#this was sitting in my drafts from ages ago so i'm not sure if link still works
qwerty-socks · 4 years
Ending finalisation linked to Alfons dying?
Something interesting I found at the very end of Sinnesspiel’s translations of the script notes was this:
(directly copy pasted from):
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"I talked with Director Mizushima about this ending. "I didn't write any part where Ed acknowledges Alfons's death after he returned, so I wantto have Noah's dancing included because it has the nuance of sending off that Alfons" In the end we made so many minute adjustmentsand fixes. I really wanted the movie to be something that could stick with you. So, the final cut is still not quite final. The moment I put Alfons's death into the script, it was the same as deciding absolutely that Ed and Al would be returning to the real world, I suppose."
What I find interesting about this quote was that whether the Elric brothers would stay on Earth or not was still undecided, and that for some reason, it was linked to Alfons being dead.
I’ve thought of four possible options for how the movie could have played out. (not including the options where Edward successfully ditches Alphonse in Amestris because I don’t think there’s anything mentioning that people thought about keeping the bros separated. Alfons will always die because of his lung cancer, but there’s the death by gun too):
- Alfons lives a bit longer before dying from lung cancer + Elric brothers in Amestris
- Alfons dies by gun + Elric brothers in Amestris
- Alfons lives a little while longer before he dies of lung cancer + Elric brothers on Earth
- Alfons dies by gun + Elric brothers on Earth
I’m curious about the link between Alfons dying and the Elric brothers moving to Earth though, because they seem to be rather unrelated events. Edward doesn’t see that Alfons has died until he comes back to Earth, so whether Alfons lives  or dies doesn’t really affect Edward’s motivations while messing about in Amestris, because as far as Edward knows, he last saw Alfons as alive.
So if Alfons dying doesn’t affect any of the character motivations or actions in-universe, the reason why Alfons dying leads to the Elric brothers coming to Earth must be an out-of-universe reason, like, I don’t know, maybe it fits with the theme of the story. I wonder how the story changes with each of the four options...
Option 1: Alfons lives a bit longer, Brothers in Amestris
Alfons says “we’re not just dreams, don’t forget me”, lauches Edward to Amestris, Edward reunites with people, they defeat Eckhart, they live in Amestris (do they close the gate?) Everything is fine and dandy until Alphonse reports in dreams of how everyone is doing on Earth. Alfons is dying, Noah has whatever fate awaits her, Edward feels super bad about ditching everyone, which breaks the theme of the other world not being a dream.
Option 2: Alfons dies by gun, Brothers in Amestris.
Same deal as above, but because Alfons is dead, Alphonse doesn’t report any dreams. Edward maybe feels bad again for ditching everyone. or perhaps he starts to try to forget about the existence of Earth to cope with those bad feelings? (or maybe he never took it seriously and Alphonse not having any dreams confirms it. Or maybe Edward tries to deny it, but not knowing what happened to the Earth-people eats away at the back of his mind, because he spent two years there, and now on Amestris, he keeps thinking about Earth?) It just doesn’t seem like a happy ending in my opinion, like Edward would be stuck between two worlds, or at least physically stuck in Amestris, and having thoughts about what the heck Earth was enroaching on him mentally a lot.
Option 3: Alfons lives a bit longer, Brothers in Earth
Edward returns and Alfons is surprised about that, awkard doppelganger meeting when Alphonse comes out. And then they watch Alfons gradually die from lung cancer, ruining the upbeat mood of the end of the movie. Or who knows, maybe Alfons would be happy about meeting Alphonse  before he dies, and surrounded by friends? Lung cancer sounds painful though, especially if you’re in COS’s time period.
Option 4: What we saw on the movie
Seems like a happy-ish ending.
I wonder if Edward ever feels guilty that Alfons died for him to go to Amestris, but he’s on Earth anyway.
I also wonder if Alphonse is going to run into a billion language barriers and rely on Ed to translate stuff for him until he learns languages
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esamastation · 3 years
Breath of the Wild snippet
Link is bored. It's a little startling how easy it's to see – how easy he's to read these days. Where before, hundred years ago, he'd been as unreadable as a brick wall, a look of serious determination as though permanently etched to his face, now he's an open book, covers flung wide. The serious frown still makes an appearance, of course, it's his default expression, Link's face simply rests in a way that makes him seem as though he's almost scowling, but now, should an emotion cross his mind… he does nothing to hide it. 
Like now, as his attention strays and his eyes wander and every so often he smothers a sigh or a yawn or a longing look directed at the door. It's in part painfully and in part endearingly clear how little attention he's paying to their meeting, and how much he wishes he could be elsewhere.
Zelda smothers a smile and then realises she's allowed herself to be distracted, and quickly turns her attention back to the meeting taking place in Impa's house.
"... a little difficult to test," Purah is saying. She's sitting cross legged in the middle of the floor, her seat cushion abandoned and papers flung about her – most of them about her anti-aging rune. "I can't even promise the test subject will survive the process, never mind that it will work even fifty percent of the time... so finding people to volunteer has been an issue."
"What, no old folks interested in regaining their misspent youth?" Robbie asks with a slight snort, adjusting his goggles. "I'd happily test it, if my work wasn't too important to risk!"
Purah gives him a look. "Well, duh. Most folk are the same," she says and shakes her head. "And besides, the population and age statistics don't exactly trend towards the elderly these days. The average life expectancy of both Hylians and Sheikah both trend about forty years younger than it used to be pre-Calamity. And the only way for people to reliably grow old these days –"
"Is to have a family or other support network, helping them," Impa muses, rubbing at her chin. "Which means they have things too dear to lose, for an uncertain chance."
"Just so," Purah says and folds her little arms, adorable in her seriousness. "I did post queries around Hateno village, of course, but I only had a couple of takers, and they all turned tail when I explained the risks. And we can't improve the chances without further testing. And we can't do further testing without candidates. And we're not likely to get more candidates with the chances being what they are - it's a vicious circle." 
By the door, Link looks ready to nod off. 
Zelda hums, looking at the papers Purah had brought, conflicted. It's incredible work, just as a concept, and Purah hadn't just left it at theory – and the results certainly speak for themselves! Purah is now, what, hundred and twenty, hundred and thirty years old? And she looks as though she is a girl of six, with all that time ahead of her and not behind. If the technology could be made reliable, it would no doubt change the future in ways Zelda can scarcely imagine… for the better, she hopes, for all the people of Hyrule.
But right now, she has more selfish reasons to make enquiries into the rune.
Zelda looks at Impa, sitting on top of a pile of pillows, her weathered, aged face thoughtful. Their eyes meet and Zelda steels her resolve. "Might there be any potential candidates in Kakariko village, Impa?" she asks.
"Hmm. I doubt it. Young Zain, maybe?" Impa muses. "Well, he's not so young. He's in his seventies, he has bad knees and no surviving relatives to support or be supported by. Bit of a sour grape, that one, though. Sceptic. Hard to convince."
"I'm sure if the Lost Princess and the Hero who stopped Ganon ask for it, anyone would be happy to give it a go!" Robbie says, slapping his folded knees. "Especially if they learn what it's all for!"
Zelda smiles, wincing, and looks down. Using her standing for such a thing… sure she'd done things of that nature before, pleading people to join their cause, ages ago… but never with the risks so high, and potential results so uncertain. She'd never liked asking people to risk their lives, for her or otherwise. Even with a cause so important...
"It would be a somewhat awkward thing to ask, though," she muses and looks down. "It is an awkward thing to ask. I'm… I'm sorry to have to ask it of you."
After all this time, all these years, all the service they'd already put in, to ask for so much more of them… but she had to. No one woman could rebuild a kingdom by herself. She needed help, she needed allies – she needed Impa and Robbie and Purah. With such a foundation, Hyrule might yet rise, better than ever, but for that to ever happen… Impa and Robbie needed to go through what Purah already had, and extend their already prodigiously long lives even further. They all deserved their quiet retirement, after all the effort they'd put in, but for Hyrule, Zelda would make this cruel request.
"Ha!" Robbie says, striking a pose. "Like I wouldn't do this without being asked! As soon as Purah can improve the odds – no, as soon as we can improve the odds –"
"What's that, you old coot, what do you mean by we?" Purah depends, bouncing to her feet. "If you think I will let you ever into my lab, mister, you're sorely mistaken –!"
"If we work together, combine the efforts of Akkala and Hateno tech labs, we're sure to succeed! With Cherry's incredible computing power and your Stone –"
"Your creepy ancient furnace is getting nowhere near my Guidance Stone!"
Link startles awake at the noise they're making and Zelda smothers a giggle while Impa sighs.
"I will ask Paya to check in on Zain, maybe he will be interested," Impa says and shakes her head. "But it's still a small test study, with only two subjects. I'm sorry, Zelda – as much as I wish to do this, I am with Robbie on this. The chances are too low and I have too much to lose, right now. Paya is nowhere near ready to take over for me here. There needs to be more candidate's, first, and I don't know where we can get them. But," she hums and looks away. "There might be someone who does."
Link yawns and then freezes, finding all of them staring at him. Then, clearly baffled, he points at himself quizzically, and Zelda offers him a smile.
Impa chuckles. "You've been all over Hyrule now, Link – you've traveled farther than probably anyone has in a hundred years. Better than anyone, you know the state of her people. Do you think there is anyone out there who might be interested in Purah's study – in regaining their youth, even at a risk?"
Link scratches the back of his neck thoughtfully and then takes out the Sheikah Slate, opening the map with an easy, well practiced wipe of his fingers over the screen. Zelda leans in, once more amazed – and a little jealous – of how far he'd gotten with it, how full of markers the map is. Hundred years ago, she'd estimated that there might be as many as a dozen sites of ancient Sheikah technology all over Hyrule. Link had discovered over a hundred. They now glow on his map, like glittering blue gems, the Towers and Shrines he'd seen and mastered.
Link zooms in on the map and then puts down three other markers. One in Zora's domain, one in Gerudo Town and last in Lurelin Village. Turning the slate around, he shows the map to everyone.
"Of course," Zelda breathes in realisation. "The Guardians never reached so far, so their populations were never so scattered or scarred. In Zora's domain, in Gerudo Town and in Lurelin, people can grow old peacefully, without fear of attack."
Link makes a face and a wobbling gesture with his hand and then shrugs. Zelda smiles, sadly. "Aside from monsters and other disasters and misfortunes, of course," she agrees. "But without fear of attacks by Guardians, they were allowed to prosper."
"Not the Rito, though?" Robbie asks, his goggles whirting and shifting like the eyes of a gecko as he looks between the map, Link and Zelda. "Or the Gorons?"
Link shrugs, rubbing at his neck.
"Gorons age like rocks, Daruk always said," Zelda muses. "And I suppose with Rito it can be difficult to tell their ages. If we send out invitations to the study, we should include them as well – assuming that the treatment by the rune isn't Sheikah exclusive…?"
Purah rocks back and forth on her feet thoughtfully, almost as though she's about to dance. "I… don't know? I calibrated the first version based on my own physiology, so it might be best to stick to Sheikah and Hylians for a start – but I can't see why it couldn't be adjusted. Gerudo are closer in structure to us than Rito and Gorons, or Zora for that matter. Might be best we start there, when we begin making modifications to include everyone."
"So, begin with Lurelin," Robbie says and nods. "How do we do that?"
"We'll make some posters and Link can zip in and out of Lurelin Village to post them," Purah says and strikes a pose. "It's just a snap for the Sheikah Slate."
Impa hums in agreement. "Best we make advertisements for Kakariko and Hateno as well, and perhaps some of the stables," she muses. "You never know who might take us up on it, and getting this technology to work at hundred percent will be a benefit to everyone."
"You're right," Zelda agrees, nodding. "Purah and Robbie, I suppose you two know best what should go on the poster. Can you make it?"
"It'll work much better, with your name under it," Robbie points out.
"We'll write a draft and you can copy it and put your royal touch and seal to it," Purah says and does an excited little dance. "This is so exciting! We'll get so many applicants and my little Guidance Stone will get to do it's thing!"
Zelda offers her a smile, all the while wondering, not for the first time… how much of a royal she even is, at this point. With the castle in ruins and the Kingdom in shambles, with no one to rule it for a hundred years… all that Zelda is now... is a story. The Princess that went to fight Calamity Ganon as the Kingdom fell asunder all around her. Not many even believe it. That might change with this meeting and the following cooperation, especially when they'd begin reaching out further, but right now… 
Princess of nothing indeed.
"So much was lost," Zelda murmurs, carefully resting her hands in her lap to keep herself from wringing them. She shouldn't concentrate on the losses. Not when there's so much to do. "It will be good to build something for a change. To improve things."
"Indeed," Impa says, nodding her head, her heavy hat tilting. "But if Calamity Ganon taught us anything, it is that we should take all due caution."
"Yes. And speaking of which," Zelda says and lifts her eyes to Robbie. "Your research in Akkala – I would very much like to hear more about it. Link showed me the armour and weaponry you made, they're very impressive – how did you manage it?"
Robbie all but launches himself into the story of Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, the research he'd done there, the progress he'd made, enthusiastically recounting the creation of his Ancient Furnace, Cherry. Zelda leans in, allowing herself to be drawn in, and by the door Link settles down with a sigh and begins nodding off again.
Hmm hmm. Took me 3 years, but I finally finished botw.
I might continue this one and it might end up a Stargate crossover. Who knows.
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yellow-faerie · 3 years
2021 End of Year Fic Review
Thank you for taggin me @wren-of-the-woods :)
How many stories did you complete?
According to AO3, 33! This does include a lot of oneshots and does not include any prompts I've completed.
What is your total word count for the year?
223 965, a number taken from AO3...and I still haven't posted all my Tumblr prompts yet so that number doesn't take into account everything...
Turns out I write a lot more than I thought I did.
What fandoms did you write for this year?
The Silmarillion, of course, and LOTR. A little bit of DSMP stuff and some Witcher stuff and I started an ATLA fic and I'm currently writing a LOZ prompt, so that's 5/6ish fandoms?
Did you write more, less of roughly about what you expected?
I honestly hadn't thought about it! Probably more tho as I mentioned above.
What's your favourite story of the year?
Ooh, this is a really tough one. Probably Fate and Flowers (I've talked about how much I adore Edhellos and how much fun I had writing this) or A Guide To Raising Elflings just for how self-indulgent it is.
What is your most underappreciated story of the year?
I'm not entirely sure how to measure this but by kudos, it would be There Are Many Reasons To Commit Treason which is understandable, considering I haven't really written for the ATLA fandom before (unless you count this fics first iteration) and I literally only just published it.
Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2021?
Probably that I lost interest in The Paths We Tread. My own interpretations had gone too far from what I was writing and it ended up being a drag to write rather than fun. Fate and Flowers was probably the last fic I wrote for that series that I properly enjoyed writing.
Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2021?
That A Guide To Raising Elflings got as popular as it did? I was genuinely so surprised by how many people liked it and were leaving comments and kudoses and it has definitely been very nice indeed!
Something you look forward to working on in 2022?
Oooh, isn't this a question? I've got a lot planned and although most of these will probably remain as plans, I will outline what I hope to achieve (we can look back at this in the future and laugh to ourselves).
I want to finish A Guide To Raising Elflings, which I should definitely do this year, and I also want to finish All Good Things Come In Threes. I want to complete the Tumblr Prompts currently sitting in my drafts and when I've done that, I'm going to post another prompt list at some time, just because I love making them (and I want to try and finish uploading my finished prompts onto AO3 but I mimght end up doing that tomorrow). I also want to see where I get with There Are Many Reasons To Commit Treason.
As for fics I have not started (and these are a lot more up in the air), I've recently got into TMA so there's some fic there I want to write (I'm currently writing a murder mystery/bookshop AU inspired by the ominous leak we have at work); I want to rewrite my first ever AO3 fic (a Star Wars fic, if anyone's interested - although it is going to be rather different to the original); I want to participate in more prompt weeks than I did this year; I want to get on to writing a Witcher AU I've had falling around my head for a while; and I want to finally get around to writing a fic about an OC Link and Zelda.
And as for Tolkien fics, I have a few fics for my OCs planned and a fic where the oath was never sworn (you can see some of the ideas for it here). I think that I might also continue the Space/Sci-Fi AU I started ages ago, if I have the time.
Tagging @ladyslytherclaw @lothengriols @armenelols and honestly, anyone else who would like a go, just pretend I tagged you :)
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