thmndlssshp · 2 years
The Taste of Coffee at Night
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Just a cold, tedious, ordinary Monday.
Two friends have decided to go out for a coffee.
They have been going out for a cup of coffee a couple of times already.
They hug. They kiss. But no “I love yous.”
Little did they know they already are doing the things friends should not be doing.
They call it “coffee night out.” People call it “dating.”
He is that friend.
I am that friend.
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thmndlssshp · 4 years
My Life Before Miss Rona
It was 2:00 o'clock in the morning. I was lying on my bed. The lights were off. I could hear the crickets and distance conversations of my neighbors and passers-by. I was on my phone, binge-watching my favorite boys love (BL) series. The caffeine I had consumed the other day was still rushing in my veins. I was too ecstatic to watch my favorite series, yet I was slothful to do my long overdue assignments and requirements. I went to sleep late. It was 5:00 o'clock in the morning. Mr. Sun was already out, and the roosters were already crowing.
I woke up late. It was 8:30 o'clock in the morning. "Shit! Mapatay na sad ko aning sir ba," I screamed when I glanced at my phone. It was no surprise; I have always been late to my classes and errands since when I was 12. It became a habit of mine, an awful habit I cannot easily get rid of. I then realized I had not ironed my uniform yet. "Ah. Maligo sa ko una ayha ko mamlantsa," I whispered. I had a 9:00 AM class to attend to, but I still was not prepared yet. It took me a while to take a bath. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I immediately went to the kitchen and had a quick breakfast. I then went to my bedroom, put on my clothes and shoes, brush my teeth, left home, and walked as fast as I could.
Before going to my room on the fifth floor at the engineering complex, I would drop by at the nearest coffee shop to have my favorite drink. I was already forty-five minutes late to my class. However, I did not mind being late that day. Sir barely gives a fuck, and that's what I like about him (jag älskar dig, sir). Upon entering the room, I saw my classmates' poker face, giving a hint that I'm in deep shit. Then, I saw sir's frowning face with his left hand leaning on the table, silently looking at me, but I could hear his thoughts saying, "You're late again, Mr. Lopez."
My daily life has always been like this; it is a cycle that I cannot break—sleeps late, wakes up late, arrives at school late, goes home late. My life is a big, hot mess. I have too many bullshits to deal with. Miserable if you ask me. And just when I thought my life was already pretty dull and boring, then Miss Rona came. Miss Rona changed the way I live my life, and I do my things.
We should be in school right now—studying, making gossips with friends during free time, playing arcades in malls, eating our favourite food and drinks in our favourite restaurants and coffee shops. We should be travelling to our favourite dream destinations right now—taking pictures, posting stories on Instagram and Facebook, and make our worst enemies jealous of our travel photos. We should be socializing with friends and family right now—attending occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. We should be hanging out with people we met on social media—drinking our favourite intoxicating drinks and eating our extremely gross pulutan, hooking up with strangers we barely know. Sadly, we're stuck in our homes, facing our smartphones and computers all day, all night. We became too dependent on technology to do things we could usually do before Miss Rona arrived.
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thmndlssshp · 10 years
My Undying Love
You fill my lonely heart with happiness
With love I really never thought possible
Love that is chaste and boundless
Love that is perfect and unbreakable
You bring me to paradise
The paradise we are dreaming
You never fail to surprise
Our hearts are harmoniously beating
Your love turns tedious grey into vivid dyes
That colors our lives and makes it lush
I know you heart never lies
I see sincerity even you are hush
I will love you until the day I die
And in my arms, you will not cry
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thmndlssshp · 4 years
#bawalangpaki #itsallclear
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Delicious food and thirst-quenching drinks, prepared by highly-skilled cooks and chefs, served on expensive glassware while dining in an air-conditioned restaurant only privileged people can afford. Who doesn't want that kind of luxury? Food and drinks are mostly taken for granted by people who can afford to have them. But these eye-catching, mouth-watering, appetite-zesting food and drinks you are seeing right now; not everyone has the privilege to have them on their tables. Food waste and hunger are two of the unresolved problems we get to encounter every day by people around the globe. We can lessen these problems by being conscious of the food we consume—buy what is only enough for our consumption, give what is too much, and think of the welfare of others.
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thmndlssshp · 2 years
A Niche For Me And You
Midnights have always been my afternoons.
It is the time where I question myself.
Existential crisis. Insanity.
It is like a haven, but full of paranoia.
Death is the only thing I think that could end my sufferings.
Death is the only thing I wish for to happen.
Sleep-deprived. Caffeine-induced. Emotionally-repressed.
In the morning, emptiness wakes up my dead soul, staring blankly at the four corners of the room.
In the afternoon, I chug a cup of unknown illness; several cups even more so. 
In the evening, I devour my meal seasoned with lonesomeness and sadness
At midnight, what ifs and should haves perturb my anxious self.
At midnight, traumas awaken my heavy-eyed self.
Welcome to my niche of unspoken thoughts and uncertainty.
A world that can give you the warmest and tightest hugs.
A world made for you.
A world you can call your own.
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thmndlssshp · 11 years
My Endless Love
My love for you is oh so real
That's the thing I want you to feel
My endless devotion will not ever desist
'Cause my love for you I insist
  The seemliness that sparks in your eye
I was stunned and started wondering why
With your astonishing emblematic consistency
I adore you without hesitancy
  At first I already knew the sorest fact
You don't love me the way I act
Need not for you to be daunted
'Cause I know my fantasies are limited
  I will wait forever until you will truly comprehend
That my love for you has definitely no end
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