#this was the coolest thing to read and i'm in awe of your writing ability in capturing this
septembersghost · 2 years
I love your response about hsh lyrics. I feel like Harry’s songwriting in hsh are disregarded as lyrically and thematicically inferior to his earlier albums or other works from his contemporaries. Albums like TS midnights and HS/fine line are regarded as lyrically superior, with comparisons favouring narrative style lyrics with poetic phrasing and explicit references that listeners can easily infer meaning from. This is of course a deeply engaging mode of storytelling which TS executes exquisitely on all of her albums and which harry has beautifully employed throughout old 1D albums and in HS and fine line. But I think it’s completely unfair to compare midnights or HS or fine line to hsh, considering the albums’ respective styles of songwriting are so contrary.
Hsh is really distinct in its evocative energy and it’s lyrics aren’t painting a narrative which you can visualise and directly empathise with, nor are they waxing poetic that you can directly relate to. Instead, it’s this different brand of lyriciscm embedded in playful and nostalgic imagery. Seemingly against your will, you’re sitting on cool granite countertops and swinging your legs against the kitchen cupboards of ‘little freak’, or you’re feeling the sun on your face in the garden courtyard of ‘grapejuice’, or you’re sitting in a cafe booth with the smell of freshly brewed coffee keeping you awake in ‘keep driving’. Olfactory imagery, instrospective musings and shamelessly debauche flirtations make this album one that, on first listen, appears lyrically unsophiscated. On subsequent listens, the mastery of this album unfolds - the rough edges can be seen as an artistic choice, to portray life as we experience it (unfiltered). And that’s what makes it so universally appealing.
thank you, i'm so glad you do! 💖
this is such an articulate message and you expressed this beautifully, i'm just reading it and nodding along.
it's curious, i have seen midnights criticized/called a "regression," because it isn't folklore/evermore, and aside from the fact that there is plenty of quill pen lyricism on the record (ex: i searched aurora borealis green/i've never seen someone lit from within/blurring out my periphery), the intent of midnights is entirely different. she was forthright about that - returning to pop sensibilities, returning to intensely diaristic and explicitly personal storytelling. i agree with your assessments. i love the quill/fountain/glitter gel pen categories as a reference to categorize songwriting, because each form is unique and has its own strength and value. this is equally true of harry's approaches. I think it’s completely unfair to compare midnights or HS or fine line to hsh, considering the albums’ respective styles of songwriting are so contrary. same.
or to use another metaphor, i compared them to painters before, and on hs3 he's working with watercolors. it's meant to evoke sensations, bring forth sensory imagery and tie the emotions to those memories rather than the emotion itself being quite so visceral.
Seemingly against your will, you’re sitting on cool granite countertops and swinging your legs against the kitchen cupboards of ‘little freak’, or you’re feeling the sun on your face in the garden courtyard of ‘grapejuice’, or you’re sitting in a cafe booth with the smell of freshly brewed coffee keeping you awake in ‘keep driving’. Olfactory imagery, instrospective musings and shamelessly debauche flirtations make this album one that, on first listen, appears lyrically unsophiscated. On subsequent listens, the mastery of this album unfolds - the rough edges can be seen as an artistic choice, to portray life as we experience it (unfiltered). <- you GET it, and you are a wonderful writer. i'm not kidding, this is a GORGEOUS explanation and review of the album and deserves to be published somewhere. it's such a potent experience when it clicks, and consoling and lonely and jubilant too.
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macawritesupdates · 4 months
Aww, modern a/b/o fic is so good. Yuuji's kind heart is lovely to read about. I want to know who hurt Sukuna, and am I allowed to attempt murder on his behalf? I'll fight, I won't win, but I'll fight damn it. Pack dynamics when written well are a favorite or mine I remember when I first read a/b/o and getting super disappointed by the way most authors wrote an animalistic society with complex non verbal communication and scent markings without actually doing anything at all with the concept. I like the trope best when people explore the deeper world building aspects instead of just going for the sex. The sex is fun to read, of course, but come on, there's so much more to explore here. For long fics at least, one shots don't have to go in depth. I just feel like a lot of the coolest concepts get shoved aside and ignored, so it's really nice to read your work and get some fun world building and a look into social dynamics and the like. It's interesting to see Sukuna trying to hide his dynamic a bit like someone has tried to make him ashamed. looks to me like someone has treated him awfully and he's internalized some sexism because of that. poor guy I wonder if he might be projecting on Yuuji a bit when he accused him of stalking, guilty conscience perhaps or is Yuuji living rent free in his head causing him to pay way more attention to him than a normal person which makes him feel like he's seeing Yuuji more than he really is. … ok I might be trying to dig too far into this man's head. we're only on chapter two, lol. The bullies were kinda funny to me obviously I hate that Yuuji's going through that shit but knowing he's so much stronger than them and that this fic is about him ending up with the world's toughest omega makes their comments kinda hilarious. That cute baby faced alpha is ten times the alpha you are, and the only reason you don't know that yet is he just so happens to have incredible self-control. I'm so proud of his self-control. Yuuji holding on to his convictions because he's a good person with morals, not a hormonal beast makes me happy. I kinda wonder how Sukuna must feel watching Yuuji not react with violence if he's used to awful alphas who throw their weight around and bully others for dominance. How must it feel to meet an alpha who could be top dog but chooses not to because he's a kind person. Yuuji does not equate the ability to hurt and rule over others with a person's value, which must seem so strange to Sukuna. Maybe at first it'll make him dislike Yuuji even as it draws him closer. How long before Yuuji's kind heart starts to make Sukuna feel safe, how long before he's willing to accept that safety? It takes strength to reach out a hand to someone who's hurting, but it also takes strength for someone in a bad situation to grab on to the offered hand and accept that life can be better. I hope Sukuna finds that strength within himself. It's a very different type of strength than what he's used to, but it's no less important even if society doesn't recognize it as such. Again, the little pack moments were very sweet, and Yuuji's family time was beautiful. I love my grandparents so much. I'm happy Yuuji gets time with his grandfather even though his health is failing. There's that love but the dark knowledge that you might not have much time left together hanging in the background like a spiritual bruise. I'm glad Choso is there so that Yuuji doesn't have to go through things alone. … I feel like I've typed out Yuuji's name fifty times today good lord haha. Ah man, well, thanks for the new chapter it was lovely. I can tell already that this will be a new favorite fic of mine!
I'm glad you are enjoying this fic! I also like when the world has more depths and uses the scents/marking/behavior in the concept of a society and world c: Just being super animalistic can be fun, but it would make it hard for individuals I think to fit in ; w ;
I love writing time for friendships too! This fic focuses a lot on not just the romance, but also the family relations and friendships as I have more cute family moments planned, especially in the next chapter! Part of the comfort in this is showing Yuuji has all theses good supports in his life....
Which is going to contrast more as it is revealed what type of situation Sukuna is in as the behaviors you are noting are all intentional little gives! Want to be subtle until the revela for sure!
Thank you for the long comment! It is much appreciated!
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netherfeildren · 1 year
can i just say, that reading someone’s wife while taking a break at the vatican gardens this morning was an experience… reading and imagining reader get RAILED by joel in chapter 8 while i had priests, tourists and guards walking past me had me questioning my choices but not regretting them.
your writing matches the art that i saw today. i hope you take all the positive messages your readers send you to heart cause gurl, do you have a gift. your words are poetic and you have the ability to create suspense with such ease i am in awe… thank you thank you thank you for sharing all these pieces with us!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
this is so fucking cool you're so fucking cool I'm speechless at a loss for words entirely humbled and awed. you're so far away from where I currently am right now and you're reading something I WROTE!! all the way over there!!! and I wrote it for you to read and now you're reading it and it's the coolest and craziest thing ever in the whole world and I almost can't believe it
"your writing matches the art I saw today" literally a crazy thing to say pls take it back I can't handle it but thank you thank you so much there are not enough ways to say thank you to you all for the way you receive me and the pieces of myself I put into these things and I'll never be able to express my gratitude in enough ways. you all have so many lovely compliments for me all the time but I have one million and more compliments for you all in return, for your kindness and understanding and generosity
I hope you had a gorgeous time at the gardens <3
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
For the ask game,
1-22 24-39
I am sorry
-Small brain anon
you're forgiven, it's in the past :)
okay before i get into these,,,, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35, and 36, 38, have been answered!
that leaves....still quite a few. god damn.
2 : if you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? if you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
i would try, i probably could it just wouldn't be a very long time, even longer than usual. my hand cramps a LOT when i write (which is a new thing idk why) but my stories are still important :D
7 : what is your deepest joy about writing?
i have a few actually! honestly, starting with the most basic joy, it's really rewarding to remind myself that i have the ability to make a world. i can create cool versions of people i absolutely adore and make totally new people too! and i often forget that if i try hard enough i can make people cry with my writing or make one joke have people go feral,,,
another one is the reminder that god damn. almost eight billion people and i had this idea. i have complete freedom over this. i have claimed the coolest idea EVER out of almost eight billion people.
and i guess just the fact that i can write what people want me to write or what people enjoy. i love taking input from others because i know it'll make one person enjoy something! little details that i remember about someone? throw it into a fic and hope they see it and smile
8 : if you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
bye bye fucking dialogue. i would love to write something wordless and see how it works out, it just sounds awesome tbh, very moody. one of my non g/t wips is like that for a lot of it and it's just really calm to write! i don't have to worry about balancing things or making accurate dialogue, it's just one person in the universe and the vibe of that can easily get through to me. and in my experience, it'll go pretty good!
13 : what is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? what is easy?
ehhh i really hate writing combat or anything fast paced. moving scenes along and changing settings has never been a strong suit of mine imo,,,, like it always feels either really rushed or really choppy imo
and i think mental health is pretty easy for me to write. like that hazy, unhappy mind. it's extremely slow and easy to make long and extravagant descriptions with,,,,
14 : do you lend your books to people? are people scared to borrow books from you? do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? will you ever get them back?
i don't have a large collection of books. i'm never really immersed into actually reading a book which i know is awful as a writer and honestly just a terrible attribute of mine but i'm not a big reader. fanfic tho is my bitch, and in which case i have no experience with any of this :'D
16 : what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
a piece of lined paper i found in the book, so essentially someone else's makeshift bookmark
i am respectfully gonna skip 17 & 18 because i don't have the energy to really explain any of that and all of my wips are so like not worthy of those questions. the best ur gonna get is the minutiae of tiny workers i'll post tomorrow lmao
19 : tell me a story about your writing journey. when did you start? why did you start? were there bumps along the way? where are you now and where are you going?
it's nothing too dramatic, i started when i was in third grade and wrote a nine page story by hand and my teacher mentioned i was a strong writer for my age. i wrote all the time in school, picked up fanfic in like early 2019 (which also conveniently was my first g/t writing)
and uhh i started just because the feeling of writing was really rewarding and freeing. i loved roleplaying on roblox all the time too i would love making long descriptions of things n such :DD
i think i'm on a good track, i have 42 full-fledged wips that i have some ideas for, 3 book ideas and a cool and supportive community to share my growth with :]
21 : could you ever quit writing? do you ever wish you could? why or why not?
honestly, no, i don't think i ever could. even if i change my mind about pursuing it as a career i could never stop it being my hobby. it's so freeing and a great way to unwind, i love the thought of writing all of my life and the thought of what my writing will be like in a few years if i'm writing like this now (which is such an improvement from 6 months ago, let me say. and yeah i'm complimenting my work for once)
i never do wish i could, because i know that regardless of if i take a break or not i'm never going to completely abandon it. i have ideas that i'm too in to be out of,,,
22 : how organized are you with your writing? describe to me your organization method, if it exists. what tools do you use? notebooks? binders? apps? the cloud?
it depends on my wips, but for the sake of convenience i'll just go off of my aus on here: it is so messy. there is no organization, and if it is there are so many wips of my organization ideas, it's so sad. i have tried so many different ways to organize my thoughts because doing lists and making things look neat and tidy is my favorite, but on the opposite end i get bored countlessly listing out information i already know, so uhh yeah no organization. occasionally i'll jot down like "make sure to add this!" in my notes app or at the end of wtv im working on
24 : how much prep work do you put into your stories? what does that look like for you? do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
i love the thought of prep work, hate actually doing it. i go in head first, usually with a mental map of whatever i want to happen. a lot of the time though i let the story write itself cuz i'm lazy like that :'D
i dislike trying to actually sit myself down to make things all laid out and ready to be written cause..........gagghghhsadskdj
29 : where do you draw your inspiration? dhat do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
it depends! some of my ideas are directly from a movie or show i watch, usually taking the idea of an "au" not from the fandom but from that show specifically if that makes sense,, other times my head'll give me some three am ideas or random ideas.
i also really like picking a color and making an inspiration board off of it! it gives me some cool ideas cause imagery can tell a big story sometimes imo
when the well is try i usually either work on other stuff or just wait for it to rain again so there's water to run off of.
31 : write a short love letter to your readers.
idk about a love letter but honestly y'all are literally so cool. i know my community isn't remotely close to any big publishers' fanbases but damn it feels so overwhelming in the best way possible to get showered with love by the people i can easily recognize whenever i post something! to have over 100 notes on some of my fics and know that every like on my work is an individual person is just baffling. to know i have almost 200 followers in my corner, even if some of them are bots or following me for other content, it's fucking amazing. sweet comments and questions about my work is just fucking exhilarating!! it's so motivating to hear "write more of this" because damn. demanding. people demand i write more. it's SO COOL. joining social media was probably the worst decision i've ever made but tumblr has singlehandedly fixed every doubt i've had about being on the internet :) <3
32 : what is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? how did you find it? what does it mean to you?
ee passerine & rooftops spoilersss down below :]
i will do fanfic bc. yeah wtv. anyway there are a few, i think that if i'm being actually serious and not doing joke ones, i absolutely love the ending off passerine, it's so perfect. i am tearing up thinking abt it ngl which sounds dumb but damn. "he had a life before this, a mother, a father, a home, sisters and brothers, but what he had now was alright too. he stood alone in his bedroom mirror, combing his hair back from his face to braid it for the day, tucking it behind an ear where a sapphire earing hung, catching sunlight. he paused when he saw it, leaning in close to make sure it wasn't a trick of the light, or the lingering traces of a dream. he blinked once, twice, his mortal heart caught in his throat. there, nestled amongst the pink strands, delicate as a bird's wing, was a single, grey hair. if he listened closely, he could hear his brother coming down the hallway, looking for him. but this moment was his alone, half-sobbing, half-laughing, he fell against his chair and closed his eyes against the sudden sting of tears. he could see in his mind, a field of flowers under an open sky, a place for waiting, where all the finished stories went. where he too would go someday. a knock came at his door, and technoblade began to smile." LIKE DUDE. I AM SUCH A SUCKER FOR ENDINGS TO STORIES. it's so dramatic and so domesicated and passerine is such a short story all in all but it's so perfectly written and captures relationships so well. it shows technoblade's acceptance of death so well, and although he'd been wanting of death for a while it still kind of shows how he is eager to pursue the rest of a mortal life.
also from passerine i like "this is what it feels," someone gasped, "to lose everything" I LOVE IT. tommy is their everything and losing him made the story turn so dull,, it went from silver to grey easily. love it.
ALSO. FUCKING ROOFTOPS. it is such an old fic, but it's the second fic i've ever read in the fandom. “youuu aren’t real. nope! noo, no you aren’t. youu’re not reeaal, you'ree inn my head. my head! geoorge is in my head again!” it's just so sad. i love it. the atmosphere of this scene despite it being out of context here is still just so perfect. the vibes of rooftops have never left my head.
and also this absolutely doesn't count but there's a comment on rooftops that said "this is the same story where they went camping" and i have never gone a day without thinking about that LMAO
33 : do you practice any other art besides writing? does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
hghghhhhh not really, no other art. cooking and baking sometimes but i wouldn't call my skill level art LMAO
but it did start a gbbo au and has helped a lot with terminology and stuff!!
34 : thoughts on the oxford comma, go:
i love it in practice but the second i get reminded to use it i go bonkers and start hitting things
37 : if you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
they would think i am weird as hell bro i keep writing about these people SWALLOWING EACH OTHER ALIVE 😭😭😭
i wanted to do a real response to that but a. its 3 am and b. this was funnier <3
39 : what keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
the atmosphere of the thing i am writing. i can be in the most unmotivated mood but the second i start thinking about how a scene or an au feels i am immediately lightened up and want to write it!
god damn it only took about half an hour but i did it!! thanks for these questions, even if they took like 2 weeks to finish and cut me short of what i wanted to do tonight /lh/nmay
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the-original-skipps · 3 years
Headcannon or reaction of Mikey when his s/o can speak multiple languages? Thank you for all the amazing writing! I enjoy reading them 💞
aww thank you! sorry for the lateness I'm slowly trying to get back in the flow of things 💖
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When a tourist approached you both in the middle of Tokyo asking for directions. Mikey was surprised to see you sudden switch languages. It was like a completely different you!
He literally had no idea what you guys were talking about but to him it sounded cool. He literally stared at you back and forth as you conversed, it was like watching a foreign film to him.
When the tourist thanked you both and left, Mikey's awe strucken face will change into a grin as he immediately bombards you with questions.
"(Y/N)-cchi, that was so cool...!"
"Huh, oh it's nothing..." You sheepishly laugh as you watch your boyfriend stare at you with stars in his eyes. "You gotta teach me!"
Ever since he knew of your ability to speak multiple languages. He would randomly ask you to translate phrases or words. Mikey would definitely have an interest in English since a lot of the actions films he watches are in English.
He would without a doubt ask for any swear words since Japanese barely has any curse words and the only thing he knows in English is "Hello and Thank you."
He's not very good at remembering them but he tries. You would have to tell him occasionally, until the word sticks then he keeps using the word or phrase mixed with Japanese.
He would definitely show off to Ken-chin or Takemichy. Draken would often get annoyed since Mikey won't tell him what it means, thinking it might be an insult to him. While Takemichy thinks it's the coolest thing ever and asks you to teach him some too.
"Are you insulting me..?!"
Draken furrows his brows in anger as Mikey stands before him with a grin on his face.
"It's not my fault you suck at English, Ken-chin." You would immediately have to get in the middle of them before another fight occurs.
It's become a literal habit for Mikey to show off any new words or phrases he learned from you to Ken-chin, he either thinks he's insulting him or teasing him. Eventually, Draken will come to you to ask you what it means. While Mikey begs you not to tell him.
You would often say something in another language to Mikey and either tell him the wrong meaning or not tell him the meaning at all. He'll get all pouty wanting to know what it means.
Mikey would take every chance he gets to mention how you could speak multiple languages to different people. He's one proud boyfriend and wants everyone to know how cool you are.
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