#this turned out longder than i expected
ordiichai · 1 year
Some aimless rambling abt my genderfluid Sebastian hc
So this is an idea that i, surprisingly, haven’t seen explored before and i think that is sad. Therefore, i am taking up that responsibility and writing an entire ass essay about this idea that i have.
A few disclaimers:
1: i have no outline for this and am kind of just writing whatever comes into my head, so please forgive any tangents or just general gay nonsense.
2: i am not caught up on the manga, so this is based mainly off of the anime, the small bit of the manga i have read (vol 1-5), my general knowledge of the series, and small tidbits of the story that I’ve picked up from various sources
3: I am counting all of Black Butler as part of the same story. I know there are people who only use the manga canon when analysing Black Butler, but I prefer to assume that if something is true in, for example, season 1 it will be true in season 3. So if ur manga-only or just one of those ppl who hate everything about the anime, you might wanna leave
So I’ve basically had this idea ever since i saw this manga panel
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Honestly, when i look at this image, all i can think of is my intense gender envy for this guy AND how genderqueer it is. And that is for multiple reasons. One being that, in general, shapeshifter characters are often coded genderfluid due to the simple fact that they can turn into anything, and that would clearly include another gender. One notable example of this being Nimona. A character that, similarly to Sebastian, normally takes a single human form. But they also occasionally take the forms of different people or even animals. I’m not sure if it’s fully canon, but it’s pretty much agreed that Nimona is genderfluid.
Another reason is that fucking text. “I am no one, yet i can become anyone” you mean you can become a woman 🤨? Ayo? In all seriousness though, that is a very genderqueer thing to say. The idea of “being no one” sounds very non-binary in its own right, but pair that with the "becoming anyone" line, there is a very clear parrallel to the idea of being genderfluid or non-binary.
Sebastian is also just super queer-coded in general. Always going on about his "aesthetic" and have y'all seen those fucking high heels? He is shown to be not tradtionally masculine, what with his long and unkempt hair, black nails (i know it's implied that that just happens when demons take a human form, but i like to imagine they all just paint their nails bc it looks cool), and occupation with fashion and his looks. He has an interesting tendancy to flirt with literally everyone he talks to, including multiple men.
Overall, he is a very genderbending character. He is very effeminate, wears the pointest high heels known to man in his demon form, and is generally very queer coded. Although we aren't really given much info on demon lore, especially when it comes to things like gender, but we do know that angels have the ability to shift from a male body to a female one in a matter of seconds. Ash Landers is another character that I beleive to be at least very coded genderfluid. He has to ability to just...become a woman on a whim and also seems to hate the idea of binary gender. He describes man's separation by gender as the genisis of evil, for god's sake. It is fair to assume that demons live by the same rules.
That is all for now, I may post another one of these later on in time, either about the same topic, or about a different one. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense and I hope you enjoyed :D
In conclusion,
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