tearsofperseides · 1 year
funny you tagged me because
when you’re an editor not a writer so you have no wips:
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I tagged you to start writing smh Robin!/j
Ok so context: Joyce, Hopper, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Will & El are all in the Creel house! The place is haunted (if you couldn't tell), Alice is one of the ghosts who lives in the house, Alice Creel.
"We choose our house even before birth." Alice spoke suddenly. Everyone turned around, asking whispery questions between one another, while Alice was looking straight in front of her, almost through them. "Someone once said we are like a museum. Paintings and statues the memories of our past, but why must we suffer this way? So open, all our past pain and sorrow put on display. Expected to be beautiful. It needs to be entertaining for others." She was looking directly at them now, betrayal and hurt present on her pale face. "Why must we be museum? Pain is lived in" She smiled melancholy, tears started forming at the corner of her eyes. "Memories are lived in. Pain is a scratch on the wall. Coffee cup stains are the memories we made long ago. Our soul's body is our home...and once we die, we choose another" She started walking, dragging her left hand on the wall of the hallway. "Or it chooses us." She stops walking, takes the hand away and turns to the group. "This house chooses... no, not chooses. Takes..." She looked to the ground. "It takes and it takes and it takes..." "Until there's nothing left."
This is like a wip wip, like I wrote this scene yesterday when I couldn't sleep, it has not been polished or anything lmaooo
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como configurar o thoch vpn no android
🔒🌍✨ Ganhe 3 Meses de VPN GRÁTIS - Acesso à Internet Seguro e Privado em Todo o Mundo! Clique Aqui ✨🌍🔒
como configurar o thoch vpn no android
Passo a passo para configurar o Touch VPN no Android
Hoje em dia, manter-se seguro e protegido online é crucial, e uma forma de garantir sua privacidade na internet é utilizando uma VPN. O Touch VPN é uma opção popular para usuários de Android que desejam navegar de forma anônima e com segurança. Se você está interessado em configurar o Touch VPN no seu dispositivo Android, siga este passo a passo simples.
Baixe o aplicativo Touch VPN na Google Play Store. Pesquise por "Touch VPN" e clique em "Instalar" para baixar o aplicativo em seu dispositivo.
Após a instalação, abra o aplicativo Touch VPN em seu dispositivo Android.
Na tela inicial do aplicativo, você verá um botão de conexão. Toque no botão para se conectar automaticamente ao servidor VPN mais rápido disponível.
Você também pode escolher um servidor VPN específico tocando no ícone de seta ao lado do botão de conexão. Isso permitirá que você selecione manualmente um servidor em um local de sua preferência.
Quando o aplicativo estiver conectado ao servidor VPN escolhido, você verá um ícone de cadeado na barra de notificações, indicando que sua conexão está segura e protegida.
Configurar o Touch VPN no Android é simples e rápido, e oferece uma camada adicional de segurança para sua navegação na internet. Lembre-se de que, ao utilizar uma VPN, seus dados estarão protegidos de possíveis ameaças online, garantindo sua privacidade e anonimato enquanto você desfruta da internet.
Configurações necessárias para usar o Touch VPN no Android
O Touch VPN é uma excelente opção para quem deseja navegar na internet de forma mais segura e privada. No entanto, para utilizar essa ferramenta no Android, é necessário realizar algumas configurações básicas.
Primeiramente, é essencial baixar e instalar o aplicativo Touch VPN na Google Play Store. Após a instalação, abra o aplicativo e siga as instruções para criar uma conta ou fazer login, se já tiver uma.
Uma vez dentro do aplicativo, você terá a opção de escolher o servidor VPN para se conectar. É recomendável selecionar o servidor mais próximo de sua localização para obter uma conexão mais rápida e estável.
Além disso, o Touch VPN oferece a opção de escolher entre diferentes protocolos de segurança, como o OpenVPN e o IPsec. É importante escolher o protocolo mais adequado às suas necessidades de segurança e velocidade de conexão.
Por fim, lembre-se de conceder as permissões necessárias ao aplicativo para que ele funcione corretamente no seu dispositivo Android. Isso inclui conceder acesso à sua conexão de internet e, em alguns casos, permitir que o Touch VPN faça alterações na configuração de rede do seu dispositivo.
Seguindo essas configurações básicas, você estará pronto para navegar na internet de forma segura e anônima utilizando o Touch VPN no seu dispositivo Android.
Tutorial de instalação do Touch VPN no Android
Touch VPN é uma aplicação popular que permite navegar na Internet de forma segura e anónima, protegendo os dados que são enviados e recebidos pelo dispositivo. Ao instalar o Touch VPN no seu dispositivo Android, você pode desfrutar de uma conexão segura e cifrada, sem restrições geográficas.
O processo de instalação do Touch VPN no Android é simples e direto. Primeiramente, acesse a Google Play Store e pesquise por "Touch VPN". Clique em "Instalar" para começar o download e, em seguida, abra a aplicação após a conclusão da instalação.
Ao abrir o Touch VPN, você será recebido com uma interface intuitiva, onde poderá selecionar o local do servidor ao qual deseja se conectar. Escolha o país desejado e toque em "Conectar" para estabelecer a conexão VPN. Em poucos segundos, você estará navegando de forma segura e privada.
Além disso, o Touch VPN oferece a opção de escolher entre a versão gratuita e a versão premium, que proporciona benefícios adicionais, como velocidades mais rápidas e acesso a servidores exclusivos.
Em resumo, ao instalar o Touch VPN no seu dispositivo Android, você estará protegendo a sua privacidade online e desfrutando de uma conexão segura em qualquer lugar. Experimente o Touch VPN e navegue na Internet com tranquilidade.
Melhores práticas para configurar o Touch VPN no Android
Touch VPN é uma ferramenta popular para proteger sua privacidade online e acessar conteúdos restritos geograficamente em seu dispositivo Android. No entanto, configurar o Touch VPN corretamente é essencial para garantir uma experiência segura e eficaz.
Para configurar o Touch VPN no Android, siga estas melhores práticas:
Baixe o aplicativo Touch VPN na Google Play Store e instale-o em seu dispositivo Android.
Abra o aplicativo e toque no botão de conexão para se conectar a um servidor VPN disponível. Certifique-se de escolher um servidor confiável e seguro para garantir a proteção de sua conexão.
Para personalizar suas configurações de VPN, vá para o menu de configurações no aplicativo. Aqui, você pode escolher o protocolo de segurança preferido, como OpenVPN ou IKEv2, e ativar funcionalidades extras, como o bloqueio de rastreadores ou a proteção contra malware.
Se deseja acessar conteúdos restritos geograficamente, como sites ou aplicativos bloqueados em sua região, escolha um servidor VPN localizado no país desejado para contornar essas restrições.
Certifique-se de que o Touch VPN esteja sempre atualizado para garantir a máxima segurança e desempenho. Verifique regularmente a disponibilidade de atualizações na Google Play Store.
Seguindo essas melhores práticas, você poderá desfrutar de uma experiência de VPN segura e eficiente em seu dispositivo Android com o Touch VPN. Lembre-se sempre de proteger sua privacidade online ao navegar na internet e utilizar serviços de VPN confiáveis.
Como utilizar o Touch VPN no Android de forma segura
O Touch VPN é uma aplicação popular que proporciona aos utilizadores uma forma simples e eficaz de proteger a sua privacidade e segurança online. Através da utilização de uma conexão VPN, é possível ocultar o endereço IP do dispositivo e encriptar o tráfego de internet, garantindo assim uma navegação segura e anónima.
Para utilizar o Touch VPN de forma segura no Android, é importante seguir algumas recomendações essenciais. Em primeiro lugar, certifique-se de que descarrega a aplicação apenas de fontes seguras, como a Google Play Store, para evitar a instalação de versões falsas ou com malware. Além disso, ao utilizar o Touch VPN, certifique-se de que concede apenas as permissões necessárias à aplicação, de forma a proteger os seus dados pessoais.
Outro ponto importante é escolher cuidadosamente o servidor VPN ao qual se pretende ligar. O Touch VPN oferece uma variedade de servidores em diferentes localizações, sendo aconselhável selecionar um servidor próximo de si para garantir uma conexão mais rápida e estável.
Por último, lembre-se de desativar a conexão VPN quando não estiver a utilizá-la, uma vez que uma VPN ativa pode influenciar a velocidade da internet. Seguindo estas recomendações simples, poderá desfrutar de uma navegação segura e protegida com o Touch VPN no seu dispositivo Android.
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nguyencuuthaonguyen · 7 months
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Hôm qua TN ngủ quên mất, không tắt lap, cũng chẳng tắt điện thoại lunn. Sáng ngày dậy thấy rủ nhau hết pin
Một chiếc sáng T7 cuối tuần nhẹ nhàng, mình thochs cảm giác ni cực kì. Lúc trước, mấy ngày nghỉ học, nghỉ hoạt động như ri để tận hưởng cúi tuần cũng khá hiếm. Nên thong thả được chừng mô là vui chừng nấy, dừ thực tập lu bu việc nên thấy cũng vuii lây. TN dậy mơ mơ màng màng khi 5h á, tại mọi ngày hay dậy giờ ni nên không cần báo thức thì cũng tự tỉnh xíuu. Xong gòi thấy còn sớm nên cứ ngủ thêm vài giấc nhỏ nữa, khi mô thực sự đủ gòi thì tự thức thoii
Chăn ấm nệm êm, đêm qua nghe nóng nên không mang tất, may vẫn mang áo giữ nhiệt cho đảm bảo, kẻ khuya tay khua chân lại không kín chăn. Đọc một vài trang sách, thong dong chìm vào trong ngôn từ. Hay thật, mình mở mang được nhiều cách viết, cũng như cách sử dụng đặc biệt của một vài từ đặc biệt. Dự là sẽ đắm trong quyển sách ni nhìuu chút đây
Mưa gòi, không ưng ra ngoài, chờ Tom mua đồ ăn sáng về gòi típ tục công việc trong ngày thoii. Gắng thêm xíu, kế hoạch nghe tình hình là hơi dàyy gòi á. Chuyện nên làm thì phải làm sớm thoii, khum là nhanh quên xỉuu. Chúc elm một ngày siuu ấm áp nhée
TN mới thức dậy, xong thấy tin nhắn và thông báo cái ưng ngủ típp. Chuyện là mình hết việc gòi, chứ không thì nghe cũng nặng đó. Tháng 3 là tháng thanh niên, giờ ni năm ngoái không có ngày nàoo toii ngủ thiệt đầy giấc. Vì toii chạy liên tục như ngựa vậy, và đi ngủ bụi nhỉ
Haha cũng có xíuu xiu kỉ niệm để nhớ nhiều hơn về những ngày theo CT liên tục. Đôi khi, đó là động lực, đôi lúc đó cũng là cản trở. Nhưng cái gì quan trọng thì mình ưu tiên thoii, xứng đáng là đượcc. TN đâu rỗi hơi nhìu để mà buồn haa. Mới thấy web khum truy cập được, nghe hơi nhọc á nả
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444namesplus · 10 months
Ba Bach Badust Bar Bases Bemo Bephes Besk Bi Biphusk Bo Bogaf Bokosk Bomedes Boshi Bud Bukha Buthu Buvures Cha Chada Chathodes Chefod Chenesh Chest Chi Chiba Chibi Chirhest Chites Choba Chochoch Chorhe Chori Chost Choto Chu Chudu Chumu Chure Chust Chutosk Chuva Da Dache Dachust Damu Dasu Dathesk De Dekhek Dekibes Deph Dephurh Derask Derhedes Desk Di Dibiph Didades Dife Dip Diphosk Disanes Do Dokifes Dost Dotost Duger Duphe Dusk Fabes Fam Fapest Fasesk Fathes Fe Fephash Fephist Ferhu Fesk Fest Fetich Fevu Fezi Fibus Fig Figes Fines Fiti Fo Fost Fothe Fu Fures Fusk Futhe Fuva Fuves Gak Gakisk Gara Ge Gefast Gekhi Gemes Gesisk Gezes Gibi Gife Gipi Gist Gizes Gizist Go Gogo Gogost Gogu Gokhes Gomusk Gon Gorusk Gosk Govu Gu Gugan Gukosk Guphes Ka Kast Kerhe Kerish Keru Kest Kete Keva Kez Kha Kharhask Khast Khe Khegub Khi Khikhat Khim Khist Kho Khodi Khodu Khodust Khoku Khoma Khomask Khophorh Khost Khu Khubist Khutha Kipo Kit Kith Kizosk Kocho Kopust Kosha Koshu Kothes Kuphukes Kust Ma Machosh Mages Marosk Me Medus Megithes Meki Mepho Mest Migeg Mipa Misu Mobes Modi Mosk Mu Muches Muchu Mukhes Musk Muva Na Nabiphes Naku Napest Nast Ne Necha Nekha Nemopes Nerho Nesk Nikhe Nikhest Niki Niso Nizes Nophe Nothothes Nu Nukhemes Nupa Nuph Nusk Pa Pago Paranes Paras Pask Peche Pefes Pemuses Pephask Perhest Pest Peto Pha Phamuz Phani Phaphes Phathosk Phathu Phe Phebist Phest Phetot Phi Phimost Phiphi Phiru Phist Phizab Pho Phoba Phophu Phost Phova Phu Phudo Phugu Phuk Phupast Phust Phuthu Pi Pichach Pigost Pishures Pisi Pisk Pivu Pizes Poshi Post Rachost Rada Ramet Ramu Rask Rast Re Remes Rerh Retaves Rhabist Rharh Rhathufes Rhavi Rhe Rhegazes Rherha Rhest Rhiph Rhishask Rhist Rhizask Rhokhoth Rhomi Rhopho Rhorh Rhori Rhoshe Rhothu Rhozisk Rhu Rhubest Rhuru Rhust Rhuzeges Riku Risakh Rises Ropes Rorhor Rotodes Rovi Rudes Rufo Rukhi Ruku Rusosk Ruzost Sa Sarh Sast Se Sha Shana Shask Sheres Sherhe Sherusk Shesk Shest Shezast Shis Shisk Shisuph Shit Shithusk Sho Shomu Shothetes Shu Shud Shumo Shunes Sibe Sige Sinethes Sise Sisk Sivu So Su Sudost Sunu Suph Susu Suti Ta Tadest Taman Task Tast Tatosk Te Tebask Tek Teviph Tha Thabod Thakhe Thana Thaphes Thask Thath The Thephes Thesk Thezes Thi Thichist Thifest Thishesk Thist Thizi Tho Thoch Thodi Thogo Thove Thovo Thu Thunes Thuni Thurhu Thusk Thutages Thuthes Tiro Tithu Tivo Tokisk Tost Tove Tu Tugask Tukh Tumes Tuphes Tusk Tuzi Va Vachosk Vapes Vas Ve Vego Vethist Vi Visk Vite Vivu Vo Vochafes Vore Vosurhes Vozib Vuche Vutedes Vuth Zamosk Zaphu Zare Zarh Zata Ze Zenish Zepep Zerhi Zetho Zevu Zi Ziches Zifes Zikho Zishones Zo Zobist Zonisk Zopes Zufa Zurhusk Zuzo
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stormcrow513 · 1 year
You know the part of the Colorado wolf debates that currently sending me because no one talks about it,
So some background here, Colorado wolves were killed out I believe 80 years ago,
Wildlife people have been fighting to bring them back
Who are they fighting?
Ranchers you know where your quarter pounder comes off,
The wildlife guys argue the over all crucialness of having wolves in the ecosystem
The ranchers argue that wolves destroy their livihoods by killing cattle
All of these things are true
And my background was growing up in the rodeo circuit, a lot of overlap with ranchers, while there were families like mine who owned horses to compete, those horse were bought fead and took care of so that my sister's could ride in the rodeos, we didn't breed cattle or anything like that, we weren't ranchers my sisters were competitors,
Anyway I've loved wolves from word go, probably cause I have been exposed to dogs since the womb, I didn't have loads of women thoch at me through my ma's belly I had dog noses lol,
And I realized that similarities between my dog Trampy and wolves and I love Balto so I knew wolf dogs were a thing,
I knew Trampy was a wolf dog and he was, well he treated me like I was one of his puppies he and Lady our German shepherd had puppies I grew up with them,
Point is even as a small child I couldn't understand shooting wolves it felt like you'd feel if someone in a suburban setting said I shoot dogs that step foot in my yard,
So I have been arguing with ranchers about wolves since I could speck,
Admittedly I was bad at it, I was scared to argue with men, I was scared of my father and I painted all men that age as potential dangerous, and I have speech problems that when nervous make it almost impossible to be clear in what I'm saying,
I wish that wasn't so because none of those men heated me so no conversation on this could be had,
When saying they need to kill the wives to protect cows the thing is it always comes back to,
Because that's how my forefathers did it,
Not we kill wolves cause that's cheapest,
Or easiest
They either say cause that's how my forefathers did it
Or because it's the only way,
So you got to group of ranchers,
Guys who think there's no other way
Guys who think the only way it can be done is the way their forefathers did it,
The first, can't seem to comprehend how far tech is gotten
The other
Thinks technology their forefathers didn't have shouldn't be used
So the first guys need to work with some enventers like have some tech savvy fucks the macgyver type that understands the need for cost efficients and durability the fact that it's far from good cell wifi service, oh and need for ranchers to be able to fix it themselves, have someone like that spend a year with ranchers bet they could get everything going smoothly,
The real problem then becomes with the guys who want to again stick to the way their forefathers did it,
These guys are hard to reason with, just seen a show a bit back talking about something I knew of but never thought of this before
There's these cattle drives where these guys ride on their horse herding cattle from one bit of land to another and my dudes these can be real far away,
And more an more as time goes on they are having to go through or around people's property,
Cows die in this,
Yes the cows whose lives they kill in order to protect
They risk these cow lives when they could put em in a trailer and haul them to the other bit of land,
Like yes it costs money but your already losing money from the dead cows you dumb fuck,
Like they will not budge on this but do this guy's oh piss in toilets
Have cell phones?
Cars trucks? ?
So why is this out dated way of ranching the one you won't let go of?
*High Disclaimer*
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sluttyenha · 2 years
Pool night sex w Heeseung…..
Oh don't get me started
Pool sex with hee would be so hot. Imagine you're at a party hosted by jay. You were having fun with your friends when you got dared to skinny dip in jay's pool. You were kinda hesitant but you had to do it since your dumb self choose dare . Your friends went to the balcony and were cheering for you. You took out your clothes slowly . First was your dress which left you in your undergarments. You looked up to see some of your friends still at the balcony waiting to see you do your dare fully. You cursed them quietly and took off your undergarments aswell. You were happy that it was night and there weren't many lights so it helped you. Your friends left after you waved your clothes to show that you conplted your dare. You sighed and we're just getting ready to put on your clothes when you see someone at the end of the pool looking straight at you. You were kinda scared at first but then you realised that it's none other than your hot crush . Lee Heeseung. The hottest guy you have ever seen. He took off his clothes and jumped in the pool with his boxers on and came closer to you. "Aren't you cold baby? You look wet too.. want me to help you?" His hands were on your waist and his clothed dick was pressed up to your wet cunt. Wet ofcourse - at the sight of him. You nodded excitedly and hee didn't wait to connect your lips together. He took off his boxers and lined his dick in your pussy. His hands were all over you making you feel like you were in heaven. He slowly pushed his thoch length inside you making you moan out his name and buck your hips into his. Man he made you feel like you were on cloud nine that night.
Yep got carried away.
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rotanawrites · 3 years
Under the cut, you’ll find a list of #184 FCs from my Google Doc of FCs I want to gif. 
My list of FCs to gif is ever-increasing, we’re rapidly approaching 250 as of 10/17/21. So I decided I’d post this list of many of them. They’re free for the giffing! I’d love to see of of y’all gif them before I get around to them! If you do, please tag me in the resources so I can see them!
Updated: 10/17/21
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Jah Deth / ចាដេត (1996) - Cambodian - actor and singer
Thoch Chantha (?) Cambodian - singer
Sophia Kao - Cambodian
Tena Khimphun - Cambodian
Aok Sokunkanha - Cambodian
Chhet Sovanpanha - Cambodia
Sovannahry Em - Cambodian
Karyl Frankiewicz (1992) Cherokee - model and Miss Native America USA 2018. (Autistic)
Austin Ellen (1994) Seminole, Afro-Seminole, Ojibwe, Irish, Scottish, English - Non-Binary (She/Her) - actor.(autistic)
Kumiko Konishi (?) Choctaw, Ishak, Japanese, Creole [French, African American, Unspecified Middle Eastern, Unspecified South Asian, Unspecified Latina] - actress.
Kelli Brook Haney (1982) Seminole, Muskogee, Choctaw - singer-songwriter
Cowboy Smithx (35) Kainai Blackfoot and Aapátohsipikáni Blackfoot - actor, filmmaker, and podcast host.
Tonia Jo Hall (28) Lakota Sioux, Dakota Sioux, and Hidatsa - comedian.
Shawn Little Thunder (28) Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux - singer-songwriter and poet
Chandler Lovelle
Samantha Cormier
 Francis Longstocking
Kaiti Mackenzie
Julisa Kemps
StyledbyKami (1990) Lumbee, Cherokee, Unspecified Black - youtuber
Amythest Schaber (1991) Metis - Intersex and Non-Binary (They/Them) - youtuber, public speaker, blogger, and writer. (Autistic)
Khaliya Kimberlie -  Mescalero Apache and Unspecified White - singer
Adrienne Chalepah (?) Plains Apache and Kiowa - comedian
Alan Tafoya (1963)-  Jicarilla Apache - actor.
Sky Lakota-Lynch (1991) Haliwa-Saponi / Ethiopian, English - actor and comedian.
Anika Moa (1980) Ngāpuhi Maori, Te Aupōuri Maori, Unspecified European - singer, guitarist, keyboardist, and percussionist.
Julian Arahanga (1972) Ngāti Rangi Maori, Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi Maori, Estonian, possibly other - actor and director.
James Rolleston (1997) Te Whakatōhea Maori, Ngāi Te Rangi Maori, Ngāti Whakaue Maori, Ngāti Porou Maori, Ngāi Tūhoe Maori, Tainui Maori - actor.
Jordi Webber (1994) Te Arawa Maori, Ngāti Pikiao Maori, Ngāti Raukawa Maori, Te Āti Awa Maori - actor and singer.
Stan Walker (1990) Ngāti Tūwharetoa Maori, Ngāi Tūhoe Maori - singer, guitarist, actor, and tv personality.
Alex Aiono (1996) Maori, Samoan / Danish, English, German, Scottish, Irish, Swiss, Welsh - singer.
Tai Hara (1990) Maori / Japanese - actor and presenter.
Antonio Te Maioha (1970) Ngāpuhi Maori, Waikato Maori / Unspecified - actor.
Hannah Marks (1993) Muskogee, Irish, English / Egyptian Jewish, Polish Jewish - actress, director, and writer.
Maimouna Youssef (?) Choctaw, Cherokee, Muskogee, African-American - singer-songwriter.
Tamina Snuka (1978) Fijian / Samoan, Japanese - actress and wrestler.
Nukaaka Coster-Waldau - Inuit, Norwegian, German - singer and actress.
Paulini Curuenavuli (1982) Fijian - singer-songwriter and actress.
Elena / Elena Baravilala (1988) Fijian - singer-songwriter
Kintaró Mori (1980) Uruguayan [Lebanese, Japanese, Basque, Spanish], some Mexican
rj mitte - cerebral palsy 
Micah Fowler - white - has cerebral palsy.
Ryan O'Connell’s - gay - actor and comedian - has cerebal palsy.
Anggun (Indonesian Javanese)
Marcelino Lefrandt (Indonesian)
Shalom Brune-Franklin (1994) Mauritian / Thai, English - actress
Nurtas Adambay (1981) Kazakh-Actor
Song Seong Heon in The Great Show
Naim Daniel (1997) Malaysian - actor, singer and Instagrammer
Buddha Lama (1997) Nepalese - singer, actor, and model
Nishan Bhattarai (1996) Nepalese - singer.
Will Jay (1996) - Chinese-white - Singer and YouTuber
Kalia Vue (?) Hmong - singer.
Alexie Weinzapfel (1995 or 1996) Hmong - model (instagram: hapababi).
Rosie Tran  - Vietnamese - stand-up comedian, model, actress, writer, and podcast host.
Aluna Thavonsouk (1979) Lao - singer-songwriter.
Aria Inthavong (1991) Lao
Bee / Atsaryaphong Boupha / Bee Atsaryaphong Boupha (1990) Lao - singer.
Gul Nazar / Gulnazar / Nazha / Coulee Nazha / Guli Nazha / Gulinazha Baihetiyaer / Gülnezer Bextiyar (1992) Uyghur - actress and model.
Mi Re / Merxat / Merxat Yalkun (1991) Uyghur - actor.
Samia Trabelsi (Tunisian)
Hiba Abouk (Tunisian, Libyan, Romani)
Tewfik Jallab (Tunisian-algerian-moroccan)
Kev Adams/Kevin Smadja (tunisian jewish-algerian jewish)
Dorra Zarouk - Tunisian
Lubna Azabal (Moroccan-Spanish)
Song Hye Kyo
Sirvan Khosravi (Iranian singer)
Mohsen Yeganeh (1985) - Iranian singer
Isleym (Tunisian singer)
MoMo O’Brien 
Laura Roxanna
Kim Canniff
 Angelina Michelle
 Sara Gibson
 Margarita Masliakova
 Nicole Simone
Madeline Ford
 Anastasiya Savich,
Alina Schiano
Lucilla Materazzi
 Nyamtsantsan Galsanjamts aka “Jaya” of The Hu (in interviews and their cute cooking show on their youtube channel, he’s the one with half sleeve tattoos on both arms)
Galbadrakh Tsendbaatar aka “Gala” of The Hu (he’s the one speaking at the timestamp this video links to)
Mohamed Yunaan - Maldivian 
Ismail Jumaih - Maldivian
 Ali Seezan - Maldivian
Abdulla Murushidh - Maldivian
 Ahmed Azmeel- Maldivian
 Thasleem Abdul Kareem - Maldivian 
Shalabee (Ibrahim) and his magnificent hair - Maldivian
Syafiq / Syafiq Abdilah (1999) Bruneian - singer-songwriter. 
Avi Benedi (1980) Tajik Jewish, Austrian Jewish, Russian Jewish - singer-songwriter, guitarist, pianist, and drummer.
Minh Thùy (1987) - vietnamese - singer 
Bảo Thy (1988) - Vietnamese -singer and actress
Dang Thi My Dung (Midu) (1989) - actress.
Gulshat Gurdowa (?) Turkmen - singer.
Rahman Hudaýberdiýew (?) Turkmen - singer.
Mikhail Aprosimov (1950) Yakut - actor.
Eduard Ondar (1971) Yakut / Tuvan - actor
Saydyy Kuo Fedorova (?) Yakut - singer and khomus player.
Sonu Sood (1973) Indian - actor.
Maulik Pancholy (1974) Gujarati Indian - actor, voice actor - gay!
Priyanshu Chatterjee (1973) Indian - actor and model.
Randeep Hooda (1976) Indian - actor.
Vaibhav Talwar (1981) Indian - actor
Nader Al Atat (1987) Lebanese - singer
Achmed Akkabi (1983) Moroccan-Dutch - actor.
Anjulie / Anjulie Persaud (1983) Indo Guyanese - singer-songwriter, percussionist, guitarist, and pianist.
Iñigo Lazaro Pascual (1997) Filipino - actor, singer
Rizky Febian (1998) Indonesian - singer, songwriter, actor and TV presenter
Elia Suleiman (1960) Palestinian - actor and director.
Leena Snoubar (1993 or 1994) Palestinian / Unspecified White - youtuber (With Love Leena).
Mohammed Assaf (1989) Palestinian - singer.
Charlie Bisharat (1963) Palestinian / Iranian - violinist.
Fernando Solabarrieta / Fernando Javier Solabarrieta Chelech (1970) Chilean [Palestinian / Basque, Spanish] - tv presenter.
Mousa Kraish (1975) Palestinian - actor and director.
Marko Zaror (1978) Chilean [Palestinian, possibly other] - actor and martial artist.
Tamer Nafar (1979) Palestinian Arab - actor, rapper, and screenwriter.
Mohammed Amer (1981) Palestinian - stand-up comedian and writer.
Hanni El Khatib (1981) Palestinian / Filipino - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Toni Qattan (1985) Jordanian, Palestinian - singer-songwriter, pianist, guitarist, and composer.
Mohamad Khayata (1985) Palestinian / Syrian - actor
Eric Saade (1990) Palestinian, Lebanese / Swedish - singer-songwriter, model, tv personality, and dancer.
Hannah Ziad (1993) Palestinian - youtuber
Esraa Alaseel (1995) Iraqi / Palestinian, Jordanian - singer..
Natalie Rantissi (1997 or 1998) Palestinian, Jordanian - tv host and Miss Earth Palestine 2016.
Islam Ashi (2001) Palestinian - youtuber
Sammy Obeid (?) Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese, Italian, possibly other - actor, comedian, and writer.
Yacoub Shaheen (1994) Palestinian Assyrian - singer
Haitham Shomali (1986) Palestinian - singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, and director
Hiba Abouk - Romani
Elena Furiase - Romani
Cher Lloyd - Romani
Priscilla Kelly - Romani
Gigi Radics - Romani
Mary Nótár - Romani
Klaudia Dudová - Romani
Monika Bagárová - Romani
Tanja Savić - Romani
Francesca Ruscio - Romani
Natalia Jiménez - Romani
Mala Rodríguez - Romani
Raisa Mihai - Romani
Oana Rusu - Romani
Doinita Oancea - Romani
Joaquín Cortés - Romani 
Azis - Romani
100 Killa - Romani
Sotis Volanis - Romani
Amadeus Lundberg - Romani
Sébastien El Chato - Romani
Andy Delort - Romani
Kendji Girac - Romani
Adam Ant -- Romani
Zdeněk Godla -- Romani
Dragan Kojic - Romani
Adil Maksutović - Romani
Dragan Ristić - Romani
Ferenc Molnár - Romani
Gergő Oláh - Romani
Joci Pápai - Romani
Tony Wegas - Romani 
Ericka Hart - non-binary - black - body diverse -  breast cancer survivor
CHIKA - plus size - black - queer
ALMA  - plus size - queer
Megan Jayne Crabbe - plus size - half afro-jamaican
Stefania Ferrario  - doesn't like the term plus size - has this Marilyn Monroe vibe going on - model.
Travis Thompson -  Navajo - plus size
Kaitlyn Dobrow - white - quadruple amputee due to meningitis, also has visible scars -youtuber!
Marimar Quiroa - mexican - cystic hygroma.
Katie Meehan - model - cystic hygroma.
Lizzie Velasquez - Mexican - Marfanoid–progeroid–lipodystrophy
Gabriella Lascano (1991) Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic - plus size youtuber.
Apryl Jones (1986) Mongolian, Taiwanese, Chinese / African-American, Unspecified Native American - singer-songwriter
Moniece Slaughter (1987) Filipino, African-American  - actress, singer-songwriter, and tv personality.
Sharmila Makeda (1987) Guyanese [Indian] / Afro-Jamaican - actress.
Jiavani Linayao (1987) Filipino / Unspecified Black - actress, singer, comedian, and writer.
Nura / Nura Habib Omer (1988) Saudi Arabian / Eritrean - actress, rapper, and singer.
Bianca Mitsuko (1989) Japanese, African-American, Mexican - model. Jenna Thiam (1990) Armenian, Belgian / Senegalese, English, French - actress.
Maliibu Miitch / Jennifer Jade Roberts (1991) Vietnamese, Filipino / African-American - rapper-songwriter.
Shalom Brune-Franklin (1994) Thai, English / Mauritian - actress.
Ana Hikari (1994) Brazilian [Japanese / Afro-Brazilian, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Ariana Miyamoto (1994) Japanese / African-American - model and Miss Universe Japan 2015.
Maymay Entrata - Filipina 
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more about the masks chapter 1 red red's name is adfectus witch means emotion and her stand is the green knight from athurien mythos. green knights power is to absorb and redirect damage but it takes 5 minutes (both absorbing and redirecting or a) thoch from red and grren knight can only absorb 1 attack at a time. she is also the most emotional of the group and has an axe as a weapon witch her stand also has
chapter 2 white whites name is cognitionis witch means knowledge and her stand is orian the hunter from greek mythos. orians power is simple. he can hit anything with his bow. whites weapon is also a bow. white is also the outright smartest
chaper 3 is yellow yellows name is imperium witch means power (as well as goverenment witch will come in later) and his stand is thor from old nordic/norse. thor is also simple. he is just thor. lighting/hitting shit and everything else (like being drunk 24/7 but thats not important). yellow has a hammer ( i think we both get the point hey share there stands weapons) and is the outright most powerful (and is also the leader (hince the goverment thing) of the team.
and last but not least chaper 4 black black's name is interitus witch means ruin and his stand is ah puch. ah puch is from the mayan religion and the stand can make things rot from a thouch. interitus carres a staff and his name is based on his stand but using the staff black can also give himself rotting thouch. also is one mask places there mask on a different mask like interitus placing his mask on cognitions for example they and there stands fuse (that combo would make gray with the stand rotting archer)
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444names · 2 years
scottish surnames + spanish forenames + the entire article for the list of star trek aliens on wikipedia
Abidate Abled Ablen Ablient Acbhaig Achartan Acmhums Adann Adcar Adolf Agenthaar Alaidh Alaing Alialle Alrathel Alvited Ammindaig Amodingilt Andighan Anndi Aquibioch Aratie Ardasted Arsbuides Asder Asgarage Audolill Avient Avilleians Awalleit Azator Ballion Baltectes Baltry Banoing Becers Becoldifer Becter Bectinio Begribeat Belitedow Berejasted Beres Blinne Boaquily Bonch Bonmeas Bradheavic Brainime Braisinaid Bridelle Brited Brivan Butegovers Cageing Caing Calaistar Calleb Cambereets Cambersh Caorcthel Carged Caskil Cavelia Ceanian Centahk Chargonly Chean Cillemysia Clulupast Cobsan Coemesh Comeivin Commar Conala Conds Conmese Conove Conter Contly Cookeeks Cookin Corentagh Corgoniess Coribely Corposdan Costs Coulbhg Cousia Couthich Creail Crenceary Crinestion Crostasa Daill Dailly Dainaoim Decily Defau Deggene Dence Dentual Dessuelt Detis Dilly Dinited Dinown Disaughted Dised Domace Ducce Dùghth Eacrìsd Eardideast Eatter Elomachte Emplaigh Enedes Enlèilowed Enres Enta'kula Enzited Equin Eughaole Eveldeng Evives Examorike Exiock Exiss Experch Explatio Extrizar Facadh Faigh Fareut Farty Fastuars Feagea Fertary Foidh Foldethys Forcrats Fordowanta Formenda Foutry Frain Fregich Fremica Frimha Frokere Fulta Gaidans Gatemy Giliss Gille Gillfheans Glabhic Goranted Gotalled Granargals Halloning Hals' Hatio Hesives Hichden Hoired Holly Homplinch Horigh Horposa Hubecora Hugue Hundadly Hunia Hured Imaccapon Indamacphy Inned Ivanusna Iversàid Jaccrions Jamon Jechned Joraind Josing Juanais Killain Klient Lachalm Lacions Lagessaing Laing Laisaccre Lassice Leinnearge Likemous Limenkan Locio Lorgain Loted Lowns Lughad Luters Lùcagear Macall Macares Macargy Macathans Macbh Macceloth Macces Maccion Maccombes Maccoms Maccooty Macculed Maccum Macdh Macea Maceacla Macears Macein Macenic Macers Maces Macfhacner Macfhig Macgince Macginged Macgionda Macgunce Machaig Machate Mache Macheated Mached Macheer Machesaled Machipe Macia Macider Macifabel Macil Macilined Macilled Macily Macin Macisay Macluin Macmhais Macmhandes Macmherant Macmhous Macmhàra Macnicolve Macommulay Macphy Macquand Macrathor Macshim Mactana Macteon Macti Mactiandio Madepican Mainebhàin Makilon Manaingen Manarithay Mance Mando Mantions Maoimin Maracrin Marat Marcer Marente Maring Marna Martask Matated Matopocale Mattlaus Mayin Meadran Measand Milin Minaidist Minda Mirmacive Mocainght Mosalist Mucce Muctict Muleo Màrth Mèibhers Mèibht Mèint Naille Nainhar Necilion Neids Nercel Nicapper Nolog Nonten Noweasby Obharned Ofeacation Ofisdef Oftesing Olagradips Orayalimer Orich Orysters Ourupicas Pable Pacuinge Pakeriand Paria Patier Pedgedaid Pershions Perso Phisher Piouwd Preargest Preembirna Pret's Prican Prienstail Prisod Prited Prodich Proin Prous Prout Pulann Purillogy Qualsed Racce Rairigh Rallego Rarianser Reatieve Reatraidee Recis Reeme Relin Rencals Requairis Reship Rests Revermened Revers Ritheath Ruciette Ruitiough Runcear Rusacills Ruster Saleattans Salmus San's Savist Sayedrok Saysts Seank Seasbain Sefunke Senres Serrax Shaing Siana Siante Sioncluch Skeeliain Slalsers Socturve Soulrain Sperens Splasbard Splento Sposions Spowel Squalfoond Staidh Stionach Stive Stribetadh Suler Suptar Sureenocer Surive Surps Taired Tasdaigy Tathra Tendollinn Terin Thaacclite Thaighure Thers' Thoch Thrio Tionses Titted Togante Tolleiss Trana Traola Trian Trientor Trugh Truin Turits Turly Unchaing Undeinst Undontly Unian Unsfusele Usann Usses Usterre Uthosinin Varty Vasaccies' Velaurs Velor Viana Vidip Vulitince Wayan Werve Wheatron Whemearald Whips Winary Winned Xiany Xininee Zindear
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reiding-recs · 3 years
hotch+thots = thochs
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omlyrics · 3 years
Enduko Emo Song  Lyrics in Telugu & English |  Rangam Movie songs 2008
Enduko Emo Song  Lyrics in Telugu & English |  Rangam Movie songs 2008
Enduko Emo Song Lyrics written by Vanamali, music composed by Harris Jayaraj, and sung by Aalap Raju & Prasanthini from Telugu movie ‘Rangam‘. ఎంద��కో ఏమో  Video Song from Aditya Music Enduko Emo Song Lyrics In Telugu & English Enduko Emo Thulli Thirigenu ManasePichhi Parugulu Theese Vellivirisenu VayaseEnduko Emo Gunde Dharuvulu VeseKonte Thalupulu Thoche Pongi Poralenu AaseEdho Gajibijigaa…
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boocompany2021 · 3 years
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Coc nhà tom hieu cho rang:” Làn da se trung tuoi tan và lou loo hua hon neu ban thoa sunscreen moi ngày”. Vo vay viec kiem tom mot thành pham tronh nang thoch hop. Du luun là su viec khien ta “dau dau”. obagi kem chong nang là giai phop uu viet. Giyp bao boc làn da toàn dien, ngan chan toc hai tu tia uv. Làm cham quo tronh già hua và cai bien làn da tre trung hàng ngày. Sau doy là top 5 loai obagi kem chong nang hieu qua nhat hien nay. https://boocompany.com/obagi-kem-chong-nang/
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puppydogwarrio-blog · 6 years
Don thoch mahy spaghett
Ate u spelled it wrong
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sluttyenha · 2 years
hi lovely!! for the prompt event, could do “could you guys just fuck already?” with Jay x reader? Like reader is really close with the enhypen boys and is always with them, but is particularly close to Jay but both reader and jay refuse to make a move but the boys can see right through you both so it ends up with one of them saying “can you you guys just fuck already?”
Sorry if it’s too long hahaha🫶🏻🫶🏻
Pairing: Jay x reader
Warning: MDNI , not proof read
Note! Here's another one of the entries! I wrote this in a hurry since I'm at my grandma's house☠️! But I hope you like it!💜
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You were yet again in the enhypen dorm. They were all your friends, yes BUT with jay it was different. You guys always seemed to have a sexual tension which makes the atmosphere very heavy. You both like eachother and want eachother but hold back up for some reasons. Maybe it's the pride or maybe it's the fear of rejection , or the akward atmosphere. It was something though.
It wasn't just bothering for you both but also for the other guys who could see right through your souls. They all knew what was going on and were getting frustrated. I mean who would want to be third wheeling with that thoch sexual tension. So once again it was a movie night between you and the boys. You were sitting between jay and sunghoon. You and jay seemed to tense whenever your hands or thighs would touch. Or give eachother those longing starez. Jake who was beside jay and sunghoon who was beside you could clearly see and notice those things. They looked at eachother and nodded then sunghoon turned to Heeseung and motioned his head towards you both as a signal to Heeseung saying to look at you guys. When he did , he saw those things . He scoffed and sunghoon rolled his eyes. “this is getting too much hyung” “oh yes it is , I can't bear the sexual tension between them” “yah why don't you guys just fuck already huh?” screamed sunghoon while looking at you too. Meanwhile while this was happening jay's hand seemed to be resting at your thigh and rubbing it. You took a shark breath in and looked at him only to find him looking back at you. You both were startled with sunghoon's loud comment. “w-what” you stuttered. He rolled his eyes and so did Jake Nd Heeseung. “what what? Don't act dumb , everyone here knows how you guys want eachother but just don't have the balls to confess.” “yes you know what let's go out and let them sort this out” said Jake and Heeseung and sunghoon followed him out. As soon as they left jay picked you up and put you on his lap. “ tell me , tell me what you want” he asked while starting at you intensely. “what if i do? What are you gonna do?” you asked with a shaky breath “give you what you want ofcource , cause it's very obvious that we want to fuck . Even the guys knew” he brought you closer to him and his eyes went towards your lips. “i want you” you wishpered and that's all he needed. His lips locked with yours while you started moving in his lap , grinding on his thighs . It was such a great moment for you both , you had been waiting for this since so long. He took you to the bedroom without breaking the kiss. “oh I'm gonna ruin you , i have been waiting for this moment from so long” he said while kissing you neck and jaw. He threw you on the bed and hovered above you. “as much as I like how hot you're looking at the moment, you're gonna look 10x hot without those clothes so they need to come off” saying this he ripped each and every clothing on your body. The night was ofcource a long and rememberable one 😏.
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alexminhtran2 · 4 years
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Phim Hài Hay Nhất - Tổng Hợp Những Đoạn Hay Đôrêmon Chế 2 Đôrêmon Chế Hay Nhất năm 2020. *FB ... #cyrrion #chuẩncmnr #doremon #doremonche #đôrêmonchếhaynhất2020 #doremonchenhac #haichedoremon #nhacchedoremon #nhacdoremon #phimdoremonche #phimhai #phimhaichedoremon #phimhàimớinhất2020 #thoche #thơchếdoremon https://cyrrion.com/phim-hai-hay-nhat-tong-hop-nhung-doan-hay-doremon-che-2/?feed_id=1333&_unique_id=5f20243d43e43
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traveltocambodia · 5 years
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#PuppetShadow or #LkounSbaek The Ancient Art of Cambodia Shadow Puppetry. The ancient art of shadow puppetry, or sbaek in Khmer, has been performed in Cambodia for thousands of years. Here, we look at its history and where visitors can catch shows. The Shadow Theater has appeared every year in Khmer history. Although during the Khmer Rouge regime, the Shadow Theater was virtually eliminated, with one-third of the population died and the majority of the country’s artists were targeted, the art form has undergone a resurgence in recent decades. Today, there are two types of puppetry, sbek thom and sbek thoch. Both of these models use leather puppets to represent old stories on a white screen that is lit from behind by burning the coconut shell, creating shadows that the audience can see. Puppetry is a kind of sacred tradition from the time of Angkor. This is reflected in reliefs from the 7th century Sambor Prei Kuk temple in Kampong Thom, showing the image of the puppetry ceremony. https://www.instagram.com/p/B35o9sqFq-1/?igshid=1avbtzcgn4rv3
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