#this was so fun pls send more
bluewasthecolor · 1 year
Rank I know this is evil but since you’re a defense person
Lucy Bronze
Kelley O’Hara
Ellie carpenter
Ona batlle
Selma bacha
Ali Krieger
this absolutely IS evil smh. i don't even know how to begin. (also they added leila ouhabi)
skill ranking:
lucy bronze, easy. she's unmatched.
ona batlle
leila ouhabi
kelley o'hara
ellie carpenter
ali krieger
selma bacha - only because i know very very little about her.
personal ranking:
lucy bronze
kelley o'hara
ona batlle
ellie carpenter
ali krieger
leila ouhabi
selma bacha - again i don't know a ton about her
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soulsam · 2 years
ging & giorno for the ask game!!
omg yes okay
First impression: I've heard this guy is a deadbeat dad, poor gon
Impression now: stupid tsundere dork I hate him (affectionate) I am shaking him by the shoulders please stop pushing people away my guy you are hurting yourself
Favorite moment: when he gives gon advice in the election hall...the way he gets all awkward when gon starts crying and everyone stares at him is SO fucking funny
Idea for a story: that's a secret, you'll find out in a month
Unpopular opinion: any positive opinion about ging is an unpopular one but I'll say that I am glad he didn't raise gon and while it would maybe have been better if he kept in touch more (MAYBE), I think gon was infinitely better off with mito and people should stop insisting that gon should have been with his bio dad No Matter What
Favorite relationship: god how could I ever choose just one? I mean if I HAVE to choose a favorite I think it's gotta be pariging because like...pariging. but I also love gingcheadle and gingkite and YES I unironically like gingbeans what of it
Favorite headcanon: he and cheadle are exes. is this even a headcanon? this is basically canon right
and for giorno...
First impression: why the fuck is his hair like that
Impression now: baby boy. baby. please god get some therapy.
Favorite moment: he has so many iconic moments but I gotta give it to him drinking the piss tea because it was such a fucking power move
Idea for a story: I don't have anything specific in mind at the moment (very focused on hxh) but I do want to write harumis at some point, maybe a "missed connection" type of thing where they know each other in passing and are interested in each other but it just doesn't happen for them (until canon/postcanon)
Unpopular opinion: giorno doms
Favorite relationship: giomis cmon you don't even need to ask
Favorite headcanon: this is one that you just put in my head recently but I do think the pistols take naps in his hair like all the time
sorry for length I have Ging Thoughts apparently
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