#this was not meant to be a rant lmao but hey i don't have therapy for another week
yrieso · 10 months
ugh i really wish i had gotten my offer for my full time job like. a DAY before i did bc i'm overworking myself between my two jobs now but like......i can't quit either one :/ and i got the offer for my full time one the day i started my part time one so. timing is everything i guess
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Yeah if your friend is trying to argue isreal is a theocracy that would set off alarm bells for me, to be fair I’m aware Judaism isn’t just a religion but is an ethnicity and a culture as well, and I’m aware isreal doesn’t prohibit the worship of other religions so it’s probably not a theocracy
I’ve heard it described as a tribe but the term tribe to me seems more like an older form of governance then anything else? Which is not meant to dismiss the connection to those people and cultures but it seems like it gets kinda jumbled it exists alongside cities or settlements or nations, etc,
But as you said like “chair” it’s hard to Lind down a specific definition for any of these things
Which is why I question them getting things like tax exempt status in the US, if you can’t define it in some sense how d you determine what does or doesn’t get taxed? Feels way to easy to exploit but hey, the religious right has a stranglehold on this country
I would also argue that we shouldn’t act like religious beliefs aren’t in some way related to the actions that they motivate
What I view as a form of dissonance to an extent,
As an example a bigoted Christian and a progressive Christian are both still Christian, and both fully believe they’re doing gods work, and both have the exact same evidence to suggest as much,
They can’t both be right yet neither has real evidence in either direction, and both think the other one are the “bad Christian”
Hence why legislation based on religious texts or ideals is in my opinion faulty by concept. And why I find religious morality to be less ideologically sound,
At no point would I ever argue for the removal of religion, again it’s such a vague definition that such a thing would be Impossible, heck the satanic temple seem pretty alright at least in their founding texts, but I think for obvious reasons scientific understanding empathy and reason should be at the forefront of any morality and society, but of course it’s up for people to decide what they want to believe, regardless of evidence, I’m not gonna thought police I’ll leave that to the evangelical’s lol
This rant kinda got away from me lmao
Dear atheist anon,
lovely to hear from you again
"to be fair I’m aware Judaism isn’t just a religion but is an ethnicity and a culture as well, and I’m aware isreal doesn’t prohibit the worship of other religions so it’s probably not a theocracy"
you are doing more critical thinking in the face of your own ignorance than most pro-pals. That's something I value in atheist communities is the critical thinking and awareness of their own ignorance.
"I’ve heard it described as a tribe but the term tribe to me seems more like an older form of governance then anything else?" We've a tribe in the sense that we're a people, a ethnic group with our own religion not in the sense that a king or high priest governs us.
"Which is why I question them getting things like tax exempt status in the US, if you can’t define it in some sense how d you determine what does or doesn’t get taxed? Feels way to easy to exploit but hey, the religious right has a stranglehold on this country"
While it's possible to make something a protected class without quite defining what something is, I don't think any religion should be tax exempt unless they're a charity (and looking at JVP stealing membership donations to line their chapter's pockets or harass Jews or all the conversion therapy non profits charities are just as abusive)
"As an example a bigoted Christian and a progressive Christian are both still Christian, and both fully believe they’re doing gods work, and both have the exact same evidence to suggest as much,"
this where my beloathed no true scotsman fallacy comes in where it's almost like sometimes it feels like where are you getting these wild off the wall readings of the torah or the bible or the Koran that drive one believer into the radicalization and hate while another believer of the SAME faith to peace and coexistance and charity (the good kind). I think it's because they decide the actions first and then modify their beliefs of their faith to match but that's my theory.
Hence why legislation based on religious texts or ideals is in my opinion faulty by concept. And why I find religious morality to be less ideologically sound,
NO NO laws that are based solely on the "the bible says so" or "the koran says so" or even the rarer "WELL it's in the Torah" are pretty scary. Just in concept. You made your religion law? NO!
I guess it's the Russian "organized religion is the opium of the masses"* and the American "separate church and state" in me
"At no point would I ever argue for the removal of religion,"
GOOD! "not anti-theist" seal of appoval earned!
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again it’s such a vague definition that such a thing would be Impossible, heck the satanic temple seem pretty alright at least in their founding texts
Yeah a lot of satanists and pagans are really nice people with really cool inclusive philosophies and the few requisite weirdos here and there
"it’s up for people to decide what they want to believe, regardless of evidence,"
Implying you do have evidence? or ....
"I’m not gonna thought police I’ll leave that to the evangelical"
yeah you'd be suprised how many frindge movements thought police people
please write again,
*I think cultural marxism it's when they teach racism and terms for LGBT stuff in schools it's when you have some weird Marxist idea that religion is inherently evil rolling around in your mind when you're a practicing Jew and not Marxist at all because you grew up in early putin russia and that was normalized then before Putin got into christofascism
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hi! Very late but i just wanted to congratulate you on your follower milestone!
Feels a bit weird when I'm not a follower myself but haha. Your type of yanderes aren't what I'm really into, but I still periodically check on your blog like some ghost stuck to a place bc your writing is really really good and i absolutely adore how creative your ideas are. Speaking of which, i really love how you handled the matchups! They're still made for a certain person but so open that they're also accessible to everyone else, which isn't something I've ever seen before but definitely seems the best way to go about it.
I'm super curious to see how your series will progress and all the other unique ideas you'll come up with in the future (and sometimes just reading the anon interactions, as a Frequent Visitor and really socially awkward person I'm like the physical manifestation of the word "lurker", but it's really a bit like watching a friend group interact and have fun which really warms my heart. It's just super good vibes!)
Please remember to look after yourself, get enough nutrition and rest. And hope you don't mind me haunting this blog a little longer :p
Hey don't feel scared to interact even if you're not following!!! I adore asks lololololol, it makes writing worth it. Feel free to stick around!!! But like how I start most my fics, if you're not in a mentally well state it's best to avoid these!
I'll be honest, I would NEVER hang out with any of the yanderes I've written except for SPK!Childe & Thoma and HysHum!Dainsleif. I think the only "soft" yanderes I wrote are those three.
Childe just wanna fish & Thoma just wants to listen whenever the reader rants about their problems. Then there's Dainsleif, who's sane but is one chip away from losing his marbles because his reader is about to turn Teyvat upside down lmao.
The rest? They're all insufferable meow meows <333 Other than the three I mentioned whenever I write about these yanderes I keep slandering them in my head <333 it's so much fun <333 okay i lied dain's not an exception I still insulted him in my hyshum drafts <3333–
I'm not sure if it's incredibly obvious in my writing but I'm asexual and quite possibly aro, so I think I "excel" more on the "yan" side than the "dere" since romance isn't my forte. I mainly write for the horror so I don't expect people to come to me because they're into the yanderes I've written but more on the story (... I'd be a bit concerned but won't question if you're into stuff like cannibal!cat!ayato and horse feeder!diluc). That's why everytime I post I don't expect anything AND IT'S VERY MUCH THE REASON WHY I'M CONFUSED THAT THIS BLOG IS STILL ALIVE. THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A THROWAWAY ACCOUNT–
I'm not sure if I'm making sense lol but that's pretty much my two cents on that so I wholeheartedly understand if my yans aren't your cup of tea! They're not mine too– I want to bury them all with my hatchet!!! <333 I want them to go to therapy!!! Eat lasagna!!! Play farming games!!! Literally just don't bother (y/n) anymore 😭!!!
About the event: I was genuinely hoping for match-ups set up like this because there's some sort of "togetherness" in it?? Hold on I just woke up cuz I accidentally slept while reviewing for Algebra when writing this so I'll probably rewrite this draft or something if I'm not lazy lol. It's just that I like it when readers are characters I can add some quirks and details to (of course, cept for things like physical descriptions and what not) since it makes pairing them with a yandere more natural. And you know what? I'm super glad the anons are all very nice and interesting huhu. They truly make the event more alive!!!
I adore otome games and trust me, almost everyone in r/otome_games prefer an MC who has a personality rather than an eyeless self-insert too lol. Much like there's no such thing as "absolute justice", I believe you can't have a "perfect self-insert" fic either because not everyone shares the same mold. It's just not as entertaining to me when the reader is silent so I guess that reflects on my writing too ;;--;;. It's just too much fun pulling up an mbti and going "ah yes, I'm using this type."
Anyways, yeah!!! Is it bad if I'm satisfied about how I set it up as well haha it feels like my 1 braincell was actually put to use ;;----;;;
Oh sht i ended up rambling my bad umm tHANK YOU!!! Haha it feels strange celebrating this milestone and I appreciate your kind words!!!
(out of curiosity, is there something I can call you? Like "lurker anon" or something haha)
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