#this was originally written with Val and Tori but it didn't really fit their dynamic anymore
whumping-valentine · 21 days
Content: Captivity, conditioned whumpee
I wrote this like a year ago back when I first found out about whump and was experimenting with dynamics. Thought I'd make some edits and post it because why not.
Whumpee was sat in the grass, smiling as the warmth engulfed them. Cool wind was blowing through the leaves of the trees and the strands of their hair, light rain falling against their face like tiny kisses. Birds were singing, chirping and chattering all around as they searched for worms to feed their young. The outside world was so free and open, and Whumpee was grateful to even get a gaze upon it, let alone sit among it.
They looked up at Whumper with wide, grateful eyes, "Thank you for taking me outside." They said sincerely.
"Well, you've been good, haven't you?"
Whumpee wasn't sure what the right response was, "I am not sure, have I?"
"You tell me, what do you think?" Whumper said, crossing their arms as they did a small roll of their eyes, "Why else would you be outside? Yes, of course you've been good."
"Oh— I'm sorry, I didn't—"
"Yeah, yeah. Just because you're apparently stupid doesn't mean you're bad. Enjoy this privilege."
"I will, I'll enjoy it."
"Good for you." They said, uncaring. "I'm going to run inside real quick, and you're going to stay right here until I get back, okay?"
"Yes Sir/Ma'am." (???)
As they walked away they turned their head and continued smiling, feeling grateful for the opportunity to be outside. Though now left alone, a terrible realization struck. The smile vanished from their face as they sunk their nails into the dirt.
What am I thinking?! Being outside is a privilege? It's not a privilege! I should be allowed go outside whenever I want! And explore the woods alone! And make my own food, in my own kitchen, whenever I want! Those aren't privileges!
A hit had been taking to their pride as they realized how conditioned they became. It had happened so slowly they couldn't even see what was happening right in front of them. They were blind to it.
All of this niceness isn't because Whumper actually likes or cares for them, it's just so they'll be good and obedient and not cause them any trouble! It's manipulation! How could they be so stupid?! So conditioned?! They were smarter than this, smarter than to fall for manipulation, and yet they still did.
This monster had them doing all these things just to have the privilege to what, eat? Go outside? Not be tortured?!
If they had any sense of dignity left, they would stand up and take off right now. They were alone, they were outside, they were... not free.
It didn't matter if Whumper gave them a key to the outside world and a map to get home. It didn't matter if they opened the door and let them go. Hell, if they told them to go. It didn't even matter if they dropped them off right back in their old bedroom, because they'd still come crawling back to Whumper.
Physical freedom means nothing if your mind is held under lock and key.
And it's just what Whumper wanted.
They've got them.
"Look at you." Whumper cooed as they returned, "Still here. I knew you were too good to run off. I'm so proud of you."
Whumpee felt defeated, and Whumper could see it in their eyes, which just made their next words all the more satisfying to hear
"Why would I go... when I have everything I need right here?"
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