#this was supposed to be up on monday but life hapened
🎃Halloween themed wincest fic rec🎃
This fic rec is, primarily, Halloween themed but you’ll also find some horror as well as just in general autumn themed fics all to, hopefully, get y’all in the spirit of the spooky season!
There’s all sorts of ratings, some weecest, a non-related Hocus Pocus AU, hopefully you’ll find something to your liking among all of these fics.
As always please head all warnings and tags as some of these fics do contain graphic and heavy topics. 
Happy reading, and Happy Halloween my fellow wincest shippers! 🎃
Eight-Legged Freaks. by anniespinkhouse
Sam/Dean (Wincest) Outsider POV. Takes place early in season 8 but no particular spoilers except for Sam’s hair. Biddy owns a candy store. She also talks to spiders. When FBI agents Sam Smith and Dean Jones investigate a possible haunting, on Halloween evening, the consequence of Dean eating too much candy is disturbing. It’s a race against time for Sam to find a way to return Dean to normal.
The Rocky Horror Sam Show by RockSaltandCherryPie *
Sam goes to a Halloween party and dresses up like Frank N. Furter but ends up looking more like a girl than anything else.
the one that lives behind his heart by Addie_D_123 *
Dean is the spark, Sam is the fire.
The Witch's Dance by brimstonegold and virtualpersonal *
It's either coincidence, or irony, but Sam and Dean find themselves hunting for a witch at The Witch's Dance, a party being given at the local haunted mansion on Halloween. What they find is not the kind of dance they expected.
hell is empty; all the little brothers are here by bellaaanovak
Dean just wants to make the rundown house they’re squatting in look cool for Halloween, but Sam isn’t so excited about strangers in corny costumes knocking on the door for candy. Not when there’s a gang of ghouls wreaking havoc in the neighborhood, anyways.
Greaspaint and Fairy Dust by Syls Darkplace (sylsdarkplace)
It’s Halloween. Sam’s least favorite holiday, and what should be the investigation of a simple salt and burn goes awry when Dean gets caught with his hand in the candy cauldron.
Here is where you’ll stay by belyste
Sam, Dean, and haunted hayride. Halloween!fic. 
A Winchester Halloween by ello_kitty *
 A short story about how the brothers spend the holiday.
Triple XY Or The Hunter, His Bitch And Their Offspring by mpregloveranon
This is the answer to this Halloween!Prompt over at the spnkink_meme. Without reveal to much already I’ll just keep the summary really short. After being cursed Sam is knocked up by his brother. On Halloween he is heavily pregnant with triplets and completely miserable. Dean feels sorry for his baby brother, especially because he pissed the witch off who cursed Sam, and takes good care of him.   Throw in raging hormones, some schmoop, some angst and cute little kids and you’ll get the idea what this fic is about. ;)
Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) by Ignited *
It’s Halloween, and the locals aren’t clued in to the fact that those things going bump in the night are much more than fabric and latex. Sam and Dean learn this fact the hard way as the clock winds down and a town’s about to be overrun by monsters.
The Witches of Salem by Revenant 
There's a legend in Salem, of three sisters accused and hung for the crime of witchcraft, but not before they had killed several of the local children and placed another under a terrible curse. It is said that on Hallowe'en night, when the moon is full, the witches will rise again when a virgin lights the Black Flame Candle.
A little over three hundred years later, Sam Winchester is passing through town trying out his newly awarded independence on what he suspects will be a simple salt-and-burn; why can’t things ever go like he plans?
Why not stay and be caught? by deirdre_c *
Sam wishes to go to The Palace.
Pretty Princess by orphan_account *
Sam is excited to go to a Halloween Party… And then his first heat hits.
Take a Good Look by BewareTheIdes15 *
Sam, Dean, and a haunted house with a mirror maze - sounds like pwp to me!
Kids These Days by Magz (sparklepocalypse) *
Halloween parties are never simple when there are Winchesters involved.
Thy Back to the Forest (and Thy Front to Us) by PetraPan *
For the last three years in Stillwater, Oklahoma, children have disappeared—always five young girls, always on consecutive days, and always during the week of Halloween. By the day the Winchester's pull into town, Sam is enrolled for school, he’s stuck once more on research duty, and Dean already has a date. Sam juggles his new schoolwork, the case, and the ever-growing bitterness at the desire he feels for Dean as best as he can, but at some point he can no longer manage all three. With their father constantly absent and a nasty time constraint, Sam and Dean struggle to figure out who—or what—is taking young girls, just as they struggle to find the balance between brothers and something more.
Sugar Sweet by fallingintodivinity
“What’s all this stuff?” Sam asks warily. He gingerly picks up a bottle of red fluid and squints at it.
“Fake blood!” Dean says cheerfully. “It’s cherry-flavored,” he adds helpfully.
“But why,” Sam says, bewildered.
“Dunno,” Dean says. “It was on sale. Tastes pretty good, actually. Here, lemme show you.”
Halloween by EasyTiga *
Sam and Dean go to a Halloween party for a case and at least one of them can't keep their mind on the mission because of the outfit choice.
Hush Little Baby by hellhoundsprey *
Together with his friends, Sam visits a haunted house. It's Halloween. (Sam is 16, Dean is 20.)
Halloween and High Schoolers by onesillygoose *
I'm realizing how bad my summaries are. Anyway... Sam gets invited to a Halloween party. Dean tags along. Things never go as they should for the Winchesters.
Pumpkin Patch by KissingWinchesters
It's Halloween and Dean decides to steal a giant pumpkin.
VII - One candy left by KissingWinchesters
There’s a piece of melting, sticky caramel pressed into the centre of Sam’s back.
Candy, Pumpkin Spice, And Orgasms by KissingWinchesters
Dean takes Sam to a quaint town on Halloween. Their relationship develops.
He Never Saw the Look by orphan_account
Sam's got a secret. He's in love with his big brother. Little does he know, Dean shares the same dirty little secret.
Pretty Little Thing by Miss_Lv *
Teenager Dean goes to a Halloween party for some fun, he spots a pretty little thing and chases her all evening, flirting, and eventually cornering her. Once his got his hands on her though he realizes she is actually a he, but he's fine with that. Sam snuck out after Dean just because he could, he picked a costume he knew Dean would never recognize him in. After spending the evening being chased by his brother Sam ends up in a semi public place with Dean all over him. Sam's stupid crush on his own brother is not helping matters either.
this way comes by estrella30 *
Written for spn_halloween based on prompt #127: Sam goes to a Halloween party his first year at Stanford and gets dragged off by a guy in a mask who makes out with him. He discovers it's Dean, and the making-out continues with a vengeance.
Diamond Dogs by kassidy *
Prompt: Supernatural, Sam/Dean, werewolfism - one turns and takes the other down (interpret as you will) for dark_fest LJ comm
A Silent, Creeping Killer by lily rose (annabeth) *
Not long after Dean picks Sam up from Stanford, Sam and Dean go undercover as an engaged couple to investigate the murder of a lesbian hockey player in small-town Connecticut. Along the way, they meet dedicated lovers, frightening ghosts, and the possibility that their ruse might be becoming all too real. How will they handle their changing feelings for each other? Who will protect the lovers and tenants of the Windsor boarding house? And what does all this have to do with the play 'Arsenic and Old Lace'?
darling by allwellandgood 
Dean is dead. Sam has a theory that nothing will ever hurt again.
I Wonder as I Wander by dollylux
Bobby sends Sam and Dean to investigate a strange town.
Let Me Take You Far Away by orphan_account *
Season 10. It's exactly what they need. A vacation. That's how Dean can make everything else go away. Cas was right. That's all they need. A nice, little vacation.
Fall/Autumn themed
Death of the Petals by doctor__idiot
Dean has always thought that fall held some sort of magic.
Where You Are [Is Where I Belong] by non_tiembo_mala
Sam is stuck in class on a beautiful fall day. His mind wanders and it always ends up on Dean.
Hazy Hunter's Moon by GhostlyVoid *
Sam saves a hunter who got attacked by a werewolf, knowing exactly what trouble he's inviting into his home. The hunter, Dean, is predictably less than thrilled owing his life to a witch.
Delicious Autumn by sammichgirl
Dean just wants to give Sam a great day full of some favorite things.
Autumn Leaves by dragonspell *
In the weak light of early morning, the autumn leaves are starting to paint the woods in reds and golds and a burning orange. On some level or another, Dean knows that it’s beautiful; he does. He's just got to find Sam first.
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xottzot · 6 years
2018-04(APR)-22nd--Sunday--(to Noon & Beyond)---my & our hope hss been destroyed-it was never allowed-and it rained.
2018-04(APR)-22nd--Sunday--(to Noon & Beyond)---my & our hope hss been destroyed-it was never allowed-and it rained.
Was woken as I said eitlier by dear Sam and dear Max desperatly needing to go outside after terrible loud thunderstorms waded acros this hellhole area.
I went with then and took them outside, they did what they had to do in the darkness, but did it any and everwhere all over he backyard, (which I've just spent ages cleaning all up now and transporting it by hand to the pit-pile that deasr Fliss an I bulit many years ago when she was here. It was built exactly for that purpose, and it enriches the tree and bushes there.
I suppose I am just lieke my poor dear gentle deceaserd mother in that regard.
And btw, plese frogiveany mistakes i my typings. My damaged forerearm wrist has bleeding and aching quite a bit as I have strugled to do anything. Robert of course does nothig except to do things for himself, just as he has taken over the entire kitchen area to do 'his cooking', this in adittion to all that he did yestreday the ame and doing his cooking....two days of taking over the kitchen for himself. Then packing littl plastic containers with food and storing them into the fridge, only to take them all out again roday. To him, this is just his 'day of cooking' and he will get violent if he is impeded in any way or even if I try to go into he kitchen to make myself a slice of toast. - And so I am forced not to be able to eat at all for many many hours until he is satisfied that he 'is done' in the kitchen....
At 11:29am.......aborigibal youths (2 of them on the same loud offroad unregistered motorbike riding together with one of them wearng that red pattered shirt as usual), they rode along ON the roads from the Koongamai shops sirection, turned off the engine, yjem rolled.coasted straight into th driveway into the aboriginal criminal hosheold in Kalara Way, the house that has a knee-high front brick fence that they all sit upon like crows amongst the overgrown bushes there and hide from being see by roaming Police vehicles. It is like a jungle to stop any Police from being able to se in there. And Police roam past and see nothing becauase Police only stay in Police vehicles and never hardly ever walk around on foot anymore ever at this hellhoel area. - At this hellhole area, Police foot parols are only something that exists in fantasy and Sherloch Holmes stories of which criminals and Police scoff at and ridicule at this helhole. You should know that dear Fliss, and you have see that for yourslf.
All there is here about this hellhole is high-tech methods shoehorned into service to battle base level prmitives crimes done by primitives and violent thugs and primitives of all ages, who start out as shitty diper dragginig todders wandering litreally in the stests and progress from there........
But now the drunk and drunken and druggged up with all manner of illegal shit (of all ages) primitives have ipods, and mobile phones, and pices of wood and knives and weapons to atack each other and harm all others, som of it bandied about as 'payment for services', or even supplied by departmentals.......and they get whatever newest models they can get their hands on.......
Meanwhile, the old guy wit the big green sheet metal fence has to rely upon a big stick he wields for protection and bangs it on his gate to try to deter leering crimials from once again from viciously atacking him.
I doubt whether where wil be ANY Police presence as always in this hellhoel area. And it's not trendy enough to make it as photos in any newspaper or online, but the same shit will be going on......and perhaps the Police will deign to suppply one marked vehicel when a single event erupts out of control before it is quickly whisked away and the abo's are all agitated and romaig around for teh rest fo Sunday and into Monday. - That is the standard mode of shittiness about this hellhole area.
If you tryo to talk to any Pliceman, they either demand to know whatever details you knw abut the very specific incident the Police are dealing with at that moment, or they shoves you aside out of their busy way or they ignore you. All this has happened beofre and it will happen again. Just a it all has done so for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS and YEARS...........
The Police and authorities are always rushed for time. And yu know that any information you give them will just vanish and evaporate and never be part of anything worthwhile. That has ben the way of it all for so many MANY MANY MANY years.
Innocent people just give up trying. - Or they remain low and quiet and hope all the shit blows away (it never does it just morphs into other things). - Or as so often is the case here at this hellhole, inocent peoeplare forced to move away, and where they oce live is taken over by the criminals, the ones who made their lives hell, the ones who made life hell for all their children, the elderly, their pets, their meagre posessions their very places where everyone was trying to love quietly. - In this was the crimial ghetto of Kalara Way street has grown....grown just as I forecasted it would long ago......and it now encpompasses several houses in Kalara Way street.
If Fliss took a slow drive along the street with comentary, she would be shocked at how it has all changed,
It has not 'gentrified', it has gone the other way downwards......and don't those ones love the criminal ghetto that they have built..........
When I am gone and dead, just like others before me now......the Bergers, Mrs Howie, Mr Morten, and others I never knew the names of but knew them in sight alone, all who weer friendly and kind and considerate and sharing and my dear Mother knew them all too and everyone was friendly and would rush in to help for teh smallest of thing because this was a social community, where families watched over and took care of others....as is the human way.
The 'ones' here now are of ALL AGES are the opposite and only exist to exploit not ony any an everyone but even their own families and friends and endless relations who blow-in, do crime and shit and violence, get beaten out and away, only to return in drips and drabs and with others totry to ingrain theselves into it all again and bring up the next generations just like them....... - And all THAT'S what's been hapening here for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEAR......
I am dying.
The old guy with the big green tin metal fence is dying.
Others are dying.......
Even others who thougt themselves young and able are now finding themselves older and on the way to dying at this hellhole area......
And thugs have once again been moving in and trying to estabish themselves as kingpins in their own ways.......
The Kongamia Shops are a somehwat of a nexus point as well as a place for witnessing it all, despite them too being victims of it all.
Gone is the friedliness that once existed there between show owners and shops workers and cuctomers........now it's apprehension as if being wtched over lest you might pull a knife out of your jacket or from your pants and perform violence at any moment. There never is anymore time for gentle friendly talking, it's just hurry up and buy what you want and get out, NEXT! even before you've gooe out the front door, a front door which you hold open for the next people entering our of normal courtesy but which they show none at all as youths of both sexes rush in and barge past you with a word.
At 20 minutes past noon (12:20pm), once again from out of that aboriginal criminal houshold in Kalara Ways street, opposite Fatgut's old criminal aborigial household, he has come that red-shirted aboriginal youth (the one who hides up in trees from Police) out on the loud motrocycle again ON THE ROADS and it sounded like he had perched in front of him an aboriginal toddler just out of dispers or still in diapers......and they went onto Koongamia School property with lots of yellling.
It's not raining. But things are wet. The roads are wet. And more rain is forecast for today and over the next several days. Perfect to cover their tracks up.
But Police KNOW who illegally rides all these things illegally.........Police do what they do and have done so for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.......and nothing........
Nothing ever gets better at this hellhole area....nothing.........it only gets worse and goes around in cycles for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.......
Still to come as I forecasted is all this shit being done with cars.......and then watch the authorities all again seem to jump up amazed saying,' Oh we could never have expected all this to happen! This is totally unexpected. We don't know why this is going on but trust us, we have everythig under control......." - And a politician will shove their face into being seeen publicly to be doing 'something' just as long as it's nothing that will bunce back on them at all.....and they can disavow having all knowledge of at a moments notice whilst they wallow in more photo-worthy events like cute animals and such......and the politicians face-lifts keep making them look more younger and younger and 'relevant'.....but it's all just a sham, lies and bullshit.........and the crime and criminals still keeps going on and on and on.....
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you just as you promised us both.
For if not, I should just kill myself right now and stop prolonging this forever hell where only the criminals thrive and multiply JUST as I'v been saying for MANY YEARS........and which has EXACTLY COME TO PASS AS I SAID IT WOULD..........
And as soon a I'm dead.......ony then will it all suddenly seem to change, bulldozers will move in, wipe out all these homes and places, and remodellings and 'youth orienteted' places will be built, and useless mini-parks will be built that caters to the roaming criminals, and the Beellevue railway line will try to push it's way closer to here and migt even get as far as into this place where it was many years agao when my dear mum and I first came into this area looking to have a good new qyuiet life amongst honest people and honsest children, and to enjoy the corner shop being close since we had no car at all and never did until I was old enough to go into debt and get one, whilst others just stole cars and did whatever the hell they wanted and so that was all part of that rise in shit and the population moving in of those kinds....and which terrible depressed and upset my very poor inocent mother buy we struggled and tried to feed ourselves and shared our food whenever we could.
The past is NOT today.
Today is hell.
And hell upon anyone who dares to still live from any of those times.
Hope is just a word bandied around by politicians and those out to exploit and offer false asurances.
Dear Fliss brought hope to me and to us....and we were all set and we prepared to move on and be away from this hellhole and to never think about all this ever again......but then dear Fliss go every ill....not nce....but twice........and I was viciously blamed for all of her woes when that was never ever the case.......Fliss has vanished......is she in Tamworth, New South Wales, with her parents who blame me for all the things that FLiss had long before I ever met dear Fliss and they have kept me out of any and all contact with dear Fliss and lied to dear Fliss I am sure....to convince her of the imagined false memories she has bouncing around in her afflicted mind.....
I love YOU dear Fliss and want to be with YOU. - Only YOU dear Fliss knows everything I always write about is the TRUTH.
And just like you dearest Fliss....nobody believes me about anything......just a what happened with you.......
THAT motrobike is again loudly tearing about all ON the streets close to 1pm and has been for ages. Western Australian and Midland Police and authorities are utterly useless at maintaining any law and order abut this hellhole area just as they haven't been so for DECADES.....they've only caused it to shift from one house to another (ALL AFFILIATED) AND the babies that were rampant everywhere, they became toddlers in diapers and were roaming on the streets in traffic everywhere and which some of that barely made it into local unread newsapers and unseen NEWS stories which resulted in a temorary cessation of it all....but it's NEVER EVER gone away because the SAME ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ALL they never went away and have been allowed to multiply and gather in huge groups in ghetto houses right across the road from each other, right across the road from the Koongamia School, just around the corner from the Koonamia Shops which there is also a liquor store there too.........
If their 'routines' follow their shittyness.......there will/may be yet aother 'incident' soon, either in the strets or at the Koongamia shops area.......maybe a few loud Police vehicels, maybe not....maybe a street incident (AGAIN), or maybe not........and maybe or maybe not on Monday the Police will very very quietly and quickly slink into the streets and try to make sense of it all or to cover it all up as usual,......they might visit the aboriginl criminal houshold in Kalara Way or fatguts place across teh road from there and it all will result in nothing as usual......and bands of aboriginals will roam the streets anew trying to again 'stake their claim' on anyone or anything whilst innocent ptoperty to lve their own lives and not get involved......but they often cannot help being victims......because we are all victims all the time......
I am cursed to be here. I want to be wih dearest Fliss. I am in hell here. Poor dear Sam & Poor dear Max and poor dear Rusty and even the poor dear stupid dog next door who barks at any and everything......and the poor fellow banging and making a fence inside his own yad and has fortfied his other ones also today banging away...........everyone here at this hellhole is a victim of the this hellhole that nobody want to know about or so anything about that has an actual final resolution and brings happiness and joy to lives again, not just opportunities for more crimials to stuff up peoples' lives as they have been doing for so long.........
That poor dear older fellow yesterday walking along with a stout cane on the footpaths and going to the Koongamia shops.....I hope he fares well and gets better.
Whilst over at the brick house with no fence, with that utility canopy perched on its side in the front yard, amongst all the other junk and rubbish......the young woman who had been carrying bags of stuff back from the Koongamia shops and was at teh cenetre of a pile of yelling in the streets as I wrote in this blog, she today was wanderig about randomly leading about the streets a small scraggly bitser pale curley haired 'poodle' dog on a leash whilst she swilled at a thermos bottle she clutched in her other hand............
Recently I tried with hope to enter a charity raffle to win a new house away from here, to have a new place to live with dear Sam & dear Max (and possibly dear Robert)...and it was my wish to also have dear Fliss with me somehow.........
And do you now what happened? -- ANSOLUTELY NOTHING. LESS THAN NOTHNG.
Beceause through no fault of my own I am in hell and hell is where I'm ging to die.
Somebody I was talking to today also suggested for me to be away but I replied I can't. -- I truly can't. - Being terribly injured and in hospital has been the only 'change' in my damned hell recently. And it was fleeting and momentarily and resulted in notig except terrible pain, and terrible anguish, to myself and to poor dear Sam & to dear Max, and which could have also lead to Max's actual death, leaving poor Sam to die alone without him, his brother dog.
I do not want to go on living.
There is nothing but suffering and hell forevermore. NO glimpse or hope of salvation. Not a word or whisper from dearest Fliss the woman I love with all my heart and soul and whom I was going to marry. No pot of gold at the end of a rainbow prize of a new house far away from this hellhole area. That was a damned stupid dream of mine of hope, a dream like all of my hopes and dreams which never come to pass.......all I have is nightmares each and every night.....and criminals roaming the streets making life hell not just for me but for everyone dear and innocent about here, the ones who daily and nightly parade about doing whetever the hell they want even directly in front of Western Australian Police who do nothing at all literally at that moment or afterwards.......
The Police and authorities coe out and th very ones doing all the crime and crimiality flood them and bleat about how bad they are being done by, and so nobody else is allowed to approach anywhere near them because of the swarm, and they constantly watch everyoe and keep tabs on everyone to make sure.
And the Police and authroties do the same shit for the same criminals and get the same results that have ben going on the same way for deacedes......
Or the West Australian Police will send a lone officer with a clipboard around to walk and visit household to try to get 'more information'.....and you give them any and all information and much MORE than they ever thought they would encounter and they carry all that away and.......NOTHING....... -- ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE TOO AT THIS HELLHOLE.
I'm starting to cry and sob....I must not do that. It's not allowed. Only quiet suffering unto my death is allowed.
I saw an innocent neighbour walk back from the Koongammia shops area today with a brown paper wapped bottle of booze in his hands. - He is going to use that to escape in his own way in his own house alone.
But I don't drink.
When I escape it will be total and final and there will be non coming back from and nobody will care except poor Sam & poor Max and the poor lone chicken and perhaps poor Robert though he was try to hide his emotions as always with bluster and anger and violence.
Dear Fliss and I alasy wanted to bring Robert with is, that is the Gods truth, and we DID try, but it failed....and Robert blamed dearest Fliss and dearest Fliss unfairly blamed herself and that lead to another of her breakdowns.....which I got the blame for by others and which dear Fliss never told ANYONE about anything about it and she never talked to me about any of it.....
Dear God.....you know dearest Fliss and I are innocent, as are others, and all we have had is hell itself......with EVERY chance and attempt we ever try to help ourselves or to help others all exploding back into our faces and making us suffer still further.........
I have tried dear God. I REALLY have, not just now but all in my life. To be good and kind to all including dear animals whom I am more than kind to, but all I have had is utter shit for my 'reward' in this damned life. I depairs me to see others who don't give any damn about anyone or anything who get way ahead and they get everything they want and MORE and STILL carry on exactly as they are and have been even when called out upon it by others. I'm NOT talking about being me being selfish.
I have been poor all my life. And struggling. But honest, And forthgiving, And sharing, And loving. -- But ALL THAT MEANS NOTHING and has counted for nothing in this vicious cruel world.
It's POURING DOWN HARD with rain now outside. - I thought that might happen. - And so just earlier I took dear Sam & dear Max outside because they hadn't been outside for many hours. And I cleaned up all their ablutions. And I cleaned it all up and moved it out to the dog business septic pile by the tree so the tree can grow bigger from the stuff which it most certainly has. Dear Fliss and I (OURSELVES!) built that simple pile receptacle there just for that very reason. To be enviromentally responsible and for it to all to be cyclic, the tree gets bigger, gives some shade to this hovel of a house, is a place where wild birds and bees feed upon the gumnuts and rich flowers.........all benefical to everyone and everything. -- But it drops a tremendous amount now of gumnuts all over the place because the starving parrots madly chew up the gumnuts, not the entire gumnut, just enough to get at the seeds within them, then they drop all the remainders onto the ground, the yard, and the stret verge and the road.....which I have to clean up and which mightily gives me pain.......and it all makes the damned tree make even more gumnuts never ending, never stopping from having to be cleaned up, even if its wet and raining.....
And that is how my life is.........I have always done the best I can by others but they don't vare abou it me at all....and just like the birds I love, they just fly off and leave me here to die alone and not give a shit about me.......they WANT ME TO DIE..........
I have been abandoned by dearest Fliss, the one I protected and sacrificed so much for far more than she ever knew, and not even her parents knew.......
Just a year or so before I ever met dear Fliss, ON the very day I had been to to the far-off cemetary on the other side of Perth from here, I returned and found a poor abandoned magpie bird in my driveway rigt at my front gate and it was struggling because it could not survive or fly and had a sore wing and was being harrassed and attacked by other magpies.
I rushed to it and rescued it. And housed it in a litle cage and took that cage into this house so it could be safe and be warm and for it to grow older. I made special food for it, nourishing food a little magpie needs not garbage food, and it slowly grew stronger over many months. And I would sit with it in the warm living room and it was still wild but friendly with me. And it healed and grew older. I would go outside and take it in its cage outside and keep any damned cats away.
And other wild magpies would come down and feed from the grass next to it and give it company and it flopped about in the cage. And I would sit out there with them and give the poor magpie in the cage some of the grass seeds too as wel as teh other magpies. I could hand-feed them all they aere all so calm and tame and knew I was taking care of the poor litle growing magpie in the cage because we would come outside and do this everyday that we could. And would leave the cage out there safely for extended periods and kept a close eye on it all for saefty so it would get accustomed to all the other magpies and they to it.
And then came the day I took it outside, a sunny day, a clear day with no rain, and I made sure no cats were around to attack it. And I released it from the cage once its wing had got better.
Nobody taught me any of this. All this was innate gentle knowledge passed to me from my dear recently deceased mother, as was the love and gentleness to all animals and things and which I even rememeber thinking at the time that it felt strange that on the VERY DAY and just hours ago I had laid my dear mother to rest in the cemetary far away that her soul had momentarily come back to me her to reassure me as that poor dear injured magpie that I came across in my driveway as if Mum was trying to come back to me, for she too was injured in such a way.
Sorry I'm crying now.
For a few days I let the dear magpie out for longer periods out there until one day it felt strong enough and was able enough to take the wing and fly upwards into the heavens and join its fellow magpie who greeted it friendly and with enthusiasm and there might have been the very parents of teh magpie with them all. I do not know.
And for MONTHS afterwards that very magpie would arrive down here and toddle up to be hand fed by me and it would bring other magpies with it buit who were very wary and stayed away at a distance whilst I fed it until it was full and would fly up into the trees with them and or away.
Sorry I'm crying harder now.
Eventually the magpie never arrived back again. I have no idea what had happened. I left the feeds out for it but they were untouched.
I told dear Fliss all of this magpie story but she never quiet believed me I think. But it lead to us feeding all the wild doves arund here for many many years until we could no longer afford the birdseed any more and take care of our own damned forever destructive to us bills.
And daned feral cats, vicious killing cats were on the rise about this helhole. The magpie did NOT get killed by that, please assure yourself of that. Instead it flew off and became as part of all the other wild birds about this area. And for a very short afterwards I also hand-fed kookaburras and almost hand fed doves but they were always too scard to be aproached. - Those doves dear Fliss and I fed for MANY years in safety and they appreciated it all as well as thw water we provided them. - ASK DEAR FLISS ABOUT ALL OF THIS FOR PROOF.
And once again it is ridden by an aboriginal kid who is too small to put his foot down and be on it at the same time and once AGAIN it was turned off but rolled into and has gone into the aboriginal criminal household in Kalara Way street across from fatguts criminal household and once AGAIN walking aborigials are walking up from Koongamia oval and going into there AGAIN.
I have to go now, poor Sam and poor Max want to be fed again soemthig I have roughly made for myself wich is unnoroushing.
And Robert is loudly whispering to himself again........
Dear God please let dear Fliss and I be together just as she promised me and us.
Or dear God, please let me be with my dear gentle mother again forever....the person who Fliss never quiet met, because dear Mum died before FLiss came here, but who Fliss quietly admired my dear Mum too.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you.
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