#this was really poorly structured and pretty rambly as well lmao but thats sort of just how i am
halfbit · 9 months
I wish I could post about my stories as casually as you do, I always feel like I'm bothering people lol
eh i mean? you might, but i don't think anyone can go through life without bothering people. even too much positivity can rub people the wrong way if it gets to them on a bad day. i get self-conscious about the way i post too.
i guess i try to get through it by understanding that if i am bothering people significantly enough, they'll probably just unfollow, and that's fine. this is your page basically, you're free to use it how you wish. anyone who isn't interested just.. won't be interested?
also i tend to talk about them casually in part because formal introductions and explanations take a Lot out of me. i overthink those way more and then they never get posted. if i talk about them in little rambles though here and there, people are still learning about them and getting familiar with what im working on. i sort of think of it like "anything's better than nothing" and people online aren't telepaths, if i was waiting to only talk about things once i had everything structured just right, id never get it done and no one would ever know their names or why i like them.
yeah tldr; its your page, your website! you make the rules. and posting about your stories in any way, even if its messy and casual, will help familiarize people with them imo.
i hope you're able to post about your stories in a way that's comfortable to you!
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