESTINY ?   no,   that’s   just   BEATRICE JOHNSONN,   the TWENTY-FOUR   year   old   bassist   of   the   rollergirls   that   is   really   famous.   they   are   known   to   be   DERISIVE   &   VAGUE   but   can   also   be   PROLIFIC   &   ENDEARING.   they   remind   us   of   DRIVING   TWENTY   OVER   THE   SPEED   LIMIT   FOR   THE   THRILL   OF   IT,   HEARING   ALL   YOUR   FAVORITE   SONGS   ON   THE   RADIO,   &   BLACK   MASCARA   BLEEDING   DOWN   ROUND   CHEEKS.   their   aesthetic   is   reminiscent   of   I   WISH   IT   WOULD   RAIN   by   GLADYS   KNIGHT   AND   THE   PIPS.  
heyyyy,  everyone!  i’m  rainbow  (she/they)  and  i’m  a  human  disaster.  case  in  point:  when  i  saw  this  group  in  the  tags,  i  essentially  dropped  my  phone  XMXMXMXM  we’re  here  now  &  it’s  exciting!  i  bring  to  you  the  illustrious  beatrice  johnsonn,  who  plays  the  bass  for  the  rollergirls.  if  your  muse  is  looking  for  some  chaos,  look  no  further  than  bea.
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full  name : beatrice  sade  johnsonn
nicknames : ❝  bea . ❞
date  of  birth : august  22nd  ,  1951 .
age : twenty - four .
gender: cis - gender  female .
zodiac sign : leo    sun ,    taurus    moon ,    leo    rising .
hometown : manchester  ,  united  kingdom .
current residence : new  york  city,  united  states  of  america .
family : joeseph   johnsonn  (  father  /  sculptor  )  ,  diane  johnsonn  ( mother  /  jazz  singer  )  +  one  younger  sister .
sexual orientation : bisexual   /  biromantic .
positive traits : empathetic  ,   prolific  ,  serene  ,  clever  ,  &  harmonious .
negative traits : scornful  ,  nebulose  ,  secretive  ,  impractical  ,  &  passive .
aesthetics : glitter  dripping  down  her  face,  trying  her  very  best  at  any  given  moment  ,  sneaking  out  past  midnight  and  painting  the  town  red  ,  spending  all  of  her  money  on  records  and  clothes  ,  taking  sporadic  cat  naps  ,  unwavering  loyalty  to  her  friends ,  thick  manchester  accents ,  daydreaming  her  life  away  ,  whispers  behind  your  back  ,  boundless  determination.
career : bassist  of  rockband  the  roller  girls.
currently listening to :  ‘ i  wish  it  would  rain ‘  by  gladys  knight  &  the  pips ,  ‘ you  send  me ‘  by  aretha  franklin ,  ‘ bring  it  on  home  to  me ‘  by  otis  redding  &  carla  thomas ,  ‘ i  heard  it  through  the  grapevine ‘  by  gladys  knight  &  the  pips ,  ‘ time  is  on  my  side ‘  by  irma  thomas ,  ‘ cool  jerk ‘  by  the  capitols ,  ‘ grazing  in  the  grass ‘  by  the  friends  of  distinction ,  ‘ but  it's  alright ‘  by  j.j.  jackson ,  ‘ best  of  my  love ‘  by  the  emotions  &  ‘ you  keep  me  hanging  on ‘  by  the  supremes .
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tw allusions to alcohol dependence.
beatrice was born and raised in manchester, england. from a young age, her parents encouraged both of the johnsonn girls to chase their dreams because, at the end of the day, the people they owed it to were themselves. beatrice took this one way, whereas her younger sister took it another.
beatrice, despite being the oldest (or perhaps because of it) was the rebel of the two johnsonn girls. following the family’s move to america in 1968, the rift between the two sisters was more prevalent than ever, with beatrice’s little sister becoming something of a star student, very gifted and at the top of her class. beatrice, on the other hand, hated school with a passion and didn’t really see a point in it. really, it was an 8 hour waste of time.
(besides, where’s the fun in constantly being stared at? by the way others often treated her, beatrice felt like she’d stepped off of the plane from mars, not england.)
due to not really taking much time to study, she was held back once in the 9th grade (this was back in england). at the time, her parents were beside themselves, and even beatrice herself was dissapointed. this was something that followed her over to the usa and she was sure it would spell disaster for her. however, she found that little fact to be something of divine intervention -- for if she hadn’t been held back, she wouldn’t have met the other members of the rollergirls in class.
with her newfound friends at her side, bea had a new lease on life. no, school wasn’t miraculously the greatest thing on earth, but it gave her them and so, it can’t be all that bad? besides, now that she felt less alone and less like she was constantly under a microscope, she recognized that she was actually quite good at math and economics. huh, who knew?
throughout high school, beatrice realized that she had to make something of herself. despite her mother being a relatively successful but deeply respected jazz musician in the manchester scene, beatrice soon found out that she wasn’t the best singer . . . but she could play the bass.
being the through-line and soul of a song is very important to her. looking back on all of her favorite songs and artists, there’s one thing that they all have in common: basslines that get stuck in your head and make you want to dance.
but beatrice doesn’t just want to make people dance. she’s always wanted to say something. she wanted to be part of something that was bigger than herself. 
she loves being in the band and, despite their fame, is the type of person who swears up and down that she didn’t change, but everyone else around her did. uh, yeah, sure.
9 times out of 10, she can be found out at a local club in nyc, rubbing elbows with other creatures of the night. being in a famous band has its perks, and she’s come to find out that most of them have to do with everyone wanting to be her friend now that she’s a rollergirl (and that it means something).
her lifestyle has caused a rift between her and her family, primarily her younger sister. beatrice isn’t the type to outwardly come out and say it, but whenever she thinks about the loss of the relationship that she once had with her lil sister, it makes her sad  . . . so she doesn’t think about it and just has another drink or starts another meaningless conversation with another no name (but the sinking feeling still remains: who else am i bound to lose?)
still, if you were to ask her, she’d say that she’s still searching for something. what is it? she doesn’t know, but she hopes she can find out before losing everyone.
                                 essentially, beatrice is a loyal friend who has too many bad habits to count. she can play the bass like a champ and it’s one of the few things that she feels completely confident in herself when she does it. however, she’s struggling with many demons and one of the most pressing of them is the worry that she’s bound to lose everything she loves. 
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I'M NOT IN LOVE. for whatever reason (we can decide!) your muse has enchanted bea. she wants to get to know them and has been asking all around the record company to try and get any information out of anyone. really, she's even asked the janitorial staff if they've heard anything. how will your muse take it? bonus points if what bea's heard are all lies.
CHERRY BOMB. her bandmates mean the world to her and, should anyone try to cross them, they'll have to face the wrath of beatrice. being one of the eldest members of the group, she feels slightly responsible for them (for better or worse) but finds it hard to remove her party lifestyle with being a healthy role model / friend for the other girls.
FAME. your muse and beatrice are well aware of one another, both from seeing the other around the record company and through their exploits in the local bar and club scene. they both feed into the other's more hedonistic side, and chaos is something almost synonymous with beatrice's name. is your muse along for the ride, or just using bea for her connections?
LANDSLIDE. whenever she’s around your muse, you remind her of her younger sister, someone whom she deeply misses and wishes she could rekindle a relationship with. for better or worse, she’s trying to rekindle that by appointing herself your makeshift big sister. whew. not that she’s rather good at being sisterly, but she’ll try her best.
unfortunately that’s all my brain will allow me to come up with at the moment XMXMMX but i love the standard connection types: exes, old friends, found family, ex friends, fwbs, acquaintances, people who she’s using, bad influences, good influences, any plot type we come up with, i promise i will be obsessed with! 
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