#this whole snide attitude toward albus severus' name makes me incoherently furious lmao
snapedefender · 3 years
not to get into the Great Name Debate again but whenever someone suggests people harry could have named albus severus after instead of dumbledore and snape, it's always like. so obvious WHY he didn't pick those particular names. "he could have named him after remus!" teddy's middle name is literally remus. already taken. "what about fred?" i'm pretty sure it was an unspoken agreement amongst the weasleys that george would get to name any potential kid of his after fred, which he did. "what about sirius?" james sirius is harry's firstborn son. try again. "regulus?" why would harry name his child after some guy he didn't even know? regulus helped them out that ONE time.
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hthe arguments about this is are the stupidest bullshit i've ever seen and i say that as a longtime snape fan lmao. it's like some of these people have never seen a narrative arc in their fucking lives and have chosen to actively forget that hp is a there's a book.
there's a REASON harry names his kid after dumbledore and snape. these are people who arguably committed some pretty heinous damage against him in different ways - dumbledore literally raised him as a sacrifice. snape was cruel to him many times over. choosing to name his kid after them is an act of forgivness so in line with harry's values and character it's honestly fucking wild to me that people still complain about it to this day. yes, of course harry would name his child after people who hated or used him. harry forgiving them anyway, loving them anyway - that's the core of his character. he's the one who still shakes hands with dudley even after all the shit he put harry through, the one who goes back to save draco, the one who gives narcissa hope about her son, who sees snape being bullied as a teenager and sympathizes. harry recognizing that these are two very flawed men who nonetheless changed him - harry choosing to honor them because he knows no one else will - god how is that a surprise to anyone?
and, even setting that aside, it's not somehow being "ungrateful" for harry to name his kid albus severus instead of, say, regulus. (a dead man harry never fucking met!!!!! who did nothing for him!!!! what the fuck is that argument!!!! HE'S A DEAD MAN HARRY NEVER MET!!!!) i see that argument a lot when people want to say harry should have named his kid after remus or hagrid or something but like you say - remus has his namesake!!! harry wouldn't step on that!!!! and the same goes for fred - of course he's giving that to george's kid!!!! what the fuck!!!!
more to the point... less so for dumbledore (who i imagine inspired at least some albus babies) but who is going to name their kid after snape? who is going to honor snape? snape did so much for the war and for harry - and no one was going to even remember him, not as he should have been remembered. i think harry's choice partly comes from that; remus and fred have people who loved and remember them. hell, so do regulus and hagrid. but snape? if harry doesn't honor his memory, who will?
it's just stupid. people didn't like the name and then they decided to be absolutely insufferable about it. but albus severus was a perfect choice for a name for harry's kid and it IS the hill i will die on.
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