#this utter disaster
glorious-spoon · 2 months
i love eddie diaz with all my heart, but it's the kind of love you have for a wet cat who's trying desperately to pretend that they Did That On Purpose, and that's why i simply cannot get on board with the idea that he is in any way smooth
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spooksicl-e · 2 years
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the one!! the only!!!1!1
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sketchyracoon · 6 months
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Back on my Emo them share accessories and can't deal with their emotions normally agenda.
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HEARTBREAKING: James Somerton DID plan to make a Disco Elysium video for his "fall" release
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lover-of-skellies · 1 year
Currently fixated on the mental image of Dream trying to help Nightmare find a suitor/partner/whatever (maybe they're royalty or something idk), and Nightmare's super stubborn the entire time
Dream's trying to help him find someone who can match his strength and personality, and it's not working. Nightmare's aware that he could have practically anyone he wants, he just doesn't care. He refuses each person that Dream suggests, and Dream starts getting frustrated
Cross shows up on Nightmare's doorstep because he needs a place to stay. He's in rough shape, he has no money on him, he's clearly seen better days. Dream, against Nightmare's wishes, lets Cross stay in the castle, trying to be nice. He then continues to struggle with getting Nightmare to accept any suggested partners. Cross gets bored after a while and orders pizza (Dream told him to get whatever he wants when he's ready to eat)
When it's dropped off, the delivery guy tells Cross to enjoy his food. Cross, being the disaster he is, says "Thanks, you too." Realizing his mistake, he starts to feel anxious and turns into even more of a disaster. Nightmare senses it from all the way across the castle, and spontaneously decides, "That one. I want that one."
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skwtches · 1 year
“Absolutely not. I mean, well, after all, he… It was not my… He wanted to leave. Didn't he?”
Reading through this line, something about Rabbit in The Tigger Movie occurred to me: the plan that the gang comes up with in order to spare Tigger’s feelings is one of the few instances where Rabbit isn’t present to take on the leader’s role. Throughout the movie, Rabbit is preoccupied with winter preparations, so much so to the point that he, unlike the others, fails to identify the weight of Tigger’s familial dilemma. When he walks in on the gang dressing up as Tiggers in the “How To Be a Tigger” sequence, he questions what they are doing, but does not stick around for an answer, or even try to take up the leadership mantle like he normally would. In an act that is both unorthodox and so completely in-character, he storms off and away from his companions' harebrained scheme to complete his preparations, but not before ironically proclaiming, “at least I haven't lost sight of what’s important.”
To no one’s surprise, the plan falls through. But to everyone’s shock, Tigger runs away that same night. 
“It was not my fault,” is what Rabbit wants and starts to say after hearing of his friend’s disappearance. The members of the group who congregate at Rabbit’s to request his help don’t blame him for Tigger leaving, and Rabbit knows them well enough to understand they wouldn't suggest such a thing by arriving at his house all at once. But Rabbit still has the reflex to defend himself; to confirm that Tigger leaving was indeed not his doing. The one time Rabbit isn't there to lead his friends–believing they all had “lost sight of what’s important,”–the friend whose crisis the lagomorph missed completely had run off into the cold, dreary night. But it wasn’t his fault. It couldn’t have been his fault. 
“He wanted to leave,” Rabbit says, trying to reason with himself. He tries to justify Tigger leaving, searching for a reason–any reason at all–that doesn’t loop right back around to it being his fault. Because it wasn’t. If Tigger had wanted to leave, what good would it have done for Rabbit to have been present? If the bunny had been there alongside his friends to aid their striped pal in his time of need? Whether or not he could have come up with a different, possibly better plan that didn’t result in the heartbreak of the usually bouncy Tigger did not matter here. Of course Tigger would have left anyway in search of his supposed family. He was simply unpredictable that way, and nobody could predict and stop something unpredictable–not even Rabbit. Tigger had most certainly wanted to leave from the start. “Didn’t he?”
As the members of the gang try to convince a hesitant Rabbit to leave with them in search of Tigger, the guilt racks up. He finds himself struggling more and more to excuse himself from the situation as his friends go on about Tigger whilst he fixes up his winter-proofed home, the sadness visibly present amongst them making it even harder for him to dismiss them. As a look of unease–a flicker of guilt–graces his face, he asks, “what do you need me for? Why don't you go find him yourselves?” 
Pooh simply and earnestly responds with, “but we're just not clever enough, Rabbit.” 
A huge facet of Rabbit’s self-appointed leadership role is that it comes from a place where the persnickety critter truly believes himself to be smarter than the majority of his peers in the Wood. He sees himself as the most capable and responsible, and so takes it upon himself to lead whenever he gets the chance. Here however, he tries to deny the opportunity to take charge of the search party. Perhaps it is mostly due to fear of his already fragile shelter coming apart at the seams while he isn’t around. But perhaps it’s also thanks to the aforementioned guilt that he can’t bring himself to diligently lead his friends in searching for the one who he’d inadvertently let slip away. 
Before he can respond to Pooh, a small voice makes itself heard. Rabbit catches sight of Roo, who just tells him that he misses Tigger. The final nail in the coffin. Here is where Rabbit truly can’t bring himself to deny them his help anymore. Here is where the guilt is finally too profound to excuse. 
Here is where Rabbit decides to lead his friends again. 
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onlylove4louis · 4 months
I want to talk about the "You picked another one over me scene", but from the viewpoint of someone that doesn't hate Louis... (S2E4 Spoilers)
If you haven't seen the newest episode yet and don't want spoilers, scroll right past this post 👌🏽
So this scene:
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She was wrong for this, and I will die on that hill. (not wrong completely for what she's saying, but for everything she's doing here)
It's a bizarre thing to come across so many people who would ritualistically dance on Lestats grave for his abusing Louis & Claudia, but then when it comes to Claudia being abusive towards Louis, suddenly abuse and poor treatment is "okay". He has no right to even so much as be mad at her, but she can treat him like garbage and verbally/emotionally abuse and neglect him for years and it's okay. She can come in and unload/explode on him, and destroy his property whenever she wants, simply because what she chose isn't working out for her anymore. And the coven master she told him was "safe" based solely on the color of his skin, is in fact not safe. And somehow that's okay. It's not.
She has no right to treat him however she wants, just because she's pissed off. And nor does he. His wrongs do not make it "okay" and I'd say the same thing for her, if Louis ever did this to her.
I wanna start from the beginning, which is to take it back just prior to this, for both of them.
Prior to this for Louis: He's actively going through an existential crisis, and is still battling actual insanity. But what is happening in this scene, and the tragedy of this scene:
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Is that once again, Louis is realizing that he has to sacrifice something, that has been bringing him momentary happiness and a sense of peace, etc. Due to being a Vampire. He once again, because he can't help it, it's who and what he is. Was reaching out for humanity, attempting to keep some sort of connection with the human world. It's one of the reasons why his photography is such a problem and point of scorn, mockery and disdain for everyone else. Because it's a very human thing, it keeps him amongst the humans and not at the theatre. It sets him apart from them, and they don't like it. I digress, what's happening here, and why he's essentially giving up and burning his photos. Is because he's realizing it's just yet another thing he will never properly be able to do, something he cannot have. Because he's a Vampire.
(Yes, it's not the only thing that's going on in this scene. Or the only takeaway of this scene. But it is the thing that has Louis in such a vulnerable position. A low point if you will, when Claudia comes raging through the door)
Now, to what just happened to Claudia prior, that prompted her to come take out everything on Louis, like a punching bag. Because she can't take it out on anyone else, is:
I'm not going to add a picture or a gif, because it pisses me off too much. But Claudia (along with Santiago) are both reprimanded by their coven master (Armand). She's caught breaking another Vampire Law and shirking her coven/theatre responsibilities, along with the knowledge that she's sitting on various other broken laws already. Of which Armand has kept. Runs her mouth to the coven master, and he loses it with her. Also because like he implies, he's been giving her more leeway and freedoms, than he would or has with anyone else, and that any other coven master (save for Lestat) would. And then with Santiago. The rose colored blinders she had put on going into this, completely shattered. And the consequences of her own choices and actions are catching up to her and she's no longer having a good time. The dream/delusion has been popped and now it's withering away. And she's coming back to reality, and being forced to remember that reality, is garbage.
(Mentally tossing Armand into a furnace because we all know damn well, that wasn't ONLY because he's trying to regain control of his coven.)
Que, her heading straight for the only person that she can verbally beat on and blame for everything, because very much like his Mother, she needs to put it "somewhere". And she puts it all on Louis, because no one else would just tolerate it. Literally no one else would take it, but him.
So now, here we are, back to the scene at hand. Louis is in a very low, vulnerable spot. And Claudia is pissed, hurt and needing to dump on someone
I wont say too much here about the actual words exchanged. Because they're both wrong and they're both right. They're both actively seeking companionship outside of the other, they're both choosing others over eachother. They're both making mistakes and they're both messing up and they're both dealing with the consequences. Love makes everyone stupid and weak and fickle, etc. 'You and Me' becoming 'Him and you' is ALSO becoming 'them and you' and 'her and you'. He didn't tell her about Armand knowing everything since day one, she still hasn't told him about her numerous one on one convo's with Santiago, who due to her poor choices. Caught her breaking another Vampire law, and now knows that she writes about everything she experiences. Including what she (or they) did to their Maker, in her diaries. They're both failing eachother and they're both resentful of eachother, both for valid reasons. Neither one of them is an adequate companion for the other, they both need someone else, and the degradation of their relationship is coming from BOTH sides. Fault and responsibility is on them both and they both had every right and reason to say what they did in this moment.
Funny enough, but not surprising that I have yet to see anyone note. That her dislike of his "hobby" is very reminiscent of Lestats dislike of his affinity for books. Both, take his time and attention away from them, so they hate it.
But what I actually want to point out here, because there's so many things in each episode that I'm not really seeing people talk about is:
Claudia's assumption that Louis "filled in the details" of what happened to Lestat. She accuses him of basically telling Armand, what I personally think, is going to be revealed as the truth. And that's that Claudia is the one who both poisoned and cut Lestats throat. Now I could be wrong, but personally the assumed "betrayal" that Claudia is feeling in this scene, is not that Louis didn't tell her that Armand has known this whole time. But instead that she thinks Louis basically ratted on her. I think she thinks Louis broke and told him the "truth" of what really happened, that she's the one who did it. And I think that is what her actual anger/hurt is about, I.E him "choosing" Armand over her. She thinks that he chose to tell Armand their "secret" because his "love" and his desperation for love in general is making him "stupid" again.
But because she's so focused on herself, and this coven and what she's going through, and discovering Madeline that she doesn't see that he clearly doesn't "love" Armand. And, she's having such a shitty time here, that she doesn't even consider that he may be actually doing what he can to protect her, behind the scenes. Meaning, instead of confirming what Armand already clearly knows, that it was in fact all her. He instead said it was him. That he did it. Not even just that he "helped" but that he was the one who did the whole thing, alone. And straight out said that she did not even help. He saying "chasing it chasing it..." followed by "except he just threatened me with it. I think is actually her thinking that in chasing love from Armand, he told him that she's the one who killed Lestat and that the only reason Armand knows what she did to her maker, is because Louis told him. Which in reality, he didn't.
And now, thanks to Claudias carelessness, Santiago knows. And the mutinous coven has concrete proof of what she/they did. (or at least, that's what Armand has Louis believing, and is now telling Daniel/us)
Literally no one is getting the full picture here. And sadly, these two are so at odds with eachother and so disconnected with eachother and resentful of eachother, that they're not communicating. And it's the lack of proper communication, and the lack of unity. Is why they both, separately keep fucking up.
Last but not least, just a throw in. It makes perfect sense why Louis wouldn't immediately believe that Armand actually threatened her. But even I had to scream into a pillow in frustration for that. The same way I have to scream every single time she falls for Santiagos manipulations. He's putting trust in Armand only because he believes he has an upper hand, as well as being a result of it being years and Armand still sitting on their secret. And Claudia's putting trust in Santiago, because unfortunately her desperation is making her susceptible to his manipulations. And again, she thinks she still has the upper hand, at least when it comes to lying and manipulating. And these particular failures on both their parts, are gonna bite them in the ass.
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
I take the piss out of Jason so much I feel like I have to occasionally reassure everyone that I do genuinely love him and think he's great. he's just an extremely easy target
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mickittotheman · 5 months
⚠⚠⚠ This weeks @galladrabbles prompt from @crossmydna is VERY interesting lol ⚠⚠⚠
“What the fuck?”
Mickey’s frozen, barely one foot in the door, trying to figure out what the fuck he’s looking at.
Ian flails, losing his grip and landing on the strategically placed cushions with an ‘oof’.
“Mick! Look, my trapeze yoga kit finally arrived!”
Mickey blinks at his husband, who’s still sprawled on the floor with a big goofy grin. “What the fuck?” 
“It’s fun! You should try it.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” Mickey scoffs. “Thing looks like a fucking deathtrap. Or a sex-swing.”
Ian gets that glint in his eyes. Mickey’s breath hitches. 
They peer at the ropes appraisingly.
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
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Such a GREAT macro question for almost all of GMMTV's shows....
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femrodeeeeo · 2 months
Saw in the news that several immigration lawyer's addresses have been shared around in alt-right group chats along with messages encouraging each other to put a stop to immigration. They are really trying to go around and exterminate people.
Can you guys even feel safe when so many police officers are nazis themselves?
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setarmare · 2 months
This may never happen, but imagine Cidhna Mine as the Dragon Age Origins prison break where the DB is trapped in prison and it's up to the custom followers to break em out.
Because you either get:
- Oceans 11-style action where a band of highly specialized people of different skills come together to carry out the most elaborate, James Bond prison break
- utter dysfunctional disaster that probably ends with THEM also going to prison
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aztarion · 5 months
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these flashbacks 😭
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academicgangster · 6 months
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Obsessed with the way Jack holds his beer like it's a pen he's going to twirl.
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Articles of Confederation my problematic fave. Cringefail babygirl. You had no hope.
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ethaneldritch · 1 year
I'm in the middle of putting together the barest concept for a theoretical LoK sequel, and it has the vampire lieutenants involved (due to Kain ending Defiance roughly right before the time his younger self would've raised them to begin conquering Nosgoth).
They're important for gameplay purposes that I don't want to spoil right now, but I was a little stumped on how to "get them away" from young Kain so they could serve Elder Kain.
And then it hit me.
I've heard it jokingly theorized that the entirety of Blood Omen 2 is just one massive, hazy recollection of a severely concussed young Kain, but like...nobody ever said the concussion had to come from the Hylden Lord, specifically.
Therefore, in this hypothetical sequel game, Kain attempts to bargain with his younger self for command of the fledglings, fails (because he's still the exact same stubborn brickhead no matter what eon), gets frustrated.
And then straight-up punches his younger self's lights out.
Problem solved. Lieutenants acquired. :D
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