#tho i wonder if a cover album through itch.io would be okay (the kind of payment where you basically just tip someone)
otakebi-cam-wao · 3 months
I have some questions about asa star
Is it still running
are there any social besides the youtube
are there any ways non-local fans can support you
do you accept fanart
thank you
i'm going on order
yes, actually we gonna perform on april 21st on an event here in Chile
insta: asasutaa (i have my very own idol instagram as well being giseishan.asastar) tho we haven't been very active cuz many things, on my end i can say health related reasons for example
with just following is okay for the moment, because we're still thinking to even make merch for local events
if you want to, at least i'm okay with it, and without asking i think Jun-chan would be as well!
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