#this was started before costumes tweet and finished before halloween gig !!!!!!
targarrus · 11 months
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happy halloween please consider
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Emily’s GA Apartment
For future reference, I have compiled pictures of Emily’s apartment in Georgia. She had purchased it by March 30, 2014, going by this (X):
“Kinney’s gotten comfortable in Georgia for now, having bought an apartment in what she calls a “golf cart community” in a town next to Atlanta.”
(It should also be noted that Gimple said he’s had Beth’s death planned since season 4, so he would have cautioned Emily from buying a place: X.) Anyway, this post was prompted by @emilysnorman​. In a post I made about Emily’s tweets early in season 5 filming, emilysnorman pointed out that Emily’s New York apartment has wood floors while her Georgia place has carpeting: (X).
The second part of this meta is also based off a post I read over a year ago. I can’t find it now, but I remember the pertinent information, so I researched it myself. If any of you know about the original post, please let me know.
Under a read more because it is picture heavy.
Emily had the place as early as the summer of 2013, as she posted this picture on July 13th, 2013. (The white bed frame appears in another picture which matches her Georgia place.)
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Source (X).
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Source (X). Posted on October 4th, 2013.
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Source (X). Posted October 24th, 2013.
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Source (X). Posted October 31st, 2013.
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Source (X). Posted November 8th, 2013.
Notice the white bed frame in the upper righthand corner.
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Source (X). Posted November 16th, 2013.
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Source (X). Posted November 23rd, 2013. Emily’s show was November 25th (X).
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Source (X). Posted March 17th, 2013.
Emily’s show was that night (X), and this picture was not a latergram, going by her nail polish.
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Source (X).
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Source (X). Posted May 6th, 2014.
I was discussing all of this with @bethgreenewarriorprincess, and she pointed out that around this picture Emily started getting fancy with her Instagram posts, in retrospect.
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Source (X). Posted on May 24th, 2014.
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Source (X). Posted on June 14th, 2014. (My birthday btw.)
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Source (X). Posted on June 21st, 2014.
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Source (X). Posted on July 31st, 2014.
This is Emily’s apartment. In a latergram she posted late that year, she wore the same black-shirt with the fur-like fringe. That latergram is definitely in her Georgia apartment.
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Source (X). Posted on October 31st, 2014. Emily hosted the costume contest at Eddie’s Attic that night (X).
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Source (X). Posted on November 16th, 2014.
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Source (X). Posted on December 4th, 2014.
This is the latergram. You can see she’s wearing the same outfit, and she also has the mug. She probably took both pictures at the same time. She likely has many pictures saved on her phone so she can latergram.
Between the end of season four filming and the end of season five filming, Emily performed at Eddie’s Attic three times. She first performed on November 25th. On the 16th, she was in Georgia for the wrap party, and she didn’t post on Instagram between those dates except once on the 21st. She likely was in Georgia that entire week. 
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Source (X).
By the 27th, she was with her family for Thanksgiving (X). 
She was at Eddie’s Attic again on March 17th to promote the rerelease of Expired Love, which came out the following day (X). She didn’t post about her location again till the 20th, confirming she had been Georgia.
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Source (X).
She then went to Orlando for MegaCon the weekend of the 21st to 23rd (X). But she missed New York so much that she rushed home the night of the 23rd.
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Source (X).
If you were already in Orlando for work, wouldn’t you stay an extra day to rest up and to enjoy the weather? It indicates that she hadn’t been in New York for a while. On March 5th she was still in New York as she was on CBS New York (X) (X). On the 6th, she recorded her interview with MTV.com, which was later posted on the 11th (X). 
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Source (X).
The following day, she performed in Cherry Hill, New Jersey at Monster Mania (X) (X). This was also posted by delawareonline, one of my local papers, and Emily was so close what the fuck. Why didn’t I know about this? On March 9th, she posted a latergrammed picture.
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Source (X).
Then she performed threes from March 11th to the 12th at the South by Southwest music conference in Austin, Texas (X). On the 13th, she was in Chicago for an interview (X), before she appeared at the first WSC on the 14th.
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Source (X).
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Source (X).
She disappeared on March 15th and 16th, so she was likely in Georgia, as she would have mentioned getting back to New York. If she had a few days off before MegaCon, wouldn’t she just fly back to New York? Why would she stay in Georgia if she had no other gigs?
Emily likely had her three Eddie’s Attic performances to justify her being in Georgia. Her Halloween performance would have obviously been as a cover while she filmed post-Coda. I think in November 2013 and March 2014 she was meeting with TPTB in Georgia. The meetings would have been focused planning and preparing for Beth’s arc. Such preparations would include the rigorous filming, her social media activity, and her answers to interviews she would be asked leading up to and post Coda. They needed to coach her sometime. They probably took her to the studio and put her through secret arc boot camp, which would include getting into a van from her trailer without being seen, tilting her hat the right to hide the bullet scar, saving pictures to latergram, etc. It’s plausible. Writers and actors communicate about their characters and upcoming arcs. She even met with the writers that April 11th.
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Source (X).
So now we come to the second part of this piece. On the afternoon of November 16th, 2014, Emily posted a picture from her Georgia apartment. It was in support of Consumed, which aired that night. 
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Source (X).
Later that day she posted twice about filming the Bulletproof Picasso video:
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Source (X) (X).
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Source (X) (X).
I remember the post talking about how cold it was that day. I researched the weather for Los Angeles, and the mean temperature that day was 65 degrees.
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Source (X).
So on the 16th, the temperature ranged between 55 and 74 degrees, with an average of 65. That water would have been too cold to splash around in, especially since it was the Pacific. I grew up with a pool. It takes a long time for  water to heat up, and even if the general temperature is warm, the water will feel much colder than the air. The Bulletproof Picasso was not filmed in mid-November. Its album, also called Bulletproof Picasso, came out in September of that year, and the album’s first single came out in June. With how in-depth the planning and marketing have been for this arc, I would not be surprised if TPTB set this up. They wanted Emily’s first non-music project to be a music video referring to a bulletproof artist. The theme song played; “Beth” was first seen afterwards with the music playing. Since the video also has so many Beth parallels (X), TPTB likely reached out to Train and worked out a deal. The bum pic is in Emily’s apartment, and since the Train pictures are latergrams, that would mean her bum pic isn’t. She was in her apartment, and considering her last scenes were filmed in late August, she would have sold her apartment by then. On the 15th, Emily was in California. She reunited with a friend of hers (X) (X), and she was wearing blue nail polish. TDers later figured out that she was filming her Rockstar video out there (X). It should be noted that the season 5 wrap party was on the 16th (X), and that filming finished right after midnight on the 22nd (X). Beth foot was spotted on the 17th, the day Emily posted from her trailer. She was holding a polaroid of the Bulletproof Picasso shoot, and she wasn’t wearing nail polish. What likely happened is Emily arrived in Georgia on the 16th and spent the better part of the week filming before she finished the Rockstar music video.
Emily still has her apartment in Georgia, because Beth is here to stay. For a long time.
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