#this was an excuse to make my own reimagining of mycroft
pengumi12 · 1 year
Since The Tale of Outcasts has Watson and Sherlock I decided it would be fun to make a Mycroft to go with them lol
I took inspiration from ACD canon, Moriarty the Patriot, BBC Sherlock, and Sherlock: Case of Evil while putting my own twist on him.
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A "tall and portly" man with brown slicked back hair and a mustache. His blue-grey eyes have a "far away introspective look", seemingly glazed over yet piercing at the same time. Often sleeps in a chair so gives the impression of an insomniac. Nerve damage of the sciatic nerve due to a lifestyle of prolonged sitting among other things has led to him walking with a limp and using a cane in recent years.
Sciatica causes pain along the whole nerve pathway (down your leg) which varies from aches, sharp burning, or even a jolt/electric shock feel. It can also go numb (and you should really see a doctor if that happens) and grow weak so you can't support your weight on it and stuff. The idea of giving Mycroft a disability comes from Sherlock: Case of Evil and the idea of giving him a cane come from Watson not having one in Nokemono and me getting salty about it XD
Other things about Mycroft:
- He's not on speaking terms with Sherlock but if they need to contact each other they can
- Cares even less about demons and the supernatural "occult" than Sherlock does
- Refuses to see a doctor cause he's kinda lazy and doesn't want professional confirmation on what he already knows about his questionable health
- is the middle child (has an older brother [Sherrinford] who lives out in the country)
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discordantwords · 4 years
@khorazir asked: 1, 18, 23, ...
Thanks for the ask!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  –   what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Funny you should ask, @khorazir, since my current project is your FTH fic! :)
Without giving too much away, the fic has Sherlock and John forced to spend the night in the London Aquarium while waiting for a suspect. Awkward silences! Conversations! Uncomfortable truths! And angst, though slightly less angst than might be expected given the setting. There's a funny-ish scene that I've had in my head since the initial planning, and I'm really looking forward to writing it down.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
Actually, yes! I make small changes to my outlines all the time as I'm writing, but there are three instances where I really deviated from what I'd first intended:
In my original outline for Borrowed Ghosts, Arthur Bell was a lot more menacing than sad-- much more of a villain character. And I was leaning a little too heavily on the S4 imagery, so John was going to wind up struggling with Bell and falling into a well on the farm property. Sherlock would find him there, and they were then going to spend the night huddling for warmth in the farmhouse. But none of that really felt right, and once I put John in the ramshackle, crumbling farmhouse instead, all of the parallels about how he'd let his own life collapse around him while he let himself fester with rage and anger and misplaced blame just sort of came together. I can't imagine the story any other way at this point.
(Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea was originally intended to switch perspectives between Sherlock, John, and Mycroft throughout the story. I wrote a few draft chapters before deciding that it didn't really work, and that the story was much stronger when restricted to just Sherlock's perspective. There was also a plotline involving Molly and the Borgia pearl that I cut because it seemed too lighthearted. I posted some of the outtakes to AO3 in my Little Contributions collection (chapters 5-10).
And Out There, my Sherlock/X-Files fusion and the longest thing I've ever written by far, was actually supposed to be even longer. The story is structured where each chapter is an "episode" and the place where the fic ends is only the midpoint of my original outline. I realized pretty early on in drafting that there was just no way I was ever going to reach the end, and reworked the story to wrap up with John's abduction and return.
There's a sequel that lives in my head that incorporates a lot of the elements of my original outline. I've never actually typed this all out before, but here's a brief hint of some of the planned events:
John and Sherlock are sharing an apartment (which the FBI is aware of), and secretly in a relationship (which the FBI is decidedly not aware of). Things are good for a while, until they are assigned to a case involving the disappearance of two children. The case seems tailor-made for Sherlock, with details incredibly similar to the night of his brother's disappearance. He's forced to confront his unreliable memories, and it shakes his faith in what he's believed for so long. This puts him at odds with John, who is still reeling from his disappearance and is determined to uncover what was done to him. In the midst of their suddenly unstable partnership, we roll into a mashup of HLV/Bad Blood, where Sherlock is accused of murdering a news baron he believes to be a vampire. After that, Irene, Sherlock's first partner on the X-Files, makes an unexpected return, and John is j-e-a-l-o-u-s. There's an Abominable Bride/Triangle mashup where Sherlock vanishes in the Bermuda Triangle looking for a ship where the crew was rumored to have been the victim of a murderous bride. Then we rush into Gethsemane/Reichenbach, with faked deaths and uncertain alliances, and FINALLY it would end on a reimagining of the events of the first XF movie and a reaffirmation of both the relationship and partnership.
I really, really hope to have the chance to write that all down one day. I think it could be a lot of fun.
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
A crackfic taken entirely seriously-- a fusion with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Essentially, this would be an excuse to write Sherlock and Moriarty locked in battle and tumbling off of a cliff over a chocolate waterfall.
Writer Asks!
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