#and im spread so thin going straight from one job to another and im so tired all the time but at dance i got a gentle talking to fir
yrieso · 10 months
ugh i really wish i had gotten my offer for my full time job like. a DAY before i did bc i'm overworking myself between my two jobs now but like......i can't quit either one :/ and i got the offer for my full time one the day i started my part time one so. timing is everything i guess
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
may I please have a kaz brekker x reader where reader is usually this very sweet person and a lot of the dregs like her, but then one day, like a freind of hers dies and she just breaks, like sobbing and crying and then a lot of anger where she promises to make the people who killed her friend suffer and kaz is just shook and worried and tries to calm his girlfriend down, and the she gets pissed at him and then apologizes later?
okay this is actually a bit confusing, but still um, THANK YOU SO MUCH<3
(im really shy rn)
♡ candle - k.b ♡
ahh that's okay it's not confusing i got it! ty for requesting <33 this is the longest thing i've written on this account
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starstruckwillows 🂱
pairing; kaz brekker x reader
category; angst, fluff, htc
summary; you're a ray of sunshine in the darkness of the barrel, but it was going to catch up with you eventually
warnings/content; mention of death, canon level violence, mention of blood, sorta spoilers for six of crows and crooked kingdom, like one swear word
other; fem!reader, i continue in my resolve to ingore and erase ********'s death, fem!friend
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the barrel was a life force.
a dark, twisted, living and breathing concept that channeled the worst of the worst, generating evil in every heart and exploiting what it couldn't contaminate.
there are always slivers of happiness to be found, as there are everywhere, but it was sparse. spread thin.
but you, you were one of them. a ray of hope that lit up where you walked. you seemed to have perfected the balance of surviving the barrel - you were tough, you were strong, but you were also kind and loyal and loving.
nobody thought kaz brekker would pay you any mind. they assumed he'd ignore you as he ignored the rest.
after the ice court heist however, you were one of the eight crows, and those people reevaluated. maybe he would have some use for you.
not for a second did any of them consider the possibility that in a years time, you would be his girlfriend, and you'd be running the dregs in sync.
none of them thought of it, but they were bloody well grateful. you were a nicer boss to be working under at any rate.
around the slat, the dregs had grown accustomed to your smile, your chatter, your general positive presence when you arrived back from a job, taking time to ask about their days and families.
but one cold winter night, you had yet to return. you weren't on a heist, you weren't scouting, you'd just gone for a walk with your friend. five hours ago.
kaz's jaw was almost locked in place as he stared at the door, willing you to walk through it.
he gave it another two minutes before shaking his head, leaving the newly-wed jesper and wylan to control the dregs while he was our looking for you.
it didn't take him long.
you sat in alley not far from the slat, with your kness pressed to your chest as you laid all your weight onto the wall behind you and stared straight ahead, hardly blinking. the grimy floor beneath you was blood-soaked, as were your clothes and hands. none of it was yours, and that was almost more terrifying.
further up the back street were three bodies, two with empty stab wounds that kaz connected to the knife you gripped in your trembling hand, and one with multiple bullet holes.
with a sick, sinking sensation in his stomach, he recognised your friend, someone you were closer to than anyone, even him in some ways. she was the body closest to you - in fact, it appeared you'd only just let her go, laying her next to your figure, racked with crying.
you were shaking violently, tear tracks pushing through the dirt that had accumulated on your face from what he assumed to be a fight. bruises spread across your jaw, and he didn't want to think about how long you'd been here.
his heart felt weak as he looked at you.
"y/n?" in the fourteen months you'd been with kaz, never had you heard such softness in his voice. there was always an edge, always something. but now he just seemed vulnerable, almost as much as you.
you couldn't reply, a harsh but strained sob leaving you when you attempted. it opened a dam, an onslaught of tears staining your skin.
your entire mind was fuzzy, and you barely registered him lifting you from the ground, half-carrying you back to the slat as you were practically limp.
waters rose to his neck, crimson this time, but he kept his head above it with gritted teeth, pushing it away as best he could to get you home.
hours later, you were in clean clothes, hair almost dry. a blanket was wrapped around your figure and you barely even realised you were in kaz's room.
the next day, you knew it was the next because light filtered in from the cheap curtains, you awoke from a short and fitful sleep you'd accidentally fallen into. kaz had long since been awake, leaving a tray of food at the side of the bed. you recognised the waffles nina had taught him to make, before she and matthias took off on holiday, and you almost broke down again there.
kaz had heard you waken from his office, and he instantly knocked on the door connecting the two rooms. you mumbled a disheartened 'come in' that he just caught through the door.
he winced at your dejection, before replying, "mornin'."
you gave it a second to collect your thoughts before letting out a shuddering breath that hurt your chest, before whispering, "they jumped us. ex-dime lions. the last now, i think. i haven't found anymore. and they... shot at me. but. well, you saw. she reacted quicker than i did, and she-"
your voice broke and you gave up, dissolving into a teary mess again. he got the point.
he didn't say sorry. or it would be okay. or any other empty consolation people typically had to offer, because it meant nothing in the barrel.
you cast your mind, unintentionally, back to the previous night.
"please, please, stop that you're scaring me!" you begged, trying not to shake your friend who was loosing more blood than you could staunch with the fabric you'd ripped from the men who'd shot her. they were dead now.
her laugh was still warm, but it was accompanied by a bubble of blood that made you groan in fear. the colour was leaving her face each minute.
"hey, i'll be fine. where i'm going... well, i don't know where it is, but it can be worse than the barrel can it," she joked, and you couldn't see a trace of fear in her eyes, not like she could in yours, "you know the deal, c'mon y/n. no mourners..."
you managed to choke out a reply, "no funerals."
her wish was clear enough. it was something she'd expressed to you before - those were the kinds of conversations necessary to have with loved ones when you lived in ketterdam.
leave her where she was. she didn't want an expensive burial that would drain your pockets, if the remaining council would even grant you it. of course, wylan was in a position to help. but as she always said,
"i'll die the way i lived, thank you. no bullshit memorials from some robed guy who's being paid to act like he knew me. frame a letter i wrote you somewhere and leave it at that. oh, and maybe i'll get someone to put those adorable little candles from the marketplace somewhere, they're so cute."
she left it there.
and that was what you did. it's what you'd been working on all day, a montage of letters you'd exchanged, covered in a clear protective layer you'd found and slotted into the best frame you could find.
"you need to eat darling." kaz prompted, seeing you hadn't touched the waffles. it was well into the afternoon now.
"can't." you mumbled, twisting your hands anxiously now that you were done with your project. what now? what could you do without her?
he sat down onto his bedroom floor with you, looking less intimidating than usual as he pushed the tray towards you, "you need to."
you looked up, pained, "kaz, you don't... i don't even... she- she was so much to me, okay? there's like a pit inside me and i can't close it. she's just gone. how can a person just be gone? i don't know enough about who i am without her, i can't- she's not here."
there was no crying this time. you'd exhausted that chance within your body, having nothing left for tears. now, you were hollow.
but kaz didn't care. it never bored him. he stayed with you for all the months it took for you to even begin feeling like a part of you returned. he kept an eye on you on jobs, when you got a little too reckless without her tethering you to life. but one look at him and you had your tether.
she was gone, but you weren't, and deep down you knew she needed you to live for her, screw all consequences.
there was one mourner.
but the thing about your mourning is that you were alive. and you would continue to be alive, not without her as you thought. she lived in your memory.
the dregs soon noticed your return to the beam they were familiar with. they also noticed, burning around the slat at all times, little novelty candles, in many assorted shapes.
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@anordinarymuse @mrs-brekker15
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faorism · 3 years
peek into improved leverage food styling
#redemption spoilers #some blurry screenshots cuz that aint my forte || thank you @inklingdancer for reminding me of this post about the missing food stylist for the french connection job. particularly, how it was tough for me to suspend my disbelief seeing the chaos that was eliot's meal that he made for parker to talk about food being his art.
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a full ass wrap, corn bread, and an omelet?? okay? i just rewatched the episode last night and im tryna convince myself that eliot just plated two-ish meals on one plate in case one thing didn't catch her eye, something else would. (in my memory, i replace this dish with the gorgeously described venison stew in @out-there-on-the-maroon & @hugealienpie's phenomenal The Really Ugly Statue Job fic.)
i won't screenshot the actual plates prepared for that night's dinner. imo the menu makes no damn sense, even if you want to pass it off as a fusion place, but! i think its forgivable because they might be working on the old chef's recipes and/or adjustments had to be made for the newbie cooks he was working with. the steak looked real good, tho. also let's not get me distracted with the SNACK that is eliot's forearm.
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anyway, im writing today that i am happy to report they most definitely must have gotten someone with an eye for food for redemption because god, eliot's dishes look delicious. huge portions, but everything looks like it makes sense now lol.
like first you have the brunch eliot prepares in episode one.
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not quite sure what the egg is sitting on, and i dont think that's egg benedict because the egg looks more fried. i would clock it as maybe a quick onion and potato hash cake garnished with egg like a boss. and of course the fruit salad (look at those perfectly proportioned orange slices!). plus a bonus alka seltzer because eliot is a Very Very Good Spouse who takes care of his Very Very Lightweight Husband.
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the berries make a comeback, but this time! the greens are removed from the strawberries which is a detail i am personally going to love bringing too much attention to. because like, the berries in episode one being unpeeled is like "okay this is a quick and perfunctory meal" but imma still make it look semi decent. this tho, this is INTENTION and LABOR in making it prepped for sophie. i wonder if there's maybe something underneath it, given the height of the fruit. maybe a granola or oatmeal?
the plate looks like a few dips with a nut bread and a flatbread (straight up imo looks like matzo given its edge, plain color, and thinness? i would have said a big parmesan crisp but this is vegan so obviously not? lets imagine eliot making his own for years now cuz of hardison and now he bangs them out for every occasion). maybe a squash mash and a warm green salad (collards? spinach? kale? not sure). potentially hummus or another kind of wheat-y spongy bread in the top left corner?
im not talking about the flowers because i will cry.
like with the french connection job, there is admittedly a lot going on here. but! i feel like these all fit together, and tell me the same story as my reasoning before: basically, that eliot is putting out a spread of various things hoping something sticks with sophie and warms her heart in a deep way on this hard anniversary. anyway, eliot fucking loves sophie and cares for his crew and redemption got someone to think through their food, even if it's not a full blown stylist thank the fuck god.
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crazy-sevens · 4 years
anonymous asked: You’re writing is amazing! Can we get a third part of the kidnapped lover???
anonymous asked: Oml we NEED another part to the kidnapped lover onesssss, They’re incredible.
@kactus-loves-writing asked: Hi! Can you please do another part to the kidnapped lover?
Hey guys sorry for the late post, but I’ve been sick this past week and school has been school, so here it is now! It’s long and a little rushed at the end, but hope you like it!
Part one here
Part two here
Even before the protagonist opened their eyes they knew that everything about this was wrong. There were sledgehammers pounding in the back of their skull. They kept their eyes shut, but they could guess exactly where they were. A warehouse somewhere, working as bait for [hero’s name].  
But it was different this time.
The villain had never kidnapped them like that. Ever since the beginning they have always been . . . polite about it. 
The protagonist guessed it was some new hotshot villain thinking they wanted to take on-
“Well look who’s finally awake.”
The protagonist’s eyes shot open. Oh no. “You.”
The supervillain smiled. “Miss me?”
“You’re dead.”
The supervillain looked at both their hands. “Funny, I don’t feel dead.”
The protagonist tugged at their restraints, their eyes not leaving the supervillain, as if they would disappear if they looked away. This can’t be happening. “You’re supposed to be dead.”
“Oh darling you’re hurting my feelings,” the supervillain crooned. “I thought you would be excited to see me again.”
“Well don’t you have delusions of grandeur.” 
The protagonist tried to keep their voice even, but they were doing a terrible job at it. If it weren’t for the restraints their hands would probably be shaking. This couldn’t be happening. They couldn’t be alive.
The supervillain’s lips curled up as they observed the protagonist. They could probably see the concealed terror on their face, like a wolf could smell fear. 
“Well even if you haven’t missed me, I have been just dying to see you again.” Their eyes glittered as they walked up close to the protagonist. They crouched down. “Tell me, how’s your hero doing?”
The protagonist cleared their throat. “I wouldn’t know. We broke up.”
The supervillain chuckled. Even to the protagonist the lie sounded pathetic. “You’re adorable.”
“How are you alive?”
The supervillain’s smile widened. “I have plenty of resources [protagonist], it isn’t hard to disappear.” Their eyes hardened slightly as they continued talking. “Though your boyfriend/girlfriend did their fair share of damage.” The protagonist caught a small glimpse of a jagged scar running up the supervillain’s collarbone. They swallowed. The supervillain’s eyes pierced right through them. “But that’s all water under the bridge, isn’t it?” 
The protagonist could barely remember what it was like the first time meeting the supervillain. It had been when they had first started dating [hero’s name]. But looking at them now was like being splashed with a cold bucket of water. 
They remembered everything. The supervillain looked like they had barely aged a day. They were almost a foot taller than the protagonist. And looking into their eyes the protagonist felt bare. Their cold eyes could see too much. They always have. It reminded the protagonist of the villain in some ways, but their eyes weren’t cruel like the supervillain’s. 
Even now the supervillain seemed to read their thoughts with ease. “You still don’t believe it?”
“I saw you die.”
“Did you?’
The protagonist broke eye contact. Well, they didn’t really see it happen, but they saw the body. And [hero’s name] said they were dead. Why would they-
The supervillain laughed. “You really don’t know do you? Well I’m not one to spoil a good surprise, so when [hero] gets here I’ll let them tell you.” They straightened. “But for now we want them a little desperate, don’t you think?”
And before the protagonist could respond, the supervillain’s fist collided with their face. 
Yeah that’ll make them a little desperate.
The hero just stared at the villain for a few moments. Until they grabbed them by the shirt and slammed them into the wall. Angry red power danced on their fingers. The villain probably should’ve seen that coming. 
“What did you do?”
The villain kept their voice calm, despite the fact that the look in the hero’s eyes was downright murderous. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Oh and I’m supposed to believe that?” The hero spat. “Where are they?”
“I didn-”
“Stop lying!” The hero shouted. “You’re always the one that kidnaps them and honestly I’m so sick of-”
“[Supervillain]’s alive.”
The hero paused. Their eyes turned guarded, suspicious. Not the least bit surprised like the villain had expected. 
The hero finally dropped them. “And why should I believe that?”
The villain breathed deeply, swallowing all of the annoyance and anger that the hero usually gave them. They had no time for this, but if the hero was going to help them, they needed to remain civil. Just thinking about what The supervillain might be doing to [Protagonist] sent fire to their veins. 
The villain stood up. “You should believe it because they have [Protagonist] and they’re going to kill them.” They spread their hands in what they hoped to be a placating gesture. “I wouldn’t be here if it was my fault anyway.”
The hero narrowed their eyes. “Why do you care if they die?”
The villain’s face flushed. They had expected the question, but still hearing it caught them off-guard. “What?”
The hero stepped close. “Why do you care?” they repeated. 
The villain didn’t say anything, just meeting the hero’s stubborn glare with their own. After a few moments of silence the hero’s gaze flashed with realization. They broke eye contact. 
“Alright,” they conceded. “But if you try anything, you’re dead.”
“I got the point.” 
A little while later they were both sitting one roof away from the warehouse, trying to get a read on the situation through one of the windows.
The villain guessed it was the protagonist tied to a chair and there appeared to be two guards standing near them. But those were just the ones they could see. The villain hadn’t seen the supervillain in a long time and they were a ways away, but they guessed it was them pacing not too far off.
The villain turned to the hero. “They’re waiting for you. Just go in there and distract them for a while. They don’t know I’m with you so I’ll just come in from behind.”
It seemed like a good enough plan, but the hero shook their head. “No.”
The villain’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“No. I still don’t know if you’re working with them or not,” they said. “You go in first, I’ll watch from here for a bit, then I’ll come in from behind.”
“What am I going to say to them? They don’t trust me.”
The hero rolled their eyes. “Just improvise. I’ll come in if you’re in trouble.”
The villain didn’t believe that for a second, but they went anyway. As soon as they walked inside, they finally got a good look at the protagonist. 
It wasn’t pretty. There was a terrible black and blue bruise on their jaw. Their hair was mussed and they were barely moving except for a slight flutter of their eyelids. They were also gagged.
The image sent white hot anger into the villain’s chest. Their jaw clenched and dark cold power long unused itched inside them. They didn’t care what it took, they were getting [Protagonist] out of here. 
The supervillain’s back was turned to the villain, but at the sound of their footsteps the supervillain turned. “Finally! You never seem to be able to-” The supervillain blinked at them. “Well you’re certainly not what I expected.” They put one finger on their chin. “Now where have I seen you before?” They gave a thin lipped smile. “Oh yes, I remember. My little competition. Well only one of us can fight [Hero], so I’ll give them your regards.”
They pulled out a gun. 
The villain didn’t flinch. “[Hero] won’t be coming.”
There was a slight pause for a moment. [Protagonist] looked up at the sound of the villain’s voice. Their eyes widened. The villain could hardly imagine what was going through their head right now. 
When the supervillain spoke again their voice was laced with annoyance. “Oh, and why not?”
“Because [Protagonist] isn’t dating them anymore, they’re dating me and if you lay one more finger on them I’m going to tear you apart.”
Another pause. [Protagonist]’s eyes had somehow gone even wider. A small smile was playing on the supervillain’s lips, but the villain kept their gaze steady.
“You really expect me to believe that?” the supervillain asked incredulously.    
The villain shrugged. “Ask them.”
The supervillain turned to [Protagonist]. They tore the gag off. “Well?” they asked,  impatience starting to grow in their voice.
[Protagonist] breathed deeply. They looked straight at the villain, doubt flashing in their eyes.
The villain looked right back at them. Trust me.
And, to the villain’s surprise, they did. “I told you,” they said to the supervillain, “we broke up.”
The supervillain turned back to the villain. The villain could almost see the gears turning in their head. However, the villain couldn’t do much about it with the gun still pointed at their chest.
But they knew they were lying to themselves. They could do something about it. Except their plan seemed to be going okay, and if the hero kept their word, they would be getting help soon. 
The villain didn’t need the power.
That is until the supervillain pressed the gun against [Protagonist]’s head.
“Well I guess if [Hero] isn’t coming, I don’t need them anymore, do I?” 
The villain’s blood went cold. They started to surge forward, “Don’t you dare . . .”
But the supervillain just pressed harder, making the protagonist gasp, and the villain stop.
They tsked. “Careful,” they said. “Don’t do something you’ll regret.”
The villain’s jaw clenched. “What do you want?”
The supervillain smiled at them, a sharp vicious kind of smile. “Revenge.”
Right as they said it, the villain knew exactly what was going to happen. And immediately, they knew what they had to do. They latched onto the power inside them and pushed all of it at the supervillain. 
Suddenly all the color drained from their face and the gun slipped out of their hand, falling to the floor with a clatter.
The protagonist’s eyes darted from them to the villain. “What are you doing?”
The villain didn’t answer, all of their focus was on the supervillain as they pulled at every string, everything that made them tick. 
The guards looked at each other and took aim, but they were displaced by a very late attack from behind. 
“[Hero] get them out of here.” The villain said, their eyes not moving from the now writhing on the ground supervillain.
The hero untied [Protagonist]. They almost ran to the villain, but one look stopped them in their tracks. 
The villain had never wanted them to see them like this, but it was too late now. Only when they were gone did the villain loosen their hold on the supervillain.
They walked up close to them. The supervillain’s lips were blue and their eyes were vacant. The villain hadn’t done enough to kill them, but enough to be sure they weren’t going to give them any more trouble. 
But when the villain crouched down to examine them, they heard a faint noise. 
Laughter. The supervillain was laughing. 
“You th-think,” the supervillain rasped, “you can trust them.”
“Not for a moment.”
The supervillain shook their head slightly, unbelief evident in their voice. “So naive. Why do you think they left me alive?” 
The villain didn’t respond to that one. 
The supervillain laughed again. Shaky and weak as it was, it still chilled the villain to the bone. “They used me. They used me until there was nothing left to give.” Their eyes glittered. “And now that they know what you can do . . .”
The villain stood up. They didn’t need to hear anymore. They walked away. 
The supervillain was still laughing long after they were gone.
The protagonist was still waiting on the porch. Waiting until the villain finally showed their face again. 
The protagonist didn’t really know what they would say to them. What could they say? The villain had avoided them for weeks and now they had just risked everything to save them. 
The hero had explained to them the whole story. The villain had come to their doorstep. Their doorstep, to tell [Hero] that the protagonist was in trouble. And just when everything couldn’t get more confusing, the villain had superpowers. Horrifying superpowers. 
Powers that could have defeated [Hero] easily in any fight they had. 
The villain let them win and the protagonist couldn’t figure out why. 
And every time the protagonist thought of how the villain risked their life for them, their heart filled with . . . confusing things. They knew the hero did that for them all the time, but the protagonist knew it was mostly for the publicity. The villain did it for them. 
And there they were right now. Walking up the sidewalk with an almost sheepish look on their face. 
The protagonist folded their arms, watching as the villain stopped at the porch. “You ignored me for a month.”
They paused. “Well I did just save you.”
The protagonist raised a brow. “And you think that makes up for that?”
“I think that more than makes up for-”
The protagonist threw their arms around the villain. “I could’ve taken them down anytime I wanted, but thanks for being there anyway,” they murmured playfully.
The villain froze for a moment. But only a moment. They hugged the protagonist back with a warmth the protagonist never knew they were capable of. 
“Glad I could help,” they murmured back.
The protagonist pulled back a little and watched their eyes. Those eyes were everything. And right then, they wanted to see what those eyes had to offer.
They leaned in and kissed them. 
And the villain kissed back, hard and fierce and gentle at the same time. The protagonist couldn’t help the small twinge of guilt they felt in their heart. They knew this would hurt [Hero], but they both hadn’t felt like this for each other in a long time. 
The villain was the first one to pull away.
“What now?” they asked, their voice breathless. 
“I don’t know.”
The villain shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out together.”
“Not if you’re going to say cheesy stuff like that.”
“Alright we won’t find out together.”
“That’s better.”
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starkzam · 4 years
I have a prompt ~ No one in the League knows Billy's identity, and since he's been in so many bad homes, whenever one of them raises their voice or goes to pat his back after a job well done he flinches. Everyone on the League think it's cause he's not used to human interaction. But when the Young Justice notice it they take to protecting him in small ways, like putting themselves in-between him and the League. Even though they think he's this immortal God, they have an urge to protect him.
Ooh... I’ve gotten similar prompts before, but I like the twist of them thinking it’s cause he’s not human...
Here’s a first try— might do something bigger on Ao3, who knows—
• • • • •
Billy Batson— or, in this form, Captain Marvel— found himself staring off into space in the middle of a meeting. It wasn’t something he did often, but sometimes his thoughts wandered when a meeting was particularly lengthy or boring.
He must have been doing so for a long time and was in there pretty deep, as the sudden hand on his shoulder was like a (literal) shock to his system. Lightning arched outward from his muscular build on instinct, his eyes widening as he flinched hard and curled away from the touch.
The meeting room was gone, replaced with a dark closet full of boxes and clothes, and the raven wasn’t Cap anymore— he was little Billy Batson, bruises on his face and collarbone, scratches and cuts on the palms of his hands and forearms. His hair was a ruffled mess, his cheeks tinted red and tear-stained.
His thin frame trembled as loud, harsh voices rang out just outside the door, yelling, crying out and bashing against his skull. He wanted them to stop, wanted them to go away, wanted it all to just—
The demigod gasped, eyes wide as he came back to himself. He was staring at Flash, who sat directly across from him, and visibly shaking. He couldn’t control the tremors running through him— he hadn’t had an episode like that in so long, what had brought this on—
He glanced at his shoulder, finding the hand that had been there previously hovering in the air. He followed the hand upward and found it belonged to Superman of all people— the Kryptonian was watching him with wide eyes as the demigod suddenly stood.
“I have to go.”
• • • • •
Cap hummed you himself softly as he worked on making sandwiches, getting lost in his own head as he spread various ingredients on bread.
“Hey, Cap— nice job today,” a voice said from behind him, causing the man to glance back and find Green Arrow of all people grinning at him.
“Didn’t know you could eat so much— you could almost put the Flash to shame,” Oliver said with a chuckle, bringing a hand up to clap it on the demigod’s back.
Captain Marvel flinched hard, the man’s hand feeling like fire against his skin. He lurched forward closer to the food he was making, causing the archer to furrow his brow and drop his hand.
“You okay there buddy?” The blonde asked, tilting his head in question as Marvel’s grip tightened around his butter knife. “You not like bein’ touched or something?”
Marvel stayed quiet, swallowing thickly and nodding shakily. “Not uh— not- not used to it,” he replied, setting down his knife. “Sorry.”
Oliver grinned, setting his hands on his hips. “Oh, don’t worry about it Cap— I’m sure an ancient god dude like you isn’t used to being around us common folk. It’ll just take some getting used to,” he said with a chuckle.
Captain Marvel stayed quiet, picking up his butter knife again. “R-right...”
• • • • •
“Mission report— from everyone,” Batman said, his tone more harsh and demanding than usual. A few of the League members shared a look, some rolling their eyes and others staring warily at one another.
Captain Marvel wrung his wrists together anxiously— he’d majorly messed up during this mission, and because of him someone had nearly gotten hurt. He wasn’t looking forward to highlighting that again— especially when it was something Batman had witnessed first-hand.
Flash was first to give his report, babbling about damage and civilians and goons, Batman listening with a grim expression. When he was done, he was dismissed. “Marvel,” Batman said, looking towards the demigod.
Captain Marvel swallowed thickly, nodding at the Dark Knight and taking a step forward. The man already knew what had happened, he didn’t want to recap. “I worked on minimizing damge, for the most part. Kept a skyscraper from collapsing, as well as put out a fire before it could do too much damage.” He said before dropping his gaze.
“I experienced a momuntary lapse in judgment, and—“ he let out a shaky breath in an attempt to calm himself. “And put civilians in danger.”
Batman stared him down, silently.
“You actively put civilians in the line of fire,” Batman growled out lowly, his hands clasped together as he stared at the taller raven. “You nearly killed an entire family, Captain.” He said, raising his voice.
“Your arrogance nearly murdered innocents!” Batman yelled, standing up and slamming his hands down on the table. Captain Marvel stiffened, his back straightening as he flinched and eyes took on a sudden sheen.
Some of the other heroes furrowed their brows at his reaction. Marvel’s posture was stiff and straight, his muscles tense and fists tight at his sides. If they looked closely, they’d see his breathing sharp and short, verging on panicking.
“I’m- im sorry, sir.”
“You damn well should be,” Batman growled, glaring the demigod down.
Marvel stayed still as the Dark Knight dropped his gaze, sitting back down with a huff. “Lantern. Your turn.”
• • • • •
Captain Marvel ran a hand through his hair as he stepped out of the Zeta Beam, trailing after the Young Justice team as they came into the Watchtower. He’s been assigned to help them on their latest mission, and overall it had gone fine— apart from the fact that he’d sort of been captured and the teenagers hadn’t stopped arguing the entire mission.
Something he should have been able to stop— he was supposed to be the peacemaker, and he’s more than failed at that aspect. Sure, he’d given Aqualad advice on how to keep his team a cohesive unit, but he still never should have allowed them to split in the first place.
And now he was going to have to pay for it.
Captain Marvel followed the group towards the main meeting room, the metallic doors sliding open and revealing the rest of the League. The demigod glanced at his spot at the table longingly— oh to not have to give this report— before shaking the thought away and straightening.
“Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman,” he greeted as he and the teenagers came in, making his way to the front of the group and holding his hands firmly behind his back. He was sure that the kids behind him could see how tensely he was holding himself, he could feel his forearms trembling and his nails digging into his skin, but he couldn’t focus on that right now.
“The mission overall was a success— the team was able to figure out the source of the animal attacks as well as get rid of the collars being used to cause the animals to attack people,” he said, taking a steadying breath in and letting it out.
“Thought we did have complications.”
He didn’t see the teenagers sharing looks behind him, or see them shuffling uncomfortably as Batman’s eyes narrowed on the hero. Captain Marvel took a slight step forward, making sure the man’s hard gaze stayed on him, rather than the others— something the team took notice of.
“What complications.”
Marvel’s nails dug further into his skin, hard enough that, had he not been bullet-proof, he would have broken skin. “I allowed myself to be captured,” he said, flinching slightly when Batman’s glare grew slightly harder. “And I allowed the team to split up.”
The teenagers behind him furrowed their brows— Cap hadn’t ‘allowed’ them to split up— they’d done it on their own, out of their own arrogance and misguidance. They didn’t understand why he’d take the fall for them like this. “I know that I was sent along with the team to make sure the mission went smoothly, and I failed in that. It was successful, but it wasn’t smooth.”
Batman stayed quiet as Superman sighed. “Was anyone hurt?”
Captain Marvel shook his head, causing some of the teenagers eyes to widen slightly— Marvel himself had bearly had his head carved into; the PTSD that could come from that should have more than counted. Why- why was he doing this?
Batman pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh. “You’re benched for the foreseeable future, Captain.”
Anyone in the room could tell the demigod was hurt by this, if his flinch was anything go by, but his expression remained neutral. “Y-Yes sir,” he said, nails finally breaking skin and causing blood to trail down the base of his palm and drip to the floor.
“You’re dismissed.”
The teenagers behind him stared at the demigod shocked, watching as the man nodded and turned to leave, maneuvering around them and leaving the room hastily. He left a trail of blood behind him, dark red spots on the bright white tiles.
Conner was the first to take off after him— the others were quick to follow. Someone needed to check on Captain Marvel.
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kingkatsuki · 5 years
Okay my ass is straight horny in this empty laundromat tonight. Got two machines running and shaking VIOLENTLY. Im sitting here imagining Red Daddy Riot helping me with the laundry in his grey sweatpants that do NOTHING to hide that Unbreakable dick. 👅🥵💦 I wanna palm it and give it the attention it deserves out in the open. And I just want him to pick me up, lay me on the machines and give me a good dicking while the cycle goes👀 maybe stick a few extra quarters in to go another round🥵
This was way longer than I intended, oop. The machines in our laundromats are way too tall for this shit, but a girl can dream~
Just watching as Kirishima bends over in those sweatpants as he bundles the dirty clothes into the machine, giving you the most perfect view of his round ass. You stretch back on the cheap plastic seat admiring the view as your boyfriend continues to sort the clothes out. Each time he turns to grab more from the bag it gives you a glimpse at his evident bulge, the sweatpants doing nothing to hide it. 
“You gonna help me, babe?” Kirishima turns to you with a grin, his hands picking up some of your dirty panties from the bag and throwing them inside the machine.
“But you’re doing such a good job on your own,” You smiled back, watching as he teasingly stretches the thin material of your panties between his fingers, thumbing the crotch before throwing another pair inside. 
Kirishima scoffed at you while he continued to do your shared laundry, reaching into the pocket of his grey sweatpants to grab some change, inserting it into the machine as the cycle begins. Catching him off guard you come up beside him, wrapping your arms around his muscular middle as you stare up at him with a sly grin.
“Coming to help me now, huh? Bit late, baby-” He grinned as he moved an arm to wrap around your shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Mmm, you looked like you needed help with something,” Your hand moved to palm at his evident erection underneath his sweatpants, a low groan leaving Kirishima’s lips as his breath fans your face.
“What are you doing?” Kirishima’s red eyes glanced around the empty laundromat, nervous that someone could be watching you. 
“Well, we have at least thirty minutes,” You smiled, squeezing him through his sweatpants as he hissed in surprise.
“You’re so naughty,” Kirishima groaned, leaning his forearm against the rumbling machine as you continued to toy with his hard cock, “I bet you want someone to walk in, huh?”
His strong arms move to lift you up, sitting you on top of the machine, the vibrations immediately surging through your lower half, your mouth parting in a low whine.
“Shall I just leave you here for thirty minutes? You look like you’re enjoying yourself,” Kirishima gave you a coy grin, moving a finger between your parted legs to swipe against your panties, feeling the damp patch your arousal had left against the crotch.
“No, please.” You whimpered, spreading your legs more to give Kirishima more space as he continued to teasingly stroke against your folds.
“Hm? I’m not really sure you deserve it, you weren’t very helpful.” Kirishima gave a hard smack to the side of your thigh, making you whine as he reached up to pull your panties down, leaving them hanging around one of your ankles.
“Please,” You bit your lower lip as you watched Kirishima slip his thumbs into the side of his sweats, dragging the material down his hips until his hard cock was freed from its confines. You loved laundry day because Kirishima never wore boxers. 
Kirishima gave himself a few teasing pumps, his thumb flicking over the head to spread his pre along the length, your lidded eyes watching his every move in anticipation. Strong hands moving to tug your thighs to the edge of the machine, lining you up to his girth as he pushed inside you. 
His thrusts were relentless, obviously nervous about getting caught in such a public setting, fingers digging into your plush thighs as he pounded himself inside your tight cunt, grunting as the vibrations from the machine began to flow through his body, your inner walls clamping around him. The awkward height of the machine meant his cock was angled towards your g-spot perfectly, hitting it with every rut of his hips. As soon as he moved his thumb down to rub messy circles around your clit you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
“Eijirou,” You whined, your release flowing through your body as you began to clamp down on his length, your body convulsing against the vibrating washing machine as you came.
“Shit, you’re so beautiful.” He growled, moving both of his hands to your hips to search for his own release.
Your fingers reaching up to run through his messy red hair, nails grazing against his scalp as you tugged Kirishima’s head back, making him cum inside you with a grunt. Kirishima stilled inside you, his fingers stroking your exposed thighs as you both came down from your high, the vibrations stopping as the machine came to the end of its wash cycle. Kirishima reached down to grab your panties, instead of pulling them back up your legs he pulled them off your ankle.
“We need to put these in for another cycle now,” Kirishima held up your panties, slick with your arousal with a smug grin, “Dirty girl.” 
His hands moving to open the drum, throwing the material inside before putting more change into the machine, starting another cycle as vibrations began to flow through your body once more.
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Wilfords Demands: Who Do You Belong To?
Summary- 5.2 k. Curtis Everett x Y/N. Written for @mcudarklibrary​ Kink Challenge- April. You’ve been in Curtis care for a few weeks now. He has no hesitation in reminding you who you belong to. Warnings- Dub Con/Non Con situations, punishments treatment, drug and alcohol mentions. 
Chapter One- Just Another Prisoner / Masterlist 
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“So Curtis, how are you liking your new girl?” Wilford asked curiously as he flicked some crumbs off his luscious red robe, frowning as he rubbed at what looked like a smudge, under his breath he complained. “Those fucking cleaners never do anything right. Useless the lot of them.” The older man chose to ignore it for now, turning back to Curtis sitting opposite of him, Claude pouring fresh tea into two delicate china mugs. “Isnt she something, as soon as I saw her on camera, I knew you would like her. Yes, shes a bit thin still, but get some meat on her, and she will have all those nice curves to keep you occupied.” 
Curtis nodded his thanks to Claude and reached to take the cup, contemplating what Wilford was talking about, you were rather lovely in your innocence. All Curtis had to still do was look at you a certain way, and your cheeks would turn pink and your glance would look away from him, sometimes a tiny whine would issue, making him grin. “Im liking her quite fine. She was an innocent you know? I was surprised.” Wilford winked over his cup while he added generous amounts of honey comb to his cup, swirling his cup a bit before taking a sip.
“I had hoped she would be, How the fuck I know, pretty little thing like that. I am a bit disappointed she isnt pregnant yet though, but in due time I know. I just get impatient.” 
Curtis kinda shrugged a bit, he never really cared what Wilford did with the kids they made him, but this time it kinda rubbed him the wrong way. He didnt seem to pick up on it, or chose to ignore it, falling into another subject that Wilford used them for. Entertainment for the front enders for a couple months a year, a sport. 
“Also, its about time for the games, and Im putting my goods on you Curtis, Do not disappoint. Once you get in that ring, murder the sons of bitches.” The true purpose of the games, weed out the weak. So far only three of the original group still survived, Curtis was one of them for his brutal approach to all of it. He was a survivalist first, and had no issue getting blood all over in the process.
“Yes I know, trust me, I dont want my ass fucking dead.” Curtis growled out and grew impatient, ready to get back to you. “We done shooting the shit Wilford, or you ready for this months supplies?” 
“God your always so fucking impatient to leave my company.” Wilford rolled his eyes and sighed as if hurt, Curtis just stared at him waiting for him to get on with it. “Okay, my boy... let me know what you want.” 
Curtis wasted no time, filling out his demands and leaving straight afterwards. There was only so much time he could stand being in that mans presence. His spirit uplifted a bit knowing he would be seeing you again. You were still quiet in his presence, trying to remain unnoticed, but he was always aware of your presence unlike any other woman he had ever been with. Sometimes he would draw out conversation from you. But your answers were usually short, clipped, or you shrugged not knowing how to answer. Seeing how you lived in the tail end all your life, there was simply things you didnt know about. That was okay, you would learn about these things soon enough. 
Opening the door and stepping in, you were curled in the seat near the window, a book resting on your knee and gaze out the window watching the speeding landscape. You jumped slightly when Curtis entered and pulled your legs up nervously to watch him. Always so observant his girl was. "You havent seem to gotten to far while I was gone." nearby he sat down some bags of stuff he brought back with him, the items he had asked for from Wilford.
Your fingers trail down the spine and you slide it to the table, shaking you head softly. "Cant concentrate Curtis." Wary was how you were of this man, who stalked around his room till he moved to sit on the edge of the bed nearby. "Hmmm, do you not like it?" How brow arched and a your voice rose in a rush, as you clutched at the book. "No no, t-thank you... Its not that." You didnt want to loose a gift he brought you. Already reading through the few he had, you had gotten bored being unable to leave the small room. Curtis had requested a book for you with Wilford, and as you were finding out, Wilford accommodated Curtis requests typically.
"I was tested again, and still negative... " your voice dropped, admitting to your distraction. At first the news would cause Curtis to curse, drag you back to bed to try again.
So your head dropped, waiting to be yanked onto the mattress, but these past few weeks, he changed. Sometimes your news didn't cause any reaction, he would leave you to what you were doing. You trembled a bit, waiting to see what today would bring.
Curtis isnt sure when it changed for him, that he actually liked this one, it was something more then what was required of him, having any interest in his charge. You, a little tail ender was so innocent in to what he did to you, that he found it endearing. Her little surprised mewls when he taught you some new sense gave him satisfaction. He patted his knee. “Come over here Y/N” 
The tension raised between the two of you when you hesitated, curling your hands together and your face wanted to defy him, he could see the flash in your eyes and the way your breathing flared your nose. Curtis arched a brow daring you to tell him no. Oh would you? He almost wanted you to, that primal part of him loved overpowering you beneath him. You were so defeated when he first got his hands on you, but he felt that you had a bit of fire somewhere still, it just needed to be ignited. 
After a few seconds though you went back to your resigned manner and unfolded your legs approaching him, moving to stand in between his spread thighs. “Dont worry about the negative, it doesnt always happen right away.” His fingers snapped at your pants buttons and slid them down with a jerk, your hand bracing against his shoulder to keep from loosing balance and lifting your feet to loose your pants. He pushed your shirt up. “Get rid of all this to.” 
Lifting your shirt and tossing it aside, that deep blush he admired so much spread down from your face and neck, flaring over your collarbone. His mouth smirked until he lashed his tongue over a nipple, teasing the other with pinching fingertips. “But how long till they get impatient Curtis?” you took a shuddering breath feeling the warmth of his mouth tease you to a peak, rubbing your thighs together as heat pooled faster then you expect it to in your core. “Im ready to be done and go back home.” He growled at this, biting enough for you to yelp, and try to pull away but his legs have you trapped in between them. 
“What makes you think your going back Y/N?” He growled deeply, whipping you around, and pulling you back into his lap with one muscled forearm circled around your waist. “I already told you, you were given to me to use.” your hands were grasping his forearm pressed around your midsection, and you whine softly at his words. “But once Im pregnant you wont want me in your space, why wouldnt they send me back till birth?” 
“Cause, Im keeping you. Open your mouth.” He demanded and grabbed a hold of your jaw, forcing your mouth to open, his other arm loosened around your waist and moved two fingers to your mouth.“suck, get them good and wet Y/N”  his fingers pressed against your tongue and you immediately started to suck on his digits. doing your best to do as he asked. “As I told you a few weeks ago, your issued to me for at least the next few years.” Shifting his legs to hook yours over his knees and spread his legs so your thighs spread apart wide for him, the rush of cooler air hitting your aroused flesh made you moan around his fingers pressing against your tongue. “Your here till your used up or Im tired of you.” His voice, was so final as he yanked his fingers out from your mouth, tracing your bottom lip with one of the drenched fingers. “And then your still not going back there Honey. He wont let you go back home” 
Before you could fully register what Curtis was telling you, he dropped his hand to your cunt, his fingers warm and wet from how you worked them traced your pussy lips, soft under his fingertips, his biting kiss on your neck was a stark contrast, making you attempt to pull away, but he once more clamped his arm around your waist to keep you in place, his long middle digit dipping in between the folds, tease your sensitive flesh. “N-never? even if I was useless to have children?” 
“No, never. Have you ever seen anyone return to the tail end? Your not an exception. Trust me... You could be in a worst place then with me.” Continuing to rub your cunt, circling your aroused bud but never quite touching when he would return to stroking and teasing her entrance with slight dips of his fingers, collecting your arousal to spread. “I am not the only man who does this, and plenty are cruel to there partners.” It was getting harder to focus on Curtis as he started finally touching where you ached, his arm tightening when you would arch and let your head fall back to his shoulder. Pressing his lips to your temple. “Curtis... Its,,,” 
“Feels good right? Most the time it will if Im doing my job right,” Assuring as he let two fingers fill your wet heated entrance, making you open your thighs wider, his own adjusting to help you keep them spread. You were panting, rocking your hips to meet his thrusting digits. If you werent so caught up in the moment, you would have been embarrassed of the squelching sound your wet cunt was making the faster he pumped his fingers. Your walls started to clench around him, and that little firey coil started to tighten in your lower belly. 
“M-most of the time?” You managed to utter, and Curtis chuckled while biting lightly on your earlobe. “Well your a temptation, this tight little body.” His fingers hooked when he said that, come along with me baby. He would stroke your walls to comply with his wishes, fighting against his hold, and you were crying out when you pushed back into his chest, locking and shaking, flooding his hand. “Wouldnt be hard for me to loose control and just fuck you into the mattress” 
Your thighs are trying pushing to close, aching from being stretched open, and fighting through your orgasm. He shoved you forward slightly to undo his pants, and you lean forward to brace your hands against your knees, your head dipping forward to catch your breath. It wasnt long you felt his cock pressing against your back. God you fucking hope he never lost control with you, You could barely handle him now, and everything he did was measured calculated. Curtis did nothing without giving it some thought, you knew this. 
Hands at your hips, lifted your ass enough so he could fit himself into your core, and eased you back, slowly so he inched in, making you stretch around him but it still made you hold your breath till you were full of him, every movement you made, made you groan, his thrusts were quick upward angled jabs, pressing deeper and you still braced your hands while arching your breasts forward, this angle was so fucking full, concentrating was impossible. There was just rushed thrusts and grinding your hips back down. 
Somewhere it registered his cussing against your neck, as his thrusts pressed forward longer in your clenching pussy. “Fuck your so good, just gonna fill you till your dripping with cum.” He grunted against the back of your neck, his fingers digging into your hips and started to move you faster, bouncing you, and you just rode it till he roared and warm jets of his cum started to fill you. Your channel flexed around his cock, milking him for the last of it, and you collapse back against him, covering your face with your hands and giving a soft sob from your second orgasm within a short time. 
Pulling himself from him, he swiped his fingers through your cunt and scooped his cum back into you, making you quiver slightly at the sensation. Curtis gave a possessive nip to your neck, and shifted your legs back to a close. Fuck the muscles ached, all you wanted to do was lay down, the muscles in your thighs screaming with a burn. Curtis tapped your thigh to stand. “Dont be letting that run down your leg Y/N,” You nod and go to stand, your legs shaking enough to look like you might wipe out, Curtis hands shot out and grasped your hips to draw you back and sit on the bed. “Probably need a moment to get your legs back.” 
Tucking himself back in his pants, he let you claim the bed and went to where he had ditched the bags he brought back from Wilfords. You dragged a blanket over your naked body and watched with curiosity as he pulled out some clothing for you, nicer then the stuff youve been wearing. “Whats that for?” you asked curiously. 
Curtis brought the skirt and top over to let you inspect them. “They are for you. There is a entertainment car, and I figured your ready to meet others. I trust you to remember who you belong to” Your eyes brightened at the idea of seeing others, even if they were front enders. “Hows your legs? If you can stand, were going in half an hour.” He took the rest of the bag and turning his back to you, stored away a few books Wilford gave him, a treat for you later if you got to bored and deserved them. Curtis hoped there would come a time where you wanted to please him, not had to please him. 
While he was doing this, you tested yourself, and gathered the clothing to your bare chest. “they are fine... I will go get ready Curtis.” You escaped quickly into the bathroom, easing the door mostly closed. You rubbed your face in the soft long sleeve, it was the softest thing you could remember feeling and when you tugged the clothing on, braiding your hair to sweep straight down your back well past your waist, you couldnt remember feeling this way, like you were being showed off,and you kind of liked it. Stepping out, your clear your throat a bit and Curtis looks up from where he had been reading the spot you left in your books. 
Fuck you look good. Curtis nods his approval, and you nervously pick at the shirt, biting back a grin in your excitement. A warm rush tingles Curtis seeing you so damn happy for the first time since he brought you back a book, and unlocking the door, he held it open for you, beckoning you to step out. Going to step out the door, your hand braced on the door frame as you peeked out, it was empty, which your heart sunk a little and with a gentle ease of Curtis’s hand in the small of your back, you step into the wide looking hallway. He slung his arm around your waist, a steady hold on your hip and in the belt loops of your pants, he led you towards the front, the way you were dragged down to his room. “Now you stay with me Y/N unless I tell you otherwise, understand? Your free to talk to people that are in this car, but remember your place. You are mine, if I find out you are disrespecting what we have going on, or me, you wont like the consequences.” 
“Yes Curtis” you reply, feeling your mouth go dry with nerves and anticipation, would you know anyone there? You hoped so, you were desperate to find out how your friends were in the tail end. You two reached a gate, and your bouncing a bit at his side, the music on the other side is thumping loud and you can see flashes of lights through the cracks. Curtis smiles a bit to himself at how obvious excited you are to get out of the room, but there are rules, and he had to be sure you knew them. Turning you to face him, he grabs your chin and makes you look at him. “Remember what I said, do you understand? do you have any questions before we go in?” 
You nod probably a little harder then you should and you glance at the door once more before back up to him. “Am I allowed to ask about the tail end if I see anyone I know? That wont make you upset with me?” 
Curtis thought about this for a few moments, it wouldnt hurt and you so desperately wanted to know, probably still had your hopes up about one day seeing your friends again. “You can, but dont expect to see anyone from before in there Y/N” His fist thumped against the metal door, and it popped open enough for Curtis to slide through and he took your arm, bringing you through. It wasnt quite as you remembered, but last time you came through, you were being dragged, and didnt exactly have time to admire the setting. This time you did though, and your eyes widened before you. 
People, gyrating all over each other, among the flashing lights above them, it was extremely distracting and made you want to shut your eyes. First the people were laughing and dancing, then they would turn and a clash of teeth and lashing of tongues inhaled one another in open mouth kisses, moving from one person to whoever was closest. You leaned more into Curtis, not wanting to get caught up in the orgy. It was something you didnt enjoy from him, and you knew you wouldnt like it here either. With a push of his hand, Curtis broke past the group, and the car opened up to show more people dancing, some with one another, some off poles placed in what looked like a seating area, people lazing around, high from the kronoles scattered in the sunken seating booths. Curtis led you past these as well until you two were near the other side, and he directed you to sit. “Just wait here, I will be back.” A simple nod was efficient enough for him, and he went to the small bar set up. 
“Kronoles, rum and coke?” The man asked Curtis while he pulled out to glass jars to pour the alcohol into. 
“Just the rum and coke.” Normally Curtis would part take in the kronoles, chase that mindless high that came with it, but not this time with you accompanying him. He would come back another time without you. The rum and coke though, rare treat, doing some calculations about the occasion for the rare indulgence. Wilford had announced it was new years. Collecting the drinks, he came back to where you were half in and out of your seat, curious to your surroundings. Twisting back into your seat, your nose wrinkled as you sniffed your drink, used to only water. “What is it?” 
“Try it and find out.” Was all he said, and you cautiously brought your mouth to the edge, taking a sip. It burned and was sweet at the same time, and you took another sip that stung its way down your throat. The dart of your tongue wasnt missed by Curtis, and his cock twitched at the very notion of how sweet your lips would look stretching around his shaft, your head tipped to meet him with your eyes rolling up to meet him. Fuck... It was gonna have to go on your list of necessary teachings. No it wouldnt benefit what you two were striving for, but it was a damn sweet thought, your mouth sucking him off. To cool off, he to took a bigger swallow then your sip, appreciating the burn as it went down to settle in his gut. 
“what is it?” You repeated and he looked at you and swiped his thumb over your lower lip to dry it off. “Rum and Coke, we only get it once a year, usually its homemade shit or cheap ass beer thats long since gone stale. Its new years though, another year living on the train passed.” 
“Oh! I never heard the announcement.” Your gaze again falls to looking around the room, and you got bolder in your drinking. Soon, your eyes were brighter then usual and there was a flush to your cheeks. Curtis watched you get caught up in it all and he finally leaned over to whisper in your ear. “You can go dance you know, just dont stray far from the table.” He knew others would pick up on your innocence right away, target you for your weakness, typically it was a game. That is until people learned that your were his, and he was never one to share. 
Nervous, you hesitate a moment, and then push up to go up the stairs, and dont wander to far away, but mingle. Soon your drawn into a group of women who were just dancing, and the rush of the alcohol in your system swept you away in the motion. Curtis caught sight of you laughing and swaying your hips, deeming that you were fine. He collected your glasses to go refill them with just straight soda this time, and a pair of steel grey eyes crinkled at the corners, smirking watching Curtis, whom was unaware of the threat. About time he left his girl alone was the mans thoughts, pushing from where he been sitting with a group of friends and his own toy. 
You were unaware of any change happening, until a pair of hands slid along your hips, and hot breath against your neck, a lash of the tongue over your ear, you wouldnt doubt it was anyone other then Curtis so you didnt fight it. You were his after all, and your buzzed state, you couldnt tell that this was a slightly smaller set of hands on your hips, and that the person gyrating behind you certainly wasnt as broad as Curtis. Your time in the tail end, you were used to never having personal space, you simply fell back into the person behind you, getting lost in the tempo and rush of the alcohol.  
When he came back, he glanced through the crowd again as he set the drinks down, and Curtis couldnt fucking believe what the hell he was seeing. You pushing your sweet little ass of yours into Grey of all the fucking people. Quick, he snapped up to the dance floor, and your eyes sprang open to see him pushing people to crash into one another so he could get through, frightened you looked over your shoulder to see someone youve never seen in your life, and you stepped forward to meet Curtis. “Curtis! Im so-” 
“Get on your fucking knees now and wait!” He roared at you and your scrambled to fall at his feet like he told you to, your eyes welling up at your mistake. Curtis stepped around where you knelt, your hands wringing together. 
“Curtis, we were just having fun to.” Grey sighed with disappointment. “I had to see what the fuss was all about. I can see why Wilford got interested in her, she is cute for a cum slut.” 
“What the fuck makes you think you could touch her?” Curtis crowded Grey, who didnt back up but he to crowded back, smirking in Curtis’s pissed off face. 
“Wanted to see if they were as fucking easy as they come. I would have had her sucking cock in a few minutes with how she was grinding her ass into me like some horny bitch. Cant satisfy them Curtis? Why Wilford had to give you a tail ender? Not like they know any better.” 
Curtis didnt even bother with that jab, it was clearly meant to push his buttons. Drawing up to his full height, Grey albeit smaller, was not at all intimidated by Curtis, and leaned in a bit closer, smirking “dont worry Curtis, when I get her, and I will cause the winner takes it all, I will teach her how to properly behave.” You were pushing to a stand to try and explain to the two men, when Curtis caught sight of you “Did I fucking tell you to stand, get back in your place.” 
“But Curtis, it wasnt... “ You try once more, and he has to deal with you defying him, you gave him no choice. Ignoring Grey who watched this all with interest, he stalked forward and fists his hand in your hair, yanking you back to your knees. “What did I tell you?” 
“On my knees” You twist and cry out, your hands going to your hair to try to get him to loosen his grip. 
“Do I want any fucking sass coming from you?” 
“n-no.” You cant help the tears that are rolling down your cheeks and the way your head bows to him. 
Lowering closer to your level, his next words were so low it was hard to hear, but they held deadly promise should you not listen. “Start crawling to the door Y/N” Releasing his hold and shoving you to sprawl back. 
You look at him like he cant be serious, crawl? His face though, was all serious anger storming his blue eyes and you back away from him, the crowd parting to allow you passage. 
“Please Curtis...” 
Nothing, no softening or taking pity on you, you do only thing that you can, and start to pull yourself away on your hands and knees, Curtis watched your heart shaped ass sway back and forth, and then turns back to Grey, whos watching with an amused look. 
“Sure you dont want me to break in your little sweetheart? Ass like that good for alot of things, wouldnt be any trouble at all.” 
Curtis growled lowly “Dont fucking lay a hand on her anymore, shes mine. I have no problem shoving your dick down your throat should you think shes yours to handle.” 
Grey grinned at the challenge. “No, course not. Better not let her out of your sight again.” With that Grey turned back, and hoped back down into the seating area he had been occupying previously, yanking his own girl back in his lap, and slapping her thighs to spread, ready to share her with his current company. Curtis didnt waste any more time with them, and followed where she had crawled away, getting to the door, you were waiting this time, in a subdued position, on your knees, head bowed, palms up, trying not to look embarrassed or scared of it all. Made his cock twitch again, Fucking Christ, bad timing. “Get up” He yanked on your arm and hauled you to a stand. You stumbled, but did it all quietly, averting looking at him. 
It was silent going back to the rooms, and you tried to keep up best you could to his long stride. The train walls kept dipping as if off kilter and you stumbled into Curtis a few times. Finally though you two reach his room again and he gets the door to open, pushing you to fly in first. You stumble and grab a hold of the wall, trying to get everything to stop spinning. 
“Curtis, please I didnt know.” 
He doesnt care, more pissed off then he was before at your attempt for an explanation, he drags you from your grip off the wall and over his knee. “You knew better Y/N, and yet you fucking undermined me.” 
His knee is hard in your stomach, and you could feel him lifting your skirt to pool around your waist. You try to look over your shoulder but he shoves your head back to look at the wall and floor. Struggling, again a waste of your energy, hes holding you pinned over his knee with no more energy then he would give to a mild inconvenience in his day. Yanking down your panties to, he smacked your bottom hard, hard enough to jar you forward in his lap. 
“Dont worry I plan on marking your ass so hard, your not going to be forgetting who you belonged to.” Curtis gives no time to adjust, its one hard spank on one of your cheeks after another, its a fire burning you now, and your crying into his leg, arching once in a while when its a particular had slap, those sharp stinging ones that you swear are going to break your skin. Curtis hand prints popped up in welts, and you sobbed for him to stop. “Pl-please Curtis, I wont do it again. I swear... I thought it was you. “ He growled and started to come to a stop. He reached to take a fistful of hair and jerk your head back so he could see you even at this angle. 
“Who do you listen to?” 
Sobs crack your voice. “You Curtis...” 
“Thats right little one, next time be aware of who the fuck is behind you. Accident or not, if I catch it happening again, it will be worst.” He just as quickly put you in a stand, and stood up himself, gripping your chin so your tear stained face couldnt defy him and look away. “Next time it will be a leather strap and you will bleed for it. Get to bed now.” Dropping his hand and you are quick to move out of his way while he went to take a shower. 
Your ass, burning hot and every step screamed red hot through you, you peel away the clothes that you had been so excited for and folded them into the dresser, getting into an over sized tee that Curtis had given you to wear. Crawling in close to the wall, you lay on your side, waiting for him to come back out. He finished and didnt bother with clothing, snapping off lights as he came, he stretched out on his side, and yanked you over to him, hiking a leg over his hip, there was a unprepared thrust into your core, and you yelp into his chest, pressing your face there till the pain dulled, your breathing coming and going in shallowly as you braced for him to start moving he never did though, his arm just caged you in close. 
“You can sleep like this tonight, full of my cock so you dont forget who the fuck you belong to.” 
You sniffle in the darkness, trying to adjust to the full sensation hes stuffed you with. Now, you were even more homesick for the tail end. 
Tags-  @jtargaryen18 @what-is-your-plan-today @official-and-unstable-satan @p8tn0lish @stardancerluv @princess-evans-addict @patzammit @ozarkthedog​  @that-damn-girl @curtisbbq @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @thatweirdwalangpake @nsfwsebbie​ @imanuglywombat​
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astrablossom · 4 years
The Purple Otaku Stalker
Fandom: Shall We Date? Obey Me!
The otaku with purple hair keeps following you around after you befriend him. You decide to confront him in a alleyway.
Originally Posted on Ao3
Warnings: mild dubcon, foot job, orgasm denial, stalking, exhibitionism, degrading kink
It has a good ending don’t worry.
High school AU
There is always that one weird nerdy kid that sits in the back of the classroom with his head glued in some manga. On lunch breaks he'll watch porn on his phone with the brightness turned down low, secretly hoping someone will catch him. And sometimes in class he'll find a way to read hentai and doujinshi in class which is probably why he's always sporting a boner. One time he fingered himself in the bathroom fantasizing that someone was watching him, belittling him with their eyes as he came all over the bathroom tiles.
Often times people whisper about him, how he's so weird and disgusting and he's so used to it. He'll get odd looks and glare in group projects. One day you take pity on him and when you walk up to talk to him, you'll notice how petrified he is.
"P-People will be grossed out if you talk to me. Don't you care about your reputation?" He manages to blurt out one day when you drop your lunch box beside him. At the time you two were working on a project. When you turn look down to respond you immediately notice how he squeezes his legs together under the desk hoping his erection wasn't too obvious. Levi looks under his purple bang to see you shaking your head and his eyes go straight from your face, to your chest, and then your crotch. Will you tell on him to the teacher? Are you disgusted at his hunched over sweaty form? The thought of it alone brought a flush to his face.
Your voice knocks him out of his fantasy. "You truly are perverted but I don't care. Besides I want to talk to someone else." You grab a chair and sit beside him and that's how he starts to crush on you.
The two of you don't talk often and it usually you who initiate the conversation but he's a good listener. You're kind enough to listen to him rant about anime every now and then, replying if your in the fandom. It was really nice and he found his himself slowly opening up to you and not just because you had a nice face. After a while you notice how his eyes follow wherever you go. Even when the otaku is nowhere to be seen you always feel like someone is watching you. And whenever you two talk his cheeks are always a cute strawberry red. If you're close to him you can hear how deep he is breathing.
When his crush passes by (you) he starts to sweat more than usual and ducks away from your sight, his heart pounding in his chest and his erection so so obvious. He peeks over to see you bending down to pick up something and immediately made a beeline to the bathroom. Ever since that day he masturbated more often and in more public places just to see your face. He knew he was disgusting and that it was wrong but he couldn't help him. He adored you. During class when you stood to read he rubbed one out to your voice. Whenever he was reading a hentai about someone being fucked he thought of you. He wanted to be dominated by you, he wanted to be the one who made you moan, to be the person to be with you.
But he also wanted to hold a decent conversation.
As the days go by the stalking increases and you start to notice. In the corner of your eye you'll occasionally catch a glimpse of purple shifting. It was annoying you to the point you decided to do something about it. You knew enough about Levi and what he liked after searching through his search history, making fun of him about not deleting it.
So you decided to confront him about the stalking on a Friday. The two of you were heading to your house and look up at the taller boy to admire his features.
Leviathan was taller that you and the black school uniform he wore only brought more attention to lanky form. His bangs curved gently over his eyebrows, obscuring his eyes a bit from view. Your eyes trail down to his thin pretty pink lips and for a moment you wanted to kiss them.
Another time, you think to yourself before suddenly stopping and grabbing Levi. He immediately blushes at the sudden hand holding and goes to ask you where you're going when you walk off path. You don't answer him until a a gap in between two nearby buildings appear. The streets were busy but no one paid no mind to two high schoolers entering a alley.
The alley way was mostly vacant save for the litter tumbling about. Ignoring Levi calling out your name, you drag him till his back is pushed against the brick wall. It was still daytime so if someone were to look down here they could probably see you two.
"Y-you-" he looks down stunned at the peeved expression on your face. Your arms were crossed and the disgusted look he was so used from others looked amazingly well on your face.
"I should've listen to my friends." You press a pointed finger to his chest and speak in a very low tone. "You've been stalking haven't you?" You're greeted with silence and don't hesitate to raise a hand against Levi's face. The sound of your hand colliding with his cheek was sharp, echoing along with his gasp in the alleyway. His head snapped to the left from the impact and already a pink handprint was swelling on his cheek. The otaku's eyes start to bubble up but your quick to step on his shoe. Hard. You half expected him to cry out in pain but instead you were greeted with a low moan.
"I-Im so sorry" he begins and you can't help but feel slightly amused at his cowering form. You truly had control over him and at that realization warmth spreads through your body. "I don't deserve your friendship at all. I'm just a shitty, shut in, perverted otaku..."
It was quiet for a moment and you lick your lips out of arousal. "I see you're finally learning your place Levi." His head snaps at the sound of him name and you grin before demanding him to sit on the gravelly cement. Like a dog.
Unsurprised that he does as he's told you take note of the situation. It was late in the evening and technically you were still on school grounds. Not to mention this was illegal. The sound of traffic and people passing by made it very clear you could be caught at anytime but you figured you both were far enough in the alley to not be seen. Levi watches you look behind your back before turning your attention to him. He suck your teeth.
"Spread your legs pervert." He frowns not out of disapproval but out of embarrassment as he slowly spreads his legs, again his erection struggling against his uniform. You cross your arms and take on a more neutral expression before demanding him to show him your cock. At that he starts to fluster.
"Wait! I've never done-" he stops short when you stomp your foot down right on his crotch. The seering pain was enough to make the corner of his eyes prick with tears. He toss his head back against the brick wall, holding back a small moan. It took everything in him to not flat out cum on himself.
"Shut that filthy mouth of yours up." He lets out a undignified squeal at the authoritative tone you possessed. "Did I say you can speak? You're opinion does not matter." You twist your left foot over his erection, pushing a groan out the male. There was something exhilarating about being in command over someone so willing. It brought a smile to your face.
Levi watched the smile creep on your face and slowly moves his hand towards your shoe. He stares with keening eyes, begging silently for you to lift the pressure off of him. You do so and he's quick to undo his zipper, pulling his pants and Ruri-chan boxers down so his cock can flop out into view. Just knowing that you were staring at his cock with such concentration made it throb even more.
His dick wasn't nothing extraordinary nor was it lacking. It was pale save for the tip and you couldn't see any veins from where you were standing. It even had a cute little curve to it. You tip your head further to notice that the carpet indeed match the drapes. You snort loudly so he can hear and you back up a bit from him.
Levi watches silently as you press your left foot on your right shoe, lifting a cotton clad foot out of it. His eyes widen and he looks up at you as you step closer. Only then was he highly aware that you two were in public. And for a more he hesitated even though this was a dream come true.
"Do you want this Leviathan?" He blinks. "What?" He flinches for speaking without permission but you shake your head again.
You spoke in a low but very serious tone as you trail your foot scarily close to his begging erection. "If you don't want this then tell me right now and I'll stop." You lean over his head waiting for a answer. Instead Levi gives you a very nervous smile. Heat rises to your cheek at how bashful he looked with those purple bangs covering part of his face.
"I wouldn't have done this with anyone else." That was all you needed to hear. Truth be told you would speak to Levi about the stalking later, perhaps punish him more strictly but right now your number one priority was making said boy wriggle and tremble under your jurisdiction. The laughter of chiildren passing by made a shiver run down your spine as you press a foot against his cock, wiggling your clothed toes against it before moving it up and down experimentally.
Levi was touched by your permission to consent and was more excited when you began your ministrations, huffing softly when your warm foot touched his cock. The cotton was so warm from your blessed skin, the rough exterior from the fabric made his buck his hips.
"A-ah..." he softly calls out your name when you press your big toe against the tip, curling it and pushing down till his cock bended against his school jacket. He pays close attention to you. Your face was still stoic but he notes how closely knit your brows were and how your lips were slightly turned up at the corner. He groans lowly into the vacant alley when you press your heel against his balls. You've just started but he wasn't sure how long he could hold on. This was nothing compared to the videos he watched.
Occasionally he would see you turning your head back to see if anyone was coming. No one looked towards you two and once more you apply more pressure to his cock, basking in how his body arched into your hold. Another wanton moan came from his cute lips and you hiss at him.
"Do you want to get caught? Do you get off at the fact that you're sitting on cold hard cement while I stand over you rubbing my foot against your disgusting cock? How amusing." His cheeks become a deeper shade of red as soft delicate moans of your name rolls off his lips like the sweetest thing ever. You purr his name out and he must've died and gone to heaven. The familiar fuzzy feeling of an approaching orgasm was coming near and his hips were quivering faster too.
"Do you like it when I step on you?"
He nods.
"Do you want to cum all over my sock?" Another delayed nod. And you give him the most sweetest smile you could muster before pulling your foot away at the very moment he needed to cum. He hiccups in mild agitation at his denial orgasm and looks up at you with glassy eyes.
"Too bad." You bend to reach for your shoe, slipping it back on listening to him whimper for your attention.
You spoke dismissively to him although you expression betrayed your strict persona. "We'll finish this at my place. Unless you have something better to do." Not waiting for a reply you turn around and walk away back into the eye of the public slowly catching your breathe.
The facade immediately drops and in your mind your screaming at the fact that you actually went ahead and did that. You were turned on beyond belief. The feeling of dominating Levi was fresh to you and you can't help but curl your foot in your shoe. His cock felt amazing under you.
How would it feel inside your mouth? Or maybe somewhere lower? The sound of Levi moaning you name is drilled forever in your ears. The sight of him babbling and nearly crying over you make the hairs on your arms stand. You wanted more. So much more.
Did this make you a bully? Were you twisted for getting so aroused by him crying underneath you? You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't hear someone calling your name until you feel a timid tug on your jacket. You look up to Levi staring down at more shyly than usual. His cheeks were still pink and his bookbag was suspiciously covering his torso.
"I'm sorry for stalking you..." he murmurs softly. "B-But I really enjoyed your company. I'm not- " he takes a small breathe and continues. “I'm not really good at words so I completely understand if you never want to talk to a incompetent-" you stretch a hand to squish his cheeks. His lips squish together and he looks down at you with confusion. Smiling you let go off his face before taking his hand. He starts to stutter and you lean in closer, pressing yourself against his chest.
"After your spanking we can talk more. How's that sound?"
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Sweaty Coitus
A/N: On this week’s Thirsty Thursday(tm), we had a discussion about sweat. That’s literally it, we just like the thought of being exhausted then being like “oh shit im horny now”. So here’s this moots, love y’all hoes. (this kinda reminds me of dancing in circles just a little, but shhh) I got a little carried away and I’M SORRY.
Cheeky Tag List: @misskittysmagicportal@joz-stankovich, @super-unpredictable98, @iamsexytrash, @the-freckled-luba, @robertsheehanownsmyass, @bisexualnathanyoung, 
Warnings: sweat, heavy breathing thanks to Rob, unprotected sex(you know the rules, don’t be a fool), biting, masturbation, ......and ice
You were waiting for Luba to get home, and it was getting late. I mean, as usual, he has night jobs. It was typical that he’d get home tired, but you had other plans for the night. He typically had sex before he ate, or while he was eating so dinner wasn’t a worry. A hand reached itself down to touch yourself as the TV played in the background, but you only wanted to hear the jangle of those keys in the doorknob. A couple minutes passed by, and you started to get worried, but not too much, Lu has really late nights at the club sometimes, nothing to worry about. You shuffle over to the kitchen to get some ice, as it had gotten hot, and you needed some relief. Probably due to the fact that you were touching yourself, but that’s neither here nor there.
“Jesus, we need more popsicles.” you say as you take out a cube of ice, letting it drip onto the floor before you walked back to the living room, licking up your hand to keep the carpet from getting wet.
  You slumped down on the couch and slowly let the ice melt in your mouth, but as the hours passed on, a simply splendid idea passed through your mind, and before you knew it, you had another cube of ice in your hand, ready to put it where you knew you wanted it. Actually, you didn’t want the couch ruined, so you let the ice cool your fingertips before touching yourself, a rush filling your senses as you felt the temperature works its magic, urging you to press harder, and get louder in the empty apartment. Gasps left your mouth as you moved the ice cube down your form, pressing it against your clitoris. Your head fell back against the couch and in slow circles, you were reaching a climax. Your toes were curling, but you heard the keys, and for some reason that egged you on even more. A thought passed through your head, Luba on his knees giving you head, and he was covered in you was all it took for you to lose it.
“Oh Jesus Luba!” you screamed clenching around your own hand, chest heaving.
“Oh sorry did I scare yo-. Oh you naughty little minx. Have you been touching yourself while waiting for me to get home? Fuck that’s hot.” he panted, keys landing in the bowl as he stepped over to you. He dropped his bag along the way, and as he stood over to you, you could see why he was late.
  There was a thin sheen of sweat covering his body, and some of it was beaded on his forehead. Some of his eyeliner was smudged, and you smirked at his appearance as you recovered from your orgasm, ice fully melted in your hand. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body, and you felt mildly threatened at his looming figure.
“You know what, I’m gross and sweaty. That was hot though, I do admit, Maybe I can do that for you again. Let me just take a shower before we fu-. Unless....” he paused, looking at you.
“Unless what Lubie?” you ask, smirking at his face, which looked at yours in a tone of seriousness.
“Unless you want to feel the sweat from my body drip on you and keep us slick. Unless you want to be rubbing against me and struggle to get a grip because of how fucking hot the room is.” he whispered in your ear, then proceeding to wipe a finger along your slit, making you quiver under his warm touch.
  Luba looked at you, still panting on the couch and caught your lips with his, and you truly felt how warm he was when he got onto the couch with you, smothering you in his body. Your legs slowly spread to accommodate his form, and he snuck a hand behind your head, getting leverage to grind against you. You moaned under his touch, and wanted nothing more but for him to ruin you right then and there, but you preferred another location.
“Fuck me....” you started, cutting yourself off with a gasp, as he’d snuck a finger into your pussy, and gently began moving it in and out.
“Oh, I will, patience my dear.”
“No, I want you to fuck me on the bed. Where I can hold onto more than the coffee table. I want to feel you, and know that you fucked me into the mattress.” you stuttered out, near the end of another orgasm.
“Fuck, I’ll let you cum one more time then I’ll carry you to the bed. How’s that sound?” Luba asked, littering your neck with kisses. You slowly nodded, and he smirked before letting another finger slip its way into you, starting to make you drip onto the couch. Your eyes rolled back, and all you had to do was think about Luba finally being inside of you, and being with you, and you were ruining the couch once more, Luba’s hand becoming drenched.
“Oh, good girl. Cumming all over my hand so nicely.” he praised you, kissing your forehead. You panted for a couple moments, Luba watching you carefully. You were only getting started, and you felt your body heat up, exponentially more than usual.
  As promised, Luba picked you up and slung you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He slapped your ass while walking to your bedroom, and you squealed as he dropped you on the bed, kissing up and down your form. He smiled at you, and used his teeth to take your underwear off. Your feet pointed themselves, and he kissed along your thighs, getting hot to the touch. He bit along them, and left marks, as well as a mild sting. Once you began whining, and getting impatient, (he recognized it almost instantly), you shoved his head closer to your pussy, and these words left your mouth.
“You know you want to. So go ahead, eat it. And goodness, get to fucking me afterwards, I need you in me.” you begged, grinding against his face.
  Luba obliged, and his tongue stuck out to lick a large stripe on your slit, pausing to pay special attention to your clit, which was slowly making an appearance. His arms went under your ass, and created leverage and easier access for himself. Your head tilted back as Luba began to eat you out, and all you wanted to do was run your hands down his back, and feel him tire out. Lewd slurping sounds came from below, and there you found his lips surrounding your clit, and a finger running over your folds. You shuddered at the feeling, and he added one in, slowly, and let it slip in and out of your pussy, letting it drip onto the sheets, some of it collecting on the floor. One particular lick to your clit had you reeling, and right as he felt you clenching, Luba pulled away from you completely, and split your legs to the sides of the bed.
“Can’t have you cumming before my sweaty ass pounds you into the mattress now, can we hmm?” Luba teased, your arousal dripping off of his face. Even up to his nose was shiny, and you ground into the air, impatient for him once more.
“Come on, like you don’t tease me. I’ll fuck you soon.
“No, Luba Klimov, you fucking listen to me. If you don’t raw me straight into this mattress until there’s a permanent sweat stain so help me God. I’ll pound your ass into next week.” you whispered in his ear, and you felt him smirk, pants dropping in an instant.
 Luba grabbed you around the ankles, and pulled your body towards his, his cock settled right between your folds. Its’ head nudged your clit, and Luba guided it right where you wanted it. He pressed into you, and as his chest neared yours, you could really see just how much he was sweating. Drops poured down his smooth chest, and his arms were purely glistening in it. He almost pulled out all the way before slamming back in, balls slapping against your ass. He began a quick pace, and you were struggling to catch your breath from underneath him, once you felt like you calmed down, he hit another spot. Speaking of, Luba was bent over your body, his face in your neck. You could feel the vibrations in your body as he moaned and gasped, eyes closed in focus. Luba’s hands had moved to the headboard, and he was pounding you into the mattress, as promised, and you reached around to feel up his back, met with buckets of sweat, fingers slipping.
  Your bodies were slipping against each other, and your arousal pooled on the bed, and you could feel it every time Luba slammed into you, his breathing growing even more heavy and erratic. Luba’s hips tilted up just right, and was hitting your clitoris at an upward angle, just how you wanted it to be hit. You felt yourself clench around him, and you two made intense eye contact, and only closed them when you both came, one after the other.
“Fuck, cum on my stomach Lu.” you gasped out, hips still slamming into yours. To his surprise, you arched your back and grabbed your tits, and with that he knew that he had permission to paint a canvas, and with a couple more thrusts, he came, and you felt every drop hit your body. It mixed with the sweat beautifully, and you breathed into Luba, and he collapsed beside you, panting loudly.
  The two of you lay there for several minutes, but you realized that you had spunk on your chest, and that you had to piss. You cleaned yourself up, and relieved yourself, Luba switching spots with you. Once he had come back, he was still a tad sweaty, and you decided to go with it, and the two of you cuddled that night, sweat and all.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH19
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 3,884
- Author Note: I apologize if some of the thing in BTS caretaker sound cringy, i wrote this in 2017 lool so the old me is so hmmm , hahaha as much i wanted to edit it again, Im afraid i am gonna change the whole thing :< so i leave it be ahhaa thank u for reading <333
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Chapter 19
“You alright Joon?” Yoongi eyed the younger guy before him that had a distress look ever since their filming ended few hours ago. Namjoon barely touched his dinner and did not speak as much as he usually did. The corner of his eyes caught Jimin acting odd around Namjoon as if that guy knew something that he did not.
A floor light from the living room light up the space with a pleasant illumination. It was enough for Yoongi to catch a blurry image of Namjoon’s expression whom start to darken. Raking his fingers in between his soft lavender hair, a low sigh could be heard from his direction “We ended our relationship” he exhaled the words with heavy heart.
Yoongi was speechless hearing such news, though he had a little idea of how deep Namjoon’s relationship with her back then. Yet, he knew how much this guy cherish her. She used to be his source of inspiration in his song writing. Things really went wrong between them, Yoongi could not deny this one fact that he never liked the girl.
“What happen..” his unclear voice was enough to reach Namjoon. Not that he wanted to be happy over the news, however he was kind of relieve that the things have ended for good between them. Ever since the first day Namjoon told him about his genuine feelings for her, he knew something was not right in the beginning. Son Hyemi, one of their stylists who have worked for almost two years with them. Despite her cold demeanour, she appeared to be daring whenever with Namjoon. She was first assigned as Yoongi and Jungkook stylist before they switched it with Namjoon few months later.
Yoongi did not want to condemn anyone but he felt uncomfortable with her around since start. Son Hyemi is in her early 30’s when she first started her job as their stylist. Indeed, when it came to her work she’s a dedicated woman and that’s undeniable. However, for some reason with her mere presence it created unexplainable tense knowing one of his bandmates had a thing for her. They had to pretend that they were okay with it. If it weren’t for Namjoon’s happiness, he would do something pertaining to that matter. His gut is never wrong.
Son Hyemi was a trouble. She brought nothing but pain to Namjoon. If and only he realized that sooner, he would not get hurt as much as he did now. All of them had spoken about this matter behind Namjoon and clearly none of them were brave enough to say it aloud, being bluntly honest to Namjoon would only push him away. They really cared for his feelings, hurting him was the last thing they wanted to happen.
He croaked “She..is married to someone else. It is over between us” Yoongi was alarmed by his response as he stood up straight, frowning in process.
“What..when this happen?”
“She got married a week ago..It has been happening for a month, all the lies that she told me. I was a fool…to trust her and wait for her to come back to me” Namjoon looked down sadly, clutching onto his hair bellowing his frustration.
“Joon-ah…She does not deserve you. I am sorry that you are in pain and for not trying hard enough to help you through this” he gave a soft squish on his shoulder with full of regret. It was no use to cry over spill milk, horrible things when we least expected.
Lifting his head up weakly, his eyes were brimming with tears “Hyung..Its hurt.. The pain is driving me insane” Yoongi’s heart clenched his pain to see his brother in this vulnerable state.
Without uttering any words, Yoongi pulled the younger guy into a tight embrace “I know..You loved her, it was normal to get hurt. It makes you more human” Namjoon on the other hand could not contain his tears anymore, he ended up shedding his tears for the second time today. With his members, he found it was rather hard to not show this side of him. They have become his pillars of strength.
Even for the unaffectionate Min Yoongi, when it involved one of the members, he would gladly reveal this soft side of him that he intended to show only to the people that he cared. Namjoon’s shoulder shook and his breath were shuddered as he sobbed uncontrollably letting all the misery contained inside him out. His voice had drawn others to the scene one by one, watching their leader broken in Yoongi’s arm.
They exchanged a meaningful look as they had gotten the clue about it while Jimin filled them in with the news few minutes ago. Yoongi gave all of them a soft nod assuring them everything will be fine and that Namjoon only needed a moment to gather himself together.
Namjoon took a deep breath before breaking the hug “Thank you hyung..That was ugly” he wiped his tears with the back of his hand and let out a bitter chuckle.
“Once in a while, you have to cry hard. Life is like that” he patted his back softly. “To be honest, I am glad that you finally see her true colours. We are sorry that we go behind your back and talk shit about her. However, we could not bring ourselves to tell you the truth. We only want what is best for you. If being with her makes you happy then, we are fine with it. We will learn to accept her” his lips were pressed into a thin line.
“Hyung..” Namjoon pondered upon Yoongi’s word hard. Why did he do to deserve these guys in his life? Despite the bad choices that he made, they had their back for him without complain.
Another voice came into the picture which startled Namjoon “Joon-ah..Kim Namjoon. Who needs girls if you have us? Our love is enough” said Jin, throwing his arm around Namjoon’s shoulder. Namjoon’s realized other members were already there smiling sadly at his way, he returned it with a genuine smile. They caught his overwhelmed reactions as he turned into a puddle of tears over the welcoming sight in front of him.
Taehyung lurched to his side attacking him with a big hug “Hyunggie, Hyemi nuna just showed you that you have bigger heart than she is. You will soon find your own happy ending, not with Hyemi nuna but with someone better than her” his jaw hung open into his signature smile.
“This time around we will make sure any girl that you like will pass through us first before they can date you!” Jin beamed.
Namjoon laughed at their silliness “Why is it a ‘they’? Are you turning me into a Casanova?” he raised his brows in amusement. Hoseok retorted “Well, just in case we don’t like the girl we will have backup don’t you think? Chill Kim Namjoon, life maybe short, let’s not think about future and live the present” he exchanged their usual fist bump causing the latter to chuckle softly.
“Thank you, for standing by my side even in my worst state, you will always be there. I am sorry that I cause unnecessary worries. I promise I will be better and get over this feeling that I have for her. It is stupid and too good to be truth” his voice was full of regret.
Jungkook and Jimin had a proud smile on their face, watching their precious hyung that was able to finally pull his usual smile on his face. They will never be tired dealing with all the craps happening in their group. It is the recipe of their strong brotherhood.
“Who is up for drinks” Hoseok waved a can of beer accompanied by his sunny smile. So, it was that time of the month again to have a deep shit kind of talk all night. As everyone took their seat on the stool near the counter, Jimin helped to pass one can of beer each to the members except Jungkook.
His lips curved upward into a protest “Hyung…why….” Jimin brows flinched together while shaking his head in disapproval.
“Not tonight gguk. You will get the banana milk” Jimin chided, gliding the small bottle in front of him.
Tugging clueless Jimin to the corner, Namjoon cleared his throat forcing out the words to come out after his awkward encounter with Seul yesterday. It had been bothering him since then, but he chickened out the last minute when he’s about to inquire Jimin about it.
“Are you going to ask me whether Seul is doing fine?” Jimin boldness taken him aback a little. Namjoon nodded his head frantically, chewing his lower lips showing off his nervousness. “Well, she is a little shaken, but she is doing alright. Don’t worry. I don’t think she will tell anyone about what she heard” he chuckled.
“That was awkward. I was not in the right mind yesterday. I thought Seul was Hyemi nuna. THAT IS SO EMBARASSING CHIMMY!” he facepalmed not liking this thing one bit.
Jimin laughed heartily “I know hyung. Apologize to her when we have the chance to meet her later and talk it out with her” his eyes shrunk into an eye smile.
“Talk it out with who?”
Jimin and Namjoon turned to face the owner of the soft voice, as their head tilted in sync trying to decipher the image in front of them. To their surprise, Seul was standing there awkwardly with a baffled expression across her face.
“I am sorry I didn’t know you guys are still around… I mean it is already 10 in the morning?” Seul squeezed her eyes together. ‘Does it mean, others are here too. Min Yoongi? Jin?’ she mentally cursed.
A soft smile spread across his face “It is just us and Taehyung, others are out for grocery shopping. Did Manager hyung forget to inform ahjumma that we will be staying indoor today” Namjoon watched Seul under his sharp gaze making her a little uncomfortable.
“Ah.. My mom went for her treatment early in the morning, she must be forgotten to inform me” she coughed a little avoiding Namjoon’s gaze that apparently undressing her. Screw Kim Namjoon, he doesn’t need to be that attractive.
Jimin softened when she mentioned Mrs Hwang, before he could ask her further, Namjoon jumped into the conversation “How’s your mother Seul-ssi” he looked at her way timidly.
“She is alright, thanks to the treatment I think she will be able to make it until we find a donor” a sad smile could be seen on Seul’s pale face. Mrs Hwang condition made Namjoon sympathize the older woman even more.
“Was it severe? Her kidney?”
Nodding weakly, Seul clutched onto the hem of her shirt surpassing her tears from hitting the ground “Her kidney has stopped functioning, both of it. She is lucky to be able to live this long since her life is depending on the machine. The hospital is trying to find the perfect donor for my mother” Jimin exhaled a soft breath, pressing his lips together in process.
Namjoon sent an empathy look at her direction “How about your kidney? Doesn’t it match your mother? I am sorry I don’t want to offend anyone, just wondering” Seul chuckled bitterly and it died down as soon as a sigh of regret filled the awkwardness between them.
“My brother and I did not match her, I was frustrated over the fact that we shared the same blood, yet we could not do anything about it” her face revealed all the pain that she could not express in words. Jimin took few steps closer to Seul, embracing the girl briefly “Ahjumma will be alright. Trust me” Namjoon’s eyes widended upon witnessing the scene in front of him. Just when was Jimin became super touchy with her? That was odd considering how they barely met each other.
Seul froze in her trance allowing Jimin’s warmth sipping through her vein, giving her some sort of assurance and security. Her ran his fingers in her soft lock, pulling away from the hug not long after and continued to stare into her eyes deeply “If you need someone to talk to, I will always be here. Now, talk to Namjoon hyung.. He has been dying to see you since yesterday” Seul was under his spell. His soft voice really mesmerized her, and she could feel her bones melted.
Jimin brushed her cheeks with the back of his hand, taking a step backwards giving small space for her to breathe. “See you in a bit” he winked. Seul blushed madly, hiding her face in her hair.
“Talk to her nicely” Jimin mouthed Namjoon with a slight smirk and made his way stealthy to his room. Namjoon was unsure whether he was ready to talk this thing out with her. Not that he was afraid to open up his wound again, facing Seul got him nervous for no reason.
“I am sorry” Namjoon and Seul blurted out in unison.
She rubbed her palms together “You first Namjoon-ssi” he scratched the top of his head a little steadying his breathing. “Look..about yesterday.. I..am sorry that you have to see that. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I..just I-mean I… don’t..I am not..in the right-“ stammering between his words, he attempted to force words that don’t want to be said. Namjoon felt dizzy and breathless.
Seul bit her lower lips watching the guy struggling with his own words and she finally decided it was best to interrupt “Don’t worry, pretend that never happen. I promise I will never bring that up. I am sorry for invading your privacy” she sighed tiredly.
“I am not in the place to say this but since we have come to this, I hope you are holding up well. Love is a funny thing, Namjoon-ssi. You expect it to be easy and to be world of roses. It is more of it once you dwell into it. Love is hard because it makes us grow. It forces us to confront our little demon inside. Love is between two real hearts. If another heart breaks the promises that you build, there is no point in holding onto it anymore” she spouted in one breath.
Awed by Seul’s wise words, Namjoon took the moment to scrutinize her face with so much interest. It was the first real conversation that he had with her, therefore it mesmerized him how a small girl like Seul would have bigger things to say.
She continued “ It is better to break your own heart by leaving rather than having that person to break you heart every day you are with them” her words dissolving into seething mutters to herself. “Oh my god, I am sorry! I got carried away! Forget what I said I mean really, that sounded stupid” she scolded herself as her nose scrunched up cutely not liking her own action.
Namjoon chuckled at her cuteness “You are right about everything. It is better to break my own heart this way rather than getting hurt all over again” he found the thought of ending his complicated relationship with Hyemi was a good thing. His lips pressed into a thin line as he tore his eyes meeting Seul sparkled orbs.
“Thank you Seul-ssi..I understand why Jin hyung is really keen on you. You are different” his compliment melted her heart instantly. Why was he bringing Jin in this matter? What did he mean by Jin was keen on her? To think about this again, it was super crazy.
“I am no one..You are flattering me” she shook her head, “Urm, Namjoon-ssi I think I need to get my job done so I can leave soon. You guys deserve a peaceful rest, I saw how hard you guys worked yesterday” she exclaimed.
“Ah..Dont sweat. Take things real slow, I can help you with the cleaning if you want. It is quite a mess today” he offered but Seul was fast to decline his offer. It was tempting but she’s paid to do this. That would be so wrong to make the boys work.
“No, this is my job. I will get the job done quick. Don’t worry about me”
“Can we drop the formality?” Namjoon suggested something out of context again.
“What?” Seul raised her eyebrows, ever so slightly.
“I heard you are at Jimin’s age, so maybe we can be friends. Plus, you are our caretaker lady. Why don’t we be friends and drop the formality?”
“Do I have the choice what to call you then?” her eyes gleamed with irrepressible humour.
The corner of his mouth quirked as he nodded “So what do you have in your mind?” he challenged.
“Just Namjoon would suffice”
“Just Namjoon?”
“Why? I think that is enough to show our informality”
“But you call Jin hyung, oppa” he stressed.
“Ah, that one. He forced me to call him oppa. I don’t really oppa-ing anyone except for my close friends” cringing at the thought, she grinned widely “So Namjoon would suffice”
“Can’t you call me oppa?” Namjoon demanded.
“Why do you guys so obsess in making me to call you oppa? We will see if I am in the mood to address you oppa. Now please excuse me Namjoon oppa, I have work to do” she nodded and waved her hand while she retreated to tend her job with a smile. Namjoon straightened his clothes while mumbling “Alright then” his eyes followed her until she disappeared behind the kitchen door.
“Oppa…Namjoon oppa” he was not sure why he was smiling, but he could not stop.
Every second was valuable to her. By anytime soon, the rest of Bangtan members would be back and she was not ready to deal with any of them. Thankfully, Jimin and Namjoon had left her alone to do her job. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen even in his room, she wondered where did he disappear.
She picked up Taehyung’s dirty laundry on the floor and tossed it inside the laundry bag. Before she left, she straightened up the bed, smoothing the sheets, carefully tucking the corners and fluffing the pillows. She glanced round the room which was quite impersonal, but her eyes stopped at the picture frame on the nightstand. The photos look familiar to her like she’s the one in it.
Taking the frame in her hand, she squinted her eyes taking a better look of the ambiguous photo. To be honest, the photo alone was a work of an art. It was too beautiful to be described with words, but little did she know she was admiring herself. As she examined the photo, her eyes landed at the corner of the frame. It surprised her to see a small signature with ‘Vante’ engraved on it.
It came to her realization, this was the photo taken by that strange guy that night who claimed himself to be Vante. How did the photo end up in Taehyung’s room? Did the Vante guy sell her photos to people publicly? The only logical thing that she could ever think was, the Vante guy turned out to be Taehyung. That was impossible!
Seul then continue to search for similar frame inside the room and yes there were few of them. Photos of Bangtan members, the scenery that he took and a photo of himself. Could it be him?
Alarm, mixed with confusion, spread through her in a frightening rush “What are you doing in my room?” she was taken aback by the gruffy voice behind her. It sounded familiar, similar to the Vante guy.
In one straight move, she turned around to face him “You?” Taehyung expression turned from uncertainty into sheer surprise. He could not believe his own eyes that Seul was standing before her in his room. What kind of sorcery was this again! Her eyes widened in astonishment “How did you get this photo?” she inquired to answer her curiosity.
“It is mine...”
“Yours? So, you are Vante?”
“Urm…Yes...i think we met before. You are the tea lady”
“I have name. It is Seul”
“Seul? So you are our caretaker?”
“Seems like it”
“WHAT A SMALL WORLD” his voice going up in pitch at the sheer surprise of it.
She raised her chin “That’s right. You see, I thought you actually-“he words broke off and her eyes widened when Taehyung rushed to her for a big bear hug. Seul stiffened in his tight embrace, it was suffocating but he smelled too good. Warmth sipping through her bodies.
“Glad that I found you again Seul” he whispered deeply leaving a trail of sexiness and manliness in his voice. He rested his chin on top of her head liking the way how small and delicate Seul was in his arm.
Her mind and body were not in sync, part of her wanted to push him away but her body really betrayed her today. It’s like she was destined to stay glue to Taehyung. Out of all members, apart from Yoongi, Taehyung would be the boldest one.
Who hugged during their first meeting? Asians don’t do hugs, why was he being so friendly to her.
This would not do, she needed to escape from this sticky situation again. Just before she could plot a murderous plan to flee from Kim Taehyung, they heard a harsh voice scowling at their way.
“Let her go Kim Taehyung” Yoongi hissed under his sharp breath. He looked like he was ready to murder someone. Stood nervously behind Yoongi was Jung Hoseok, he only cracked a nervous smile at Taehyung way and mouthed the younger guy to comply to Yoongi’s request before things turned even sour.
Releasing Seul immediately from his embrace, Seul inhaled a deep breath finally feeling the oxygen being sucked inside properly hitting her lungs.
“Hyung are you alright?” Taehyung blinked innocently.
Ignoring the younger guy’s question, he marched towards Seul giving the girl no chance to breath and crashed his lips against her ‘WHAT THE HELL. THIS THE THIRD KISS’ Seul screamed in her head desperately.
“HYUNG!” Taehyung and Hoseok yelled in fear.
“MIN YOO-YAH” she mumbled between kisses and as soon as she parted her lips, Yoongi deepened the kisses not caring the protest that he received from the floor. He had enough watching Seul with other guys. That one time with Jimin ticked him off, however he was still in denial with his feelings for Seul.
Now, seeing how Taehyung acting all cosy with her, Yoongi really had enough. He needed to make it clear to everyone that she is his.
It was exhausting to fight Min Yoongi, she would never win when it came to him. Yoongi pulled away staring at her reddened lips with a smirk “I marked her, remember that” he muttered against her lips, holding onto her body close to his.
Taehyung cringed at the sight still in dazed, he exchanged a wary glance with Hoseok and before he could ask further, Yoongi had already pulled Seul out from the room.  Leaving shook Hoseok and Taehyung, Hoseok palmed the wall behind him gulping the heavy lump on his throat.
“What was that….” Hoseok breathed out.
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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gifti3 · 5 years
ayy im back again with another jjba and game crossover! I’ve had this idea for awhile and I’m finally getting most of it out of my system now!
It’s pretty much huniepop but with jjba characters, and Bruno is your love fairy! so yea warning this is 18+  ——
Summary:  You’ve never sexted before but no worries cause your love fairy Bruno’s here to help!
You sat on your bed, staring at your phone, putting every single brain cell  to work. You were texting one of the many people you were currently fooling around with.
Bruno places his chin on your shoulder as he reads what you’ve typed so far.
He tuts at what he sees. “You aren’t very good at this…”
You huff. “Well, it’s not like I’ve ever sexted before!”
And you were only in this situation because of this man–er fairy!
You had met him about 2 weeks ago in the lounge bar near your apartment. That day had been stressful and you decided to go out to unwind and maybe meet someone new. Unfortunately, the moment you had arrived in the bar, your body decided to get cold feet, as usual. So you sat at the bar and began ordering drinks, keeping to yourself.
You had only been two drinks in when a man had approached you–Bruno. He had a disguise on, but you hadn’t known that at the time. The way he approached you was kind of strange, but you weren’t complaining. In fact, you were grateful since you were planning to stay in the same bar seat the whole night. 
He tried to flirt with you, but you totally failed at properly reciprocating. However, he still smiled and looked at you for a couple of seconds. “I think I can make this work.” 
After uttering that strange and somewhat curious statement, he left. You simply shrugged it off and continued to drink to help get over your disappointment.
You were sure you wouldn’t see that same man again, but later the next day he showed up in your room! Wig gone and with intricate, lacy looking wings, he looked like something otherworldly and straight out of a fairy tale. 
That day you learned that he wasn’t actually a man but a fairy, a love fairy to be more specific. He told you he was there to help you seduce as many people as possible and get into their beds as quickly as possible.
It was a strange experience, to say the least, and you were honestly still trying to completely process it.
You focus on the message on your phone, back in the present.
Bruno chuckles in that stupid attractive way that makes you feel kind of giddy. He flitters his wings before moving away from you. “Okay, let me help then.”
He snaps his fingers and you start levitating about a foot off the bed. 
The man doesn’t reply as he positions himself in the spot you were sitting. Once he’s settled, you float down and land on his lap.
You wiggle a bit on top of him. “What are you doing?”
“Helping you, amore.” He gently pulls you against him. “Now let’s start over.” He deletes everything you typed so far.
“I’m not going to just do this for you outright, but I’ll try to push you in the right direction. I still want you to learn.”
You groan. It really felt like you were being tutored at times.
“This person doesn’t know how to be subtle. What would be the best approach for someone like this?”
You think for a second. “Uh…to be straightforward too?”
“No. Well not yet. Try teasing them first, it’s more fun that way.” As he finishes that thought, he smiles mischievously and begins dragging the fingers of one of his hands along your side, giving you goosebumps.
You gulp and try to ignore the fairy’s caresses and type something simple. “Is this okay?”
“Oh? What exactly do you mean by that winky face,” Bruno reads.
You feel embarrassed hearing it out loud .
“That’s cute, but it could be better.”
You pout, something you were doing a lot ever since Bruno appeared in your life. “This is too hard Bruno.”
Bruno was still touching you. It was a nice feeling but distracting. “It might seem like that at first, but you need to keep going.”
You try again and type ‘oh ur going to give it to me? how exactly?’
Bruno hums approvingly. “Good. How would my cute human like it?”
You blink. “…I guess slowly?”
He places his chin on your shoulder, looking pleased. “I’ll be sure to remember that.”
You stare at your phone screen so you wouldn’t have to make eye contact. You could feel your heartbeat picking up in your chest and you knew he could feel it too. 
Bruno tended to act like this when he got a bit too excited but today he didn’t seem to be trying very hard to hold back.
Your phone vibrates in your hand. “Bruno you’re supposed to be helping me,” you complain.
“I am amore. I’m just taking a more direct approach.” He looks at the reply you had gotten on your phone screen.
as fast as you want it ;p
“So they like it when you lead. Tell them exactly what you want…Maybe throw a pet name in there too.”
You did as he said and, when he gives you the okay, hit send. Bruno was really good at his job when he wasn’t messing with you. All this was second nature to him.
His lips brush lightly against your ear. “Do you like it when I call you pet names amore?”
Before you could reply, your phone vibrates again. That was quick. You raise your eyebrows as you read the extremely explicit message. “Holy shit.”
“They’re probably gonna start wanting pictures soon so we might as well beat them to the punch. But I’m assuming you’ve never sent nudes.” He paused for a moment. “I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re 100% sure.”
“I want to,” you say.
“Okay, you should keep it a little tasteful. It’ll definitely drive this person crazy.” Bruno starts fiddling with your bra before unhooking it. “Take this off.”
With some awkward movements, you remove your bra from under your shirt and toss it to the side.
Bruno goes back to caressing your sides before moving his hands onto your chest. He softly drags his fingertips across your hardening nipples.
You close your eyes and completely relax against him. You hated when he teased you like this but it felt good.
“Don’t get too relaxed. You still need to send a picture.”
Slightly frowning, you open your camera app. Your texting partner won’t be able to see Bruno so you don’t bother moving from your comfortable spot.
You snap a photo of yourself, your nipples pushing against the thin fabric of your shirt.
You type a short message.
“You’re quickly improving,” Bruno said.
You take that as an okay to send. 
Bruno presses a kiss on your neck and you shiver when you feel him lick a stripe up your neck.
Bruno purrs. “You taste fantastic.”
He places his hands near your inner thighs. “I bet you taste even better here.” He hand moves towards your warm center and you spread your legs wider for him.
Your phone vibrates but you really couldn’t find it in yourself to check.
Bruno nips at your ear. “What do you think you’re doing? Don’t keep any of your targets waiting.”
You reluctantly look at your phone. You had received a lewd photo. Definitely, much more revealing than yours. “W-What do I do now?”
“What do you think of the picture they sent?”
You decide to be straightforward. “Well, they have a nice body and it makes me feel excited.”
“Reply with something similar to that,” Bruno says.
After you send the reply, Bruno suggests you remove your bottoms and helps you pull them off.
The moment you’re back in his lap his hands are back on you. Bruno massages you through your blue panties. You push your hips insistently against his hand.
“You should send a photo of yourself like this,” Bruno tells you.
You purse your lips. This was beginning to frustrate you, but you hurry and take a photo of yourself, making sure to angle the phone to mainly focus on your lower half.
A wet spot was beginning to form on the blue cloth.
You type i hope blues ur favorite color ;) and send.
Bruno laughs at your message. “Are you sure you haven’t sexted before?” He pushes his hands past the elastic band of your underwear.
He brushes his fingers against your slit before spreading you open and teasing your wet entrance.
Your entrance clenches, begging for more friction and heat.
You turn your head towards Bruno’s face, desperation in your eyes “Please, more.”
“What exactly do you want more of? I’m just helping you with your sexts.”
If you could think more clearly you would yell at him. But apparently, Bruno was feeling generous today and moved his fingers to your swollen and sensitive clit and begins rubbing.
“I like how little it takes to get you like this,” he says huskily into your ear.
You moan in reply.
He stops his movement and slowly pushes a finger into your entrance. His other hand cups your breast and begins kneading. 
He kisses your cheek and you turn your head towards his. He presses his soft lips against yours and you immediately let him push his tongue pass your lips. You could feel him grinding his hips against your ass.
He slips another finger in and begins to thrust into you faster. The sound of him pushing against your wet walls filling your quiet room.
Soon enough you begin repeatedly tighten against Bruno’s slender fingers–the warm feeling in your lower stomach beginning to overwhelm you–and pull away to catch your breath. 
Your back pushes against his firm chest. “C-Close, don’t stop.”
“Where are your manners tesoro?.” He sounded a bit out of breath himself.
“Pl…Please Bruno”, you say before he could edge you.
“That’s better.” Bruno’s other hand begins rubbing against your clit and with a couple more thrusts of his fingers your body tenses, toes curl, and you moan as your climax washes over you.
Bruno’s fingers continue to work you through your orgasm, thrusting in and out of your throbbing pussy.
As you come down, you try to slow your breathing.
After a while, Bruno breaks the silence. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that…I got carried away. You need to answer your messages.”
You couldn’t care less about that right now.
And yea you might have just came, but you were already ready to keep going and you needed–wanted to be closer with this satyromaniac.
You turn towards him on all fours. Your hand moves up his thigh nearing the obvious bulge that had been pressing against you.
Bruno softly grabs your wrist “Sorry y/n but you haven’t earned this yet.” His face seemed like he was internally struggling.
He gives you a peck on the lips before moving from off the bed. He looks at his watch. “And there’s some business I need to attend to. You should answer those messages.”
With a final “Stay sexy and keep it classy” he was gone.
You stare at the now empty space. “You bastard!”
Keep it classy your ass! Crossing your arms, you fall back into your bed. 
You look at the multiple messages you had not been paying attention to.
i wish i was there with you
can i come over right now??
Oops. Well, you’d make sure to make it up to them later.
You sigh.
That fairy really blue balled himself.
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kitsoa · 5 years
My fate will be decided in one 30 minute session tomorrow. 
I am gonna teach a lesson to 2nd graders and high-tail it home. 
And how I perform is gonna determine if I sign a contract to receive my very first full-time salaried position with benefits with sick days and a boat load of  responsibilities.
Depending on tomorrow, I will immediately begin looking for an apartment, put in a months notice to two of my jobs and start making a financial plan that will determine my long term stability. I’m going to leave home and I am going to take on one of the hardest jobs out there... elementary level music. 
im just gonna rant under the cut about my teaching situation
God, I ran away from the last classroom teaching job I had. Every time this dawns on me I clench up because even though the circumstances are vastly different, the building layout is the same and the trauma just comes rushing back. A kid ripping up my desk, girls getting in petty fights, me calling for the principal and no one picking up-- the kid grinning in victory, an emotionally troubled child throwing chairs around the room forcing me to evacuate the kids, me wracking my brain during plan time for foolproof strategies to teach a certain lesson because one slip up meant management hell, coming home exhausted and snippy and completely spent and useless, getting so sick that I was teaching 6 straight classes with a fever that was close to making me pass out (that day would never end, I lost my voice before the concert and took a $1,400 pay cut)... glaring at the principal while he wordlessly coached me through counseling these bickering girls in my classroom during my 30 minute lunch break, 5 months in finally breaking down in tears because this stupidly forgettable exchange with one of my trouble kids. 
My cat baby Cooper got me through all that, I would come home so tired and bottle feed him and cuddle with him. I lived by the week. I did what I could to survive all alone. And honestly. I kicked so much ass they were upset to see me go. There were kids that loved music again. Teachers were smiling when I got their 1st graders to sing a song about apples. The 3rd graders got a kick out of dabbing during body percussion lessons. Hell those 5th graders were teaching me the hip new dance moves the final week. I think I terrified this one kid with a death glare when there was a skirmish during a movie day. I did a good job-- heck a great job considering I picked up the class in the middle of the year after their music teacher up and died. Considering I was straight out of school with zero prep and zero resources... I am good.
When I left and scurried away to the hecktic multi-job life that I live now, the change was so so sweet. I had a day job that allowed me to rest and plan. I was teaching privately, I still sung and taught a children’s choir, and I worked at my church gaining more responsibilities as a cantor and bell choir director (a... hard job honestly) and I felt an income and I felt musical. But here I am dancing around job to job... raking in enough to save and be a little young and frivolous... but also... realizing I was really spread thin. Two years of this and I wanted focus back in my life. 
I have found myself extraordinarily lucky in major life changes. Most of the opportunities I’ve had in my life have been thrusted upon me. I chose my college because it threw enough money at me. I got that first teaching job because I knew someone in the district who recommended me, I got my current day job and private teaching job because a friend vacated them... so when my mentor called planning this great succession to her post, every bit of effort I put in was orchestrated with a man on the inside. My application was pushed through on rec. My mentor was on the interview panel. She’s prepped the kids I’m going to teach and I’m familiar with the room... this job is... like made.
Hahaaa and I just found out the other candidate I was up against backed out. Tomorrow is either a huge formality or I fuck it up so bad that they add another round of interviews. 
I guess it feels a little out of my control. Everything does. And everything has been feeling out of control since I left the comfort of school.  It’s starting to occur to me how much this is just the nature of life. And while ahead of me lies a world of vast commitment and potential failures I could also be looking at fulfillment and comfort all the same. I can see the things I will have to sacrifice and it makes me seize up thinking about even putting aside my hobbies and loves for even a temporary moment... It’s change. So much bloody change. If you asked me what vocation would make me happiest I’d tell you writing and drawing random fanfic and metas about fiction while performing to packed concert halls on the side. I find great purpose and I feel a wealth of values within me as a teacher but I am inherently drawn to the simpler things I guess so sue me society! 
In all my time, I have clung to this idea that I am still a child. Probably bc I still live with my parents. But I finally see the exact moment when I will shed that definition and it scares me to death. It’s also a little exciting. But honestly I don’t know what to feel. 
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kates-sweet-escape · 6 years
[WH] YOURS - The Series: Chapter One
Tumblr media
pairing: Wonho X Reader (female)
genre: Angst / Suspense
word count: 4.8k
summary: It’s been two years since you’ve left everything behind. But a simple phone call brings you right back to everything you’ve been trying to forget
a/n: You are living with a fake identity. Whenever you read Y/F/N people call you by your fake first name.
cover: Made by me. 
Picture credit: Official Monsta X
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
chapter index: Prologue | 01 | 02 | 03
“You know that he’s looking at you again, right?”
You let out a long sigh and stopped playing with your food that you hadn’t really touched for the last five minutes. Instead, you focused on your only and therefore best friend Yoo Kihyun. He was sitting on the edge of your desk, cross-legged as if the whole twentieth floor belonged to him. Which was definitely not the case since his own office was located on the eighth floor. But your best friend had always been extremely self-confident. Or he just had a huge ego. Whatever one preferred.
“Ki - Just ignore him.”
“I can’t. He just keeps looking over to us. He might think he’s sneaky with looking down at his papers but he sure as hell isn’t. And his gaze is just…” Kihyun frowned, apparently at a loss for words, which was quite understandable, since the behavior of your boss was anything but professional. “Does he do that every day?”
You spared a glance towards the desk that was standing opposite yours. Changkyun’s secretary, Bae Soojeon, was talking to somebody on the phone, her fingers hammering down on the keyboard as she made full use of her headset. She seemed preoccupied. But you knew better than that. She was like your company’s very own tabloid. If she overheard anything that she considered juicy gossip, the whole company would know about it in no time. So you never talked about anything personal in front of that woman. And your relationship to your boss definitely was one of those things. So you didn’t say a word. But apparently staying silent was enough of an answer for Kihyun.
“Are you for real?” His eyes widened and he leaned down towards you, lowering his voice as he kept on talking. “God, how do you even get anything done with him looking at you like this?”
You shook your head in annoyance before putting the lid back onto your salad. So much for your peaceful lunch break.
“I ignore him and just do my job.” You already regretted telling Kihyun when you’d be having lunch and asking him to tag along. But unfortunately, you still didn’t really fancy eating alone. “And I’m gonna start ignoring you too if you don’t stop talking about our boss.” You shoved him back a little but Kihyun seemed completely unfazed by it and leaned in again, his nose now almost touching yours. You could already imagine all the chatter being spread by Soojeon because of this. It would take three days to be completely blown out of proportion. By tomorrow you’d be dating Kihyun. By Thursday you’d be pregnant. And by Friday you were probably planning on eloping.
God. You hated that sort of stuff.  
“Sorry, Y/F/N it’s just… It’s oddly distracting even for me.” Kihyun glanced towards the glass front of Changkyun’s office. Your boss was sitting at his desk, his eyes seemingly looking at the papers in his hand. But only a few seconds later he lifted his gaze and was looking at you again. When your eyes met, he smiled a little before refocusing on his work.
You immediately noticed the dark shadows under his eyes and that he was wearing the same suit he’d worn yesterday. Which meant he’d spent another night at the office. When you’d brought him his coffee this morning he’d seemed tired. But now - a few hours later - he looked completely exhausted.
Kihyun cleared his throat and shifted his attention back to you, a faint blush spreading on his cheeks. “Really, really distracting. And I am straight.”
You cocked up your eyebrow, pressing your lips together to avoid laughing. “Are you sure about that?”
“Bite me.” Kihyun scoffed before scooting in even closer. God, that guy really didn’t get the whole concept of personal space. Which was probably the reason why he even managed to become your friend just shortly after entering the company. He never got discouraged by your cold and aversive nature. He just kept on trying, ending your solitude with that sassy and slightly annoying nature of his.
“So,” You already knew trouble was headed your way when a sly smile tugged at the edge of Kihyun’s lips. “You never thought about hitting it off with him? It’s obvious that he is interested.”
Your eyes widened a little. “Ki, he’s my boss.”
“And it’s the 21st century.” Kihyun simply shrugged, as if dating a CEO wasn’t a big deal. “Nobody cares about stuff like that anymore.”
That was a big fat lie. And you both knew it. Because people would always care about ridiculous bullsh*t like that. So you shook your head no. Almost violently. You lowered your voice, practically whispering by now to avoid Soojeon listening in. “I don’t want people talking about me. Or him. So no. I’ve never thought about dating him. Also–” You hesitated, struggling to come up with a believable lie why Changkyun wasn’t dating material apart from him being your boss– “I don’t date guys my age.”
“I see.” Kihyun nodded, patting you on the shoulder in empathy. “So you were also raised in a conservative family then?”
For a second you were back in your teenage days, where you had to attend countless debutante balls and celebrations for arranged marriages. Where dating was forbidden and where having a “lower-class” boyfriend was considered a huge scandal. Funny how the darkest depths of Seoul’s underworld were so outdated. Other memories started to resurface like the taste of rain, the sound of muffled laughter and the warmth of a body pressed closely against yours. And your bodyguard’s loud screams of anger when he’d found you and … him … sneaking in through the backdoor in the middle of the night.
You cast those memories aside just as fast as they had surfaced. They were too painful. And since the second anniversary of that dreadful night was drawing close you weren’t strong enough to face any of them without breaking down in tears.
“Don’t even get me started.”
“Ms. Lee?” Kihyun almost jumped off your table when the deep and raspy voice of Changkyun was suddenly coming from the intercom. “I need your help.”
You pressed the little button and leaned in towards the speaker, lowering your voice to make it sound soft and calm. “I’ll be right there, Sir.”
You let go of the button and got up from your seat, straightening your dress and rearranging your jewelry. You tried to ignore Kihyun’s stare as best as you possibly could before throwing away your empty can of diet coke.
“Of course he does.” Kihyun sneered as he got up from the table. “God, he’s being painfully obvious.”
“Helping him is my job.” You said, suddenly feeling the need to defend your boss. “I am his personal assistant after all.”
Kihyun grinned and as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively you already knew he was going to spout nonsense again. “I bet he wants you to assist him on an even more personal level.”
Your cheeks flushed with heat but you tried to play it cool by rolling your eyes and pushing Kihyun towards the elevator. “God - Get lost.”
Kihyun clutched his chest dramatically while slowly walking backwards. “You know, I don’t seem like it but I do have feelings.”
You laughed a little, your fingers already touching the cold metal of the doorknob. “I highly doubt that.” You flashed Kihyun one last smile and waved goodbye as he stepped into the elevator. “See you later, Ki.”
“See you later, Y/F/N.”
As soon as the doors of the elevator closed you opened the glass door to Changkyun’s office. It was still beyond you how one person needed such a large space just to himself, but apparently, that was some sort of CEO thing you’d never be able to understand.
“You called for me, CEO Im?”
“Yeah, I did.” Changkyun got up from his seat behind the desk that had been placed in front of the huge glass front that allowed a spectacular view over the bay. “Please, close the door behind you.”
You stepped into his office, the soft cotton white of the walls and the warm brown of the wooden floor immediately calmed you down. “What can I do for you, Sir?” You softly closed the door behind you, finally shutting out Soojeon’s voice who was still on the phone.
Changkyun’s face was stern and his lips, that often showcased a rather smug smile, were pressed together in a thin line. The dark circles under his eyes made his skin look even paler than it actually was. His slightly messy hair currently had a bluish-grey color which had cost him a fortune and countless of hours at the hairdresser but accentuated his dark eyes perfectly, making them look like they were pitch-black instead of dark brown. He looked a little bit older than you, but actually, the two of you were only a few months apart. But that was only natural, considering the stress he was under.
“I need your help.” Changkyun walked over towards you, unbuttoning his suit coat which had a rather classic cut. “Oh and, by the way–” Changkyun averted your eyes as he came closer, looking slightly displeased “-was that Yoo Kihyun from the marketing department? He visits you at your desk fairly often these days. Are you two a thing?”
You tried your hardest not to laugh. Kihyun was right. Changkyun really was being painfully obvious. “I thought you only needed my help, Sir.”
“The door is closed, Y/F/N.” Changkyun sounded a little annoyed and you tried your best to keep a straight face. “So drop the whole Sir bullsh*t and tell me honestly - are you two a thing?”
Honestly, this wasn’t even worth answering. But the way Changkyun looked at you let you know that your answer was meaningful to him. So you walked over to him, lifting your hands to rearrange his pocket square. You needed to keep yourself occupied with something as you started talking with that calm and unfazed voice of yours. “What are you gonna do if we are?”
“I don’t know.” Changkyun’s unique laugh filled the office but today it didn’t sound as cheerful as it usually did. “Maybe I should fire him. To lower the competition, you know?”
You stopped your little task and looked Changkyun straight in the eyes. Even though he wasn’t particularly tall only a few people dared to because of how rich and privileged he was as the very young CEO of a huge pharmaceutical company. But you had been raised to stare down people that were more powerful than him. And far more dangerous. So you weren’t afraid. “Don’t say stuff like that.”
“Why? You don’t like it? Does it make me look like an idiot?”
“Kind of. Because if you’re serious about this you’d be a bloody fool.” You straightened his jacket, tucking at it a little stronger than necessary. “Ever since he joined the company, sales have dramatically increased. And by the way - these days women don’t like guys who abuse their power just to flirt with somebody.” You smiled as you heard him gasp in fake shock. “But also, no. We aren’t dating. We’re just friends.” Changkyun’s sudden and bright smile was almost contagious but you didn’t allow yourself to join in. This was stupid. “Kihyun isn’t really my type.”
You took a step back and crossed your arms over your chest as you watched that smile of his widen a little further, showing off a set of perfectly white teeth.
“Then...” Changkyun’s tone became playful and flirty, something you’d gotten used to over the past two years and were easily able to handle. “What is your type?”
Not you.
Your mind suddenly went foggy with memories again. A bright smile. A contagious laugh. A soft whisper in your ear and the loving and gentle touch of rough and large hands. Strong arms to hold you close at night, hot skin and the faint smell of pine and blood.
You snapped out of it by shaking your head, casting away all these memories that seemed to just randomly resurface these days.
Whenever that happened, you were in agony. Because the pain, which never really went away, intensified again, occupying every inch of your body and making it hard for you to breathe.
It was ridiculous. You should have gotten over him by now. It had been two years for Christ’s sake. You should have moved on already, forgotten all about him. Yet you still remembered everything in vivid detail.
His voice. His smile. His kiss.
And it still hurt.
But you were getting better. Slowly but steadily you were getting over him, even though it hardly felt like it at the moment. But at least you weren’t losing sleep anymore simply because he wasn’t lying next to you. You weren’t waking up with tears streaming down your face because he’d visited you in your dreams. And you also stopped hesitating when you covered your own tattoos with make-up in the morning.
So you were getting better. Your wounds were steadily healing. And soon enough only the scars would remain. They’d hurt occasionally, but sooner or later you’d forget you even had them.
So maybe, just maybe, it was time to move on.
And perhaps Changkyun was the right guy for the job. Since he was the complete opposite of… him.
So why not risk it? Why not flirt a little with the guy that was so obviously interested in you? Because you really liked Changkyun. He was a playful and funny guy with surprisingly deep thoughts and a sense of responsibility that was uncommon for guys his age. And you got along great. Talking to him was never boring and you’d had countless dinners with him where you’d forgotten the time, staying with him at a crowded restaurant until it was almost empty because you were so engaged in a conversation.
So why not go for it, right?
You cleared your throat a little and tried your best to sound as flirty as you possibly could. “It’s a secret.”
Changkyun’s eyes widened in surprise and you already knew that this had been a very bad idea. “Was that?” He let out a deep laugh before he took a step closer to you. Had he always smelled of sea salt and sage? “Wait. Did you just try to flirt with me?”
You could feel your cheeks flush with heat as Changkyun was looking at you with that lopsided smirk that you knew made a lot of girls weak in the knees. God, you shouldn’t have tried being coy. You weren’t good at that. Which didn’t come as much of a surprise considering the fact that you’d been in a relationship ever since you’d turned fourteen. You only ever had to flirt with guys in order to get what you wanted for the Clan. And that had been a completely different thing.
“No, I wasn’t.” you quickly replied before turning your back on Changkyun and walking towards the huge conference table that barely fit into his already large office. The shiny mahogany surface was completely covered with all sorts of paperwork.
With just one look you could already tell that this was a complete mess that had gotten out of hand. You stepped a little closer and narrowed your eyes. You knew those papers. Quite well actually since it had taken you days to properly organize them.
“Are those the papers for the merger?”
Changkyun hesitated for a second. “Yeah.”
“Changkyun! For Christ's sake!” You raised your voice in anger. You had worked for two days and one night straight in order to get this done. “The merger is supposed to happen next week! How are you still not done with the paperwork?” You looked at Changkyun who avoided your gaze and just scratched the back of his head like a schoolboy who was being scolded by his teacher. “You were only supposed to take another look at them and then sign the goddamn contract! How the hell did you make such a mess?”
“Don’t be so mad at me.” Changkyun pouted a bit. But then his face suddenly became stern. Dark even. “There was something fishy about their numbers so I went through all of it again.” He looked you straight in the eyes and you could see the worry and determination in his. “I can’t afford to fuck this up.”
Yeah. You knew he couldn’t. This was Changkyun’s first big project ever since he’d taken over CODA Pharmaceuticals from his sick father three years ago. Everybody's eyes were on the young CEO who’d been in charge of one of the biggest companies in the country ever since the young age of twenty. Everybody expected him to mess this up and the sharks were already ready to rip him to shreds once they were able to smell even the faintest drop of blood in the water. And you knew exactly what that felt like. All those expectations. All those enemies surrounding you, waiting for you to make a mistake. You really felt for him, which was exactly why you couldn’t stay mad.
You let out a sigh, accepting your fate of at least one more night shift. You took off your blazer and put it over the back of one of the fifteen chairs that had been arranged around the large table. “Okay. What do you need me to do?”
Changkyun smiled brightly at you before he came closer again, his left hand settling on the chair right next to you while the other rested on top of the conference table, closing you in and causing your heart to beat a little faster when you felt his chest touching your back. “Help me find their last five tax declarations and their sale numbers from 2011 until now.”
You nodded before looking at the mess again. “You know that I would have been able to find them a lot faster if you didn’t go all crazy professor on this, right?” You reached out to loosely rearrange some of the documents. “This just screams overtime.”
“It’ll be faster if I just hel-”
“No. You stay away from this.” You glanced over your shoulder just to realize how close Changkyun actually was. “You know I think you’re a genius but you’re a mess when it comes to organizing. So let me do this and just focus on something else. Preferably something that doesn’t ruin two nights worth my work.”
Changkyun smiled softly, casting away some of the worry on his handsome face. “Thanks, Y/F/N. I owe you.”
“You can pay me back with a hefty raise.”
Changkyun’s gaze was shifting between your eyes and your lips and when he started speaking again his voice sounded a little lower than usual. “I was thinking about a nice dinner instead. Just the two of us. What do you say?”
Silence suddenly filled the room. You could hear Soojeon’s muffled voice from outside the office while the clock on the wall steadily kept ticking.
Your thoughts were a mess. Should you go out with him? Shouldn’t you? Were you ready? Weren’t you ready? Were you ever going to be ready? He probably had moved on a long time ago. Yet you still hesitated, not even daring to flirt back even a little bit whenever a guy had shown interest in you. So wasn’t it finally time? Maybe it would help you forget all about him. Even though you seriously doubted that you were ever able to do that. But you should at least try, right? You couldn’t live on with this constant pain in your chest. And there was also no way of ever going back. You’d lost him forever the night you’d walked out of the mansion. He was gone.
And it was time that you accepted that and moved on.
“I-” Your answer was cut short as the loud ringtone of your phone violently broke the silence. “Excuse me.” You moved back a little, forcing Changkyun to let go of the chair. You reached for the inner pocket of your blazer and frowned as you looked at the two phones you now held in your hand. You used the white one for work. Usually, it was ringing almost constantly. But now the display was pitch-black. Instead, the golden one, your private one, was ringing.
The phone that only two people had the number of. And one of them was standing right next to you, looking down at you in confusion.
“Sorry.” You lifted your phone a little before pointing towards the office door. “May I?”
Changkyun took a huge step backwards, making some room for you to properly move. “Sure thing.”
“Thanks. I’ll be right back.” You went out of the office and turned to your left, still looking down at the phone in your hand that just kept on ringing. A landline number. And judging by the fact that it started with a 51 it had to be a caller from Busan. But nobody knew your private cell number except for Changkyun and Kihyun. You’d made sure of that, not wanting to take any risks.
So who the hell was calling you?
You sped up your footsteps, almost running down the hallway that led you towards the fire escape which was often used by Changkyun for a quick smoke. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest and your hands were starting to sweat as your brain was already going through all the possibilities. And all of them were terrifying.
You knew you shouldn’t answer this call. Everything inside you screamed and begged of you not to accept it. To just ignore it and pretend this never happened. But you knew that ignorance isn't bliss. It was dangerous. And in your case, it could even be deadly. If they found you, you needed to know so you could at least try to get away. Even though you knew that it would probably be impossible. Especially if Hyunwoo had sent… him.
There was no escaping him. At least not for you.
And your brother was very well aware of that.
You shoved open the exit door and stepped out onto the landing. You tried not to focus on the fact that you were on the twentieth floor or that the wind was howling in your ears.
Instead, you forced yourself to finally answer the call.
“Hello?” You tried to sound strong and daring, not giving away the fact that you were shaking with fear. But you failed. Your voice was high pitched and completely out of tune.
“Hello.” You frowned. Not at all what you’d expected. This was the voice of a young woman. And she sounded stressed out and even a little agitated. “This is the Emergency Room of Busan General Hospital speaking.”
The ER? Did Kihyun have an accident? But you talked to him a little over fifteen minutes ago. And Busan General was on the other side of town. No way he–
“Hello!” The nurse said again, now sounding mildly anxious. “Are you there?”
“Sorry.” God, you had to snap out of it. “Yes. Yes, I’m listening.”
“I asked you what your name was.”
“My name is Lee Y/F/N.” You tried to calm down so that your brain could start to make sense of what was actually going on. “I’m sorry but I am a little confused as to why the ER is calling me.
The woman started speaking again. “We have an unidentified male in our trauma ward with a stab wound to his lower abdomen. He had nothing on him except for 50 million Won and a cellphone with only one number saved in it.” She seemed to carefully arrange her words before she kept going. “And that number was yours.”
Stab wound. Lower abdomen.
Thank God - it’s not him.
After spending years in the inner circle of the Clan you knew all the signature killing methods. Especially his. And he had always been the type to break bones instead of dealing with a huge pool of blood at his feet.
No, this wasn’t him. But that didn’t make this whole thing less dangerous. Because a stab wound like that was Jooheon’s specialty. Your brother’s very own assassin and one of the sickest bastards you’d ever met. He always went for a stab wound, making his victims suffer and slowly but steadily bleed to death at his feet. He enjoyed hearing them scream and beg for mercy. But all of them pleaded in vain. You’d never heard of a life speared by Lee Jooheon.
Which meant that your brother had sent you a warning in form of a dead body. Quite theatrical. Especially for somebody like Hyunwoo.
But apparently, things changed.
“Are you sure about that?” you said, your voice a bit calmer now. “He didn’t have any note on him? Or something written across his chest or something?”
“What?” The nurse must have been under the impression that you were insane, but you didn’t have the time to care about stuff like that.
“I asked if he had something written on him. In ink or in blood?” You thought about how your father had relayed messages like that to his enemies. “Or does he have a tattoo?”
“Who the hell are you?”
God, you’d almost forgot how bothersome it was to deal with mere civilians in situations like that. They were always too nosy for their own good, resulting in a lot of them being killed for absolutely no reason but their own curiosity.
You let out a long and drawn-out sigh, your brain already formulating an escape plan instead of trying to be empathetic towards the woman that was probably absolutely terrified by all your questions. “Just check.”
Getting out of Busan would cost you a fortune. Especially if you wanted to be gone without a trace. And you definitely needed to if Jooheon was close by. Maybe this time you should really consider getting yourself a fake passport and escaping to the United States. But your brother had a lot of business partners there so Europe or Australia might be the better alternative. But both were pricey. And it wasn’t like Changkyun was paying you a lot of money. You were just a personal assistant for Christ’s sake. You could consider yourself lucky because you were able to pay the bloody rent.
Good thing you knew how to make money fast. Maybe you should–
“Are you kidding? He’s covered in tattoos! And I really shouldn’t get too close to him if he’s unconscious. That’s considered sexual harassment! And he isn’t just some piece of meat!”
Your thoughts came to a sudden halt. What did she just say? You must have been mistaken, right?
Jooheon never spared a life. Never.
“Wait - He isn’t dead?”
“No, he isn’t!” The nurse sounded hysterical by now. “And what kind of question is that?”
You couldn’t care less. You needed her to be absolutely sure about this. “Are you sure he is alive and breathing?”
“Well, I am only a mere nurse so why don’t you come down here and tell me?” She huffed. “We need him to be identified. The police will arrive shortly and– Wait…”
“Did you find something?” Maybe your brother had actually left a message for you. Something that would give you a hint as to how close he truly was.
“Not really. I just noticed this tattoo on his neck.”
You closed your eyes. Hoping. Praying. But the rational part of you already started to paint the picture for you. And it sure as hell wasn’t a pretty one.
Your heart started to rapidly beat in your chest while your stomach clenched. Suddenly, you felt like drowning. As if your lungs were filling up with water and making it unable for you to take one steady breath after the other. You shouldn’t ask. You really shouldn’t. Because you knew that your worst fears would come to life the moment you did. Yet your mouth started to move on it’s own, making the words fall off your tongue in a frenzy.
“What does it say?”
You could hear the ruffling of clothes. The steady beeping of the ECG. The nurse who cursed under her breath as she probably leaned in a little closer to the patient to get a proper look at the tattoo.
You knew that it must have been only a matter of seconds until she started speaking again but to you, it felt like minutes. And when she finally did, she shattered your peaceful world into a million little pieces.
to be continued...
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girlbossblackbeard · 6 years
oh ho ho i must have won some kinda contest i didn’t know i was a part of because the amount of harrassment i had to deal with tonight was ASTRONOMICAL. let’s go through some of the highlights shall we:
1) right off the bat one of the first customers i dealt with told me they had a large group of about 18 that wanted to go through the attraction all together (for context i work as a ticket taker at a local haunt during the halloween season where i take tickets and use a heavy duty hole puncher on them to mark that they’ve gone through the attraction). i ask him to get everybody to put their tickets in one pile, all facing the same direction so i can hole punch them all at once. as they’re gathering all the tickets together (which is taking a while because yall have 18 fucking people who want to go through an attraction that usually only groups of 8-12 go on), one of the dumbass old men at the back of the group asks why im collecting the tickets or something and says “what is she supposed to be, some kinda lazy ghost?” which i just ignored because he’s not worth my time but in almost the same second the idiot man at the front of the group sees me lining up the tickets into my hole punch and he goes “do you need me to handle that for you?” I guess as if im some delicate flower that can’t hole punch a god damn ticket??? that group was so stupid and later tried to pull that “you guys are lazy” bullshit with the other ticket taker who happened to be a cop
2) a dude and his girlfriend (!) were talking about which trail to walk down and i told them the only trail they can go down is the one to the right, to which this dude tells me “oh gotcha because i saw the two holes (he’s talking about the entrances to the trail) and i was tryna figure out which hole to go into. because i like both holes” and he started laughing for 5 minutes about this joke before i was finally able to give my speech on the rules of the trail and send him away
3) this one is less direct harassment but it was arguably the most personally harmful interaction, like it had me fucked up for a while before i was able to shake it off. basically i let a small group of people go on the trail that didn’t have tickets because i was told to do so by the managers of the haunt. i stopped the group behind them to take their tickets and while i stopped them one of the girls starts complaining about the group that got to go on the trail without tickets (they didn’t get to cut in line or get any other kind of special treatment, mind you). i explained to them that it was a call made by the higher ups and these ignorant fucks, in the year of our good lord and savior jesu christo in 20 motherfuckin 18, literally, actually started saying “Yooo that’s so gay. That’s so gay what the fuck.” and they just kept repeating it but every time they said it i could just feel myself shutting down more and more. this job is technically a customer service job since i interact directly with patrons so i couldn’t tell them to fuck off and leave the compound because their ignorance has no place here without facing repercussions. i had to just walk away and try to ignore them for the rest of the night but i don’t think i’ll ever forget the feeling of hurt that washed over me when i heard them weaponize being gay, like i’ve gone so long without hearing anyone use that word in that way that it just really caught me off guard.
4) later another dude and his girlfriend (?) were trailing a bit behind after i finished my speech and sent his group on their way down the trail and while im looking down at my phone to get the timing correct on sending groups down he goes “hey baby. hey baby. baby, [insert something about going on the trail here that i purposefully ignored while i continued to stare at my phone and pretend not to hear him]” and the ignoring thing worked until he goes “hey baby. look at me.” to which i then look up and go “what.” and he goes “baby imma need you to walk down this trail with me now, im too scared to go alone baby, you gonna have to hold my hand (his friend or partner or whatever was literally right next to him as he’s saying this)” and that’s when my patience wore thin and i looked him straight in the eye as i told him “No. You can leave now.” and his friend or whatever just laughed as they walked away and FINALLY went on the god damn trail they should’ve already been walking on 2 minutes ago.
5) of course things couldn’t get better and the night had to end with the shittiest interaction of all in terms of blatant harassment and fragile male egos: a group of three dusty ass dudes come through my line about 20 minutes before we close. i walk up to them to take their tickets and one of them goes “how you doin tonight?” with a weird smirk that im guessing was supposed to be suave but just made him look like he had gas pains or something. already knowing where this conversation was heading, i tried to nip it in the bud and just say “im fine.” and start to move towards the people behind them. same dude then asks “what’s your name?” and since i obviously don’t want anything to do with this guy i give him a fake name and say it’s marie, to which he then goes “Mary?” and I say “Yep you got it”. as im walking away he then goes “you got insta?” and i tell him “nope, i don’t have insta” and he goes “so you not gonna give me your insta??” and i say “nope i don’t have one” (i do) and finally start taking the tickets from the people behind them, which is a man and a woman couple. the woman tells me quietly “You handled that very well” and as I’m telling her i appreciate it and i’ve been dealing with that kind of stuff all night the douchebag starts saying “i don’t like you anyway. i don’t like you” which i just completely ignore because at this point i was so unbelievably done with everything. as soon as those groups were sent on the trail my coworkers and a few former coworkers who were standing nearby (also dudes) all came up to me and started saying like “im so sorry you had to deal with that” and “are you okay??” and other stuff along those lines which was really sweet but the fact that they all felt the need to come up to me, even the former workers who don’t know me well, to see if i was okay should be a testament to just how gross those three guys were being.
and keep in mind these are only the highlights that were awful enough for me to remember by the time the night was over, there were so many microaggressions that i just started blocking them out on autopilot by the time i was an hour into my shift. i will say that im grateful for the support my male coworkers showed me throughout the night any time i told them of yet another awful thing i had to listen to. they even checked in on me every so often to make sure i was doing okay. i’ve had to deal with shitty comments like those above in small doses throughout the season and i was able to shake those off easily because they were spread out but tonight it just seems like every disgusting, rude asshole decided to come out of the woodwork and descend upon my place of work. thank fucking god there’s only two days left of this job, i need about 47 naps and a memory wipe.
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Growing Strange
Chapter 2: The Beginning Of The End
(AO3)  (FF.net)
High School.
A virtual battlefield of gossip, and social tyranny. More peers, bigger classrooms, sadistic teachers, nastier bullies, stricter hierarchy, and somehow even worse school lunches.
The party readied themselves with their best weapons at the forefront: El and Max. El could kick anyone's ass, she proved that well enough, and Max could talk her way out of any situation.
They were as excited as they were fearful. Being another year older meant more freedom. They were closer to driving, to getting jobs, to becoming adults and achieving their goals. More rigorous classes meant that studying might actually be a challenge, one they were eager to take on. More elective options meant Will could take ceramics and drawing, and that Dustin could finally be the light tech for theater. Mike was pleased to learn the AV club needed a new president, and Lucas was considering trying out for baseball. Max was just stoked that the schools quad had great curbs and hills for skating on, and El was glad she shared almost all of her classes with her friends.
Puberty hit the group like a brick wall, especially the boys. Dustin's chubby cheeks were replaced with slightly more angular ones, and all of his teeth had come in beautiful and straight. Will was more or less still pretty shrimpy, but his deep and wide set eyes, and finally outgrowing his bowl cut made him strikingly handsome.
Probably the most noticeable differences had been in Lucas and Mike. Lucas was no longer gangly and baby faced. He had become muscular over the long summer months of lawn mowing and hedge trimming. It earned him a lot of attention from other girls at school, but Max could scare them away with a well placed scowl. Max herself had developed a beautiful rosy tan, and her hair was brighter than ever. They were a gorgeous couple, unafraid to stand up for each other, and not even slightly concerned about hiding their public displays of affection.
As for Mike, he had spouted like a weed. By the time Winter of 85' rolled around he was pushing 6' and still growing. It got the point where El had to stand on her tiptoes to kiss him (not that she cared). His rounded face had become chiseled, and his fluffy hair had become erratically curly. The only thing that never really changed where the sprinkling of freckles on his cheeks that El would trace whenever they held each other.
El herself was earning more attention from others in school. El was beautiful, painfully so. She always had been, but now that she was older, and her baby-face had faded, it was ridiculous. El never really seemed to care or even notice, but Mike sure as hell did. He would see the way boys gawked at her, and wrap his arm a little tighter around her waist in the halls. Or whenever someone would be leering over her at her locker, he would run up from behind and surprise her with a kiss.
He got picked on. People would ask him how he ever got someone like El, and in truth, he didn't even know. She was just so perfect. So funny, and nice. So thoughtful and insightful. So compassionate, and intelligent. It made his head spin to think that he was the one that got to hold her hand, and walk her home, and love her.
But whenever he would start to doubt himself, she was always there. To reassure him, and let him know exactly how she felt. To her it just made sense. Mike, The Party, all of them. They were the perfect friends, and it was painful to even to imagine something splitting them apart.
It just seemed to unfathomable.
One huge upside to being in highschool, is the freedom that comes with being old enough to get a real job, and drive a real car.
Lucas and Max both monopolized the lawn mowing industry. All of the old and lazy people in Hawkins had sharp, grassy yards, and meticulously groomed gardens thanks to them. When Max turned fifteen she got a handed down car from her step dad that meant way more adventures. The little orange hatchback broke down a lot, and most of her money went right back into it. But man, did she look cool driving up to school with El by her side.
Will took a part time job working with his mom at Melvald's. He enjoyed greeting customers and was one of the friendliest cashiers the store had ever had. Plus his mother was over the moon that they got to carpool and she could see him more. He spent most of his money on sketchbooks and the hottest new thing in the music technology: CD's.
El and Dustin worked part time at the library. Which mostly consisted of them hiding in less frequented sections to read returned books rather than actually putting the books away. It also meant Dustin could finally buy the big 1970's VW van he had wanted since he was little. It made for a lot of great camping trips and long drives to the city.
Mike worked at the local movie theater some days, and at the Radio Shack other days. He famously spread himself too thin, but he couldn't pass up the perks of getting free movie tickets and access to the latest technological advancements. When he turned fifteen his parents got him a sensible car that made for a lot of date nights and long talks with El out on romantic scenic overlooks.
Jobs aren't always fun, but when the benefit is making out in you new car after being able to pay for a real dinner, it's hard to complain.
As they got older, and time wore on, that obliviousness to pain faded. It seemed like one by one, they all had their demons to face.
Like when Max's step brother got kicked out during her sophomore year.
She had gone home with Lucas one afternoon in late fall. Hand in hand, and laughing with each other without a care in the world, they walked in on utter chaos that left the red-head reeling for months afterwards.
Billy and Neil, practically tearing the house apart in the fight to end all fights. Plates smashed, the TV broken. Her mother crying in the bathroom. They had turned to leave, when Billy turned on her. Or rather, on Lucas. He pinned him against the wall and screamed that Lucas was the one tearing their family apart, and that he was getting Max into trouble. It was baseless, of course, but in Billy's mind, Lucas was who he needed to take his anger out on.
Max watched from the sidelines and screamed and slapped at Billy's arms and shoulder, begging him to let Lucas go. He did, but not until Lucas had a black eye and a busted lip.
Billy got kicked out, and Neil forbid Max from seeing Lucas anymore, as if that would solve whatever demented issues he had. With Billy gone, Neil's aggression shifted towards Max's mother, and even worse, sometimes to Max herself.
She never let her families backwards view of her relationship affect the way she left about Lucas. Hiding their love from her parents just made everything more exciting. It meant sneaking out, it meant Lucas hiding in her closet or under her bed when her mother checked on her while he was at her house late at night. It meant long car rides out of town and into the hills where no one could see or cared that they loved each other.
Will's demons came for him too. All his life he had this secret burning inside of him. A secret he could only tell El, and eventually Max because he knew they wouldn't care. It ate him up inside. Feeling like there was something wrong with him, or that the people he loved wouldnt understand, or would leave him once they found out. He became distant, detached, vacant, and haunted. Filling more and more sketchbooks with eery looking images of his own internal struggle.
His mother tried to get it out of him, tried to let him know that she would love him no matter what secret he might be hiding, but Will was too scared. He would sit in silence in class and look out the window, and try to push his feelings aside. The feelings of warmth and infatuation with the boy who sat in front of him in History. The one with the silky brown hair and the charming smile. The one who laughed whenever Will would make a joke under his breath that he thought no one could hear. The one who was dating a pretty girl, the way Will thought he was supposed to.
El and Max pleaded with him, begged him to open up. That his friends would understand, that nothing could change. All he could do was promise he would think about, and wait for the right moment.
That moment never came. Not until it had festered inside of him and grown until it was bigger than he was, and he was bursting at the seems.
They were all sitting in Mike's basement. Mike and El on the couch, sharing a blanket and bowl of popcorn, Lucas, Max and Dustin lounging on the floor in a heated debate about Multi-universe theory, and Will, sitting alone at the table trying to draw and feeling like he was falling into a hole.
"I have something to tell you!" He blurted, face red and voice trembling.
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks, and turned to face their anxious friend. Max and El shared a knowing glance and smiled at him reassuringly.
"You have to promise that you won't hate me after I tell you. You have to swear." Will's voice was intent.
"Of course we promise, Will, we could never hate you." Mike gave him the same assured smile that El had.
"Okay..." Will took a deep shaky breath and closed his eyes. "I... I like boys... The way i'm supposed to like girls... Im gay. And I want to be able to share this part of myself with all of you because I don't think I can keep fighting it anymore."
No one said anything. Will kept his gaze at the ground, terrified to make eye contact. Terrified to see whatever expressions of disgust splayed across the faces of his best friends. A beat passed, and Will felt like he was going to burst in tears when Dustin of all people finally piped up.
"I'm proud of you Will." His voice was soft, not a common occurrence for him, and his eyes were kind. Will looked up to meet his gaze with a look of surprise.
"You... you're proud of me?"
"I know that cannot be an easy thing to open up about, but i'm happy you finally did." Dustin smiled back at him.
"Wait... finally?"
"We have... Kind of all known for awhile." Lucas added with a small voice.
"You did!?" Will shot El and Max accusing glances but they shrugged.
"We always figured I guess, but we wanted to let you come to us with it whenever you were ready." Mike beamed at his smaller friend.
"So you don't hate me?" Will's voice was thick with tears.
"We could never hate you, Will." Mike leaned forward to place an reassuring hand on Will's knee.
That night marked one of the biggest admissions in The Parties history. Another notch in the belt (so to speak) tying them together, binding them with faith and trust and unwavering love for each other. Will never worried about hiding things from his friends. None of them worried about hiding things, actually. Not anymore.
As the years progressed, and sophomore year turned into Junior, and another blissful summer turned into fall, that love never failed to grow. Sometimes strange, and sometimes crooked, but they grew.
Mike and El often seemed like the culmination of that devotion. A pair of best friends who read each other with mere wordless glances. Blissfully supportive and loving of each other no matter what circumstances they found themselves in.
Childlike admission of liking, and blushing at hands and gentle kisses turned into deep fiery love. Promises to stay together forever, whispered in the dark at night, in the passenger seats of cars, in each others rooms when they should be home sleeping. Innocent daydreams about being friends for the rest of their lives become a daunting and even frightening realization. Playing games and messing around became study, and planning a future as it sprawled out before them.
Kissing became routine. Loving each other became a given. Being in love became... difficult to understand.
That was when the final blow struck. The one that cut deep into their hearts. The one that seemed like they could never fix it, not even as a group, not even as lovers, because it was bigger than they were, and it meant more than they knew how to cope with.
It was the Summer of 88'. The summer before senior year. The last summer they would ever have that didn't have strings attached.
It was the summer of 88', when the fires started.
It had been small at first. Just a brush fire that got a little carried away when a farmer further up the river was burning what was left from his crops the months before. Just a standard burning, the kind he had done a thousand time before. The kind that every farmer does every season when it's time to clear out the fields before winter. It would have been fine. It should have been fine, but it wasn't.
It was an exceptionally dry summer, and one of the warmest on record. Couple that, with just the right wind speed, blowing in just the right direction, and within hours the entire forest surrounding the eastern side of his property was engulfed in hot orange flames.
You could smell the smoke for miles. El woke up out of her midday nap, curled up in Mike's arms on the couch in his basement to the smell. Together they ran through the house, checking every inch to make sure it wasn't them that was burning. When El finally looked outside, she saw the flickering of ash falling just out the window. Like snow. Like the most ominous, and heart-wrenchingly terrifying snow on a hot summer's day.
Mike flipped on the kitchen radio and listened in on the reports, that the fire was spreading fast, that firefighters were already on sight, that it was moving too quickly. El called Lucas, who had Max and Dustin at his house. Dustin called Will, and the Party convened at Mike's house less than 15 minutes later. It was like some strange unspoken plan passed between their eyes as they watched the ash fall, and Dustin choked on the smoke, and it burned Max's eyes.
They all wordlessly hopped in Mikes car, and drove west, towards the woods. The streets were mostly empty, save for the handful of other people standing on their lawns, shielding their eyes from the sun and staring into the sky. Mike stopped the car at the end of a long forgotten logging road deep in the wood, about 2 miles from where the fire was currently ravaging.
They got out of the car, all still in the suspended silence, and crossed through the woods the way they had a million times before. Following the same deer trails, stepping over the same mossy logs, and around the same boulders. The smoke was worse in the woods, and it was hard to imagine that every piece of ground they touched might soon succumb to the same fate as the woods further east.
They reached the same small bend in the river, where it was shallow and narrow, where they used the same log to cross that they had since they were children. The moss was word down slick from years and years of use by The Party, and other teens in the area. It had once been a place where El and Max would sit and swing their legs, while their boyfriends splashed around bellow. It had once been a place where Will laughed so hard that he fell from atop it, and sprained his wrist. It had once been a place where it felt like nothing could ever go wrong.
Once on the other side, it was a 10 minute walk to the top of a cliff that overlooked the entire town. Trudging silently, moving quickly, just short of running to the perch. El was the first to reach the peak. Just as suddenly as she stepped out of the tree line, the entire valley came into view, as well as the river that tore through it. Her voice caught in her throat when she saw the flames burning on the other side.
Lucas climbed into a tree with his binoculars. Max and Dustin sat on a tall boulder, watching the fire helicopters dropping water and extinguisher across the landscape. Will, Mike and El stood on the edge of the hills slope, looking down at the chaos bellow. Even miles away you could feel the heat. You could smell the smoke. You could choke on it.
There were tears in their eyes as they watched the fire burn away the memories they had made in those woods. The one they had all played in growing up. The one that sheltered them on rainy hikes. The one that served at a meeting point for sneak outs. The one that held them when they camped. The one El and Mike shared their first kiss in.
It was hard to tell through the smoke, but El made out the clearing that the tree was in. Their tree. The one with the initials and the physical representation of their bond. She could see the fire dance dangerously close to those trees. They sat in silence, waiting and watching, holding each other and pacing. It felt like the end of the world. It felt like the apocalypse. As they saw birds fleeing, and small groups of deer bounding into the water.
Eventually, the clearing, and their tree, were consumed.
Once the fire reached the river, it was easier to keep in from spreading. The wind shifted in their favor, pushing the flames into the water. Helicopters continued their downpour, sirens could still be heard in the distance. It seemed small, once it was all almost said and done with, and the sun began to set off to their right, and the smoke had cleared enough that you could actually take in the sight of the damage.
Everything was blackened, the air felt hot, but it was mostly over. So why did it feel so painful? It was just a tree, and they would love each other without it, so why did it scare each of them so badly? Why did it feel like the beginning of some ending? Like their story was coming to a close?
Because symbols are powerful things. And you put a lot of faith in them even when you don't mean too. Because losing the forest they had grown up in, felt like losing a friend.
There was a somber energy that blanketed the town after the fire. Two volunteers were in the hospital, and a firefighter from the next town over died when he walked to far into the woods. The landscape for miles were blackened on the outskirts of town. 1280 acres of farmland and forest demolished. Four barns and a historic farmhouse gone.
Nothing in the party changed directly. They still saw each other everyday, and hung out every weekend, but it was becoming clear that their childhood was over.
There was a day, right before school started, that that fact became all too clear for El.
Sitting in Mike's basement, reading lazily as she lounged on the floor, her head resting in his lap as he studied. She moved her book to look at him and smiled. He often bit his lips when he focused. She saw the crease in his forehead as he hastily erased another equation he couldn't quite figure out. He had taken summer courses, something Max referred to as 'Top tier nerd behavior', but El was proud of him. Mike has determined to always push himself, to always learn and grow.
He groaned and erased something, and flipped back through his textbook.
"Hey, why don't you take a break. We can go get ice cream or something and you can clear your head." She reached up and twisted her finger around one of his messy curls.
He smiled back at her, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I can't El, I have to finish this right now or it will be late."
"It's not due until tomorrow at like... noon. You can take a little break." She poked her favorite freckle on his cheek but he was already looking back at his paper, only grumbling in reply. "Come ooon, Mike, summer is almost over, you have worked so hard, lets go goof off for a little bit."
He was ignoring her at this point, but she wasn't going to give up. She rolled off of him and sat up, wrapping her arms and legs around him from behind like a koala (as he so often called it). She rested her chin on his shoulder and looked over his messy notes. It made her head spin just from looking at it. She was always more of a literature buff, and his crazy mathematical physics always blew her mind.
"Miikkee" She drug his name out. "Michael." She hugged him harder and poked his sides. "Mike Wheeler if you don't stop looking at that paper I will tickle torture you until you pee your pants like that one time."
Finally he dropped his pen and pinched the bridge of his nose. "First of all, we were ten. Second of all, I really need to study and you are being super distracting and its making me mad."
"You usually like it when I distract you." El teased, thinking fondly on all the times she had saved a stressed out Mike from his own frustration.
"Okay well now isn't one of those times. Can you please get off of me?" His voice was uncharacteristically cold.
El scooted away from him and shifted to sit across from him on the floor. "Why are you being so rude? It's literally just homework. For a class you didn't even have to take."
"Because I want to get into a good college and extra classes like this look good on college applications." Mike had fully shoved his papers away from his lap and was looking at her with the exasperation usually only reserved for Lucas and Dustin.
"Mike, you are the smartest person I know. You don't need to stress yourself out so badly over one stupid class. You will get into a great school with or without going and taking a break with me. Besides, that's an entire year away." El felt her own temper start to come out. She wasn't exactly the post patient person in the world, and Mike was almost worse than she was.
"El, we can't all live at our parents house forever."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It means, that im stressing about this because I want to get out of here as fast as I can. I just want to be able to go to a school that I love, and leave this shit town behind. I'm sorry you can't understand that."
Her jaw dropped. Sure things in Hawkins weren't the best. And sure his parents made him feel suffocated and isolated all at the same time, but it wasn't that bad was it? Not enough for him to be blowing up and fuming over this.
"Whatever Mike. i'm going home. Get the stick out of your ass and call me when you realize you are being ridiculous." And with that El grabbed her bag and walked out of the basement door.
She waited at the edge of his yard for a few minutes, despite the heat and humidity. Usually whenever they got into arguments like this, Mike just needed a second to realize he was being hurtful and would come apologize. But he never came out. She stared down the hill at the closed basement door and felt her blood boil until she turned on her heels and stomped home.
It was just a little argument. Maybe they had both said some things that were uncalled for. El tried to rationalize it until she was blue in the face. But he never called, and she went to bed feeling like something had broken.
She realized they were not kids anymore. That maybe Mike was right, and she really just didn't understand. It felt like something was changing. Like the beginning of the end.
Tagging: @el-themage @mileventwentyfourseven @claudia-henderson
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untitledpseudonym · 4 years
The Director’s Cut
A loud click and a gruff voice smelling of smuggled cigars and bourbon fills the set of director Randy McCullahan’s horror film studio. 
He steps out of his director’s chair, setting aside his glass of Eagle Rare, and starts walking
 to his star. She is currently laying on the ground of the kitchen dining room set, and covered in latex intestines and scarlet red theatrical blood.  
“What is it now, Mick?” the beautiful raven actor says, raising her hands up in confusion. Randy ignores her briefly to acknowledge his 7 ft star looming over the annoyed, fakely mutilated actress. 
“Chet, just wanna say, you’re doing a great job. Really embodying the killer vibe. Make sure you go back to makeup artists to get your mask refitted, it really seems to be slipping off.” Chet looks at the director, emotionlessly, his Ice blue eyes making it’s way past the thin film that covers the eye holes of his goat mask, piercing the director, and walks away towards the makeup crew.
“Heh, truly a method actor.” he says
“Uh, hello!” says the annoyed, actress. Randy sighs, displeasingly. 
“Ah, yes of course. You.” He says pinching the bridge of his nose under his glasses. “Whaddya mean me?!” she says standing up. Letting the fake guts and blood spill and drip of her. “That’s just it, Eve! It’s you! You’re not truly terrified. Your performance all day has been absolutely dreadful! You have shown no emotion in your death scene in 60 takes! We’ve burnt through 2 and a half hours of valuable film time just because you choose not to act! Like what am I even paying you for?!” Randy says yelling at her. Eve puts her hands on her hips. “I have given you my all for the entirety of this production! I talked to the other producers and crewmates and they all agree I've done the scene right the first 15 takes AT LEAST!” She spits back. Randy looks back at the crewmates and back at her. “Is that right?” he asks softly. Eve crosses her arms. “That’s right.” 
Randy nods and walks over to his director’s chair, softly repeating to himself: “uh-huh, that’s right, huh? Uh-huh, that’s right, huh? Uh-huh, that’s right, huh?” over and over until he gets to his chair and grabs the half drunk glass of Eagle Rare, and launches it, gently grazing the ear of the once righteous, now fearful actress. “This is my fucking set!” Randy bellows. “My fucking production! We will film until you all say your lines in sleep fucking paralysis! I don’t give a fuck how right you think it is, bitch! As long as i’m paying for your shit, you will deliver! Let me reiterate for all of you, since according to your ring leader Eve, you all support her claims.” Randy reaches under his directors chair and pulls out a M1911 pistol and fires off two bullets into the studio warehouses ceiling. Everyone shouts and ducks,some flee the set, clearly afraid of the director’s rant. “AS LONG AS IM PAYING FOR YOUR SHIT, YOU WILL FUCKING DELIVER!.” Randy shots above the petrified chaos he has commenced. He glances over at the terrified faces of his cast and crew and notices chet in the distance standing looking at him, fearlessly. Randy points his gun over at Chet. “See! True fucking actor right there, EVE! Take note.” Randy glances down at his watch and back at the terrified film cast. “Well, Chet earned you all the right to take five. See you all on set soon.” Randy waltzes off the set, but not before giving eve a death stare. 
“I fucking hate that creep.” Eve said to her friend Caroline, who was laying across from her on the italian leather couch.  “Eh, you get used to it. I mean, hell, I’ve been placed damn near every one of his casts and it’s basically the same song and dance. No matter how hard you try, he will make you repeat takes, Over and over again. You do the same things and he gets the same result. Personally, I think he does it until he gets tired.” She says looking at her. “Don’t let it get to you.” 
“That’s the thing Caroline, it does get to me. Everything was the complete opposite since my first day shooting. He was vibrant, likable even, but now he somehow managed to turn not only himself, but the entire cast and crew against me. You’re legit the ONLY one who will talk to me.” Caroline blinks twice and yawns. “Well, I’m not talking to you. I’m your fucking dog, you fool.” Caroline says.
“Oh.” Eve says. 
“As the designated therapy dog for everyone in Randy's movies, I’m used to having to listen to my master’s bullshit, over and over again. In the end though, it’s the same result. Always.”
“...What’s that? I didn’t hear you.” Eve said, focusing on removing her makeup in the mirror. 
“Oh, haha. Very hilarious. Maybe I should give Kevin Hart a call and tell him he has some new competition.” 
“Oh, Puh-Lease, shouldn’t you be sniffing your asshole or something?” 
“Well maybe you should--” 
A loud knock banged on the trailer door. A deep gruff voice spoke. “Eve Kraken? Are you decent?” the person on the other door said. Another voice spoke a bit more quietly. “Why don’t we just kick that bitches door down. She’s probably busy talking up her next toy for the evening anyways.” Eve gritted her teeth and slammed down the makeup wipes she had in her hand and marched to the door swinging it open with force. It was one of the producers. “Miss Kraken, we need you on set like right now.” Randy stepped in front of the producer. “You stupid fucking bitch.” he said angrily. “You took off your goddamn makeup, didn’t you?” 
“Well you said take five, so I was gonna re apply the makeup for the next scene we are gonna do.” she said, honestly.
“The next scene? The next scene. Davis, you hear her? The next scene. Bitch, We are still on the scene that you can’t fucking get right in the first fucking place.” Randy said sternly through closed teeth and clenched fists. “Just put on your fucking makeup and get your tight ass back on set before I give you two black eyeshadows that will take fucking weeks to get off. That’s not a threat. It’s a promise.” His Rum and Cigar breathe spread out on her face like a wave of pure disgust and hatred. She felt numb. All of his words had invoked a certain fear and rage inside her. This wasn’t just today, you see. This was everyday for Eve. She HATED randy. She FEARED Randy. The check she would receive every week for this treatment, seemed not even worth it. She gulped. “Yes, Randy. I'll be on set in five, please just, five.” Randy gruffed and walked away. The producer shuts the door, before briefly saying “Way to go, retard. Now we’ll all pay.” Once she can hear their footsteps fade away from the trailer, Eve screams. A trail of tears drip down her face as she punches her makeup desk over and over under her hands are bruised and bloodied. A small knife rumbles and tumbles off the desk. And onto the floor, making a slight, but noticeable clunking noise onto her hard wood floors. Eve looks down at it and kneels down at the small blade. 
“Take it.” Eve looks up at Caroline who was now sitting across from her. 
“What?” Eve said.
“Take the fucking knife and kill the fucker.” Caroline said to Eve. 
“Your mouth, it’s moving..” Eve said startled. 
“I know. Get the knife. Now.”
The knife that once sat between the now talking canine and distressed girl was now neatly tucked in Eve’s hand. It’s settled. 
“Come in.”
Randy said after three knocks on his office door.  He put down his cigar and pencil, drawing his attention away from his notepad to the disheveled Eve. Her knuckles were bloody and bruised. Her eyes were puffy and red from the tears she shedded. She had a knife in her hand. 
“The fuck are you doing in here. I told you to get your tight ass on set.” 
“Why?” Eve said calmly walking towards his desk. 
“Bitch, why? We have a fucking movie to shoot and you can’t get a fucking simple scene right. That’s why. Now get out of my office.” 
“Why do you act so cold hearted towards me?”
“What? Listen either get out of my office or I will make you get out.”
“Oh I'd like to see you try.” Eve whips around and shuts and locks the door and slams her bruised hands on his desk. 
“Now, tell me now. Before I do something, I am going to regret it.” 
“Bitch I don’t owe you a goddamn thing,” Randy sits up staring her dead in the face. “Now, go back on fucking set or so help me g--” Eve’s hand whips up and send her knife straight under the directors chin, slicing his throat. The adrenaline sends her into a fit of rage and she leaps onto his lap over the desk and continues to stab him repeatedly in the shoulders and head, crying and screaming. “IHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU”. Eventually she ceases. Now covered in her tormentor's blood, she cries in his lap. She sniffles and starts to walk towards the door. She knows she’s going to jail. She knows that her life is over. But jail is no comparison to the hell she had to endure from him.  She notices on Randy’s Desk a yellow notepad with her name etched at the top. The color and font of the blue ink pressed on the pad was old and it cried out to the girl, begging her to read it. Eve wiped her hands on Randy’s pants and picked up the notepad and started reading it’s contents:
The Art of filmmaking doesn’t oftentimes require the effort put forth upon the actors cast and crew. It’s also the director to get their actors to put in their best efforts. Eve was my ultimate test to this new philosophy I created. I didn’t pick her for her acting talent alone, no. I picked her because she grew up well. Two loving parents, upper-middle class lifestyle in Los Angeles, plenty of friends etc. Knowing this and her talent in horror movies, I understand that there may be a grey area when it comes to achieving true fear and paranoia and capturing it on film. So, much rather than encouraging her to undergo method acting, I am going to be doing  a little bit of acting myself. I must belittle, hurt, bully, and cut her down to my best of efforts. She will HATE me. This however will develop a true sense of fear. She will no longer be acting because chet is chasing her character. She will be acting because she will be in fear of me causing more harm to her. This publication will be proof to other directors to follow my footsteps to really push their actors to their limits. I will continually be posting updates on this project of mine during my time filming my horror film. 
Eve covered her mouth in shock. He wasn’t the villain in this story. He just wanted a genuine reaction out of her. To capture a real piece of human terror on film. She couldn’t believe it. She didn’t know what to do. She teared up as she began to tremble in fear. Her eyes darted back and forth between Randy’s corpse and the Notepad. She just killed a man. The blood was on her hands. There are knocks on the door. Fuck, What should she do. She can’t run. The office is blocked off. They’re calling for Randy. Shit, Shit, SHIT. She’s trapped. This is her first of many cells. Her room to sit in her regret before the mental regret of her actions. The door is barged in and Chet walks in still in his killer costume. He glances over at the body and over at her.
Motionlessly looks at her.
It’s all over for her.
“Eve that was fantastic work, your reaction was fucking perfect.” Said the director. 
Eve helped up Randy, who had trouble getting up after she sat on his lap.
“Do we have to do that again, since it was perfect?” Randy said whinyily 
“Unfortunately yes. Over and Over again.”
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