#this was an excellent opportunity to ramble about my welkynar squad
madam-whim · 2 years
38, 5, and 11, for an oc of your choosing!
These went incredibly well with my Welkynar squad, so I've picked them for this ask! Taeldil and Keldarin for 38, Yalie for 5 and Iriniel for 11.
38: Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Taeldil is the type who absolutely tackles problems head on. He mostly succeeds in removing them as well. This is in part due to his upbringing – as the son of an influential noble, he always had the means to solve any issue thrown his way, and he developed a certain attitude reflecting this. He was never a spoiled brat, but he had a lot of confidence in his ability to overcome any problem, no matter how big. This attitude carried over into his adult life. He still faces every problem with a grin on his face, though he’s had to adjust to being part of a close-knit group he can’t keep out of his problem-solving decisions. He can’t rush in as much as he used to – he still does it in battle though, because that’s his role in the group.
Keldarin on the other hand, who is used to Taeldil’s shenanigans, always has his back and is there to get him out when one of his plans (or spontaneous ideas) does fail. Out of all the Welkynar, he’s the most likely to work around or avoid a problem (in combat situations, this translates to him being the sneakiest of the bunch). Why face trouble when you can just… avoid it altogether? Keldarin doesn’t come from a wealthy family and he learned early on that sometimes, it can be more effective to avoid a problem, especially if you lack the means to overcome it directly.
He and Taeldil balance each other out, really.
5: On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Yalie prefers tight clothing with not too many pockets, so space is very limited. However, she always carries emergency potions in a satchel on her belt – magicka for when she runs out, and healing for when Iriniel does. Her satchel also always contains some of her favorite tea – one perk of being half Altmer is that nobody really expects you to follow the Green Pact, and her tea’s from Elsweyr anyway, so it’s alright. She also always has some sweets with her, because sometimes one just needs a little bit of sugar to keep going. Also, everyone on her team has a sweet tooth, and she has to get them through the rough patches somehow. She knows everyone’s favorite sweets and always makes sure to bring them along.
11: In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Iriniel isn’t easily scared. Sure, there are moments where she’s uncomfortable or thinks a situation is exceptionally dangerous, but the Welkynar – at least her team – never go into one of those without backup plans to their backup plans, and so moments that truly induce fear are few and far between. Iriniel is very sure of her skills as a healer and a fighter, as she should be, and she knows her team to be just as competent in their respective fields. However, her team being separated for some reason is insanely scary to her. So when the Thalmor imprisoned Keldarin and the remaining three Welkynar plus the four gryphons had to get him out, she was more frightened than she had thought possible. Even planning for a fight without Keldarin felt… wrong, and actually pulling it off without him was even worse. There was an essential piece of them missing, and though they executed their plan flawlessly, Iriniel’s heart was pounding the entire time. She’s been anxious ever since – she does not deal well with big changes and insecurities about the future either, and right now, neither she nor the other Welkynar have any idea what’s going to become of them. They are deserters and though they’ve managed to flee to Skyrim, they’re not quite safe yet.
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