#this was inspired by jenny lawson's book broken
darklingichor · 5 months
Broken (In the Best Possible Way), by Jenny Lawson
I wrote about this one in 2021, I think, but I've been struggling a lot with my anxiety and depression lately and Lawson's books make me feel a bit better because I can relate, her writing makes me laugh, and cry when I need to.
There are the hilarious stories about social interactions that I feel in my bones. The best ones are the "What kind of introvert are you?" Quiz, the interactions with her editor, and the" weird things socially awkward people say" tweets she and her followers shared. I love those so much! The other funny essays are fantastic, those just stood out to me.
The darker or just more somber essays are touching, or sad, or inspiring, or just real and all are beautiful. Basically, this book is just what I need when my brain is being more of a jerk than normal.
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so. finally feeling okay with talking about this thing that's been happening to me.
my brain has changed a lot lately. maybe not actually, literally, changed, but that's what it feels like. and that, in turn, has altered my relationship with listening to the mountain goats. would like to clarify at this point that i still love them/their music deeply and will run this blog as long as i physically can! i love them how you love a lifeline, but also how you love your child. unconditionally, with pride and joy and strength. their music has helped me through so much. you all know that.
but, i can't deny the changes; it'd be silly to do so. i've learned from being a sentimental little creature that holding on to stuff too hard just crushes it, and trying to freeze emotions in time is just a disappointment. life itself is built on entropy. humans wouldn't exist without the fundamental fluctuating and unknowable nature of the universe. so i'm going to talk about it, because that's all i know how to do. for now. i've been working on some drawings, too.
i made a post a while back about how when i was a kid, i was suspicious of everyone and everything. my world was made of magic and fear. listening to in the hidden places brought this memory back to me with fury, but that was that. it stayed a memory.
until, of course, it didn't.
it's hard for me to gather enough info in my current state. my head feels fuzzy whenever i try to concentrate or actually think, and there's a blank spot where things used to go. if you imagine my head is a computer, and my memories are photos, i keep clicking on the photos folder and sometimes the files are there, and sometimes they just. aren't. for this reason, and the childhood trauma which trained me to disbelieve my own experiences, i don't feel comfortable doing any sort of self diagnosis. i don't know what's going on with me, other than that from my point of view it looks a lot like psychosis. my world has become scary again, a different kind of scary from my severe anxiety disorder scary. My severe anxiety disorder tells me that if i go outside, i might get shot. my possible psychosis tells me that if i go outside, the scientists studying me will watch me, like they always do. they will watch me closely. it's the garbage man and the guy in a suit coming home from work. it's the lady with the kid. it's the kid. it's them, and they're all coming for me. they'll watch and find out who i am, where i live, how i operate. why they don't already know is a mystery to me, the vaguely rational and clear thinking human. but they will. and they will kill me in my sleep. so i don't go outside, and i don't sleep. i coax myself into going to bed by listening to car seat headrest (teens of style and twin fantasy (mirror to mirror))and reminding myself over and over again how much it sucked that day i didn't sleep for 38 hours.
and that's a change, because if this weren't what it is, that band name right there would be the mountain goats. this would be a thankful post, talking about how whatever album it was was singing me lullabyes every night. i'm trying not to feel bad about that.
and i think this is because right now, car seat headrest is what i need: staticky, lulling, but violently emotional and cathartic. the mountain goats requires a certain amount of my head to be functional: decoding symbolism, memories of all the things i've read about the song, the more clear instrumentation that forces me to be in its space. the very specific moods each of the albums have, and to a lesser extent, each of the songs too. the mountain goats demands i am living, am currently alive and entering the world of The Mountain Goats; i feel like a walking corpse or maybe the terminator right now. whatever i am, i'm not human and i'm not alive. i suspect listening to the mountain goats will become easy again, maybe once i have a therapist to help me sort it all out, or maybe on days when my head is clearer (there have been a few, blissful days when i work at my old supersonic speeds).
after all, life is change. this too shall pass.
and i predict when it gets easy to listen to the mountain goats once more, i will love them more than ever. i can't help but see myself/my current reality in the narrators to many, many of their songs (in the same way that i always have, also, in different ways than ever before): if you see light, heretic pride, cry for judas, younger, dark in here, the slow parts on death metal albums... the list could go on. Maybe it will. maybe when i'm better, even just a little better and i can remember even a little bit of anything, i'll make a playlist (tell me if that would be interesting for you all).
there's a line off of romans 10:9 that has stuck with me since i first heard the song, but it seems particularly relevant now, so i guess i'll end this post with that. thanks for reading, if you made it to the end. i know this is a beast to read; it was a beast to write too
Wake and rise and face the day and try to stop the day from staring back at me/Busy hours for joyful hearts and maybe later head out to the pharmacy... won't take the medication but it's good to have around, a kind and loving God won't let my small ship run aground!
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cheshirelibrary · 3 years
Jenny Lawson is the funniest person you know. And if you don’t know her, just read one of her books and she becomes the funniest person you know. It’s like a magic trick. She is renowned, and beloved, for speaking frankly about her experiences with mental illness and for applying the miracle medicine of laughter to our collective open wounds. Her new book, Broken (in the best possible way), is yet another showcase for Lawson’s exhilarating blend of heart, humor, and nuclear-grade lateral thinking.
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GR: So, we’ve found that our readers are always really interested in process, in how authors go about their writing. Can you talk a little bit about your routine? Are you particularly disciplined about sitting down to write something every day? JL: I struggle a lot with writer's block. In particular, when I'm dealing with depression, or when my anxiety gets too bad, I feel like I'll never be funny again. I'll never be able to write again. I’ve realized that that's just depression messing with me, but I will often go weeks without being able to write something that I really like. So, this book took several years—I want to say four years, it might even have been more than that. The way I work is that I wait for interesting or funny things to happen to me, and then I become inspired by those. But until I know exactly how I'm going to write it, I tend not to start it. Because if I have something written down, and I don't like it, I will usually just delete it. So I'll wait, and all of a sudden, it'll come to me: Oh, this is how I write it, in list format! This is how I'm going to put this together! Then I’ll yell at my family and be like, "No one bother me for 20 minutes, I've got to get this out!" Because I know if anyone interrupts me, I will never be able to find my track again.
GR: You’ve been at this for a while now. Would you say that you still ultimately enjoy the act of writing? Or how has that changed for you over the years? JL: Well, there’s a famous quote, I want to say it was Dorothy Parker—my dog is named Dorothy Barker—who said, “I hate writing. I love having written.” And that is exactly how I feel. To me, not writing feels very unnatural. It feels like it gets all backed up in my head. So when it finally hits, and I know what I want to write, and I get it out, it’s the most amazingly wonderful thing. In particular, if I'm writing about things that are very heavy or dark or difficult to maybe talk about. A lot of times, if I write them down, I'm able to close that chapter. That darkness can live someplace else, not just in my head. And I find that really comforting.
GR: Were you into reading books as a little kid? Do you remember the first books that kind of swept you away? JL: Oh, yeah. My earliest memories are of the bookmobile coming to town, because we lived in the country. In the summer, we'd walk to the bookmobile to get our books. As I got older, I would steal my grandmother's books, and she was really into the dark stuff, so I’d read Stephen King and V.C. Andrews and Agatha Christie. I would constantly be getting in trouble because of that. When I was in third grade, I did a book report about Pet Sematary. My mom was actually OK with it. She was like, "She's reading above her grade level." So, yeah, I've always loved to read.
Click through to read the full interview.
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: 99 Unforgettable Gift Ideas Under $25
Have you ever found yourself in a spot where you have to get a gift soon but you have no idea what to get? Yeah, me too! All the time actually That is why today, we are going to discuss 99 unforgettable gift ideas under $25. Each gift is perfect for a friend, family member, significant other, or whoever you need to get a gift for. They range from amazing kitchen gadgets to fun and functional tools anyone can use in their daily life. Ready to get started? Lets get into all of the amazing gift ideas under $25!
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What could these gift ideas be used for?
I am glad you asked! These gift ideas under $25 are perfect for any of the following occasions:
Birthdays for friends and family
Anniversaries for a significant other
Going away parties
Housewarming parties
Graduation parties
Holiday parties or dinners
Stocking stuffer or gift-exchanges
Looking for more holiday gift ideas? Check out my Ultimate College Student Holiday Gift Guide
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99 Gift Ideas Under $25
Alright, lets dive right in! Below, I have sectioned off each of these gift ideas under $25 to help you better navigate.
Gift Ideas for the Book Worm
Each of these are classic books that never get old. They are perfect for any individual looking to better their life, need a pick-me-up, or simply just love to read!
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen: Allens best-selling book is the ultimate and perfect guide to productive living. In it, it sets up a foolproof productivity system that anyone can easily use. Makes the perfect gift for students, anyone who works at a desk, and stay-at-home moms.
Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson: Next, this is among my top ten favorite books of all time. Lawson describes how she hilariously handles life living with anxiety and depression and brings the reader along for an epic, funny, and uplifting adventure. I cant recommend this book more.
What Now? The Young Persons Guide to Choosing the Perfect Career by Nicholas Lore: This is, hands down, the best book-gift I ever received. I read this book cover-to-cover and was able to decide, with confidence, my career path! This is the perfect gift for your favorite college student, high school senior, or young adult who is still trying to figure out their future.
Adulting: How to Become a Grown Up in 535 Easy(ish) Steps by Kelly Williams Brown: Speaking of young adults, this is another great book for your favorite 20- or 30-something. This is a step-by-step guide to being a functional adult.
You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living Your Life by Jen Sincero: This best-seller makes the perfect gift for anyone! It is an uplifting, motivational, and inspirational book that will pump anyone up to chase their wildest dreams and quit letting fear get in the way.
Looking for more book ideas? HERE is the list of 100 books everyone should read before they die!
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller: This classic, best-selling novel should be on everyones shelf! It is a humorous war novel and one of the most celebrated books ever written.
Eat, Pray, Love: One Womans Search For Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert: Next, this best-seller is the perfect book for your favorite traveler. It follows a woman through her travels across the globe and what she learns along the way.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin: Another great classic is this gorgeous copy of Pride and Prejudice. It is a humorous, love novel about five women and their mothers attempt to marry them all.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: Next is this best-selling novel that takes place in 1939 and follows a young foster girl who, you guessed it, steals book. It is widely known as a life-changing book and a must read of all ages.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien: My final book-gift recommendation is the first book in the Lord of the Rings series. It is a must read for everyone and is the perfect way to make someone fall in love with reading!
Related: 21 Life-Changing Books every 20-Something Should Read
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Gift Ideas for the Chef
Next on the best gift ideas under $25 list is the top kitchen gadgets that are perfect for anyone looking to up their food game! Actually, I really think kitchen items make some of the best gifts for anyone really.
Tupperware Set: This is such a useful gift for anyone who has recently moved into a new or larger place.
Drinking Glasses: Another great gift for someone moving into a larger place or who is in desperate need of new drinking glasses (which is a surprisingly large amount of people!)
Plate Set: Again, another great gift for a newly move-in.
Silverware Set: The last of the kitchen essentials, silverware. A must have!
Silverware Organizer: Know anyone who just tosses their silverware into a drawer? Yeah, this is for them.
Kitchen Towels: A great gift for anyone! Plus, you can find some really fun seasonal sets and colors.
Kitchen Knives: A good knife set can really be life-changing. As a bonus, you can even include a knife-sharpener!
Taco-Holder: This is one of those cute little fun gifts that are perfect to add to a larger kitchen-themed gift!
Cookbook: There are so many great cookbooks out there that make perfect gifts. THIS is my current go-to book because it has everything!
Cookbook Holder: This is so useful when baking. Especially when you have messy fingers!
Looking for a bigger kitchen gift idea? Instant pots are where its at!
Kettle: These are amazing! I use mine everyday and would be lost without it! They are perfect for tea drinkers or anyone who boils water on the regular.
Waffle Maker: This is another fun gift that is great for anyone! (Makes the PERFECT exchange gift!)
Utensil Set: There are so many people out there who need this.
Noodle Strainer: A great, basic addition to any kitchen.
Smoothie Blender: These are perfect for your favorite health nut!
Cute Apron: Every good baker needs a cute apron.
Coffee: When in doubt, coffee makes a perfect gift.
Tea: Likewise, tea is a great gift too! You can never have too much.
Tea Infuser: These are great for people who are serious about their tea drinking.
Snacks: Finally, if youre really unsure, snacks/food make great gifts because you know they will be used/eaten up!
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Eating Healthy on a Budget and a Time Crunch
From food, snacks, utensils, tools and more, kitchen goodies make the perfect gift for anyone!Click To Tweet
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Gift Ideas for the Commuter
Next, lets discuss some of the best gift ideas under $25 for your favorite commuter. This could be someone who drives everyday, takes the train, or simply has a bit of a walk before they reach their daily destination.
Coffee Travel Mug: Everyone can use a new travel mug.
Multi-Tool: Perhaps a more boring but definitely useful gift idea.
1 Month Audible Membership: Commuting can be incredibly boring, especially with traffic. Spice it up for your favorite commuter with some audiobooks!
Cute New Sunglasses: Sunglasses often get lost or broken throughout the year so they make great gifts (because you know everyone could use an extra pair!)
Headphones: Likewise, headphones dont last forever. Lucky for you, that makes them perfect gift ideas.
Portable Charger: Portable chargers can seriously be lifesavers when commuting.
Cute (and useful!) Keychain: Finally, a cute keychain can be the perfect addition to any gift.
Pin this post for later!
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Gift Ideas for the Homebody
This next gift ideas section covers everything related to the home. These gifts are perfect for anyone who has recently moved into a new place or perhaps is in need of some new decoration. These also work great for anyone who likes to stay in on the weekends!
Flameless Candles: Most rental units (dorms, apartments, etc.) dont allow candles, which is why flameless candles are so great!
Picture Frame: A cute picture frame with a photo inside makes a great personalized and meaningful gift.
Monogram Cork Holder: These are so cute and are perfect for someone who loves wine!
Blanket: Cozy blankets make perfect gifts and are always useful.
Curtains: Curtains are like giving the gift of more sleep, especially with blackout curtains!
Cozy Socks: Cute, fuzzy socks are classic gifts and great for anyone who lives in a colder climate.
New Movie with Popcorn and Candy: Movies are always great gift ideas!
Diffuser: Every home needs a good diffuser. They serve double duty as a humidifier too!
Cute Throw Pillows: Throw pillows are a great addition to any home.
Plant Terrarium: These are so cute to add to any home and require very little maintenance.
Twinkle Lights: Lights can really transform any space into a cute and cozy atmosphere.
Re-Usable Bags: Many cities are getting rid of plastic bags. Help fight for the environment and give the gift of reusable bags! (They are SO useful too!)
Related: The Ultimate College Packing List for Dorms and New Apartments
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Gift Ideas for the Workaholic or Student
Now, lets talk about some gift ideas for the workaholic or student in your life. These are perfect for anyone who often sits at a desk or uses a computer often. They can turn anyones ordinary desk supplies into extraordinary!
Student Planner: First, planners are among the best gifts you can get! THIS planner has everything your favorite student will ever need. As a bonus, it is printable! So you can download the files onto a USB and give them a copy so if they need an extra page of a certain layout, they have it at their fingertips.
Cute New Mug: A good coffee/tea mug is something truly special.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses: Many people spend countless hours in front of a screen. Make sure their eyes are protected (and headaches avoided) with a nice new pair of blue light blocking glasses.
Cordless Mouse: A good cordless mouse can make a huge difference to productivity. THIS is my favorite mouse, I swear by it.
Thumb Drive: Honestly, one can never have too many thumb drives
Laptop Case: When moving a laptop from place to place, it is incredibly important to keep it safe and secure.
Laptop Vinyl Stickers: These are so fun to add to any laptop and make a great gift!
Keyboard Cover: Keyboards get dirty so easily, a good cover is a great way to avoid this issue.
Tablet Stand: For frequent tablet users, a good stand can make a big difference.
White Board and Markers: These are perfect for a student who studies often!
Wooden Block Desk Calendar: Finally, these desk calendars make the cutest addition to any desk!
Related: College Backpack Essentials 21 Items you Must Carry With you at all Times
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Gift Ideas for the Stationary Nerd
In addition to desk and computer supplies, lets cover some fun stationary as well! I love stationary, so I thought it deserved its own category. These gift ideas are relatively cheaper than the other ideas, so multiples can be paired together under $25 to make a great gift!
Bullet Journal: First, bullet journals are great productivity tools and make wonderful, slim journals that you can take anywhere!
Washi Tape: Add a pop of color or design to anything with removable washi tape.
Coletto Multi-Pens: These multi-pens make the perfect gift for anyone who loves pens. They are great for color coding tasks, drawing, and so much more.
Mildliner Highlighters: These make great highlighters, art markers, and more. They are much better than regular highlighters because they are less bright and have two different tips. They are perfect to pair as a gift with a bullet journal.
Stedler Fineliner Pens: Next, these are among the most popular pens on college campuses today.
Sticky Note Set: Everyone goes through sticky notes so quickly, which means they make great gifts!
Fancy Pen Set: A good, fancy pen is always a great gift! These make great pens to showcase in the professional setting.
Pen Case: An organized, new pen case is a perfect gift for anyone!
Cute Notebooks: Finally, a few cute notebooks is always a great gift for a stationary nerd.
Related: The Only Student Planner Youll Ever Need in College!
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Gift Ideas for the Fit & Health-Nut
Next up includes a short list of gift ideas for anyone who is into fitness. These make perfect gifts for people who are often in the gym or workout on a daily basis.
Water Bottle: Many water bottles wear over time, making them great go-to gifts.
Infusion Water Bottle: Speaking of water bottles, check out these infusion bottles!
Yoga Mat: Yoga mats should also be switched out quite often, so they are killer gifts as well!
Yoga Dice: Speaking of yoga, these yoga dice are so fun!
Running Belt: These are perfect for runners who need to carry a few items but have no pockets (like most of us)!
Silicone Rings: Jewelry can get really banged up at the gym, prevent this with some fun silicone rings!
Exercise Bands: These are perfect for anyone who likes to workout at home or on the road traveling.
Meal-Prep Containers: Finally, meal-prep containers make great gifts and double as Tupperware!
Gift Ideas for the Traveler
Next, these gift ideas are perfect for anyone who travels often. This travel doesnt have to be far! It could just be frequent camping trips on the weekends, or perhaps they simply just spend a lot of time in their car!
Warm Scarf and Hat Set: First, it can be cold out there in the world! So a nice set of mittens and a scarf makes a great traveling gift.
Carwash Kit: Know someone who is always traveling in their car? A good carwash kit just might be what they need!
New Cosmetic Bag: Finding the perfect travel cosmetic bag can be difficult, which makes it the perfect gift! Check this one out.
Hammock: On the road, on the trail, in the airport (maybe?) hammocks are great travel companions if you need a good rest.
Coin Savings Jar: These are great little additions to anyones home and perfect to use to save up for an upcoming trip!
Shower Tote: Sometimes, traveling with toiletries can be a pain, but a good travel shower tote can take care of this!
Bluetooth Speaker: Speakers are perfect while traveling and can be used while hiking or staying in a hotel.
Scratch-Off Travel Map: Let your favorite traveler check off their destinations with this cute scratch-off travel map!
Travel Wallet with RFID Blocking Sleeve: Tourists are often vulnerable to identity theft and they dont even know it! Protect your favorite traveler with one of these fantastic RFID blocking wallets.
Packing Cubes: These are a great way to organize any suitcase!
Related: The 10 Hiking Essentials Everything You Must Carry With You On Your Next Hike
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Gift Ideas for the Gamer
Last but not least are games! Board and card games make the perfect gift for so many people! They usually make great gift-exchange ideas and are perfect for anyone young at heart.
Sushi Go: First, this is a simple and fun card game perfect for 2-5 players. It involves picking one card, then passing it to the next player until all the cards have been picked.
One Night Ultimate Werewolf: This is such a fun party game! It is for 3-10 players and involves everyone closing their eyes and listening to the game app for instructions, then you must figure out who the werewolf is!
Flux: This classic 2-5 player game is a quick and fun draw-one-play-one card game.
Exploding Kittens: This is another fun card game where you loose if you find an exploding kitten. Super fun!
We Didnt Play Test This: This is a ridiculous 2-10 player card game that only takes about 1-5 minutes to play with very simple, yet strange rules.
Uno: Next, Uno is such a classic game I had to add it. It is perfect to throw into someones glove box for a rainy day or to add to anyones game collection.
Looking for more game ideas? Check out Amazons top selling games HERE!
Codenames: This game is slowly becoming one of my favorite party games. You break into two teams and choose one person per team to attempt to use just one word to have you guess images/words.
Exit The Game: SO. MUCH. FUN. This is like having an escape room in your own home!
Catchphrase: This classic timed game is perfect for parties and is always a blast to play!
Punderdome: This is a fun card game for pun-lovers.
Joking Hazard: Another fun card game that allows you to move comic-style cards around into a fun story!
Pictionary: Finally, this classic should also be in everyones game collection! Such a fun party game.
There you have it, my top 99 gift ideas under $25. I hope you found some amazing ideas and are ready to hand out some amazing gifts to your favorite people! Now, it is just time to wrap them up!
Looking for more gift ideas? Check out my Ultimate College Student Holiday Gift Guide with over 50 fantastic gift ideas!
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The post 99 Unforgettable Gift Ideas Under $25 appeared first on The Olden Chapters.
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humanoid-lovers · 7 years
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funny, troubling and illuminating tales of the reality of ... funny, troubling and illuminating tales of the reality of mental illness. Lawson's frankness about the ups and downs and what keeps her in the game through incredibly rough times provides a startling perspective that doesn't try to sugar-coat the trauma and pain nor trivialize appreciation for days in between. Amazing forthright writing about the debilitating and joyous moments in her life. Opened my eyes to a subject I never really understood before. The writer demonstrates great courage in her willingness to open her heart and share challenges she deals with to help support the many others who may think they are all alone. There are definitely laugh out moments. Go to Amazon
We're broken, but that doesn't make us bad Jenny is a luminary, her upfront nature brings comfort to many people with all the same afflictions as her, and her humility (impostor syndrome) makes her all the more charming. She's quietly funny- and her quiet nature allows her to pick up on all the details that make each story that much more hilarious and special. If you are a person with mental health battles of your own- you will feel a little less alone in the world reading this. If you love someone with mental health battles - you will have a free window into how those minds operate, and it might help you to better support the people you want to love and support with all your heart. Jenny is a treasure, and we are lucky and grateful to have her. Go to Amazon
As I read this eagerly (my boyfriend and I often read together each night) I recognized both her struggles and her beautiful app Many laughs and even more heart. Jenny Lawson is my spirit animal. This gets awkward when you realize the taxidermied baby raccoon "Rory" is hers. :) Go to Amazon
Give This Book to All Your Friends I wish I could buy this book for all my friends, and I may still do so. Jenny Lawson is a bit broken, but in the best way--the kind of broken that reminds you that it's okay to be strange and sometimes have a difficult time coping with the world. There will be bright spots, too, amid the darkness. Go to Amazon
Funny. Wonderful. Like being covered in cats. This is a wonderfully funny book about a really tough subject- depression, social anxiety and mental illness. Yet, any person who has ever had one of those random awkward moments can and will appreciate the hilarious stories. It's not only for a mentally ill person it's for all humans who chose to find the humor in the worst of situations. I adore her writing style and the meaningful way she writes of her relationship with her husband and daughter. This is a humor book with serious messages. This book will cause everyone to have one of those Ah-Ha!! moments and then laugh until they cry, covered in cats on a kitchen floor littered in empty ice cream pints and wine bottles. It's that kind of great! Go to Amazon
3.5 stars: Not part of the target audience I am sure I would have appreciated this book more if I were a follower of Lawson's blog. As it is, I came in cold, and it is an odd set of juxtapositions indeed. Go to Amazon
We all need to live furiously happy! Bought it, read it, laughed my butt off! Yes, we are all a bit nuts. And yes, we should all learn to live furiously happy. Started reading it over the phone to my sister and she was laughing so hard that I sent her a copy. Mentioned it to a friend and she texted me that she bought it based on my description and she too was laughing. I thank the author for sharing such a personal story to help us all! We read this for a book club choice and most of us were all-in. Some book club members didn't read the book but were determined to read it after the meeting because of how we were laughing. Go to Amazon
Life Saving Your previous book has still not left my purse. I loved this book. It's become like a daily reference and security blanket for me. I've been getting more dark days lately and find myself in bed with this book reading and crying. Go to Amazon
Read it, It'll make you happy Nope. This is super funny and a great read Poignantly funny with life changing messages I love it so much I bought it Inspiring Five Stars Excellent read/. One Star I didn't find the book laugh out loud funny, but there are definitely a lot of amusing ...
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darklingichor · 3 years
Broken (In the Best Possible Way) By Jenny Lawson
This is the full entry, but I want to leave what I wrote before. I'll section it off.
I'll write a full entry on this book when I finish it. But I have to write this before it leaves my head
I am on the verge of tears listening to Chapter 11: The Things We Do to Quiet the Monsters.
I don't know how Jenny Lawson does it, but in every book there is a point where I feel that I am not alone, in a way I have never felt before. I know a lot of people say this, but I have read so many articles and books and tips and tricks about anxiety and depression, and I *know* they have valid advice, but I keep thinking: "Yeah, but you don't know what it's like in my head".
Jenny Lawson, she's not in my head, but her's seems to have a similar track list. The overwhelming numbness of depression, the fog, the intrusive thoughts, the nights where the gears in the brain spin and spin and spin but fail to find purchase, the nights when the gears are stuck and the same horrible outcomes to various situations play over and over.
This one line: "...the strength it takes to shower or the energy it takes to eat. You don't get both, so choose wisely."
I felt that in my bones. It's something I'm fucking thinking about *right now* . I just ate, because I needed to before a headache or nausea from not eating could hit, but now I'm thinking: I need to shower, but Jesus, the effort it's going to take... Holy hell, how lazy can you be? It's a shower not a triathlon, what is *wrong* with you?
And then I listened to this chapter, and even though it doesn't take anything away, it will s a relief to be able to hear that someone else has had to deal with similar things.
Edit: I have read that a sigh is like a mini reset for your system. I sighed after writing the above and I took a shower.
So, the above was my first impression, and now, I just finished it.
It's wonderful. It's funny, its heartbreaking in places, it's inspiring, I loved it.
As always, stories from the author's childhood, and conversations with her husband are all at once, funny and sweet, some times it an off kilter way which makes them even better!
I cried a few times listening to this book, because as I was writing before, depression and anxiety are twin bastards that live in my head. (The latter is more active, but the former has more stamina.) And it gave me such a sense of... Peace? To hear someone describe the bone deep tired that can come with battling your own mind.
I tell you though, if you're on the fence, the section about conversations with her editors is so funny I don't recommend drinking liquid while reading or listening to it.
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: 99 Unforgettable Gift Ideas Under $25
Have you ever found yourself in a spot where you have to get a gift soon but you have no idea what to get? Yeah, me too! All the time actually That is why today, we are going to discuss 99 unforgettable gift ideas under $25. Each gift is perfect for a friend, family member, significant other, or whoever you need to get a gift for. They range from amazing kitchen gadgets to fun and functional tools anyone can use in their daily life. Ready to get started? Lets get into all of the amazing gift ideas under $25!
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What could these gift ideas be used for?
I am glad you asked! These gift ideas under $25 are perfect for any of the following occasions:
Birthdays for friends and family
Anniversaries for a significant other
Going away parties
Housewarming parties
Graduation parties
Holiday parties or dinners
Stocking stuffer or gift-exchanges
Looking for more holiday gift ideas? Check out my Ultimate College Student Holiday Gift Guide
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99 Gift Ideas Under $25
Alright, lets dive right in! Below, I have sectioned off each of these gift ideas under $25 to help you better navigate.
Gift Ideas for the Book Worm
Each of these are classic books that never get old. They are perfect for any individual looking to better their life, need a pick-me-up, or simply just love to read!
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen: Allens best-selling book is the ultimate and perfect guide to productive living. In it, it sets up a foolproof productivity system that anyone can easily use. Makes the perfect gift for students, anyone who works at a desk, and stay-at-home moms.
Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson: Next, this is among my top ten favorite books of all time. Lawson describes how she hilariously handles life living with anxiety and depression and brings the reader along for an epic, funny, and uplifting adventure. I cant recommend this book more.
What Now? The Young Persons Guide to Choosing the Perfect Career by Nicholas Lore: This is, hands down, the best book-gift I ever received. I read this book cover-to-cover and was able to decide, with confidence, my career path! This is the perfect gift for your favorite college student, high school senior, or young adult who is still trying to figure out their future.
Adulting: How to Become a Grown Up in 535 Easy(ish) Steps by Kelly Williams Brown: Speaking of young adults, this is another great book for your favorite 20- or 30-something. This is a step-by-step guide to being a functional adult.
You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living Your Life by Jen Sincero: This best-seller makes the perfect gift for anyone! It is an uplifting, motivational, and inspirational book that will pump anyone up to chase their wildest dreams and quit letting fear get in the way.
Looking for more book ideas? HERE is the list of 100 books everyone should read before they die!
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller: This classic, best-selling novel should be on everyones shelf! It is a humorous war novel and one of the most celebrated books ever written.
Eat, Pray, Love: One Womans Search For Everything Across Italy, India, and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert: Next, this best-seller is the perfect book for your favorite traveler. It follows a woman through her travels across the globe and what she learns along the way.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin: Another great classic is this gorgeous copy of Pride and Prejudice. It is a humorous, love novel about five women and their mothers attempt to marry them all.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: Next is this best-selling novel that takes place in 1939 and follows a young foster girl who, you guessed it, steals book. It is widely known as a life-changing book and a must read of all ages.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien: My final book-gift recommendation is the first book in the Lord of the Rings series. It is a must read for everyone and is the perfect way to make someone fall in love with reading!
Related: 21 Life-Changing Books every 20-Something Should Read
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Gift Ideas for the Chef
Next on the best gift ideas under $25 list is the top kitchen gadgets that are perfect for anyone looking to up their food game! Actually, I really think kitchen items make some of the best gifts for anyone really.
Tupperware Set: This is such a useful gift for anyone who has recently moved into a new or larger place.
Drinking Glasses: Another great gift for someone moving into a larger place or who is in desperate need of new drinking glasses (which is a surprisingly large amount of people!)
Plate Set: Again, another great gift for a newly move-in.
Silverware Set: The last of the kitchen essentials, silverware. A must have!
Silverware Organizer: Know anyone who just tosses their silverware into a drawer? Yeah, this is for them.
Kitchen Towels: A great gift for anyone! Plus, you can find some really fun seasonal sets and colors.
Kitchen Knives: A good knife set can really be life-changing. As a bonus, you can even include a knife-sharpener!
Taco-Holder: This is one of those cute little fun gifts that are perfect to add to a larger kitchen-themed gift!
Cookbook: There are so many great cookbooks out there that make perfect gifts. THIS is my current go-to book because it has everything!
Cookbook Holder: This is so useful when baking. Especially when you have messy fingers!
Looking for a bigger kitchen gift idea? Instant pots are where its at!
Kettle: These are amazing! I use mine everyday and would be lost without it! They are perfect for tea drinkers or anyone who boils water on the regular.
Waffle Maker: This is another fun gift that is great for anyone! (Makes the PERFECT exchange gift!)
Utensil Set: There are so many people out there who need this.
Noodle Strainer: A great, basic addition to any kitchen.
Smoothie Blender: These are perfect for your favorite health nut!
Cute Apron: Every good baker needs a cute apron.
Coffee: When in doubt, coffee makes a perfect gift.
Tea: Likewise, tea is a great gift too! You can never have too much.
Tea Infuser: These are great for people who are serious about their tea drinking.
Snacks: Finally, if youre really unsure, snacks/food make great gifts because you know they will be used/eaten up!
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Eating Healthy on a Budget and a Time Crunch
From food, snacks, utensils, tools and more, kitchen goodies make the perfect gift for anyone!Click To Tweet
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Gift Ideas for the Commuter
Next, lets discuss some of the best gift ideas under $25 for your favorite commuter. This could be someone who drives everyday, takes the train, or simply has a bit of a walk before they reach their daily destination.
Coffee Travel Mug: Everyone can use a new travel mug.
Multi-Tool: Perhaps a more boring but definitely useful gift idea.
1 Month Audible Membership: Commuting can be incredibly boring, especially with traffic. Spice it up for your favorite commuter with some audiobooks!
Cute New Sunglasses: Sunglasses often get lost or broken throughout the year so they make great gifts (because you know everyone could use an extra pair!)
Headphones: Likewise, headphones dont last forever. Lucky for you, that makes them perfect gift ideas.
Portable Charger: Portable chargers can seriously be lifesavers when commuting.
Cute (and useful!) Keychain: Finally, a cute keychain can be the perfect addition to any gift.
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Gift Ideas for the Homebody
This next gift ideas section covers everything related to the home. These gifts are perfect for anyone who has recently moved into a new place or perhaps is in need of some new decoration. These also work great for anyone who likes to stay in on the weekends!
Flameless Candles: Most rental units (dorms, apartments, etc.) dont allow candles, which is why flameless candles are so great!
Picture Frame: A cute picture frame with a photo inside makes a great personalized and meaningful gift.
Monogram Cork Holder: These are so cute and are perfect for someone who loves wine!
Blanket: Cozy blankets make perfect gifts and are always useful.
Curtains: Curtains are like giving the gift of more sleep, especially with blackout curtains!
Cozy Socks: Cute, fuzzy socks are classic gifts and great for anyone who lives in a colder climate.
New Movie with Popcorn and Candy: Movies are always great gift ideas!
Diffuser: Every home needs a good diffuser. They serve double duty as a humidifier too!
Cute Throw Pillows: Throw pillows are a great addition to any home.
Plant Terrarium: These are so cute to add to any home and require very little maintenance.
Twinkle Lights: Lights can really transform any space into a cute and cozy atmosphere.
Re-Usable Bags: Many cities are getting rid of plastic bags. Help fight for the environment and give the gift of reusable bags! (They are SO useful too!)
Related: The Ultimate College Packing List for Dorms and New Apartments
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Gift Ideas for the Workaholic or Student
Now, lets talk about some gift ideas for the workaholic or student in your life. These are perfect for anyone who often sits at a desk or uses a computer often. They can turn anyones ordinary desk supplies into extraordinary!
Student Planner: First, planners are among the best gifts you can get! THIS planner has everything your favorite student will ever need. As a bonus, it is printable! So you can download the files onto a USB and give them a copy so if they need an extra page of a certain layout, they have it at their fingertips.
Cute New Mug: A good coffee/tea mug is something truly special.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses: Many people spend countless hours in front of a screen. Make sure their eyes are protected (and headaches avoided) with a nice new pair of blue light blocking glasses.
Cordless Mouse: A good cordless mouse can make a huge difference to productivity. THIS is my favorite mouse, I swear by it.
Thumb Drive: Honestly, one can never have too many thumb drives
Laptop Case: When moving a laptop from place to place, it is incredibly important to keep it safe and secure.
Laptop Vinyl Stickers: These are so fun to add to any laptop and make a great gift!
Keyboard Cover: Keyboards get dirty so easily, a good cover is a great way to avoid this issue.
Tablet Stand: For frequent tablet users, a good stand can make a big difference.
White Board and Markers: These are perfect for a student who studies often!
Wooden Block Desk Calendar: Finally, these desk calendars make the cutest addition to any desk!
Related: College Backpack Essentials 21 Items you Must Carry With you at all Times
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Gift Ideas for the Stationary Nerd
In addition to desk and computer supplies, lets cover some fun stationary as well! I love stationary, so I thought it deserved its own category. These gift ideas are relatively cheaper than the other ideas, so multiples can be paired together under $25 to make a great gift!
Bullet Journal: First, bullet journals are great productivity tools and make wonderful, slim journals that you can take anywhere!
Washi Tape: Add a pop of color or design to anything with removable washi tape.
Coletto Multi-Pens: These multi-pens make the perfect gift for anyone who loves pens. They are great for color coding tasks, drawing, and so much more.
Mildliner Highlighters: These make great highlighters, art markers, and more. They are much better than regular highlighters because they are less bright and have two different tips. They are perfect to pair as a gift with a bullet journal.
Stedler Fineliner Pens: Next, these are among the most popular pens on college campuses today.
Sticky Note Set: Everyone goes through sticky notes so quickly, which means they make great gifts!
Fancy Pen Set: A good, fancy pen is always a great gift! These make great pens to showcase in the professional setting.
Pen Case: An organized, new pen case is a perfect gift for anyone!
Cute Notebooks: Finally, a few cute notebooks is always a great gift for a stationary nerd.
Related: The Only Student Planner Youll Ever Need in College!
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Gift Ideas for the Fit & Health-Nut
Next up includes a short list of gift ideas for anyone who is into fitness. These make perfect gifts for people who are often in the gym or workout on a daily basis.
Water Bottle: Many water bottles wear over time, making them great go-to gifts.
Infusion Water Bottle: Speaking of water bottles, check out these infusion bottles!
Yoga Mat: Yoga mats should also be switched out quite often, so they are killer gifts as well!
Yoga Dice: Speaking of yoga, these yoga dice are so fun!
Running Belt: These are perfect for runners who need to carry a few items but have no pockets (like most of us)!
Silicone Rings: Jewelry can get really banged up at the gym, prevent this with some fun silicone rings!
Exercise Bands: These are perfect for anyone who likes to workout at home or on the road traveling.
Meal-Prep Containers: Finally, meal-prep containers make great gifts and double as Tupperware!
Gift Ideas for the Traveler
Next, these gift ideas are perfect for anyone who travels often. This travel doesnt have to be far! It could just be frequent camping trips on the weekends, or perhaps they simply just spend a lot of time in their car!
Warm Scarf and Hat Set: First, it can be cold out there in the world! So a nice set of mittens and a scarf makes a great traveling gift.
Carwash Kit: Know someone who is always traveling in their car? A good carwash kit just might be what they need!
New Cosmetic Bag: Finding the perfect travel cosmetic bag can be difficult, which makes it the perfect gift! Check this one out.
Hammock: On the road, on the trail, in the airport (maybe?) hammocks are great travel companions if you need a good rest.
Coin Savings Jar: These are great little additions to anyones home and perfect to use to save up for an upcoming trip!
Shower Tote: Sometimes, traveling with toiletries can be a pain, but a good travel shower tote can take care of this!
Bluetooth Speaker: Speakers are perfect while traveling and can be used while hiking or staying in a hotel.
Scratch-Off Travel Map: Let your favorite traveler check off their destinations with this cute scratch-off travel map!
Travel Wallet with RFID Blocking Sleeve: Tourists are often vulnerable to identity theft and they dont even know it! Protect your favorite traveler with one of these fantastic RFID blocking wallets.
Packing Cubes: These are a great way to organize any suitcase!
Related: The 10 Hiking Essentials Everything You Must Carry With You On Your Next Hike
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Gift Ideas for the Gamer
Last but not least are games! Board and card games make the perfect gift for so many people! They usually make great gift-exchange ideas and are perfect for anyone young at heart.
Sushi Go: First, this is a simple and fun card game perfect for 2-5 players. It involves picking one card, then passing it to the next player until all the cards have been picked.
One Night Ultimate Werewolf: This is such a fun party game! It is for 3-10 players and involves everyone closing their eyes and listening to the game app for instructions, then you must figure out who the werewolf is!
Flux: This classic 2-5 player game is a quick and fun draw-one-play-one card game.
Exploding Kittens: This is another fun card game where you loose if you find an exploding kitten. Super fun!
We Didnt Play Test This: This is a ridiculous 2-10 player card game that only takes about 1-5 minutes to play with very simple, yet strange rules.
Uno: Next, Uno is such a classic game I had to add it. It is perfect to throw into someones glove box for a rainy day or to add to anyones game collection.
Looking for more game ideas? Check out Amazons top selling games HERE!
Codenames: This game is slowly becoming one of my favorite party games. You break into two teams and choose one person per team to attempt to use just one word to have you guess images/words.
Exit The Game: SO. MUCH. FUN. This is like having an escape room in your own home!
Catchphrase: This classic timed game is perfect for parties and is always a blast to play!
Punderdome: This is a fun card game for pun-lovers.
Joking Hazard: Another fun card game that allows you to move comic-style cards around into a fun story!
Pictionary: Finally, this classic should also be in everyones game collection! Such a fun party game.
There you have it, my top 99 gift ideas under $25. I hope you found some amazing ideas and are ready to hand out some amazing gifts to your favorite people! Now, it is just time to wrap them up!
Looking for more gift ideas? Check out my Ultimate College Student Holiday Gift Guide with over 50 fantastic gift ideas!
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The post 99 Unforgettable Gift Ideas Under $25 appeared first on The Olden Chapters.
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