#this was just 1.2k lets see how many i can crank out today
fratboykate · 1 year
So with your obvious love of barbie einstein level hair - it's got me wondering how vain FB!Yelena is about picture day with the kiddos and family photos. Is she the terror that has them dressed to the nines by 7am and ensures they stay clean and proper for the 3 hours until their shoot?
Does Kate help? Is she a hindrance? Does she break out Katherine for family photos?
There’s been so much angst lately and I miss our FBAU! Is Yelena particularly cuddly with her kids or is that more of a Kate thing
Okay, this isn't EXACTLY an answer to these two, but it was inspired by them.
Yelena buzzes around the kitchen, clad in one of Kate's old Columbia Archery t-shirts and a pair of satin short shorts. Her long blonde hair is fashioned into a messy, slept-on braid. Kate is a natural late riser, and the kids inherited this trait from her; therefore, Yelena looks forward to having weekend mornings to herself. This time is precious to her, as it's when she can enjoy the peace and quiet before the rest of the house wakes up. These little moments help keep her sane amidst the chaos of life.
Yelena takes her first satisfying sip of coffee and revels in the simple pleasure. However, her tranquil moment is interrupted by the sound of shuffling behind her. She glances at the clock. 7:15 AM. It's much too early for anyone else to be up, especially the grown adult mumbling and dragging their feet.
Kate flops her entire weight against Yelena's back, her head finding a resting place on Yelena's shoulder. After emitting a pathetic moan, Kate's sickly state becomes evident. Yelena is all too familiar with this behavior, as Kate becomes worse than their children when she's under the weather.
Slipping out from under her wife's weight, Yelena turns to get a good look at Kate, confirming her suspicions. Kate looks absolutely dreadful; she's sick.
"No. No. NO. Kate, no. I ask for very little. Just one thing. Family pictures are today. You can't be sick." Yelena exclaims, a gasp escaping her lips as a thought strikes her. "Katherine... you better not have gotten them sick..."
"Why me?! What if they got ME sick?! They're the walking germ bombs!"
"This was the first week all year that one or both of them didn't have some nasty thing going on. They were FINE."
“Nu-uh. Not my fault."
Kate whines, attempting to lean on Yelena once more, but Yelena retreats.
"Contagious! You're contagious." Yelena insists as Kate whimpers pitifully again. "You're not giving me whatever you have."
"I should've known. I knew you were warmer than usual last night."
"I feel yucky. I don't like it."
"Go back to bed, please. I need you to sleep this off in..." Yelena turns to the microwave clock. "...the next six hours. We're not canceling the photographer."
"No 'baby.' Don't 'baby' me. Just do what I tell you. Go. Go, go. I'll check on them, then bring you something warm to drink."
Kate grumbles once more, hanging her head back while grimacing. Yelena rolls her eyes and pushes her wife to the bedroom as she heads in that direction too.
"Can I get kisses?" Kate dramatically pouts her lips.
"Absolutely not. What part of 'I don't want to get sick' is not clear enough?"
Reaching the hallway's turning point, where their paths diverge, Yelena urges Kate toward their bedroom.
"To bed, please. I need you up and ready to leave by 2 PM. We need these photos done today if we want to have them in time for Christmas Cards.  It's their last available slot this month, so I don't want to hear any excuses later." Yelena nudges Kate in the direction of their bedroom. "Bed. Now, please."
Kate huffs histrionically and shuffles down the hallway, disappearing into the room. Exhaling, Yelena turns on her heels and makes her way to two of the bedrooms located at the opposite end of the hall.
Yelena enters the main bedroom, cradling four-and-a-half-year-old Alexia in one arm and one-year-old Maks in the other. The children cling to her, visibly miserable.
"Both of them have a fever. Both." Yelena announces, placing them gently on the bed, where they immediately crawl over to Kate and snuggle up. "You're all quarantined now. We're containing this."
Kate weakly pats the empty space on the bed and mumbles something unintelligible.
"No way. I'm not exposing myself to your mysterious virus breath." Yelena retorts.
"Cuddles." Kate requests with puppy eyes and a pathetic tone.
"You have two perfect cuddle pals right there. I'll make him a bottle and you two some food." Yelena replies, turning to leave the room. As she heads towards the door, Kate leans in and whispers into Alexia's ear.
"Ask mommy for some cuddles."
"Momma, cuddles. Momma." Alexia repeats.
Yelena rolls her eyes, but a smile creeps onto her face as she turns back to face the bed, where three pitiful, snotty faces stare back at her.
"Don't make them do your dirty work." Yelena warns in jest.
"Is giving me love 'dirty work' now?"
"Katherine, you're sick. All of you are."
"EXACTLY why I need my wife to cuddle me. I'm here...languishing."
"Are you?"
Kate leans into Alexia’s ear again and whispers.
"Tell her I'm dying."
"Mommy's dying.”
Yelena's smile widens.
"Stop using them as pawns!"
"You tell her too. Tell her we're dying." Kate whispers into Maks’ ear, eliciting incoherent babbling from the baby. "You heard the man. The situation is DIRE."
"I'm going to make food now." Yelena declares, attempting to walk away.
"Cuddles or death. Are you really willing to risk it?"
"Momma." Maks whimpers.
When Yelena turns, she finds that Kate has recruited the little ones into her shenanigans, and now the trio is reaching out to her with grabby hands, beckoning her to join them in bed. Shaking her head, Yelena groans and steps closer to the bed.
"You're a pain in my butt...and when I'm sick too, there will be no one left to take care of you needy monsters." Yelena grumbles, sliding under the sheets and opening her arms. Kate quickly readjusts the kids, shifting them along with her as she snuggles into Yelena's embrace.
"Hmmmm...cuddles." Kate murmurs, and Yelena can't help but chuckle.
"You're a giant baby, Kate Bishop." Yelena teases, running her hand in soothing circles around Kate's back and tenderly kissing the top of her head.
"Uhum." Kate mumbles against Yelena's chest while their children doze off again, resting atop Kate.
The room falls into peaceful silence for a long moment until...
Yelena sneezes, feeling the congestion suddenly weigh heavy on her chest. Kate smiles faintly against her skin.
"I like it when we do things as a family." Kate whispers.
"I hate you so much." Yelena playfully responds.
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sunarintoes · 4 years
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Synopsis: Yn Ln is an environmentalist - Miyagi University’s very own campus ‘Green Thumb.’ One day Hinata Shōyō who happens to be a close friend of Yn, invites them to come to one of his races. The only problem is that this race of his, is illegal. Read the journey of Yn who has been sucked into the world of illegal street racing with the one goal: to create an eco-friendly race car.
TW: street racing, some swearing
WC: 1.2K
Pairings: Oikawa x reader, Iwaizumi x reader, Kiyoko x reader (not poly)
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Route Three
Oikawa finds himself racing around the streets of Miyagi at full speed. There is no one insight and the only sounds that can be heard are the boisterous humming of the car and the slow low-fi music playing on the radio. Oikawa has already passed the first checkpoint and he is on his way to the next. He feels the pressure when he sees two cars gaining on him.
‘No, not yet. I haven't caught up to Ushiwaka.’
Oikawa cranks up the gas and takes a risky turn down a dingy alleyway, he knows it is not a dead end - in fact it is his secret shortcut. The other cars don’t follow him down, he thinks they are probably laughing at him. He realises it was risky to go down the alleyway with other drivers watching but surely they wouldn't catch on. And besides, even though they were gaining on him, they were a good kilometre away and the area was littered in alleys, it was easy for someone to get confused. 
He skilfully navigates his way through the twists and turns of the narrow alleyway before he comes out into the street - the two races nowhere to be seen, whether that be a good or bad thing he will have to wait to find out. Oikawa decides to stay on track and go as fast as he can to the finish line - the arena. He notices that the screaming is getting louder, he is almost at the third checkpoint now. When Oikawa closes in he realises that the cheers were not all for him, Ushijima Wakatoshi had just driven past and was well on his way to the finish line - to first place. 
‘Fuck!’ he says, ‘I'm not too late I can reach him! I can reach him!’ Oikawa continues to race through the streets. 
He sees the bright lights of the arena and he pushes his pedal harder - though it is not like that helped as his car was already doing the max speed. Oikawa crosses the finish line at almost record speed. Almost. 
The cheering is loud, so loud. But it is not for him. Maybe some of it is. Ushijima cleared his previous record, he came first. Oikawa lets his car slow down as he runs laps around the drag track. Once the car slows enough to come to a halt at the pit stop he leans back into his seat and lets out a frustrated sigh, ‘today wasn't the day, but neither was last time, or the time before that and the time before that-’
‘But your time will come. It won't be easy and it'll take a lot of hard work, but your victory will come and it will be so much more satisfying after all these defeats.’
Oikawa looks up to the man who opened his door, ‘Iwa-pooh,’ he says, ‘thanks.’
Iwaizumi offers a rare soft smile at his best friend, ‘it’s okay.’
When Oikawa steps out of the car he sees his team cheering, Hanamakki runs up and headlocks him; ‘you may have lost the battle but we have won the war!’
‘W- what the hell are you on about?’
‘Look! Seijoh ranked higher than the rest of Shiratorizawa! We came first overall!’
Oikawa stares up at the board, ‘wow,’ he breathes out. It wasn’t often that anyone bet Shiratorizawa overall, but it had happened - Seijoh is the winner. The team runs over to them and together they cheer and celebrate. 
‘Nice going, captain!’ Says Mattsukawa 
Oikawa looks at his teammate and grins, ‘nice going as well, you raced good.’
‘Better luck next time, Shouyou!’ you say as you pat your friend’s back. 
He slumps further down into the chair, ‘next time’ he mutters over and over again.
You remove your hand from his shoulder as you make your way over to Kiyoko. ‘So, I guess I'm willing to speak with you. Let's hear your side of the story.’
She offers you a kind smile, ‘thank you.’
You face away from her, ‘why don't we head over to a convenience store? We can get a drink and talk about it.’ 
‘I’d like that.’
The two of you say your goodbyes to everyone and you text Oikawa to let him know that you will not be able to make it tonight - though you sort of figured he would not have come either, Seijoh did win after all. 
The two of you leave the venue and make your way to your car. The ride to the closest Seven-eleven is deafeningly silent, almost hard to breathe in. You try to focus on your breathing, there is so much to be said and you want to listen and take it all in. 
You find yourself sitting next to her facing a playground, the night is quiet and the only sounds you can hear is the soft breathing of Kiyoko and the beating of your heart. ‘I suppose I should start off by saying I'm sorry.’
You sigh and turn to face her, ‘yeah that seems reasonable.’ 
She smiles a bit and looks down to her lap, ‘I'm so sorry for leaving like that, it wasn't right and I know it's so cruel for me to come back here to you but… it's just- I know we’re meant to be. I go for a few weeks and when I come back you're here, at my workplace- well, night work. We’re going to be around each other for awhile. Maybe, maybe this is actually fate. When we started dating we were so young, can we restart - as adults?’
You draw in a large breath, ‘Kiyoko, I miss you - I really, really do but this is all so sudden. I came into this racing scene because Shouyou asked me to and because I'm able to help build this amazing eco friendly car! Just imagine how much better the climate will get without all these cars, imagine if we can actually do it! Imagine the differences we can make. That car- this car that I will build with Karasuno has the potential to be revolutionary, it takes top place in my mind…’
Kiyoko waits a few seconds to make sure you are finished, ‘I understand, your passion for the environment and this car, and also how overwhelming this all must be for you, maybe… maybe we can just start off as friends for now?’
You smile at her, ‘I’d like that.’
She smiles back, ‘it’s nice to have you back, as a friend of course. So how are you finding this whole racing scene?’
You look up at the sky, carefully calculating your answer; ‘I like it. I like that I've met so many different and interesting people. I like that I've been reunited with two people who used to mean everything to me. I like that it changes pace. I just like it.’
‘Reunited with two people who used to mean everything,’ she quotes, ‘who might these people be?’
‘You side eye her, ‘well you for starters, and Haji - my childhood best friend.’
‘I see,’ she says as she looks down to her lap. 
You let out a yawn and stretch your arms; ‘I'm tired, let's get going now.’ She stands up and gives a hum of agreement before the two of you make your way back to your car. 
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Taglist: @froyopet​ 
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