#this was the casual lunch chatter before we got to the actual agenda
essektheylyss · 1 year
me, in a lunch meeting, surrounded by people with significantly higher titles than myself, unprompted*: Have you heard of this cool show, it's called Black Sails?
*Note: It was somewhat prompted in that someone remarked that Succession is wild how they get you to sympathize with certain characters even as they do horrific things and I went, "This is my moment."
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smolbeandrabbles · 6 years
Sway Pt.3 - Danny Rayburn x Reader (Bloodline)
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Here / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Author’s Note: This is more...  set up... than anything. This was only meant to be the start of Part 3, then I had to split Part 3 into Part 3 & 4... So they’re meant to be read together... Really. Uh, The car picture is literally cuz I needed another picture, having said that your car does get an unprecedented amount of attention in this chapter. ALSO, did anyone else realize that I’ve written 2 parts to this supposed romance, but haven’t written a kiss yet!?! Let’s change that!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but “You” (Well, not you!) and my OCs. I know nothing about restaurants. Jason can now do a bit of everything because I said so. Whilst your age is never really stated I have ‘you’ at late 20s/early 30s in my head... Probably as many years between you and Danny as there is between you and Nolan (?) You’ll notice sometimes the restaurant is closed at odd times... I think Danny would sometimes choose to have half days, or days when it was open in the evening only, etc...
Premise: You get a surprise introduction to Nolan Rayburn... Danny takes you for a lunch date... I finally write an actual kiss scene! That’s it, that’s the part
Word Count: 6613 
Warnings: None? The usual Rayburn family drama... Casual swearing? Sex is mentioned fleetingly?
Someday we're gonna blink twice Say it happens like that How much money we saved up For the time that we gave up Well, it'll all just be math
I know I'm only human Don't know how many sunsets I got left And I don't wanna ruin This moment by wondering what comes next I just want to love you Like it's all I'm living for Hold you close, enjoy you more And spend a little less time keeping score
So can I dance with you And take a chance with you Maybe start a running through the rain romance with you Baby, catch our own little winning streak, you and me
Wednesday, 12:30pm - Viva Caputa, Miami
Javier whistled as the sleek silver Porsche rolled into the Viva Caputa parking lot; "Oy! Danny!! We’ve got company. And by company I mean biggggg spending company…!" Javi could hear Danny laugh from the kitchen "What!?" "I mean someone just pulled up in a Porsche 911…!" Javier continued cleaning glasses, lunch today wasn't slow it was just everyone in his section seemed content. The front door opened and he looked up.  She was in a casual blue and white shirt with short, but not a shade off modest, shorts. Her sandals had a small wedge heel and the bag slung over her shoulder was designer. “Amorcita!” Though true Javier had only seen her once, he felt like he knew enough about her from Danny’s constant chatter to address her so informally. It was rare Danny's love affair ever looked anything less than immaculate and even casual today was no exception. She smiled at him and leant across the counter “Hi... Is Danny in?” He whistled. “Did you just ask for Danny!? You're lucky lunch time isn't that busy today... Lemmie check!” he turned “Hey! Danny! It's been a hot-hot minute but I guess you were right! She is asking for you!” This was clearly a conversation you had missed as Danny poked his head curiously out of the kitchen window; “Y/N...! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... Just give me two seconds...” You sat down at the bar “Am I missing something?” “No... But I am. Are you seeing each other now!?” Javier looked from the bar to the kitchen, eyebrow raised You tilted your head with a mysterious little smile “And what if we are?” “Well DAMN!” Javier put his hands on his hips “Like a serious thing? Not like a Danny thing?” “No... Like... A serious thing.” Not that you knew what a ‘Danny Thing’ was… “I thought so... The second he came in that Saturday talking about you I knew it was either going to never happen or be a serious thing. It was the WAY he talked. I've never seen Danny like that about anyone... It was nice to see...” That at least made you proud of yourself. “I’m Javier. I think you knew that… You’re clearly Y/N… It’s good to meet you… again.” You returned his greeting as he looked expectantly out of the door, and then craned around the bar you were sitting at with a huff; “What’s up?” “So, this Porsche 911 pulls up in our lot, I just want to see who's spending all the money here today. At least that’s what we’ll be hoping for.” “Oh!” You laughed “Well, you’re talking to her.” He stared at you for a good ten seconds before blinking fast; “Sorry!? What!?” He shook his head “How!?” You sighed, “Because… My last name is Ervin? I guess?” “Ervin!? Ervin! – Only a name you see on nearly every street in Miami. With the way you speak Spanish!?” “Well, it’s my dad’s mom who is Argentine. His dad is American.” “…His name is Jack.” Javier was clearly brushed up on the lofty heights of the Prime Movers in Miami real estate. “No… To blend in with his Miami high rise living his name is Jack, Jack is an adaption of John which in Spanish is Juan.” You smiled “His birth name. My mom is half-American half-Puerto-Rican. Maria Velez. Very Hispanic.” “…How come the Harrison part?” It was Danny that voiced the question, joining Javier behind the bar. “J. Harrison? He’s one of my dad’s best friends and essentially helped him build the business – his first investor. He’s responsible for the property development part. We were just going to be real estate.” “...So... not really by himself.” Danny folded his arms and his smile proved his point. “Okay, Smart-ass. But Jorge was never actually a part of the business. My dad put his name in in honour of him. So. Actually. By himself!” “EY! Like Danny and this place!” Javi jogged his friends’ shoulder “Yeah, hardly of calibre Javi, but a guy can dream!” Danny turned to you “Shouldn’t you be at work?” “I was accounting and auditing for my dad this morning. I’m heading to work after this I just wanted to stop by and say Hi. I haven’t seen you since… Last Monday.” “Hah. You’re lucky I got back alive from the Keys after that!” You leant on your elbows and smirked; “So I’m causing you trouble now?” “Well. Darlin’.” He too leant across the bar “You’re the kinda trouble I could get into.” You had a sneaking suspicion those were song lyrics. In which Javier almost burst out laughing; “God! Will you two get a room!” **
Saturday, 9pm  - Your Apartment, Uptown Miami
Thinking back to the previous Monday night almost had you in stitches. And as you recounted the scene to Amanda and Evelyn one night over glasses of wine at your apartment it all came flooding back. Amanda still lamenting, but secretly proud, that you were now indeed confirmed to be dating Danny Rayburn and Evelyn finding it hilarious that you had broken your one golden rule, but she did add ‘on a good choice.’ It had been eventful, politely so but you knew the undertones of that politeness were far from nice. Every question fielded to you and Danny were accusations, harsh, like you should both feel guilty about what you had. Even though, your parents were always quick to jump in to field them right back, you were thankful for their 12 years of experience.
John was the nicest, he wanted to know more about you, considering he’d heard a lot. It was strange, almost like he was the oldest instead of Danny, you got the feeling he was really testing if you fit well for his brother. By his tone of voice, you assumed he’d concluded you’d passed the test. His family were also the best thing about the evening. His two kids, Ben and Janey, literally wanted to know everything. But every line of questioning from them was innocent, everyone else on that table had an agenda. By no means were you treated as harshly as Danny was; which is why you started answering for him. You got the feeling they were niggling at him to make some kind of mistake. Or, for him to say something you might not like, but no one was perfect. It irked you that they would treat him like this.
When you weren’t the centre of attention and you could really focus on him, it was like the noise was completely drowned out. You were half paying attention to the conversation and followed all the cues, laughing in the right places and saying all the right filler words... But you were looking at each other more than at who was speaking. You watched his reaction to everything that was said. He could tell you a lot of things he didn’t like about his family, but his body language would have said it all for you. He was always studying you, you knew that. You weren’t sure why, you looked like you came from the same place - you guessed you just didn’t end up in the same place. There was an unspoken reason why... You would leave it to Danny to choose when would be the most appropriate time for that. At more than one point he caught your legs between his, pulling your feet to rest up on his knees he ran his fingers nonchalantly across your skin; it relaxed you, and it felt good to have that physical contact with him again.
He’d answered a bunch of your parents questions the night before, and he’d seemed to have a genuinely good time. Heck, he’d even dressed up for the occasion and brought your mom flowers and your dad a good bottle of wine from the house. It was enough. You’d all been sat there talking way into the night and you couldn’t help but think your parents might actually adore him. They told him a lot of stories about you that got almost too personal, sending you into more fits of embarrassment that had you covering your face and him laughing and taking your hands again.
Tonight, Danny was asking questions of your parents. They were good, well thought out questions you felt he’d likely been preparing nearly all day. But none of them were anything less than respectful and your parents enjoyed answering them. Keen to turn all of Danny’s talking points into conversation - and successfully - you knew then that they indeed adored him. Danny didn’t come from nothing but he had built from nothing, as they had. Your father had admiration for that and had already began to make plans concerning frequenting the restaurant. Clients of your father’s there? Danny could be no more grateful. When dinner was over and the three of you were leaving, Danny caught you by the door again, this time with a real goodnight kiss. “I’ll likely be heading off earlier than you tomorrow. So have a safe trip back.” “Yeah, and you!” You embraced him tight to you, trying to get the feeling of last night one more time. “I’ll call you, when I get back and we’ll go out...” He pondered, “doesn’t have to be a restaurant... maybe I’ll take you a little out of Miami one weekend...” “A weekend getaway? I could go for that...” “Believe you me, me too. And my staff will be more than grateful for another weekend without me!” He grinned “It’ll be good for all of us.” “Okay! I look forward to your call.” “Aw, well. I look forward to making it...” *** It wasn’t more than a few weeks later that you were sitting at home, legs swinging from a bar stool, studying some work documents on your laptop -  with Danny. He had a day off, and had finally made the trip across town (in his own car no less!) to your apartment. You could only remember him being here once before. And you remembered bringing him up here. The way he had eyed everything with more than just a little hesitation. How he’d stood by your front door for at least 5 minutes taking everything in. You understood that, you were finally introducing him to your world. Corporate city girl in her uptown Miami high-rise apartment, college degree, good job and parent’s money. Although, you yourself tried to make a good honest living on your own back, and not through your parents… It wasn’t always easy; your friends were nearly all from this fantasy land because those were the circles your family moved in. Which is why you liked places like Little Havana, and why you loved being with Danny… and his friends… who brought you back down to Earth. But you already understood that he had many years on you and all that experience… and yet his apartment was barely a third of the size of yours.
He was sat across from you drawing up some other plans for his restaurant. You’d heard him mention expanding before, but you weren’t sure how serious he was. Suddenly something in one of your work documents made you look at him; “Danny.” “Yes…” His eyes met yours, clearly grateful for conversation. “Are you Danny or Daniel?” His look said Danny… Obviously, so you clarified. “No, I mean. On your birth certificate. Were you born Danny or Daniel?” “…Daniel…” The suspicion in his voice let you know he wondered where this was going. “Daniel Rayburn… That still suits you…” “No it doesn’t.” He was dismissive. “I LIKE Daniel.” He narrowed his eyes at you, “I love Danny too! I just don’t know what is wrong with it.” He pondered this for a minute “No one has never really called me Daniel before, not even when I was in trouble… It’s strange to me…” “Daniel. It’s nice.” You tried it out again. His expression changed and you knew he was trying desperately hard not to smile; “…Well… I like the way you say it…” You looked back to your laptop with a giggle “Alright. Smooth talker… Daniel what? Daniel… Rayburn… What is your middle name?” He hesitated and his face fell… He bit his lips together and you knew that he wasn’t going to be forthcoming with the information. You guessed that could mean one thing; he was the eldest son. If his family was as super traditional as you guessed they were, then that would mean his middle name was his father’s name. And from what you knew about his relationship with his father, he would rather forget it. “What’s your middle name?” His question threw you off, but you still told him no hesitation. “… Y/N… M/N… Ervin.” He nodded, but it wasn’t in satisfaction – he was asking just because you had, you supposed. “…It’s your dad’s name. Isn’t it?” Part of you didn’t mean to say it out loud, but you had. “Daniel Robert Rayburn.” He sounded bitter as he looked to the table. You took a breath, determined to get that smile you loved so much back; “So…. Danny.” He looked back to you, to that look in your eyes that said the conversation was over. Period. “Yeah. So, Danny... but who knows...” and he smiled that beyond adorable crooked smile he had “...Maybe I’ll let Daniel stick.”
Friday, 3pm - Viva Caputa, Miami “So what do you think?” Danny had his hand poised over the piece of paper, permanent marker held purposefully in his left hand. “You need to stop asking me about your restaurant.” “I just… the menu needs sprucing up and YOU’RE the business woman!” “You’re the chef!” “Yeah so…!” He waved his hand at the dishes he’d just made you try “…Make some executive decisions, I’ve DONE my work!” “Well, shouldn’t it be based on what you like…!” He sighed and put his head in his hands “Yeah, I like it all. That’s why I made it. You’re the customer, which ones.” “All is off the table then?” “Y/N! I asked you because I expect you to be able to tell me which ones are best, you can certainly tell me when you don’t like it!” “Well, I like all of these.” “If you HAD to!” “I’m not even sure I’m your optimal audience.” You weren’t sure if you liked the next look he gave you or not, he took a sharp inhale of breath; “I don’t know. Young professional, 30-something, brunch-time, female. Good group of friends. Good family life. GREAT social life.” He pointed his pen at you “BETTER sex life.” “My god.” You almost turned away from him at that. “Actually has a decent set of taste buds – will you just CHOSE!” “Are all these young professionals also in a relationship?” “…Oh…” he folded his arms and leant back against the kitchen counter “Is that what this is!?” he raised an eyebrow expectantly. “Don’t you DARE Daniel Rayburn!” “Oh god! Now I’m in trouble!” He sent his eyes heavenwards “Daniel… Honestly…” “Damn right you’re in trouble…” You smiled and turned back to the set of meticulously thought out dishes in front of you… He knew you weren’t good at deciding, so you weren’t even sure why he wanted you to do this. You were also big on sweet things… and Danny wasn’t really that kind of cook. “…Okay… Let me think about this from a menu planning stand point…” “Finally she’s talking my language…” “What are we taking off?” “Anything similar or isn’t selling well.” “What in this establishment doesn’t sell well!?” “Oh there’s a few things I can cut in favour of these.” “What if these don’t sell well.” “Guess I’ll have to fire my consultant.” He smiled across at you. You stared at each of them hard in turn and Danny tapped the pen against the paper again in anticipation. “Okay. These.” You pointed four out and then looked to him to see if he agreed with your decision. His smile was teasing and he still hadn’t put pen to paper yet; “Are you sure?” “DANNY!” “I mean are you reaaaaally sure?” “STOP IT!” He laughed, and began writing; “Geez, when this restaurant goes under I’m going to look right back to this moment…” You smacked his arm as he continued laughing and began writing out menu descriptions “…Fancy my consultant killing my business…” “Girlfriend.” You pouted; “Well.” He lent across the counter and leant on his hands “I’m starting to think she’s a little more than that…” “Danny…” You could felt yourself heat up again as he stared at you, and that crooked little smirk happened across his face “Don’t worry Y/N I’m not about to get down on one knee or anything!” That only made your cheeks flush more. He shook his head and closed the gap between the two of you with a sweet kiss; “Dammit you look so good when you get all flustered.” “Well you can only thank yourself!” Your eyes were still wide at the thought of Danny EVER proposing to anyone, let alone you. “I do on multiple occasions, you just don’t always hear it.” He winked, looking proud of himself, before he kissed you gently again. And then you both heard the restaurant door open – which you thought was odd because no one was due in until Danny started up for dinner tonight.
 “DAD!” “SHIT.” Danny pulled away from you suddenly and a look crossed his face you didn’t quite understand; “Shit. I forgot. Shit. God…” He started towards the doors quickly, then at the last second he turned back “Stay here!” This all happened very fast and left you blinking and trying to get a grip on what was going on… DAD!? You waited a few seconds, before curiosity got the better of you and you’d deal with Danny’s potential anger later. Hopping off the stool you padded over to the kitchen window – the door was of course just out of sight – which is where they were both talking; “…So I figured you’d be here…” “Yeah, I… I’m sorry I forgot. It won’t happen again.” “Yeah, I’m sure mom would love that.” “You didn’t TELL her?!” “No. I came straight here… I tried calling though.” “Dammit. My phone’s in my locker.” “You don’t open for hours. What are you doing here?” “Putting together new menu pieces… actually.” “Why? What’s wrong with the menu?” You looked to the kitchen door… deeply curious. That was not the voice of some little kid either. You walked over to the kitchen door and pushed it open gently. Maybe you could be inconspicuous about this… You nearly rounded the corner to the main restaurant when you realised Danny was facing away from you. Stopping just short, you poked your head around the corner. He was a lot older than just a kid, possibly a high school teenager. Black hair, piercings, jewellery, black jeans and over-shirt over shirt (Well. He probably got that from his father.) – Danny had a son? Why had Danny never told you this?! Was it an age gap thing?! You got caught up in your own worries just watching this kids’ interactions with Danny. “…You’ve got keys to the apartment; just go back I’ll finish up here and come back. If you’ve got home work...” “Well, I could just wait in the car… It’s a bit of a trek, Dad.” “…Yeah okay… Sure… I’ll have to get my car keys… It’ll take me about 10-20 max. I’m sorry, I should have been there… I really should have…” “It’s okay… It happens, I knew you’d probably be here when you didn’t answer the phone and…” The teen trailed off as he realised you were standing there… His eyes went wide and his mouth made the OH! that didn’t actually come out. Danny turned to see what he was looking at and for once, for once in his life he actually looked scared – it was a flicker and it came and it went but he looked scared – then stoic, then his kid started up; “Oh-! Oh-! I uh-! I- I can leave--!” “NO! NO!” Danny was on it, quick as a shot “NO! Nolan! You’re not going anywhere! It’s okay! It’s not--! I just--! Give me a second here to explain! I just---!” he put his hands on Nolan’s shoulders “Just, please, just wait a second…!” He turned back to you, now looking between them. You were making a lot of guesses about what young Danny would have looked like based on this teen. No doubt he was Danny’s son. He looked back to Nolan “Just. Wait here. Please.” “O-Okay…” Danny kept his hands on him for a few more seconds and once he was assured Nolan wasn’t going anywhere, he crossed back to you – grabbing your arm he pulled you back around the corner forcefully; “WHAT DID I JUST SAY!” No doubt he was angry, because he’s SCARED! you realised, he wasn’t shouting at you either “You told me to stay where I was.” You pointed behind you “That’s hardly the point Danny! Why didn’t you TELL me!” “Because you’re going to do EXACTLY what everyone else does!” “…” you dropped your accusational stance and almost took a step back “…Oh…my…You think I’m going to LEAVE!?” You kept your voice to the same whispering level he was at. “… Well, yeah, at this point I kinda expect it.” “Well then none of those girls was any good for you!” Upon realising you had actually taken a step back you took one forward again and took his face in your hands “Danny I DON’T care!” “You’re saying that NOW.” “No. I’m gonna mean it, I’m not saying it’s not going to take time…” You leant so you could just about see around the corner… Danny followed your lean. Nolan had seated himself nervously at one of the tables, tapping his foot and biting his lips together. See, he even had his father’s nervous habits. “…What happened?” “Y/N…That is a long story I don’t want to drag you into.” “Tough. I’m in it… His name is Nolan?” “Yes.” “Well, I’ll say this is a bit of a shock for both of us…” “Probably.” You flicked your eyes back to him; “And you’re scared we’re both about to walk out that front door.” “That’s my life.” You hated the way he said it; guilt flooded his voice & his eyes like every bad thing that had ever happened to him was his fault. “…I mean I knew you had something… All those moving boxes in your apartment told a story… I’m just not sure this is what I expected.” You pushed your head gently against Danny’s chest and wound your arms around him; as if to prove you weren’t going anywhere “…We can talk about this later… But…Danny…” You waited for him to wind his arms around you too, still watching his kid; before turning back to you at the sound of his name. You leant up, and brushed your lips against his; “…That’s going to stop being your life. Right now.” You untangled yourself from him and walked back out into the restaurant with purpose; “Y/N!!! Wait--!” He placed his hands over his face; he couldn’t watch! Oh God! What had he done!? You approached the table with confidence and a smile. Although, by the time he looked up you were pretty much at it; “Hi...! Nolan, right?” He looked at you with shifty eyes, never quite actually looking at you... “Yeah...” It was a start. “I'm Y/N... It’s nice to meet you!” You held out your hand, whether he decided to take it was up to him but you were determined to make all the right moves. He was a teenager, and like you, he'd clearly just met someone he didn't know about nor was intended to be met (at least for the time being). He took it, but he still wasn’t looking at you. “Do you mind if I..?” though, you weren't sure what you were going to do if he said No. He nodded, so you took a seat opposite him. Things were quiet for a minute, to his left was a pile of school text books, which piqued your interest. But you would leave that for a moment. You folded your hands in front of you “I'm sure this is about as strange for you as it is for me...” You gave a shrug, “Maybe it’s better to be thrown into it. Though…” You gave a warm smile; “Ah. The days of high school.” He squinted at you like he wasn’t sure of your game plan. “I can’t wait to leave.” “Trust me, we all say that until we do…!” God knows you’d wanted to leave school, only to give anything to be back once real work started… You looked back to his books; “Music? Aha! You inherited the creative gene! That’s good!” He still seemed confused by your voice, because you sounded genuinely interested in him. “…Yeah – My mom is a singer… so…” “Really!?” “Yeah, she has an album…” Danny…! Danny!! “That’s really cool!” You didn’t care if he appreciated your enthusiasm or not, but nothing about it was fake. You wanted to know as much about Danny’s son as you could… and that was really cool. “Do you play? Does she…?” “She does… I don’t, yet… Guess I could learn.” Then he tilted his head “Do you?” You laughed; “I was not really blessed with too much creativity. I mean I tried, back in high school… I have more of a… business logic!” “Oh?” He made the same face Danny made when his brain started piecing the picture together. But that tone let you know you weren’t what he expected. Maybe that was your age… or the way you looked? Kevin had already made comment enough to make you think Danny was into younger women… Maybe he was also into a certain type of woman? Didn’t you exactly fit the bill? “Yeah. Consultancy…” You gave a shrug like you were talking about boring adult stuff and leant into the conversation “Do you cook too?” “Oh. No, we don’t learn that.” “Guess you don’t need school to teach you!” He looked a little unconvinced of that… So, you nodded back to his books; “Spanish though… Are you forced to take that or did you choose to?” His eyes widened. Ah-ha! Wasn’t expecting the language change up. “OK – I didn’t understand half of what you just said but you’re-!” “Quarter Argentinian, Quarter Puerto Rican. Yeah! Interesting Mix!” You smiled “You’ll understand in no time!” “Showing off, are we?” “He’s taking Spanish. I figure I’d make myself useful..!” You winked, welcoming Danny to the conversation. Nolan looked across to his dad; “So, are you dating-dating?” Danny nodded “Yeah…” “And where did you meet her?” “Uh… on a dancefloor… In Little Havana.” The teen rolled his eyes like that was typical, then looked to you; “Well I’m sorry.” You tilted your head as a question; why? He grinned, then laughed “That you’re dating my dad!” That made you burst into laughter too, and Danny just sighed; “OH yeah. You two will get on just fine!” ***
 Tuesday, 1:30pm - Downtown Miami
Three days after you’d been introduced to Nolan you got a single word email. “Lunch?” You raised an eyebrow. Couldn’t he have text you that? After you told him that’d be nice he gave you a time and place and you drove down to the little cafe. “A lunch date Mr.Rayburn? I’m honoured.” “And not in my restaurant!” He was leaning with one arm over the back of his chair “Are you impressed?” It was a bright sunny day, and he had seated you outside. “Surprised!” You smiled, pulling out a chair you sat opposite him. You received an up and down look to your figure-hugging pencil skirt, high heels and shirt; “Stripes?! Again? You do know other patterns exist in this world Y/N?” He tapped out his cigarette “... not that you don’t look great! Of course you do!” “Are you calling me out?” “Why? Is that your wardrobe?” “Yeah Alright Mr.Button-Up-Shirt-Over-Shirt. You don’t see me complaining.” Well, that is what he was wearing. He laughed “Ha… Yeah… Well that’s… Ok.” He smiled “Never say anything about a girls fashion sense… huh?” You winked “Something like that.”
Placing your bag over the back of your chair you flicked through the menu “The email was a nice touch… Very 1999. Couldn’t you have just text me?” He rolled his eyes at your jab, but was confident he was about to get another; “Aw. Naw. I don’t text. It’d take me 45 minutes!” He waved the flip phone in your face, making you laugh “Yeah. I still can’t believe I’m calling something from the middle ages! Get on the level Danny!” You indicated to your smartphone. “Well we aren’t all wealthy heiresses driving Porches!” “Please!” You folded your arms “I hope my parents leave me with nothing! They deserve to spend it all! …And your family isn’t exactly broke.” He snorted “HA! As if I’m seeing a penny of that…!” He leant around the table to study your outfit again, taking the opportunity of the waiter taking your order to change the subject “…Anyway… What is it that you do to get dressed up like that?” You leant on your hand and smiled, “Manage a team. It’s consultancy… Mostly financial, not always. My dad asks me to do a bunch of his financials, for example. Sometimes it’s just advice.” “Oh. Business consultancy, I see.” You could see the small smug smirk at how he’d called you his consultant back at his restaurant and you actually were one. “Yeah. And I got this without help, CV and interview like everyone else… Could have worked for my dad. Decided against it.” “Sure the name didn’t hurt.” “Maybe. But the point is – I still got it the old fashioned way…” “Didn’t fancy going more science based? Like your mom?” “No. Too much of a business head apparently. And creativity. No kind of logical sense… And I panic too much! I’d be no good at that.” “Does she work at Mercy?” “Occasionally now. She used to. No, she’s at a drug rehabilitation clinic. And she’s GOOD at her job. You should hear some of those stories.” You figured they’d rival Danny’s “…From time to time she helps my dad when it gets real busy…” You gave a shrug, that was your family “…So, anyway, why invite me for lunch!?” “I just wanted to apologise.” “For what? You’re buying me lunch to apologise?” “For Nolan.” Then he re-clarified “Well not FOR Nolan... for not telling you about Nolan.” “Don’t worry. I get it. I’m glad I met him, he’s a nice kid.” You were quick to wave off his apology. “You think?” “Yeah.” His question was pointless, you knew Danny knew that. The three of you had spent hours talking before the restaurant opened, and then when Danny had to start work you stayed to talk to Nolan, including starting some basic Spanish tutelage. You thought maybe he might like you a little too… But he was a teen, so goodness knows what was going on in his head really. “How often do you see him?” “Uh... well... when I can.” “You don’t have an arrangement?” “I’m not very good at that. The only reason he turned up Friday is cuz I forgot about picking him up, see? I’ve had pretty bad arguments with his mom... like not speaking for two years arguments ... there’s no arrangement, I’d screw it up.” “Well. If ever you decide otherwise. I think it’d be pretty cool to see him again and hang out.” He laughed at your enthusiasm, but marvelled at your insistence, you genuinely wanted to get to know his kid...Hell, not even his family really knew Nolan existed... If only he could guarantee they’d all react like you. He already knew how his parents felt, and that was enough for him not to try. With you though, he would – and he had a feeling from what Nolan had already told him, that his son was more than willing to try with you too.
*** You had a spare few minutes between clients and would be passing near enough past Viva Caputa as it was, so you decided to pay Danny a quick visit. Since you’d been taking clientele there – you trusted Danny and his team with your literal livelihood – and your parents had also swung by a couple of times, you’d got to know the team pretty well. Javier always insisted on dragging you into his section, when Nolan wasn’t working… Because occasionally Nolan would pop up at the restaurant, and you took this opportunity to get to know him better. Jason was like Danny’s right hand man in the kitchen and when Danny was with you, Jason kept everything running straight. He was vastly upgraded from being the pâtissier he was supposed to be, but flat out refused to be called the sous chef. Often accompanied by the phrase C’mon Dan! I’m not good enough to be your right-hand man and you know it! When you pulled up today, Jason and Danny were in the lot already on smoke break. You rolled your eyes – that could have been a good thing, however, as that meant you wouldn’t have to go inside because Javi would keep you talking for hours… “Hey Darlin’! Lunch on us again!” Jason joked, stepping forward to hug you; “G’damn would you look at this?! How much did that set you back!?” He studied your car “No. I’m between clients; this is a whistle stop visit. But when I’m drivin’ by there is no way I CAN’T pull up to see you guys... And more than I’m willing to admit! It’s just so I can pull up at clients and look like I make that much…” He raised an eyebrow like he wasn’t believing your explanation for either thing; “Yeah yeah... I know what you’re really here for!” He grinned and turned back to Danny, who was leaning against the wall watching you “…I mean I don’t begrudge you that. But I saw him first!” “Oh! Is THAT how it is!?” You smacked the top of Jason’s arm playfully “What? Do I have to fight you for him now?” “Oh! No! Only for his affection!” Jason winked “I mean, you can have him to be honest, I’m not sure I could stand much more than I already get!” He said it loud enough for Danny to chuckle; “Alright asshole! Back in the kitchen!” “Awww! Danny!!! C’mon!” Danny indicated to his cigarette “You’re done. Back in! Before it becomes chaos!” Jason took one last drag before laughing and stubbing it out, turning back to you “Or I’ll trade Danny for your car…” he squinted at the vanity plate “Ervin 911? Were the other 910 taken!?” He snickered to himself, making you roll your eyes. He knew it was a 911, so the joke was pointless; “Well my dad has every version going. Ervin 1, Ervin II – Roman Numerals – and even E-R-V-1-N… Think I should have joined a police academy really…” He laughed at your joke this time, “Alright! Good one…!” then looked back over his shoulder at Danny, who was looking a little impatient, tapping his foot against the wall; “…It’s good to see you, if only for a fleeting moment! Don’t be a stranger!” “Never!” You hugged him back, “Say Hi to Javier! But not right away or I’ll never get to my next meeting on time.” “Or you’ll just NEVER get there… Danny would be ok with you sticking around though. Distracting his staff!” You faked shock; “I do not!” “Yeah, we get told off for it too!” “Jason!” He pointed back at Danny’s call as if to prove his point, then walked back towards the doors, adding before he headed inside; “…Danny, the kitchen IS always Chaos!” “…Organised Chaos!” Danny called after him and you heard Jason’s laugh “Is that what you call it!” He stepped away from the wall, cigarette in hand “You couldn’t have timed this any better! Do you really only have five minutes?” You checked your watch “Could stretch it to 8…? I guess… I’m not too far away. But I do like to be prompt!” He gave a small shrug and put the cigarette to his lips “Can’t say I don’t try to make you stay. No, it’s good of you to come see us!” “I love seeing you guys. They are GREAT guys.” “I got very lucky with all of them… Absolutely…” He looked to the ground for a minute, thoughtful “I mean… I got lucky with you too…” “Danny…” “No honestly…!” He stopped you, “You have no idea.” You folded your arms and bit your lip, almost bashful. That just made him smile. “You’re doing it again… You keep hiding yourself from me. I don’t know why… We’re not in the Keys anymore.” You let yourself smile but looked to the floor, twisting your fingers together as you unlocked your arms; “The Key’s was YOU.” “Baby girl…” He made your shiver as he said it, “The Keys was my family. I’d much rather be up here with you and you know it. Besides, if your parents were makin’ the case… I think I’m pretty good.” “Good? My parents LOVE you. I’ve never seen them like this over a guy before…” He laughed “Never thought I’d hear that from anyone… let alone the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Miami.” You hushed him, whether it was true or not your father never acted that way. He refused to. He might have had a plethora of vehicles… buildings he owned… investments he’d made in a million different kinds of things… But your parents lived in a humble house in a good neighbourhood. And you had always asked them NOT to give you money. Because you wanted people like Danny in your life, and if you had been any different, you dreaded to think what you would be missing out on. “…My background doesn’t matter. ALL I want is you… And I don’t want anything else to matter but that.”   He dropped his cigarette and put it out with one swift movement of his foot. You had to go, he knew that. But you still stood for a few moments more in silence. So he became decisive and grabbed your hand, pulling you into him he placed his lips on yours and wound his arms around you. He tasted like smoke and cooking spices. You took a breath, he smelt like cooking, like home, and a billion memories of both your childhood with your mom and your time spent with him; each one of them good… But the undertone of that was his cologne - Danny didn’t bother with that often, he wasn’t that kind of man – left over on his skin probably from your last date night. Everything about him when he kissed you screamed summer night; as the sunset and the day just started to cool off. You could see it in your head vividly, because that was the exact scenario you wanted to be in with him every moment he had his lips on yours. He left you slowly, letting the kiss linger, his intense eyes burned into yours “…Ace that meeting.” He left you breathless. Every. Single. Time. Your voice mimicked that of the first time you’d called him soft and almost timid and that was all him; “…I will now…”
@stcphstrange - Just gonna tag you in all of these now 😊😉
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