#this was supposed to be a post about mae but i made it about oberon i truly can never stop talking about him
dawnblade · 2 years
glad i can go crazy with slapping battle scars on mae cause i s2g giving guardians battle scars is like so fucking difficult with the laws of the universe in destiny. oberons face scar came from the alternate warmind story alex wrote before warmind came out and i fought for my life to make that scar lore-friendly. also god warmind was so long ago
what happened was that the submind charlemagne took control of all the exos and was gonna blow shit up and serys and synapse had to go to charlemagnes core and blast it with the valkyrie virus to fix everything (synapse wasnt corrupted cause he was dead for a year and revived and given the virus to prevent getting corrupted) so they went 2 the core but it was being guarded by corrupted obn and trencher
so serys kicked obns ass and gave him that face scar and the way i worked keeping obns scar in canon was that being corrupted by charlemagne also corrupted his light so when he died and charlemagne was defeated and the corruption disappeared, it sorta "overwrote" his light so when dex revived him the scar was still there
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