#tho to be fair i did get my ult art from one of the meta videos
p7agu3 · 1 year
i dont usually play ao with sound on but i started doing it to get past elius on my new save (i need his arrow rain audio cue..) and there are several Things i have noticed
fishing has audio cues (!!!) oh my god its so much less annoying now
there's bossfight music?? i turned music off b/c i have my own, so idk about general bgm
glass magic is very loud and possibly obnoxious
glass makes rubble (dunno if it does anything) that shatters with loud glass breaking noises. this makes most of my fights very loud and full of glass sfx, and probably super annoying for nearby players. sorry lol
idk if its a sound design thing or something, metal certainly doesn't make loud CLANG noises when hitting stuff, it has nice explosion noises and subtler clanging noises. maybe glass sounds more uhh, disturbing? because it has no actual explosion noise and is higher pitched?
anyway my fights have been super super noisy since awakening. i think this could be considered funny, possibly
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