#tho neyla being in the lower half of the gang does actually give her a more genuine reason to betray them and want to become clockwerk.
ebonysquib · 10 months
Keeping Up With the Klaww Gang: who would be who? I need to know
I don’t know shit about keeping up with the Kardashians so this is just vibes and the very limited knowledge I have
Arpeggio (or the Contessa) as Kris (The Momager) and Jean Bison as Kaitlyn Jenner (fuck you. *transes your Jean Bison*) simply because them being an old married couple is practically canon and i think it'd be funniest. also out of all the members Jean and Arpeggio seem to be the oldest? or at least may have seniority? (or i just think that cuz they are like the last two members we face) just these three are the mom and dad most likely okay.
Rajan, Dimitri, and Neyla as the main three kardashian sisters, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney. I don't really have any reasons for it except they are the last three of the klaww gang left.
this is the dumbest thing ive ever had to think about thank you. yall can feel free to add on or make corrections since my knowledge is very limited in regards to the kardashians.
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